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Country & Western musik |
Gamla nyhetsbrev från Janne Lindgrens & CountryMusicSweden Nyhetsbrev från 2002 nr 01-20 |
Per-Unos hemsida avdelning COUNTRY CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Frösätrabacken 10, 127 37 Skärholmen, Sweden Email: steelguitar@swipnet.se Nyhetsbrev från 2002 nr 01-20#01 Grammy Avards nomineringarna #02 Grand Ole Opry #03 Hank Cochran #04 Carlene Carter, Alan Jackson, Texas & STEEL #05 Legendariska skivstudion RCA, studio B: #06 Loretta, Emmylou & Country i OS: #07 OS, USA-resa i mars och Ben på Svensktoppen #08 Waylon har lämnat oss #09 Hur en musik-topp-lista bör se ut #10 2002 Grammy Awards #11 Diverse nyheter #12 Harlan Howard har lämnat oss #13 Harlan Howard, mycket info #14 Lista över svenska country-artister & -band #15 Janne tillbaks från Texas. Tommy Hill också borta. #16 Silja-Country-kryssningen. International Bluegrass Music Museum... #17 Willie Nelson & Don Williams i Europa i sommar #18 Country events around Sweden this summer #20 Om årets Fan Fair i Nashville |
Nyhetsbrev nr. 1 - 2002 -01-09Hej vänner, här kommer en lista på vilka som är nominerade till årets Grammy Awards. Listan är på många sätt intressant och visar att traditionell countrymusik fortfarande har en plats hos årets jury. Därefter kan du läsa om vad som händer i Nashville just nu. Hjälp till att rädda 650 WSM-AM för den klassiska countrymusikens skull. Best Female Country Vocal Performance
Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal 1. "Didn't Leave Nobody But The Baby"—Emmylou Harris, Alison
Krauss & Gillian Welch
Best Country Instrumental Performance WSM - http://www.petitiononline.com/savewsm/petition.html Hälsningar, Janne Lindgren PS. Radio Lidingö 97,8 sänder country varje tisdag kl 20 över Stockholm. DS. |
Nyhetsbrev nr. 2 - 2002-01-21Hej vänner, I dag fick jag
det här meddelandet, vilket ju är oerhört positivt After
the Long Hard Battle I thought this was appropriate Thanks
to a lot of Loyal Country Music Fans, |
Nyhetsbrev nr. 3
- 2002-01-24
Nyhetsbrev nr. 4 – 2002-01-28 Hej och hå! It is Carl Smith's daughter---and NOT Carl-- who is trouble
with the law.
An arrest warrant has reportedly been issued by an Albuquerque, N.M. judge,
for Carlene Carter, who did not show up for arraignment Dec. 10 on a
felony drug charge. Carter is the daughter of Carl Smith and June Carter
Cash and the stepdaughter of Johnny Cash. She had three Top 5 country hits
in the early 1990s. In June, state police stopped Carter and Howie Epstein,
bassist for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, in Albuquerque. Officers found
black tar heroin and drug paraphernalia inside the sport utility vehicle
Resa till Texas den 12 mars till 27 mars! Steeldays i Holland i oktober. Johan Jansen arrangerar ännu ett Steeldays i Holland i år och det går av stapeln i oktober. Mer uppgifter kommer senare. Steelguitar show i
England i maj och september. Gerry Hogan fortsätter att arrangera steel guitar seminarium i England. Som vanligt är det Newbury ca. 5 mil från London som gäller. I maj kommer Joe Wright att spela och underhålla på sitt speciella sätt. Jag har sett honom vid flera tillfällen och han är fantastiskt skicklig och mycket rolig. I september kommer då Jeff Newman och kör två veckor med sitt speciella kursprogram. Alan
Jackson på topp i USA! Alan Jackson tog skuttet direkt upp på Billboards lista Top Country Albums med sitt nya album "Drive". Vilket är fantastiskt i sig, men det mest märkliga är att det blev samma resultat på Billboard 200 listan. Alltså, Billboards rock och pop-lista toppas nu av Alan Jackson. På samma lista ligger Garth Brooks med sin "Scarecrow" men bara på 17:de plats. Vilket otroligt lyft för countrymusiken! Det är kanske bara en tidsfråga innan Alan Jackson blir allmänt känd i Sverige? Det är bara att gratulera Alan Jackson till denna framgång. En mer genuin countryartist är det svårt att hitta. Han och George Strait har alltid hållit på den traditionella formen av country och det tackar vi för. Kanske trenden nu vänder så att vi slipper alla avarter av artister som kallar sig country? Förresten ska vi också vara glada över att Gaylord Entertainment inte ändrar WSM-650FM till att bli en sportstation. Grand Ole Opry fortsätter som vanligt och om ni inte vet det redan så är det världens äldsta radioprogram. Janne Lindgren
Nyhetsbrev nr. 5
- 2002-01-30
Varsågoda, här kommer ännu ett nyhetsblad från CMS. Den här gången handlar det om RCA Studio B. Precis som med WSM-650FM är det viktigt att bevara den här typen av institutioner för eftervärlden. Studio B var verkligen den klassiska studion där många, många hits tillverkades. Janne Lindgren The Mike Curb Family Foundation -- a non-profit
educational foundation, has
purchased RCA Studio B, Nashville's oldest surviving recording studio,
from the Country Music Hall of Fame studio for $650,000. The famous studio Det verkar som om
Brobergs i Västberga, Stockholm har lagt ned sin countryverksamhet för gott.
Tråkigt med tanke på att det inte händer ett skvatt i stan just nu. Stället
blev ganska populärt under hösten, trots sitt avlägsna läge och kanske
skulle man satsat lite mer på riktig country istället för den rockblandade
country det nu blev. |
Nyhetsbrev nr. 6 2002-02-05Hej vänner, Här kommer lite
nyheter saxat från olika källor! Som ni kan se så sprider sig countrymusiken
över världen under OS. Snart kanske t o m svenska dagstidningar börjar att
inse att country music är stort? Men vad jag vet har ingen dagstidning hittills
uppmärksammat Alan Jacksons förstaplacering på Billboard Top 200. Nästan
skandal!! Loretta Lynn Graduates in March Emmylou Gets Her Own Gibson Chicks, Rimes Will Open Olympics Här är en adress för de som var med under Chart-tiden. Dessa fantastiska plattor! Kolla! Här finns plattor med Lloyd Green, Jim Nesbitt, Red Sovine, Lynn Anderson, Johnny Dollar, Kenny Vernon och många fler. Nostalgi känns det som!
www.chartrecords.net/artists.htm För
er som är intresserade av att köpa countryplattor kan gå in här och leta. www.honkytonkinmusic.bizland.com Vi hörs och syns snart igen,
Nyhetsbrev nr. 7 2002-02-11Så
har då OS invigts och det kommer att bli en del sena nätter framöver vad jag
förstår. Svenska folket kommer till jobbet med hängande ögon och
sjukskrivningar blir det i massor. Konstigt att just sjukdomar ökar då det är
OS och VM med flera arrangemang? Det får vara hur det vill med den saken, men
det intressanta för oss countryälskare är att exponeringen av countrymusiken
var enorm under den pampiga invigningen. I den avdelningen som handlade om Utahs
historia med nybyggare, sjöng en lokal kvartett en fin cowboysång alá Marty
Robbins. Lite senare i programmet spelade Dixie Chicks med band och jag minns
att de spelade bl a "Orange Blossom Special" och alla nybyggare
dansade sin typiska stil som man sett i västernfilmer sedan man var liten pilt.
