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från A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Email: steelguitar@swipnet.se |
#9 Lasse Westmann har avlidit
#10 Bobby Thompson
#11 Buck Owens
#12 Danne Ekbäck med Nashville-nyheter
#13 Moe Bandy
2004 Grammy Winners
#15 Alan Jackson
#16 Alvino Ray avliden, Jim Glaser ny CD
#17 x
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Förmodligen har ni alla redan läst i dagspressen att Lasse Westmann har avlidit efter en ganska lång tids sjukdom. Lasse var kanske mest känd som medlem av Vikingarna, men har också medverkat på tusentals inspelningar med andra grupper. Hans specialitet var som körsångare, men var också en mycket duktig gitarrist, då mest med akustiskt komp. Ni som har svenskproducerad musik hemma kan finna att Lasse finns med nästan överallt.
De flesta av er känner kanske inte till att Lasse Westmann var en sann countrymusikvän och gjorde några uppmärksammade inspelningar i genren för många år sedan. Tillsammans med vännen och tillika studiomusikern Hasse Rosén gjorde han en singel där de som grupp kallade sig Country Gentlemen. Mest uppmärksamhet fick LPn "Nashville Train" med musikanter som Hasse Rosén, Rutger Gunnarsson, Roger Palm, Kjelle Öhman och undertecknad. Idén var att göra ABBA-låtar i countrytappning där Lasse Westmann var sångare i bandet och den drivande kraften. Plattan släpptes på Noon Records här i Sverige och då Stickan Andersson hörde resultatet ordnade han så att den även kom ut i USA, då på märket RCA.
Jag träffade Lasse första gången 1971 då Country Minstrels skulle spela in sin första LP på bolaget Haparanda. Inspelningen var i KMH-studion som Lennart Karlsmyr och co. just hade startat i ett garage i södra Stockholm. Lasse var kompis med skivbolagsdirektören och fanns med som rådgivare under första inspelningsdagen. Lasse och jag har sedan under alla år arbetat ihop på otaliga inspelningar med svensktoppsgrupper och andra. Jag minns också speciellt då vi som duo under lång tid spelade på Sheratons restaurant Sheriffen där jag delade uppgiften med Hasse Rosén. Här visade Lasse Westmann att han hade en stor countryrepertoar.
Som producent för t ex Thor-Leifs var han alltid noggrann och hade idéer om hur han ville ha det. Det var alltid kul att komma till hans lilla studio i Täby. Halva tiden jobbade vi med inspelningen, halva tiden pratade vi country och fikade.
Lasse var alltid den store entusiasten och kunde prata om precis allt. Han var intresserad och kunnig men gav sig gärna in i diskussioner om ämnen han inte kunde någonting om. Han kunde helt enkelt inte låta bli på grund av sin livsglädje. Utan Lasse Westmann blir det tomt i Stockholms musikstudios.
Janne Lindgren
Det tack vare
dig Janne.
Hon fick en kopia av "Goodbye" som du spelade i ett av dina exellenta
från Lidingön.
Hon är 25 år gammal och vet och kan allt! Det kunde även jag vid den åldern.
Nu ska vi bygga upp våra relationer igen.
Tänk vad en fin låt kan ställa till med!
Till exempel "I will always love you" med Linda Ronstadt med ett Steelsolo man sent glömmer.
Tack Ragnar Alfvegren / Solna
Grattis Ragnar,
en solskenshistoria värd att ha med i mitt nyhetsmail!
Min dotter är bara 18 men hon vet också allt, det får vi gamlingar acceptera!
Lady Marmalade Music är ett förlag baserat i USA med anknytning till Sverige.
Vi har ett stort urval av countrymusik till artister.
Senast förra åtet släppte vi 4 låtar på olika plattor i USA med country olika
Ifall detta kan vara av intresse för svenska artister och bolag,
är dom välkomna att kontakta oss på följande adress.
Lady Marmalade Music
PO Box 2284
Hollywood, CA 90078
Bästa hälsningar,
Irene Tuomainen
My granddad used to have an old 78 record of a song that he said was titled
"Steel Guitar Stomp." He played it so much the label was worn off. And he
couldn't remember who the artist was. Do you have any information on such a
Answer: "Steel Guitar Stomp" was the first of three chart singles for
Hank Penny
(real name: Herbert Clayton Penny.) It peaked at # 4 in 1946. Hank died in
Den 7 februari medverkar Highway 40 från Helsingborg vid den stora
countrymusic mässan i Berlin.
2 andra stora countryarrangemang som bör uppmärksammas är
Fredagen den 7 maj. Stort linedance party i Hårlevhallen, Danmark
tillsammans med Heather Myles och Highway 40
Lördagen den 8 maj är det Malmö som besöks av nämnda artister.