För övrigt tyckte jag att avdelningen med indianer var fantastisk! LeAnn
Rimes var också med under OS-invigningen, men hon sjöng inte någon countrysång.
Ändå är det positivt för countrymusiken att hon var med då mina tankar är
så här. Några av de miljoner tittare som såg invigningen kanske blev förtjust
i just hennes röst och vill kanske höra mer av henne. Då går de
till en skivaffär och letar upp någon CD med just LeAnn. Då finns där
en chans att de lyckas få tag på en av hennes bättre plattor och därmed har
vi fått några nya countryfans. Enkelt eller hur? Därför är det alltid
viktigt att countryartister uppträder i stora TV-shower även om de inte vid
just det tillfället framför countrymusik. Jag
vill sända ett grattis till Ben Olander som denna vecka ligger på femte plats
på Svensktoppen med "Till En Liten Hund". Det är Nils han sjunger om
i visan. Jo, just så heter hans hund och det är en pigg liten krabat. Kul också
att de denna vecka inte tonade bort låten precis då dobrosolot började som de
gjort tidigare. Bröderna
Olsson i Stockholm, ni vet de som serverar vitlök till allt, brukar köra
countrymusik några veckodagar ibland. Nu är det Tommy Carlsson som är
diskjockey där och han berättar att han spelar country i restaurangens källare
på torsdagen den 14 februari. Besök stället, det är trevligt! Nu
börjar nedräkningen till dagen då jag och några kompisar ska åka till
Texas. En månad kvar och man tänker mer och mer på resan och på alla platser
vi ska besöka. Vi kommer att landa på den enorma flygplatsen DFW som ligger
mellan Dallas och Fort Worth. Vi tittar på platsen Elm Street där Kennedy blev
skjuten och åker givetvis upp i Reunion Tower, med utsikt över hela Dallas. I
Fort Worth finns förstås Stockyards och alla countryklubbar med Billy Bob´s i
spetsen. Vi reser sedan till Waco, ni vet "Cross The Brazos At Waco"
som Billy Walker sjöng på 60-talet och givetvis blir det Austin. Denna
fantastiska musikstad som just den helgen vi är där kommer att sjuda av musik.
San Antonio är också en mycket intressant stad, inte bara för att Alamo finns
där, utan också för att staden är så otroligt vacker med sitt River Walk. För
att inte tala om tex-mex maten som serveras. Avslutningen på vår resa blir
Texas Steel Guitar Jamboree i Dallas. Tre dagar med bara countrymusik med mycket
fiddle och steel. Ca. 50-60 steelpickers kommer att framträda under de här
dagarna och som vanligt kommer en del countryartister att närvara och sjunga några
låtar då och då. Senast jag var där var Hank Thompson och Marty Stuart några
av gästerna. Det
var allt för denna gång. Janne
Nyhetsbrev nr. 8 2002-02-18Waylon
Jennings Dies Country music
legend Waylon Jennings died yesterday (February 13) at his home in Arizona. He
was 64. and died very peacefully in his sleep.A member of the Country Music Hall
of Fame, Waylon was one of the most influential singers, songwriters,
entertainers, and personalities in the history of popular music. His unique
sound and independent spirit helped inspire much of the best that country music
had to offer for four decades, and they will no doubt resonate within country
music for decades to come. Waylon sold more than 40 million records worldwide.
He had 89 singles that entered the Billboard singles charts, including 53 that
hit the top ten and 16 that hit number one. Among his many awards are two
Grammys and four CMA Awards. His
collaboration with Willie Nelson, Tompall Glaser, and Jessi Colter, Wanted:
The Outlaws, was the first RIAA-certified platinum country album, and lent
its name to a movement. Like his friend Willie, he often bristled at the
boundaries imposed on artists and music by Music Row's method of operation, and
he was based for many years in his native Texas. He once said, "It
wasn't until I started producing my own records and using my own musicians and
working with people who understood what I was about that I first started having
any real success." The duo's "Good
Hearted Woman" was number one for three weeks in 1976 and was CMA
Single of the Year. Waylon was born in
Littlefield, Texas, on June 15, 1937. He was a disc jockey at 12, performed
regionally as a teenager, and toured as Buddy Holly's bass player in 1958-9. In
the early ‘60s, he established himself as one of the premiere nightclub
entertainers in the Phoenix area. Chet Atkins heard him play in 1965 and signed
him to RCA Records. His chart-topping hits included "Are You Sure Hank Done It That Way," "Luckenbach,
Texas" (number one for six weeks),
"Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys, " (four weeks),
"I've Always Been Crazy," (three weeks),
"Just To Satisfy You," "Amanda, " "Lucille," and
"The Wurlitzer Prize." His legendary collaborations include his
work with wife Jessi Colter, and with the Highwaymen, Johnny Cash, Willie
Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson. Waylon Jennings Biography
Waylon Jennings has
been acclaimed as one of the music world's truly innovative stylists. A powerful
voice and a strong personality have enabled this charismatic man to aspire to
country music 's heights. From a modestly successful career as a mainstream
country and folk-country artist, he became the definitive Outlaw
figure, a man who spearheaded the movement away from orchestral blandness in
country towards exciting, gritty, more personalised music. Whether winning the
CMA's Male Vocalist of the Year award (1975), sharing CMA and Grammy awards for
vocal duets with Willie Nelson, or joining with Nelson, Jessi Colter and Tompall
Glaser on country music’s first platinum-selling album (Wanted:
The Outlaws), Waylon’s uncompromising insistence on staying true to
himself has earned him the devotion of millions of fans and the respect and
admiration of his colleagues. From his early days as a member of Buddy Holly’s
Crickets, through his well-publicised battles with producers over control of his
albums, to his towering success in the 1970s and 1980s, Waylon has always
followed his own path. Most would agree that he reached the peak of his artistry
in the mid-1970s with the highly acclaimed Honky
Tonk Heroes and Dreaming My Dreams
albums, and classic songs like I'm A
Ramblin' Man, Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way, Good Hearted Woman and Luckenbach,
Texas. Ten years earlier,
against his better judgement and disregarding the advice of fellow Texan Willie
Nelson, Waylon moved to Nashville aiming to make his mark as a country singer.
He had already spent ten years dabbling with the music and was hungry for some
kind of recognition. When he was first signed to RCA Records by Chet Atkins in
1965, country artists creative hands were often tied too tightly, and Waylon had
to endure seven years of frustration as he tried to be honest and truthful to
his music. Despite some minor rope burns, Jennings eventually managed to escape
the barrier and find amazing success. He accumulated a good half-dozen platinum
discs, more than a dozen gold discs, and sixteen chart-topping singles, while
evolving into one of country music's most eclectic performers, connecting with
audiences in a way that few have and becoming one of country music's true
all-time legends. He had reached the pinnacle of superstardom, but like so many
artistic people thrown into the limelight and highly pressurised commercialism,
Waylon just didn't know how to handle it. He lost some career steam to cocaine
addiction by the 1980s, and the hits dried up in the 1990s as radio stations
switched to younger artists. Despite such long and winding trails, Jennings,
unlike other entertainers who have soared and then sunk into drugs and alcohol,
has survived. Waylon Jennings was
born 15th June 1937 in Littlefield, Texas, the son of a truck driver.
Though poor and deprived, the Jennings' household was a happy one and Waylon
grew up listening to the Carter Family on border radio, and the Grand Ole Opry
on Saturday evening. Those barren Texas plains have produced a whole host of
musical legends including Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Joe Ely, Mac Davis and Sonny
Curtis. He could play guitar by his teens and began his music career as a disc
jockey on a Littlefield radio station when he was twelve. In 1958 he moved to
Lubbock where he worked on radio and toured as Buddy Holly's bassist. Holly
produced his first records and in 1959, out on the Winter Dance Party tour, he
gave up a seat on Holly's plane to J.P. 'The Big Bopper' Richardson. The plane
crashed, killing Richardson, Holly and Richie Valens. In the early 1960s, Waylon
settles in Phoenix, Arizona, forming the Waylors to back him and becoming
locally known at Phoenix's famous JD's club. He recorded for the small Ramco and
Trend labels without any success. After recording a folkish album for A&M,
he was signed by Chet Atkins to RCA in Nashville. Atkins produced Folk-Country
an eclectic 1966 collection of Jennings' originals, Harlan Howard songs, and
country oddities that, as the title hints, was still heavily tilted in the
direction of folk music. He made the country top ten with (That's
What You Get) For Lovin' Me, The Chokin' Kind and Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line, but generally his chart success
tended to be a little erratic. He was an artist in search of an identity, but
the artistry still shone through, especially on the less-successful Love
Of the Common People, Singer Of Sad Songs and (Don't
Let The Sun Set On You) Tulsa. He desperately
wanted to break out from the tight Nashville
Sound in order to direct his own production. He upset the RCA Nashville
hierarchy by negotiating directly with the New York bosses. He was guaranteed an
independent production package in which he would provide RCA with completed
recordings for them to promote and sell. The big musical change became apparent
on the Ladies Love Outlaws album. The
top ten entries were now much more consistent, beginning with Good
Hearted Woman in 1972. Honky Tonk
Heroes from 1973 proved an even bigger watershed. Waylon extensively
plundered the repertoire of Billy Joe Shaver to come up with an album featuring
music sounding as hard and outlaw as
Waylon's reputation. His first number one came with 1974's This
Time. The following year he teamed up with Willie Nelson for a revived live
duet version of Good Hearted Woman,
which crossed over into the pop charts and was named CMA Single of The Year. In
1976 he scored with Suspicious Minds,
an evocative duet with his wife Jessi Colter, which won Single of the Year. That
year also saw the release of the ground-breaking, million-selling The Outlaws album, giving the new contemporary strain of country
credibility and official acceptance. It was a period during which Waylon could
do no wrong. His self-penned Good Ol' Boys
was the theme to the hit TV series The
Dukes Of Hazzard, while a Greatest
Hits set sold more than three million within months of release. Though by this time
he was heavily into drugs, he was still maintaining commercial success with
creative credibility, often getting more personal on such powerful hits as I've
Always Been Crazy and Don't You Think
This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out Of Hand. He quit drugs in 1984 and the
following year left RCA to join MCA for Will
The Wolf Survive. By this time he had formed a liaison with Willie nelson,
Johnny Cash and Kristofferson, resulting in the best-selling album The Highwayman. By this time, the top ten hits were no longer a
guaranteed certainty. A move to Epic in 1990 coincided with his last top ten
entry, Wrong. He has continued to
speak out through his music as she showed with Too Dumb For New York City, Too Ugly For LA, the title tune of a
1992 album that pokes fun at the way those in high places think of country
people and more specifically, country music. In 1994 he returned to RCA and
worked with Don Was on the highly acclaimed Waymore's
Blues II. Two years later he moved to the Texas-based Justice Records with Right
For The Time. Next came Closing In On
The Fire on Ark 21 Records. Unlike anything he had recorded before, this had
a grizzled old country music outlaw sitting down, taking stock of things. With
his large Waymore Blues Band, featuring a full horn section and special guests,
he recorded Never Say Die, a live
album at Nashville's Ryman auditorium in 1999 for release the following year on
Sony's Lucky Dog label. In the summer of 2001, Waylon and his long-time wife,
Jessi Colter, were preparing to leave Nashville and move to Phoenix, Arizona for
well-deserved retirement. Check out the Waylon Jennings Web Site at www.waylon.com
Källa: Alan Cacket, London
var allt för denna gång. Janne
Nyhetsbrev nr. 9 2002-02-20Den här listan gillar jag!
Nyhetsbrev nr. 10 2002-02-28Hej igen, Här kommer
en liten nyhetssammanfattning för senaste veckan. Det är inte mycket som händer
så här mitt i vintern, men vi får glädjas åt att svensk television visade
delar av CMA-galan i denna vecka (vecka 9). Jag var lite orolig att det skulle
bli som vanligt, d v s man klipper bort countryakterna och visar bara det dåliga
och som oftast inte har med countrymusik att göra. Den här gången blev det en
positiv klippning med Alan Jackson, Brad Paisley och George Jones som höjdpunkter.
Men även en hel del andra artisterna gjorde bra countrymusik, med mycket steel
och fiddle i arrangemangen. Visst fanns en del bottennapp med, men det uppvägdes
med att vi den här gången fick några bluegrasslåtar att njuta av. Förhoppningsvis
får vi nästa år se hela den 3-timmars show som CMA visar i USA. Stockholms Country Music Club hade möte måndagen
den 25 februari, som vanligt i lokalerna Restaurant Torshof. Inte många av
klubbens medlemmar dök upp den här gången och lite tröstlöst känns det
allt. Kanske bör man titta på vad det är som gör att medlemmarna hellre
stannar hemma än går på ett SCMC-möte. Det är ju trots allt inte mer än en
gång per månad och om fler medlemmar kommer så blir träffarna trevligare och
. . . . . . .klubbkassan kommer att blir större ju fler som dricker kaffe och
äter bulla. D v s om samtliga
betalar för det som tages! Tydligen
har klubben gått i förlust vid tidigare tillfällen då man köpt mackor från
krogen. Det går ju inte och enligt min åsikt ska en klubbträff gå med vinst
om än med små marginaler. Men kanske är jag ensam om den funderingen.? Det
ska bli spännande att se hur mina motioner mottages på lördag! Är det
egentligen inte lite konstigt att endast två motioner har kommit in till SCMC´s
årsmöte? Finns det INGEN mer än jag som har några åsikter? De som är intresserade att veta mer om Fan Fair
som hålls varje år i Nashville kan gå in på sidorna
Här finns allt som kan vara av intresse för oss
fans. Om ni tänker åka till Nashville just den här årstiden (juni) bör ni
beställa hotell med mera i mycket god tid. Själv föredrar jag att åka till
just Nashville då det inte är speciella arrangemang där. Det blir lugnare och
billigare då! En hyllningskonsert för Waylon Jennings kommer att hållas i Ryman Auditorioum den 23 mars i år. Det blir säkert en rysare som man gärna skulle vilja se. Dessvärre är jag i Texas just vid det tillfället! Här nedan kan ni läsa om gårdagens
Grammy Awards. Håll till godo! 2002 Grammy Winners For the first time in the 44-year history of the Grammy Awards, an album coming out of Nashville -– the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack –- won honours for album of the year, trumping highly touted works by India.Arie, Bob Dylan, Outkast and U2. "Not even minds as elliptical as the Coen Brothers could have written this ending," said the album’s producer, T Bone Burnett, as he collected the last of his awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Wednesday evening. The Coen Brothers’ movie revisited Homer’s Odyssey, placing the story in Depression-era Mississippi. In all, the soundtrack captured five awards, tying R&B singer Alicia Keys with the most victories. O Brother spawned awards for album of the year, best compilation soundtrack (the award going to producer T Bone Burnett), producer of the year (Burnett), best country collaboration with vocals for the Soggy Bottom Boys’ I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow and best male country vocal for Ralph Stanley’s haunting ballad O Death. "Everybody
thought I was insane, but I had produced a Counting Crows record that had sold 8
or so million records and a Wallflowers record that had sold 5 million records
or so," Burnett said backstage. "This seemed like one of those kinds of records. It was those kinds
of songs, that general kind of music, American music, except, rather than one
good singer, we had 15 or 12 great singers. Ralph Stanley is the most important
singer in country music today." It was a night of surprises for Music Row. If Grammy voters made decisions about country radio playlists, Earl Scruggs, Stanley, Dolly Parton and Hank Williams would be on the charts again. Burnett explained that music is finding other,
non-traditional outlets. "Things have
changed, as the man said," he said, referencing Bob Dylan. "There
are a lot of different broadcast media now. Radio doesn’t have the
stranglehold that it once had on the distribution of music, to say the least."