Mer information om arrangemangen inhämtas på
Westerbro Linedancers Copenhagen
Malmö Linedancers
Mycket linedance och mycket aktiviteter utlovas och alla
hälsas mycket välkomna.
Highway 40 e-post address:
You are welcome to visit the country band
Highway 40:s homepage.
Här nedan lite nyheter från Eva Eastwood! JL.
Hej janne. Mer roliga news för alla country diggare, inte bara för oss utan för hela genren.
BBC spelar Eva Eastwood
Hello darling people. We got out first result tonight (Friday) Click on the following link and have a look at the playlist for Friday's show/ Loudon Temple
Raggarklassiker har sålt guld. Eva medverkar med "wendys wedding", kanske inte så mycket country men ändå. Enda andra kvinnan i sammanhanget (bland 40 låtar) är självaste Wanda Jackson. Det är kanske inte så konstigt att hon får beundrar brev ifrån självaste President Records Ltd i England. Och ännu har året bara börjat.
Posted by Bob Paxman / COUNTRYWEEKLY.COM on January 29, 2004 at 09:09:58:
Rejection turned into a happy ending for Don Rollins and Jim Brown, writers of the megahit "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere." Songwriters know that rejection is part of the territory, but that doesn't mean they have to like it. But rejection turned into a happy ending for Don Rollins and Jim Brown, writers of the megahit "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere."
"After we wrote it last February, we pitched it to this record producer, who was looking for a Jimmy Buffett-island vibe kind of song," recalls Don. "He passed on it. I don't think he even got through the first chorus."
The breezy tune found its way to Alan Jackson's management. "Alan was actually looking for something he could sing with Jimmy Buffett," says Don. "They took it to Alan in March of last year, and he and Jimmy cut it in April. What a twist of fate."
And what a hit! "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" became one of the biggest smashes of 2003, spending six weeks at No. 1 and winning a 2003 CMA Award for Vocal Event of the Year. It was also the first chart-topper of Buffett's incredible career.
Even in their wildest dreams, the writers never imagined such amazing success. They wrote the tune in one day, in the space of about four hours.
"I had the idea from a guy that I used to teach school with in Texas," explains Don, a former high school band director who moved to Nashville three years ago. "He would want to get a beer in the early afternoon after class and he would always say, 'Well, it's five o'clock somewhere.' I remembered that as being a good line."
Don got together with his friend, studio musician Jim Brown. "All I walked in with when I met with Jim was the idea and that last line: What would Jimmy Buffett do?" Don laughs. "We just had to fill in the middle!"
Jim came up with the island melody, evoking Buffett's trademark sound, while Don completed the lyrics. And as Don recalls, "We only changed one thing. After we looked at it, we realized that the first and second verses had to switch. It didn't make sense the way we had it."
The writers watched in awe as their song literally flew up the charts, reaching No. 1 after only eight weeks. "I'd had some cuts before, but never a No. 1," says Don. "And this was Jim's first cut ever."
Don pauses and smiles. "The fact that it was that big is still sinking in."
n Bob Paxman
Kul att Du tog Dig in på vår hemsida
och att Du gillade den.
Synd bara att Du inte skrev en rad i vår gästbok, men det gör Du säkert nästa
gång Du besöker oss eller hur.
Och nu ska jag ge Dej ett evenemangstips som inte går av för hackor.
Den 6 mars besöks Heart Line Café av
Janne Lindgren,
inte helt okänd steelgitarrist, radiopratare och "missionär" inom
countrymusiken tillsammans med Carolina Åkerlind.
Jag hoppas att Du i kommande
nyhetsbrev skriver något om detta,
Du vet ju mer om artisterna än vad jag gör så jag överlåter med varm hand till
Dej att formulera nyheten. Ha,ha.
Sköt om Dej, hälsa Carolina / vi syns och hörs snart
Hej Roland, det ska bli jättekul
att komma till Heart Line Café tillsammans med Carolina!
Ja, jag kommer givetvis att skriva i gästboken nästa gång jag tittar till
sidorna! JL.
Jag har gjort en uppdatering av min countryhemsida. Under fliken "Listen to new cd´s" finns det helt nya smakprov. Under fliken BEAR FAMILY "Latest releases" finns februari releaserna Nya skivor finns även under new cd´s och boxes. Adressen till hemsidan är som vanligt:
Hans Häggström
Hei alle sammen !
Nå har vi gjort litt nye oppdateringer på siden vår. Bilder fra vår siste gig... Som tok helt av.
Mvh Steff
e-mail: steff@steffnevers.com
Det var allt jag hade att förmedla denna söndagsmorgon.
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Hej alla läsare av nyhetsbrevet! Jag vill börja med att gratulera Mats Rådberg & Rankarna till en succékväll på Restaurant Annexet, Åkermyntan, Hässelby i Stockholm. Enligt rapporter var det slutsålt d v s 120 platser och en mycket god stämning. Det här visar väl om något att det finns ett stort intresse för countrymusik i Stockholm. Titta i tidningarnas annonser för klubbar så hittar du massor av jazz, pop, rock och visor men inte en enda, förutom Åkermyntan, som kör country. Visst är det märkligt?
Lite övriga nyheter nedan! Janne Lindgren
Wanda Jackson Undergoes Surgery
Posted by Barbara King on February 03, 2004 at 18:39:07:
Wanda is in the hospital and has had major knee surgery; we don't know how long she will be in recovery and rehab, nor how long before she gets her messages. Thanks for understanding..
Wendell Goodman
Hej Janne, god fortsättning !
Den 16/1 var vi och hälsade på bekanta i Laholm, och lyssnade då på Roland Thuressons countryprogram i radio Halland. När han spelade första artisten var vi helt övertygade om att det var Johnny Cash. Låtarna hade vi inte hört förut. så vi antog att dom kom hans sista inspelning han gjorde före sin bortgång.
Så var det dock inte,utan artisten som sjöng så otroligt likt Cash,var en kille vid namn Johnny C. ? Han ska ha spelat in 3 st. Lp, men vi har aldrig hört talas om honom tidigare. Kan du möjligtvis hjälpa till och ge oss lite mer information denne artist ?.
Hur vanligt är det med kvinnliga steelguitarister? såg på en DVD,en tjej vid namn Cindy Cashdollar !! som spelade med Asleep At The Wheel, hon var verkligen bra. Hon spelade dessutom på 3 st. uppsättningar strängar, vad kallas dom ?.
Tack för alla intressanta nyheter i dina brev.
Kaj i Trollhättan
Hej Kaj och tack för mailet!
Någon Johnny C. kan jag inte just nu påminna mig om att jag sett men det finns en bunt artister som gör Cashmaterial och som låter som honom. Cindy Cashdollar spelade under några år med Asleep At The Wheel och är mycket duktig. Hon spelar på en trehalsad lap steel. Har även några videokurser utgivna.
Vill ni läsa mer om steel i alla former så går ni in på www.pedalprouniversal.com. där Jan Visser med flera skriver intressanta artiklar. JL.
My uncle used to sing a song about "Put It Off Until Tomorrow." He said it was
on the radio back in the 60's. Do you have any information on such a song?
Answer: "Put It Off Until Tomorrow" was A # 6 hit for Bill Phillips in
1966. Dolly Parton did the harmony vocals on the record. It was his 5th chart
single and was charted for 18 weeks.
Question: There was a male/female duet about "Marriage On The Rocks" on
the radio back
in the 60's. Do you know the names of the singers and whatever happened to
Answer: "Marriage On The Rocks" was the flipside of the 1967 number one
"My Elusive Dreams" by David Houston and Tammy Wynette. Wynette died in 1998.
Houston died in
ON THIS DATE February 1: Country
Music's Top Tunes Were:
Pistol Packin' Mama - Al Dexter
1952 Give Me More, More, More (Of Your Kisses) - Lefty Frizzell
1960 El Paso - Marty Robbins
1968 Sing Me Back Home - Merle Haggard
1976 This Time I've Hurt Her More Than She Loves Me - Conway Twitty
1984 The Sound of Goodbye - Crystal Gayle
"Happy Birthday Glenn Barber...!!!"
Posted by TWANGTOWNUSA.COM on February 02, 2004 at 07:10:29:
by Johnny
Country and rockabilly performer Glenn Barber was born in Hollis, OK, on
February 2, 1935. From there, he and his family moved to Pasadena, TX, where
the young Barber showed an early interest in music. Originally a guitar
player, he also took up bass, drums, dobro, and mandolin. He first appeared on
wax with the 1952 Stampede single "You Took the Twinkle Out of My Stars"; by
1954, he had a contract with the Starday label. Over the next few years,
Barber would release numerous countrified rockabilly singles on the label, the
last being issued in 1956, just as rock & roll was sweeping the country. From
there, he and manager Pappy Dailey traveled to the D imprint, which issued
four Barber singles during the remainder of the 1950s.
As the '60s arrived, Barber became a disc jockey and featured performer on
Houston's KIKK. He and his band, the Western Swingmasters, appeared on the
station five nights a week until 1968, when he signed with the Nashville
outfit Hickory. There he made his full-length debut with 1970's A New Star.