Mainstream country artists could almost be heard to mutter, "O brother," as they found themselves out of the winners’ circle in every country category. A Hank Williams tribute album, Timeless, with performances by rock and pop stars like Ryan Adams, Lucinda Williams and Sheryl Crow, and country legends such as Johnny Cash and Emmylou Harris, was named best country album. The project triumphed over titles by Tim McGraw, Diamond Rio and Trisha Yearwood. Backstage, Luke Lewis, label chief for Lost Highway Records -- source for Timeless and O Brother -- shrugged off any suggestion that the night’s country victories might send a message to Music Row. "I think it’s the most country album to come out of Nashville all year, in my estimation," he said of Timeless. Adding further to the Lost Highway tally was a trophy for best traditional folk album for Down From the Mountain. The O Brother-inspired concert album was recorded in May 2000 in Nashville, before the release of the movie or soundtrack. The success of the live performance gave rise to the recently concluded Down From the Mountain tour. Given a prominent performance spot during the 3½-hour
telecast on CBS, the O Brother cast
made the most of their moment. Harris, Gillian Welch and Alison Krauss opened
the segment with Didn’t Leave Nobody but
the Baby; Stanley followed with O
Death and the cast ended with I Am a
Man of Constant Sorrow. Krauss, a major contributor to O Brother and Down From the Mountain, picked up four awards including wins for best bluegrass album and best country performance by a duo or group with vocal, for The Lucky One, both with her band, Union Station, album of the year and best traditional folk album. The Lucky One also was named best country song, a win for truck-driving songwriter Robert Lee Castleman. The song was not released as a single and did not have significant radio airplay, a first in the country song category. Parton picked up her seventh Grammy, best female country vocal performance, for Shine, a track from her second bluegrass album, Little Sparrow. Parton did not attend this year’s awards. Scruggs’ newly recorded version of the Flatt & Scruggs classic Foggy Mountain Breakdown was named best country instrumental performance. Scruggs won his first Grammy in 1969 for the same song, which he wrote in the ‘40s. The new version features Scruggs with Glen Duncan, Randy Scruggs, Steve Martin, Vince Gill, Marty Stuart, Gary Scruggs, Albert Lee, Paul Shaffer, Jerry Douglas and Leon Russell. "To me, it’s
almost like a new song every time I get into a group of new pickers,"
Scruggs said backstage. "It kinda
turned me on, to say the least, to get into the studio with good artists like
that, so it was a real blast to do it." Randy Scruggs, Earl’s son and producer for the album Earl Scruggs & Friends, said it was important that Scruggs’ first solo album in 17 years be a tribute to the spirit of collaboration that has been a thread throughout his Hall of Fame career. "We wanted to
celebrate that collaborative effort," Scruggs said backstage. "To
re-record ‘Foggy Mountain Breakdown,’ we wanted it to be something
[special]. We didn’t want to duplicate what we had done before. It has a
new-found energy, but it’s with artists clearly recognised as outstanding
instrumentalists." Gill’s trophy as part of the Foggy Mountain crew brings his career Grammy total to 15 and moves him past Chet Atkins among country artists. With her victories, Krauss’ career total now rests at 14, tying her with Atkins. Stanley, also a bluegrass legend and Scruggs’
contemporary, picked up his first-ever Grammy not in bluegrass but in a country
category. "People think I should sing
more old-time, traditional country," Stanley said backstage. "Actually,
I have always thought that I did anyway. I just thought I was an old-time,
traditional, mountain country singer." The O Brother album and the Down From the Mountain tour helped his cause, Stanley said. "One reason this old time music has hit," he reasoned backstage, "it was put out where millions of people could hear it. Before, it wasn’t promoted, it wasn’t where people could hear it. Now they’ve heard it." Union Station member Douglas, who has worked for years in
traditional and acoustic music, said he feels the interest in traditional
country music inspired by O Brother is
unprecedented. "There’s a cycle,"
he observed. "This happens about
every eight years or so, but this, to me, is the strongest one I’ve ever seen.