While with Hickory, Barber charted four times, taking songs like "Kissed By
the Rain, Warmed By the Sun" (1969) and "Unexpected Goodbye" (1972) all the
way to the Top 30. Another Hickory single, "She Cheats on Me," would later be
recorded by Roy Orbison. Barber jumped to MMI in 1979, and penned the hit
"Everyone Wants to Disco." It was his last charting single, and Barber turned
to other interests in the 1980s and '90s, including painting and
Posted by COUNTRYWEEKLY.COM on February 03, 2004 at 18:33:43:
Country music and car racing have always gone hand-inhand, but no one combined
the two like the late Marty Robbins. The singing legend - who had 16 No. 1
hits - was also a skilled racer, good enough to compete on the NASCAR circuit.
Marty's fast-track hobby did not exactly thrill his wife, Marizona, or his record label. When Marty crashed in a Charlotte, N.C., race in 1974, he seriously thought about giving up the track, but he simply had too much passion for the sport.
"It was something that relaxed him," recalls Marty's son Ronny. "Even his doctors were amazed at how low his blood pressure was after a race."
On Feb. 16, 1975, Marty suffered injuries in another wreck, this time at the famed Daytona Speedway. He was sidelined for a time and had to cancel some concert dates.
"His doctors advised him to take it easy," says Ronny. "But he told them that there was no way he was ever going to stop racing." Marty ran his final NASCAR race in Atlanta, Nov. 7, 1982, one month before he died at age 57.
Martys bil finns att beskåda i Roy Acuffs museum strax utanför The Opry House i Music Valley, Nashville. Namnet på bilen är förstås……. Devil Woman! JL.
Bluegrass folks celebrate banjo legend Thompson / By TIM GHIANNI /
Posted by TWANGTOWNUSA.COM on February 03, 2004 at 07:31:38:
When compiling a list of the most influential living banjo players, acoustic
music godfather Earl Scruggs would top the list. Younger banjo enthusiasts
likely would mention melodic banjo jazzmaster Bela Fleck.
Both banjo geniuses would put Bobby Thompson high on that list. But the man who virtually invented the ''melodic'' playing style adopted by Fleck is largely forgotten, due to illness and his own self-deprecating demeanor. Pickers and grinners from throughout the bluegrass community are coming together Thursday in Gallatin to help Thompson with medical bills as well as to remind the public of his importance.
''It's awfully nice of them,'' says Thompson of the 11th annual McReynolds Memorial Bluegrass Music Spectacular.
He'll be there. But only to listen from his wheelchair. ''I haven't been able to play the banjo in 15 years,'' he says. ''My hands won't let me . . . I miss it, but I'm used to it now.'' Multiple sclerosis forced him into retirement near Franklin.
Choosing Thompson as beneficiary of Thursday's event wasn't a stretch for Jesse McReynolds. With his late brother Jim — Grand Ole Opry legends Jim & Jesse — McReynolds began having this annual benefit to help with the medical bills of his son, Keith, who died in 2000 from M.S.
Scruggs will be in Los Angeles for Grammy-related activities, but he has plenty of good things to say about his old friend.
''I think he has done a lot for the banjo. He was the first one to play that (melodic) style of banjo that I ever heard. And there has never been anyone to top him.''
Thompson's banjo style was incorporated into the Hee Haw theme and show as well as into groundbreaking group Area Code 615's music. As a session ace, Thompson played with such diverse artists as Elvis, The Monkees, Neil Young, Perry Como, Johnny Cash and Bill Monroe.
Fleck, who chased Thompson's melodic style into its jazziest grooves, wouldn't miss Thursday's gathering.
''Bobby sort of set the stage for modern banjo in a lot of ways. He is one of two people (along with Bill Keith) credited with inventing the melodic style.
''. . . He made a huge contribution to the moving forward of the banjo as a musical instrument.''
Thompson developed the style that gives banjo the fluidity of piano or fiddle while a young man in Spartanburg, S.C.
He brought that style with him when he joined Jim & Jesse's outfit in the early 1960s, and McReynolds recalls Thompson's banjo dancing nicely with Vassar Clements' dancing fiddle.
Getting there
The 11th annual McReynolds Memorial Bluegrass Music Spectacular will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Gallatin Civic Center. Tickets are $15, $5 for children ages 6-12. Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. the day of the show at the Civic Center, 210 Albert Gallatin Ave., in Gallatin. Details: 451-5911.
Tennessean music writer Peter Cooper also contributed to this story.
Bobby Thompson var en riktig superpicker och jag kan stolt visa upp en bild på mig själv, Bobby och Buddy Emmons som togs då Mervin Conns countryfestivaler fortfarande pågick. Bobby har varit med på så många sessions så det vore nog omöjligt ens för honom själv att veta hur många. Kolla LPs från ca. början av 60-talet och fram till slutet av 80-talet så hittar ni hans namn överallt. Några av mina favoritplattor där han är med och spelar är Chet Atkins "Superpickers" från 1973 och den smått otroliga plattan "Diesel On My Tail" med Jim & Jesse.