A lot of radio programmers are probably holding their breath right now, hoping
this is going to pass. Maybe it won’t. They might actually have to put us all
in rotation." "We don’t
consider ourselves the establishment," said Mary Martin,
artists-and-repertoire executive for O
Brother label Lost Highway. "Lost
Highway Records represents the passion of music." Nashville-based banjo specialist Bela Fleck picked up two awards, bringing his career total to seven. In recent years, Fleck has explored classical music after making a name for himself in bluegrass and jazz. His victories came for best classical crossover album, for Perpetual Motion –- a set that also features mandolinist Chris Thile of Nickel Creek -– and for best instrumental arrangement, for an arrangement of Debussy’s Doctor Gradus Ad Parnassum, a track from Perpetual Motion. Kid Rock paid his respects to Waylon Jennings. Natalie
Maines of the Dixie Chicks proclaimed, "In
case you hadn’t heard, bluegrass kicks ass." Alan Jackson's performance of the Sept. 11-inspired Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) received a standing ovation. Freddy Fender won the Grammy for best Latin pop album, for La Musica de Baldemar Huerta. Jimmy Sturr, a frequent visitor to Nashville, earned a victory for best polka album for Gone Country, a project that pairs him with country stars Brenda Lee and Willie Nelson. Lucinda Williams, a contributor to Timeless, also took a Grammy for best female rock vocal for Get
Right With God, a track from her album Essence,
on Lost Highway Records. Backstage she summed up her label’s approach: "They’re not trying to follow what’s commonly known as the
Music Row machine. Country Music Connected Grammy Winners Best female vocal country vocal performance Best male country vocal performance Best country performance by a duo or group with vocal Best country collaboration with vocals Best country instrumental performance Best country song Best country album Best bluegrass album Country Artist/Recording Winners in Non-Country Categories Album of the year Best compilation soundtrack album for a motion picture,
television or other visual media Best instrumental arrangement Producer of the year Best classical crossover album Best female rock vocal performance Best Latin pop album Best traditional folk album Best polka album Best contemporary blues album
Nyhetsbrev nr. 11 2002-03-03Ännu ett tragiskt dödsfall inom countrymusiken meddelas härmed:
Stockholms Country Music Club hade årsmöte i lördags. Ca. 20 medlemmar av 422 kom till mötet, vilket får betecknas som urusel uppslutning. Avgående ordförande Jock Peterson och några andra ledamöter tackade för sig och nya styrelsemedlemmar blev invalda. SCMCs danssektion har lades ned med klar majoritet. Läs mer på deras hemsida: www.scmc.2y.net To be released this week on Lyric Street Records is Ricky Skaggs & Friends Sing The Songs Of Bill Monroe. This all-star tribute to Bill Monroe was inspired by the PBS special All-Star Bluegrass Celebration. A labour of love by a cast of stars -- consisting of 10 Grammy winners, six Grand Ole Opry members and 11 platinum or multi-platinum album-sellers and a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Produced by Ricky Skaggs, this musical memorial to the Father of Bluegrass Music features performances by The Dixie Chicks, Bruce Hornsby, Dolly Parton, John Fogerty, Steve Wariner, Travis Tritt, The Whites, Patty Loveless, Charlie Daniels, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Joan Osborne, Dwight Yoakam and Skaggs. BRAD PAISLEY DATING ACTRESS Brad Paisley and "Father of the Bride" actress, Kimberly Williams, are dating. It is reported that Williams had been travelling with Paisley on his West Coast run, though she did have to rush back to Los Angeles to be on the set of the show the next morning. No confirmation directly from Brad on this, the sort of thing he politely doesn't talk about. GEORGE STRAIT HAND PICKS NEW HITS COLLECTION George Strait has always been very hands-on when recording
his albums. And he continues that tradition by hand picking the 12 songs for his
Best of George Strait CD for the 20th Century Masters/The Millennium collection
from MCA Records. The collection is set for release March 26. Included are some
of Strait's greatest songs of lost love - You
Look So Good In Love, Famous Last Words Of A Fool, Baby Blue, Baby's Gotten Good
At Goodbye, What's Going On In Your World and
Easy Come Easy Go. Also featured are upbeat ballads like the wedding
favourite, I Cross My Heart and the tale of fatherly devotion,
Love Without End, Amen. Picking up the tempo are such concert favourites as All
My Ex's Live In Texas, I've Come to Expect It From You, Ace In The Hole and If
You Ain't Lovin' (You Ain't Livin'). Det här var allt för denna gång. Jag försöker att sända ett nyhetsblad till innan jag åker till Texas den 12 mars. Ha det bra!
Nyhetsbrev nr.
12 2002-03-04
Nyhetsbrev nr. 13 2002-03-05Harlan
Howard Harlan Howard,
country music's most successful and consistent songwriter, passed away at his
Nashville home on Sunday March 3rd. He was 74 years old. The writer
of such classic country songs as The
Chokin' Kind, He Called me Baby, Your Heart Turned Left, Odds And Ends, The Keys
In the Mailbox, The Blizzard, Foolin' Around, I Don't Believe I'll Fall In Love
Today, Mary Ann Regrets, Excuse Me (I Think I've Got A Heartache), You Took Her
Off My Hands, The Everglades, She's Gone, Gone, Gone, I Won't Forget You, I've
Got A Tiger By the Tail, Too Many Rivers, Yours Love, You Comb Her Hair, Above
And Beyond. The Streets Of Baltimore, The Deepening Snow, Evil On Your Mind,
Life Turned Her That Way, No Charge, Another Bridge To Burn, She's A Little Bit
Country, I Don't Know A Thing About Love, I'm Down To my Last Cigarette, Somewhere
Tonight, Why Not Me, Blame It On Your Heart, Somebody Should Leave and
dozens more, has left the kind of legacy that is unlikely to ever be repeated. Here is a feature
written by Alan Cackett following an interview with the legendary songwriter in
Nashville a few years ago - For more than 30
years there has been some confusion about the date and place of Harlan Howard's
birth. Most reference books have it that he was born in Kentucky in 1929 - but
Howard yells another story. 'It was 1927, in Detroit, Michigan. There was a little mix-up back in
time someplace. I'd just hit town and cut a Capitol record and this PR person
came over and said, "We've got to get these facts sorted out." So we
talked around and when she found I was born in Detroit, she said, "Jeez,
it's too bad you weren't born in Texas or Georgia or Alabama or Kentucky at
least." So I said, "Just say I was born in Kentucky, let's say
Lexington or somewhere." We tpk two years off my age as well. I was 33 at
the time, so they made me 31. The truth is Detroit, September 8, 1927.' For more than 45
years, Harlan Howard plied his trade. He has penned more than 400 songs, and at
least 40 0f them have become hits, including I Fall To Pieces, Too Many Rivers, Somewhere Tonight, Why Not me, Blame
It On Your Heart, Busted and Heartaches
By the Number. The most awarded
songwriter in country music history, Harlan was inducted into the Country Music
Hall of Fame in 1996, and less than a year later, he gained wider recognition
when he was voted into the National Academy of Popular Music's Songwriters' Hall
Of Fame. With songs recorded by such diverse performers as Ella Fitzgerald, the
Judds, Ray Charles, Ernest Tubb, Pam Tillis, Jim Reeves and Frank Sinatra, he
made a major impact outside of just the confines of country music. 'I learned a lot from Tin Pan Alley,' he said. 'I have a great respect for Irving Berlin, Hoagy Carmichael, all those
great writers, I feel a brotherhood with them, But from early childhood I was
drawn towards country music. Ernest Tubb, Hank Williams, the more traditional
country. Emotionally, that's what floored me when I was a kid, and that's all
I've ever tried to do.' Harlan began writing
country songs at the age of 12. After graduation he went through a large variety
of jobs before moving to Los Angeles in 1955 to pursue a songwriting career. His
first real hit, Pick me Up on Your Way
Down, was recorded by Charlie Walker in 1959, followed shortly by Heartaches
By The Number, recorded by Ray Price and Guy Mitchell respectively. Both
versions topped the country and pop charts. These successes
enabled Howard to move to Nashville, where he commenced a string of hits, having
as many as 15 songs in the country at one time - a feat unequalled to this day.
Nashville welcomed Howard with open arms and within a year he has landed a
recording contract with Capitol Records. 'The Blizzard is still one of my favourite songs, it just came out of me,'
he recalled. 'I was kind of dazed out.
I had been reading a bunch of books about people writing through you, a
spiritual kind of thing, and I did wonder about that. I woke up and there I was
staring at six verses that I just wrote down and I never changed a thing. I'm a pretty straight-ahead type of person, all I need is a title and a
kind of interesting story, and I go from there.' 'Another of my favourites is No Charge,' he continued.