Jag tänkte få berätta en historia ur det verkliga livet, om hur liten världen kan vara. Och om hur en kille som Janne Lindgren kan omvända en hårdrockare, till countryfreak, utan att veta om det.
Det började 1978 Jag en liten långhårig hårdrockare träffar en söt liten blondin på en fest.
Tycke uppstår. Fast vi kan inte träffas så ofta, för hon har häst och måste ta hand om den efter jobbet och i helgerna. Men problem är till för att lösas. Jag har ett par kompisar som har Stall Grandal i Sörmland. Vi stallar upp hästen där så vi får tid för varandra i veckorna och vi åker till Grandal i helgerna så hon får utöva sitt ridintresse. Själv är jag livrädd för hästar. Så när hästfolket är ute och rider, förbereder jag de måltider som skall avnjutas under helgen, eftersom jag är kockutbildad och mitt stora intresse förutom musiken är matlagning. Och nu kommer det. Han i huset tycker om country musik och har en stor rullbandspelare som står på hela dagarna. Jag går omkring i huset och hör det här i bakgrunden hela tiden, vilket slutar med att jag tycker ”det här låter ju ganska bra”. Jag en liten hårdrockare börjar gilla country musik. Jag lånar banden och spelar av för att kunna lyssna hemma. Vad det är och vem som sjunger har jag ingen aning om. Men bra är det. En dag frågar jag var han får tag i all country. Han berättar att han har en kompis som lirar steelguitar i ett countryband, och det är han som har spelat in all country åt honom.
Själv har jag blivit country frälst som nästan övergår i ett country begär. Allt som köps i skivväg är country. Åren går, det samlas och jag pluggar artister. Mellan 1986-1990 kör jag countrytimmen på tisdagar mellan 22-23 i radio Österåker. Sen tar tyvärr jobbet över mitt liv, jag fortsätter samla men sprider ingen musik i etern. Jag försöker prata country musik med alla jag träffar, men ingen är intresserad. Jag börjar känna att jag är den enda i Sverige som tycker om den här musiken. 1993 bestämde jag mej för att göra mej av med alltihopa. Sagt och gjort, jag tog min samling och åkte till Skärholmens loppis för att kränga hela samlingen.
Efter en timme på loppis så hade alla som gått förbi fnyst lite när dom såg att det var countryskivor jag sålde. Då helt plötsligt kommer det fram en tjej och säger :wow Country.
Hon köper ett par Alan Jackson, sen frågar hon om jag är med i SCMC. Motfrågan blir
:vad är det? Hon berättar om SCMC och jag får namn och nummer till ”Gurian” som var sekreterare på den tiden. Jag förstod att jag var inte ensam längre. Det fanns fler country fantaster i Sverige. Så jag packade ihop mitt bord och åkte hem. Samlandet fortsatte.
1996 började jag som Country DJ på TOMMYS GRILL OCH PUB i Åkersberga.
En gång i månaden körde vi Country kväll i puben. Succé, det var fullt varje gång, 60 –80 pers. Av någon anledning kom jag i kontakt med Susanne Franke i Urban Cowboys, varför kommer jag inte ihåg just nu, men hur som helst så bjöd vi ut Urban Cowboys för en dans uppvisning. Av någon anledning kom givetvis katastrofen den kvällen. Var var alla? Stackars Franke och kompani fick ha uppvisning för ca 20 personer. Snopet för oss.
Åter igen tog arbetet över min tid, vilket har gjort att jag inte spelat något dom senaste två åren. Men jag läste i Gazetten om en kille som heter Janne Lindgren som har ett radioprogram på radio Lidingö som heter Country Country. Kul. Jag kontaktade Janne och frågade om jag fick gästspela i hans program. : Självklart sa han, snäll som han är. Jag åker till Jannes studio för att spela in ett program. När jag kommer dit så ser jag namnet Country Minstrells, och helt plötsligt så börjar det rulla i huvet på mig. Det var ju i det bandet som min kompis,kompis spelade steelguitar. Då slår det mig att, Country musiken som fick mig att börja lyssna på country 1978, är det Janne Lindgren som har spelat in. Det är hans fel alltihopa. Det är hans fel att jag inte blev kvar i hårdrocken. Det är hans fel att jag bytte DEEP PURPLE mot WILLIE NELSON. Det är hans fel att LED ZEPPELIN, URIA HEEP och BLACK SABBAT blev ratade för JOHNNY CASH; DAVID ALAN COE och KRIS KRISTOFFERSON.
Jag kan bara säga en sak : TACK JANNE. GRATTIS TILL 40 ÅR med bandet.