'Melba Montgomery was a great singer back in those days, I didn't really know
her, but I really loved her voice, a raw Alabama texture, several of my buddies
had heard the song, and I had other girls who wanted it, but I stuck with it and
it probably took about a year to get it to Melba, but it was like the biggest
hit she's ever had and she still has to sing it all time. An r&b lady,
Shirley Ceasar, she had quite a big hit. But I was lucky that song probably had
more cover versions, like in Europe, it was big pop hit in London by some guy,
actually he was a narrator. And it was big hit in Germany and France. It was
really gutterral in German, but it was a good record over there. I think looking
back, especially a family song, and I haven't written a lot of those. When you
hit the whole family, mamas and daddies and the kids, that's about as commercial
as you can get, I guess. I haven't done that too often, I wish I could do it
some more.' Although he
fabricated his birth details, Howard did in fact have southern roots. Both his
parents came from the Tri-State area of East Kentucky, Southern Ohio and West
Virginia. 'I wasn't born there, but that's
where my heritage is,' he said. Simple, but
effective country songs were always the Howard trademark - a straightforward,
honky-tonk style with the subject matter being love in all its intricacies. 'Most people want to hear about love and the quest for love,' he
said. 'That's so dominant in people's
lives that it's almost foolish to waste your time writing something that doesn't
have to do with a man and a woman and their need for each other. That's the only
thing that counts.' Harlan always had an
affinity with the fairer sex. 'I write
songs almost exclusively for women. I really love women. I think women are
better people than guys. I know us pretty well and I know them pretty well and I
get along great with women. Most of my friends that I hang around with are women.
I'd rather sit around a table full of women than guys anytime. I feed off them
and give them a whole lot of trash talk, but they know I'm innocent. In general,
I think they're morally better than we are.' Obviously, Harlan
understood the opposite sex pretty well. That's why Reba McEntire grabbed his
tear-jerker Somebody Should Leave a
few years back. She was the only artist to whom the song was pitched. 'That
is one of my favourite songs and it's also one of my favourite records,' Harlan
disclosed. 'Reba really got into that and she was more country back then to what
she is now. She's still one of my favourite singers. That was like a benchmark
song for both of us. That's my kind of country, I really like to get to the
heart of the matter. I detect about 50 per cent of all couples are in trouble,
and I like to write for that 50 per cent in trouble.' Somebody Should Leave is a song full of real feelings. It's a
journey through the break-up of Harlan's 13-year marriage. 'Nobody cheated, nobody lied. We just ran out of love,' he explained,
sounding like the line in a yet-to-be-written song. With a sense of humour, he
added, 'We just ran out of gas like a car
you see beside the freeway with the hood up.' Howard was happily
married to his fifth wife, Melanie, who was running his song publishing company.
He had settled into a role as the unofficial mentor of the next generation of
Nashville tunesmiths. Hanging out at Nashville writers' nights, he would
cultivate friendships with young unproven writers. Every few years, one of his
proteges - such as Jamie O'Hara or Kevin Welch or Sara Evans - would become a
songwriting success. Howard said that the that brother and sisterhood of writers
was one of the most satisfying aspects of his Nashville life. 'I think of it as kind of like the Left Bank of Paris used to be, when
young authors and painters and people would go there and hang out in these
coffee houses and chess clubs and argue over the meaning of life and abstract
painting. I think you're born with a creative gift, whether you're an architect,
a painter, a lot of different things. I just happen to have chosen country music.
Maybe if I'd had more education then something else might have attracted me.' In his later years,
Harlan Howard was very much a walking treasure, a vigorous reminder of
Nashville's glorious, storied past. He said that he regretted the Tin Pan Alley,
the famed New York City songwriting community of his heroes had gone. 'There's
definitely a Tin Pan Alley here,' he said of the booming Music City
songwriting scene. 'In fact, it's the biggest one by far in the world. You see those
studios, with parking lots full of cars, and that means somebody's in there
cutting an album. They're cutting songs. Well, who's writing them? I'd say90 per
cent of them are written here.' Apart from a brief
respite in the late 1970s and early 1980s - the Urban Cowboy era - Howard had
been writing steadily since the mid 1950s until shortly before he passed away.
His songs have been favoured by such contemporary stars as k.d. lang, Patty
Loveless, Sara Evans and Nanci Griffith. 'I've
been here and watched all this stuff, and I'm still kicking butt. I meant to be
a lifetime songwriter. Irving Berlin wrote all his life. Why stop something that
really is a lot of fun.' 'I think I was born to write. It's what I love doing, and it's worked
out real fine. I love the traditional music and even now, I'm known for that,
I'm not the hottest guy in town, but it'll come back around - it always does.' It was a well-known
fact in Nashville that when Harlan Howard laid the guitar down and put the legal
pad aside to get away from it all, you were likely to find him pursuing his
favourite pastime. There was a sign he put up that reads Gone
Fishin'. And that is where he probably is, reeling in those big ones way
over yonder. Och så här säger Hank Cochran om sin gamle vän!In case you are doing a story or tribute on your radio show on Harlan Howard.. Hank is unable to speak with anyone....but here's his statement on Harlan's death.------------- "I am devastated by the loss of my friend, and old writing partner. He was the master of the country song. I must admit that's one hell of a guitar pull up there now that Harlan has joined Chet, Waylon, etc. This town and country music will never be the same. I love him and will never forget the times we had together. " Hank Cochran www.harlanhoward.com
Nyhetsbrev nr. 14 2002-03-10Lista över svenska country-artister & -band Vänner,
här kommer en lista på svenska countryartister som Anders Brundell hade vänligheten
att sända mig för en tid sedan. Listan kommer ursprungligen, om jag inte minns
fel, från den fina publikationen Kountry Korral http://medlem.tripodnet.nu/kountry
Jag åker nu till Texas och det blir alltså lite uppehåll med mina
nyhetsblad. Ha det så bra här hemma i Sverige. Vädret i Texas just nu är ca.
25 grader.
Den här listan - som är en av f. n. totalt 2
listor med countryartister - omfattar countrysångare m fl artister inom
countryfacket, och deras bokningsadresser. Maila eventuella förändringar till
Tommy, tolva@telia.com
. Detsamma gäller den som vill vara med på listan men inte finns här. Vi försöker
hålla listan aktuell och fri från felaktigheter, men törs inte svära på att
den alltid är det. Se
också teckenförklaringarna längst ner på sidan. GUNNAR A (C) Gunnar Almqvist Country och
50-60 tal m.m. 08-531 83 931 JOHN
BEE (C) Bengt
Johansson, 0223-19443 Efter 18.00 0223-109 84 BELLE
& THE BROKEN SPOKES (C) Peter Olofsson 0454-92230 Peter Lindström
044-102856 Skåne-Blekinge BLUEGRASS
SWEDES (BG & C) Floda Lomaeus, Box 58, 170 11 Drottningholm 08-759
06 52 BO
Tel. & Fax. 0451-54000 BORDERLINE
(C) Åsbackav.