Tänk vad världen är liten ibland Hasse Buhre
Tack Hasse för de fina raderna! Det känns kul att veta att man hjälpt något på "rätt" spår här i livet!
Ha det så gott så hörs vi på söndag.
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Eländes, elände! Jag åkte på en brakförkylning och blev liggande hela söndagen. Idag måndag är jag åtminstone sittande framför datorn men känner mig rätt risig. Hoppas ni ursäktar denna försening med nyhetsbrevet!
Tack för alla vänliga brev jag fått under veckan. Kul att ni engagerar er som t ex det där med Cash och hans kopior. Läs de festliga breven nedan. Ha en fin vecka!
En snuvig Janne Lindgren
My dad used to sing a song about "That's What It's Like To Be Lonesome." He
said it was played on the radio back in the late 50's. Do you know the name of
the singer?
Answer: "That's What It's Like To Be Lonesome" was Bill Anderson's
first chart single, and peaked at #12 in 1959. It was also a # 7 hit for Ray
Price that same year and peaked at # 58 for Cal Smith in 1971.
Versionen med Ray Price är min favorit! JL.
Orlando, Florida – Michelle Nixon & Drive will be honored guests by the city of Harlan, Kentucky on Saturday, February 21, 2004. They will be presented keys to the city of Harlan as well as be made honorary coal miners. All this is in a welcomed response to the success of Michelle’s debut single release, Harlan, written by Tom T. and Dixie Hall.
Michelle Nixon and Drive released their debut album on Pinecastle Records in August 2003, and since have seen it appear on the bluegrass album charts survey and their first single release, Harlan, is currently at #11 on the Top Bluegrass Singles chart (as of February 2004) and continues its push to the No. 1 spot!
Since the release of their debut project, Michelle Nixon and Drive have quickly gained attention from radio stations, newspapers, show promoters, internet sites, and television stations all across the US, Canada and various international countries. They were chosen as one of the Top Albums of the year by CMT and will be featured on CMT.com’s website this Spring in their New Voices, No Cover section. Michelle is also nominated for various awards in 2004. What a great way to start off the year!
If you’re in the immediate area on February 21, be sure to catch Michelle at her in-store performance at Wal-Mart and then for her show and award ceremony later that evening!
Hej Janne!
Kul att läsa Hasse Buhres berättelse i ditt nyhetsbrev. Jag hade ingen aaaning
om att Hasse var rockare från början. Jag har haft nöjet att lyssna när han
spelat ur sin countrysamling. Bra att han inte hann sälja den på Skärholmen!
Du kan hälsa Hasse att det gick ingen nöd på den lilla grupp ur Urban Cowboys
som var i Åkersberga på Tommy´s Grill med en uppvisning. Vi hade en fin kväll.
Visserligen var det inte så stor publik, men desto mera intresserad. Om jag
minns rätt, var det i första hand hästfolk och de uppskattade att få en privat
show med glada dansare i chaps och cowboyhattar. God mat finns det också hos
Tommy på Grillen i Åkersberga. Hoppas det blir fler countrykvällar där!
Hälsningar från Susanne Franke
My cousin still plays the George Strait hit song, "If you Ain't Lovin-You
Ain't Livin" all the time. I think it was a hit in the 80's. But my uncle says
that song was on the radio back in the 50's. Is that true?
Answer: "If You Ain't Lovin-You Ain't Livin" was a # 1 for George
Strait in 1988 but
first -it was a # 2 hit for Faron Young in 1955.
Låten finns även på Buck Owens sings Tommy Collins från 1963. Kanske en av Bucks bästa plattor någonsin? JL.
ON THIS DATE February 5: Country
Music's Top Tunes Were:
1948 I'll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You in My Arms) - Eddy Arnold
1956 Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford
1964 Begging to You - Marty Robbins
1972 One's on the Way - Loretta Lynn
1980 I'll Be Coming Back for More - T.G. Sheppard
Quantrel" The New King of Western
Hej Janne!
Hjärtligt tack för senaste brevet. Det är alltid lika kul att läsa dem.
Tänk! - efter 40 år kunde jag svara på en countryfråga som inte Du kunde :-)!
Men OK - jag är lite jävig ... men ändå - jag är faktiskt lite stolt - bara så
Du vet!
Mitt svar blir:
Sedan nyår arbetar Roland i mitt företag (Leco) och det är jag naturligtvis
både extra stolt och glad över – dessutom spelar han bas i mitt band med
vilket vi hoppas kunna synas mycket ute till sommaren. Vi repar för närvarande
så att strängarna flyger.