338, FIN-68500 KRONOBY TEL (06) 834 6402 CACTUS
(C) Kjell
Höök 0640-202 55 RAY
CLARK & C:o (CR) 08-771 88 21 RAY
CLARK & JUST IN TIME (CR) Homepage http://surf.to/justintime
81 907 alt. 08-771 88 21 COUNTRY
COMFORT (BG) Bobby Ahl 08-29 13 98 COUNTRY CREAM (C) Tommy Backström 0225-31153 Thomas Norman 0240-74955 http://www.geocities.com/countrycream_2000 COUNTRY
Johansen, Tunveien 4, 4790 Lillesand, Norge 00947-41-715 21 COUNTRY MINSTRELS (C) och STETSON (C), två
band med Janne Lindgren på steel. Frösätrabacken 10, 127 37 Skärholmen Tel:
08 - 88 46 86 www.steelguitar.nu
steelguitar@swipnet.se CROSS
COUNTRY BAND (C) Ekebergsvägen
24, 375 91 Mörrum. Tel: 0454-513 20, 0709-851 320 070-5921320 (Marlene &
Ulf Clausson) CINA
SAMUELSSON (C) Johnny Samuelsson 033-244215 fax: 033-125 804 DELIVERENCE
(BG) Lars
Sundström 023-33777 Stefan Wadell 023-770028 DOWNHILL (BG) Kenneth Kjellgren 0226-14950 Jonas Kjellgren 026-250 745 www.downhill.nu ELLOCO (RB) & (CR) Robert
Wahlberg 016-143844 070-3782181 Michael Garesjö 016-422710, 070-6492710 http://get.to/el-loco
Eva Eastwood & the Major Keys, Bokning: Eva Östlund. Vissbodav. 6. 690 45 Åsbro Telefon: 070-200 88 84 E-mail: evaeastwood@hotmail.com hemsida: http://home.swipnet.se/evaeastwood GARRY
Entertainment c/o Fredrik Vikström Ytterhärdevägen 74 818 91 Valbo tel/fax
026-32500 el. 0708-358333 THOMAS HAGLUND BAND (C) Bokning: Thomas H 0390-10046 FAX 0390-12202 t.haglund.music@telia.com HAZARD (CR) kontakta Rolf "Texas" Jonsson 0691-61394, texas.jonsson@home.se http://www.hazard.nu HEADIN'
WEST (C) Per
Jarle Johansen, Norge 00947-54-720 21 eller AMAS 00947-5-29 15 60 HIGH
SIERRA (C) Tommy
Löfgren, 08-761 61 75 HIGHWAY
40 (C) Bokas
genom B Sjunnesson Sofiebergsvägen 91 D 256 61 Helsingborg 042-144687 0739-253
855 Lars Davidsson 042-221446 HONKY
TONK BROTHERS (C) Billy Malmström 0691-10123 JACK DANIELS BAND (C) Thomas Ahlberg 019-227026, 070-439 4901 070-202 1199 jdband@hotmail.com www.algonet.se/~maja JIMBOB CONVOY Niklas Karlsson info@jimbob-convoy.com 031-51 58 98 John Whiteleather (CR)
email; wleather@hotmail.com JUST
Stievert Lammholmsbacken 144 127 43 Skärholmen 08-740 8070, 070-640 1490 LAZY
BONES (C & CR) Conny:
0372-13655 Björn 0372-12146 RAYMOND MATHIASON (C) Bokas genom Ray Music Sweden Tel: +46 511 34 09 88 Fax: +46 511 34 09 89 Email: raymusic@telia.com McKENNARD
Sundell 08-532 57437 MIDNIGHT
Peter Emery Smedgatan 14 662 34 Åmål 0532-16387, 0736-286 981 NASHVILLE
NEUROTICS (CR) Moke Music 011-126614 INGER NORDSTRÖM 'n' her Rhinestone Band (C) bokas på 0514-10993 e-mail: newmusic@alfa.telenordia.se PE-TO
Music, Storgatan 23 N-2400 Elverum, Norge 00947 62 41 64 08. fax 00947 62 41 52
20 RIVER BAND (C) Anders 035-509 01 070-543 0901 info@riverband.com ROUTE
65 (C) Torbjörn
Brissman 0155-513 90 SLIDE
BAR & Maria-Helena Persson (C) Info & Bokning 070-468 28
66, 018-24 50 62 LASSE
Sundberg 08-21 05 44, 070 5890 544 TEXAS
COUNTRYBAND (C) Karlskrona 0455-405 47 Eleanor & Anders THE STREAMS (CR) Håkan Grip, Hallandsv. 6, 826 39 Söderhamn 0270-182 34 el. 765 07 (arb) the_streams@hotmail.com YELLOW
Gustavsson 016-147940 WASHBOARD WILMA (C, R, RB) Kontakt: Yodeler 08 5325 1697, 070 208 09 28 Email: safka88@hotmail.com WEEDS (BG) Lars Blom G:a Landsvägen 31, 813 40 Torsåker 0290-406 41 weeds@telia.com WILD
FIRE WILLIE & RAMBLERS Jan Svensson 016-149 032 (R & RB) WILDWOOD
COUNTRY BAND (C) Pelle Ljungström 060-563052 eller Göran
Gustafsson 060-20361 LIANA
WALLINDER (C) Orionvägen 55 831 55 Östersund, 063-46008 *********************************************** C = country. CR = countryrock (en modern rockinfluerad country). BG = bluegrass (en ofta snabb, akustisk country med mycket stämsång i). RB = rockabilly (en tidig countryrockmusik från 40- och 50-talen; typexempel tidig Elvis och Bill Haley). WS = western swing (en jazzinfluerad, litet tuffare country, och staten Texas nationalmusik). ********************************************************
Nyhetsbrev nr. 15 2002-04-05 Hej vänner, Nu är jag tillbaka efter resan till Texas. En härlig upplevelse med klubbar, steeljamboree och mycket god mat! Jag berättar i ett senare mail om resan, då jag först måste ta hand om en massa mail som samlat sig i en stor hög i datorn. Så är det alltid då man kommer hem från en resa, rensningen tar sin tid. Här lite nyheter i alla fall. Legenden Tommy Hill avled för några veckor
sedan och så här skriver Hermann Lammers Meyer: I was just informed that Starday Legend Tommy Hill passed away last night.