Roland och jag brukar ju alltid utbyta lite countrysnack när vi springer på
varandra här på bygget. Dessutom njuter jag till 110% när han sänder sina
countryprogram på bästa sändningstid över HELA länet på SR P4 mellan klockan
17 och 17.30 måndagar och fredagar - precis den halvtimmen jag brukar köra hem
från jobbet. Hårigt kan Du tro att jobba ihop med en kille på dagarna och
sedan höra honom på radion på väg hem!!
Som Du vet har jag ju gjort några radioprogram för Radio Lidingö och Radio
Hagfors (låt Radio Hagfors vila i frid!). Förresten Janne - glöm aldrig att
jag gärna hoppar in igen om Du behöver! I ett av programmen hade jag "Veckans
kuggfråga" inspirerad av Rolands "Veckans countryfråga". Där spelade jag en
låt av Johnny Sea som jag tyckte faktiskt BÄTTRE om än Johnny Cash på den
tiden Du satt och skruvade på ena av Dina första steel-guitars i gamla stan
och jag sprang omkring med Red Jenkins och jagade plattor. Roland blev kuggad
själv (sade han) och jag kunde glänsa inför honom också :-) Men Roland är ju
inte guru för inte, så han började forska och fann att Johnny Sea gjort tre
eller fyra plattor. Men tyvärr fanns det inte underlag för två Johnny C's på
den tiden så numera är han cowboy i New Mexico (tyckte jag Roland sade). Men
jag kan verkligen rekommendera Johnny Sea - som förresten Red Jenkins stack i
händerna på mig någon gång under mitten av 1960-talet. Jag har en platta om Du
vill låta den. Samma klipp i kompet (om inte bättre) och rösten som sagt
förvillande lik - om inte bättre!
Ha det så gott Janne. Om drygt en vecka far jag till USA. Först skall jag göra
lite affärer för firman i New York, Buffalo och Philadelphia. Sedan åker jag
till Nashville för att träffa Dan Ekbäck och Troy Olsen m.fl. Kanske slänger
jag ihop någon låt med Troy (jag släpper snart en singel på en låt vi gjorde
tillsammans förra sommaren). Sedan blir det två långa, härliga veckor hos
lilla Angela i Tucson, Arizona. Där skall jag ligga vid poolen hela dagarna
jobba på min kommande fullängdare (snacka om bättre inspirationsmiljö!). På
kvällarna skall jag ut och plöja på Honky Tonks med henne - och på hennes
Vi hörs och tack
ännu en gång för alla härliga nyhetsbrev!
Hjärtligaste hälsningar
Hej Janne och tack för nyhetsbreven.
Men skärpning Janne, den snubben dom frågade efter som liknade Johnny Cash är
givetvis Johnny Sea, kallar sej också Johnny Seay. Jag har två CDR med honom i lager
"Stranger" 28 låtar och "Live at the Bitter End 19 låtar, dessutom har Hillbilly Resque Team
två "The legendary singles" 2 cd 43 låtar och "The world of a country boy" 23 låtar.
När jag gifte mej 1967 fick jag ett telegram från en viss Janne Lindgren "The day of decision"
det är titeln på en av Johnny Seas lp. Ganska kul gamla minnen.
Roland Turesson på radio Halland har säkert köpt just dessa cd från mej.
Jaha ni gubbar, där fick jag er allt att vakna upp ur edra hålor! Men det var omedvetet från min sida eftersom Alzheimers säkert har drabbat mig. Inte lätt att hålla reda på alla Cash-kopior. De är ju nästan lika många som de tokiga Elviskopiorna! Men mycket tack för att ni alla hjälper mig då jag är ute och cyklar, det är väl så det ska vara i mitt nyhetsbrev! Mailadressen till Rune är: r.krongardh@chello.se och han har ett stort lager av countryplattor till försäljning. JL.
God morgon Janne,
Tänkte komma med ett tips som kanske alla redan vet.
Om man har Canal Digital så finns det ett antal kanaler som bara spelar musik, ingen bild.
Kanal 160 är countrykanal och det är country från 40-talet och framåt.
Jag satt hemma och jobbade igår och hade TV:n på hela tiden.
Rätt trevligt.
Ha de'
Tack för det Micke! Säkert har
många digitalkanaler numera. Det har jag själv med enda anledningen till att
jag då kan se Premier League (engelsk fotboll). Sån tok är jag!
Tack också Lena
Karlsson i Hagfors för de 200 kronor du sände till Radio Lidingö. Vi är mycket
tacksamma för alla bidrag från lyssnare vi kan få. Dessvärre kan du inte höra
våra direktsändningar, men jag lovar att på något sätt skicka/lämna dig en
tape med mitt program. Finns det andra som vill sända in bidrag så är
postgironumret 111 222 – 6
vanligt går programmet Country, Country Music varje tisdag 20.00 med repris på
lördagar 15.00
Ett kanonprogram (om jag får säga det själv!) Och vem kan hindra mig?