Hermann Lammers Meyer .... What key were we in, Tommy ? EARL SCRUGGS TOURING Earl Scruggs continues to excite his fans by doing various tour dates throughout the United States. Following his Grammy Award win, Scruggs set out to Knoxville, TN for the first of these dates. The 78-year-old performed a 90-minute set with an all-star group. The sold-out event was at the Tennessee Theatre, the site of Scruggs' first performance in Knoxville in 1945. For other information visit www.earlscruggs.com. Scruggs' current release, Earl Scruggs And Friends, which includes his Grammy Award winning song Foggy Mountain Breakdown is in stores now. MULTI-TALENTED TRAVIS TRITT Did you know that Travis Tritt has mastered guitar, banjo, mandolin, and mando/guitar, all he counts as important elements of his music? AND, that he's had 15 major TV and movie acting roles (including "Rio Diablo," "Blues Brothers 2000," "Touched by an Angel," "Tales from the Crypt," "Arliss" and more)? ALSO, that Tritt has had a hand in writing more than half of the 82 songs on his 8 albums, and he wrote or co-wrote 10 of his 12 Number One songs? Now you know. Gill Is New Hall President 1960, Tootsie's Orchid Lounge opened in Nashville. The lounge became a Det här var allt för den här gången och kanske ses vi på Silja Lines kryssning på söndag då jag är DJ i diskoteket hela natten. Glöm inte att lyssna på Radio Lidingö 97,8 varje tisdag kl. 20.00 och lördagar
15.00. Janne Lindgren
Nyhetsbrev nr. 16 2002-04-09 Hej vänner, Över
tusen personer åkte med Silja Linedanceturen. Det
var roligt att så många åkte med Silja Line helgen som gick. Det var fullt ös
på båten från början till slut. Underhållning av Western Satellites, Mats Rådberg
och Monia Sjöström, linedanceundervisning med Urban Cowboys, countrydisco av
undertecknad. Kjell Wärnevall och övriga inblandade i ledningsgruppen ska ha
ett JÄTTETACK för sin satsning. Här
ser man att det går att ordna countrytillställningar med lyckat resultat. Nu
hoppas jag på att många andra arrangörer får upp ögonen för countrymusik.
Vi behöver fler arrangemang i Stockholm, men det gäller också att vi sköter
oss och inte fimpar i heltäckande mattor!!?? Janne
Lindgren International
Bluegrass Music Museum When
the International Bluegrass Music Museum re-opens next Thursday (April 11) in
Owensboro, Kentucky, one of the features certain to attract a lot of close
attention -- and debate -- will be a plaque that lists at least 231 of the most
significant members of the first
generation of bluegrass. That generation is defined as the singers,
musicians and entertainers who, between 1940 and 1954, collectively created the
style now known as bluegrass. The list is published in the March/April issue of
the International Bluegrass Music Association newsletter. Naturally, all the big
names are there -- Bill Monroe, Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Carter and Ralph
Stanley, Jim and Jesse McReynolds, Sonny and Bobby Osborne, Don Reno, Jimmy
Martin and the Stoneman Family -- but there are some surprises, as well. Among
the names not generally associated with bluegrass are music publishing magnate
Buddy Killen, who got his start as a bass player on the Grand Ole Opry and the
Wheeling Jamboree; producer, performer and Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame
member Jack Clement; Boudleaux Bryant, a classical, country and jazz fiddle
player before he and his wife, Felice, teamed up to become successful country
and pop songwriters; innovative guitarists Hank Garland and Grady Martin;
multi-instrumentalist and comic Roy Clark; and country singer/guitarist/fiddler
Sonny James. Several
pioneering women are also cited in this peerage, including Molly O'Day, Sally
Ann Forrester, Bessie Lee Mauldin and Wilma Lee Cooper. Students and long-time
fans of bluegrass can use this honour roll as a test of their knowledge of the
genre -- and to speculate who else should be on it. More recent converts may
plumb the list to discover such largely forgotten stylists as Hylo Brown, Clyde
Moody and Charlie Moore. Long
overdue PayCheck Collection Perhaps
one of country music's most under-appreciated vocal stylists, Johnny PayCheck
receives the star treatment with The Soul
& the Edge: The Best of Johnny PayCheck, due April 30 on Columbia/Legacy.
PayCheck was an outlaw when outlaws weren't cool, and the set masterfully blends
his soulful ballads with rougher-edged, sometimes violent fare, both styles
spiced with equal amounts of alcohol and attitude. For PayCheck, the compilation
is in many ways a validation of the broad scope of his material. "It makes me feel good to listen to it, because this is a big part
of my career," says PayCheck, whose failing health -- including
struggles with emphysema -- keep him off the road and out of the studio today.
Even so, he looks back on his body of work with pride. "I enjoyed all those days. I enjoyed
both the recording and the tours. I loved the studio work with the musicians and
creating something. If I had it to do over again, I think I'd do about the same
thing." The
collection is an intriguing mix of such classics as the bitter Take
This Job and Shove It, the outlaw anthem I'm
the Only Hell (Mama Ever Raised), the quintessential cheatin' song Slide
Off of Your Satin Sheets, and the solid gold (Don't
Take Her) She's All I Got, with lesser-known but often even more powerful
cuts, like Billy Joe Shaver's Ragged Old
Truck, the violent Colorado Cool-Aid,
the defiant Fifteen Beers, and the
hangdog 11 Months and 29 Days.
PayCheck is also a confident balladeer, as evidenced on such stone country cuts
as Feminine Touch, Old Violin, and
Merle Haggard's All Night Lady. New
Memorial Will Replace Museum Walkway
Nyhetsbrev nr. 17 2002-04-11 Hej vänner, Är
ni möjligtvis på väg till England i sommar eller i höst?
WILLIE NELSONJune 1 - Symphony Hall, Birmingham (0121-780-3333 Per-Unos tillägg: Onsdagen den 26 Juni gästar Willie Nelson & Family Malmö.
Kulturcentralen: 040-10 30 20
Julius Biljettservice: 046-280 45 45
Biljett direkt: 077- 170 70 70 www.ticnet.se
Folk å Rock Malmö 040-78 103
Folk å Rock i Lund 046-13 35 80
Folk å Rock i Helsingborg 042-14 25 20
Mer info. på:
DON WILLIAMS03 Oct - Cardiff - St. David's Hall - 029 2087 8444 Mike
Bella MORE
OF COUNTRY MUSIC'S HOTTEST STARS SIGN ON FOR FAN FAIR 2002! Dwight Yoakam has split from Warner
Bros./Reprise after 16 years and Clay Blaker
Nyhetsbrev nr. 18 2002-04-17 Here
is a list of events around Sweden this summer!
27 Country/Rhythm Blues
Evening at Mora Park in Mora, Sweden. Charlie
and Jolie Holliday from USA will be the head
attractions. May
11 StockholmCountryMusicClub
Spring Festival at Årsta Folkets Hus in May
29 Country Music Night at Hågelbyparken,
Stockholm. The band is Western
Satellites. June 26
The Southern Harvest Show at Mölleplatsen,
Malmö, Sweden. June 28 – 29
Lida Country Music Festival just
outside Stockholm, Sweden. June
22 – July 20 Wanda Jackson is on tour in Sweden. The program is not
for the moment. July
25 – 27 Västkustens
Countryfestival at Lane Loge. July 28
A Nashville Star Evening (see above) at Dalhalla, Rättvik.
2 – 4 Scandinavian Country Music
Festival 2002 at Furuvik, Sweden. More
information about what happen in Sweden will follow in a couple of weeks. Janne
Nr 19??? |
Nyhetsbrev nr. 20 2002-04-28 Hej, Här kommer ett nyhetsbrev som handlar om årets Fan Fair i Nashville. Kanske någon av er är på väg dit? Om inte så kanske informationen ändå är intressant? Gå in på de olika sidorna och bli lite sugna på att åka dit! Nedanstående är bara en liten del av vad som händer i Nashville under Fan Fair. Men om ni ska åka dit så räkna med mycket folk överallt, inklusive att alla hotell är fullbokade inne i själva centrum. Janne Lindgren CHECK
2002 at 15:29:36: Hillous died yesterday afternoon at
home. Hillous
Lindgren |