Big Hand Saloon på Muddy Waters i
Oslo kör country i kväll 9 februari. Ottar Johansen och Tore Andersen är bl a
där och underhåller. Showtime 22.00 JL.
Tänkte berätta att vi var på TV inspelning i går kväll.
Pianisten Micke Muster gjorde en show som spelades in.
Det skall bli en DVD av det hela.
Härligt sväng, flygel, 2 gitarrer, trummor och bas.
Inga onödiga syntar.
Linda Gail Lewis klev upp på scen som gästartist och gjorde ett par duetter med Micke.
Efter paus med räkmacka och öl bars ytterligare en flygel upp på scen så Linda fick en egen.
Två riktigt bra Countryduetter framfördes, Together Again och Crazy Arms.
En annan klassiker som satt som en kall pilsner en varm sommardag var Bonnie B.
Vi var 160 personer i studiopubliken som blev instruerade att applådera duktigt och det var absolut inga problem att sköta den uppgiften.
En rolig torsdagskväll i Ljungby och trots en sen kväll kändes det lätt att gå till jobbet idag.
Ha de'
Johnny Cash, Wife Win Posthumous Grammys
Posted by By Dean Goodman / YAHOO NEWS on February 08, 2004 at 20:24:31:
By Dean Goodman
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Late country music icon Johnny Cash (news) won a Grammy Award on Sunday for a heartbreaking video clip that served as a nostalgic farewell to his fans.
His wife, June Carter Cash (news), who died just a few months before he did last year, also won a Grammy, in the traditional folk album category. Both awards were accepted on their behalf by their only son, John Carter Cash.
Cash's clip for "Hurt," filmed at his home north of Nashville less than a year
before he died last September, won the Grammy for best short form video, the
first prize announced during the non-televised portion of the ceremony.
A funereal tune about depression written in 1994 by Trent Reznor (news) of
hard rock band Nine Inch Nails, "Hurt" was covered by Cash on his last album,
"The Man Comes Around," which has sold more than one million copies in the
United States.
"My father, he can take any song and make it his own," John Carter Cash said.
"To take a song of such gut-wrenching potential and strength and fear and not
lose his dignity is amazing."
June Carter Cash died in May, before the release of her third solo album,
"Wildwood Flower." Her son said she was able to hear the recording and review
the artwork for the album, which he described as "a real labor of love."
His mother's cover of the Carter Family's "Keep on the Sunny Side" was
nominated for female country vocal performance. The Cashes were also nominated
for their duet on "Temptation," a contender for the country collaboration with
vocals category.
Johnny Cash already had 11 Grammys (news - web sites), including two he shared
with June Carter Cash. She won a Grammy in her own name for her 1999 solo
album, "Press On."
Filmed by director Mark Romanek in October 2002, the clip shows the frail,
white-haired "Man in Black" sitting at a table at his Hendersonville, Tenn.
home while June worriedly looks at him from a nearby staircase. Some scenes
were shot at Cash's nearby flood-damaged museum, complete with broken
artifacts such as a shattered gold record.
The video includes old footage from Cash's hellraising glory days, including a
jailhouse performance at San Quentin in the late 1960s.
Despite airing only once on MTV before his death, the clip picked up six
nominations at the music cable channel's annual Video Music Awards last year.
In a major snub, it won just one prize, for cinematography, and Cash died 15
days later, on Sept. 12.
One of the greats of country music was born 90 years ago tomorrow near Crisp, Texas
Posted by TWANGTOWNUSA.COM on February 08, 2004 at 11:39:53:
Profile America -- One of the greats of country music was born 90 years ago tomorrow near Crisp, Texas -- Ernest Tubb. An early fan of Jimmie Rodgers, he was forced to create his own style after a tonsillectomy stopped him from yodeling. In his lifetime, he chalked up 91 country hits. His biggest was the million seller, Walking The Floor Over You. Tubb's fame was such that he headlined the first ever country music performance in Carnegie Hall, and he was the sixth person inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Today, country music is a major entertainment force. It is one of the leading formats on radio and accounts for 11 percent of annual recording sales, just under rhythm and blues. You can find these and more facts about America from the U.S. Census Bureau on the Web at http://www.census.gov.
Ernest Tubb var en stor artist och hjälpte även många nykomlingar till framgång som t ex Cal Smith och Jack Greene. Nedan en nyligen publicerad artikel om min stora favorit Buck Owens. Jag minns då vi med ett gäng på 60-talet åkte ända till Oslo för att se hans shower. En upplevelse utöver det vanliga. 60 mil dit, två shower, hem igen i natten. Jag körde! JL.
Owens still gets a kick out of playing, touring
Posted by By Paul Freeman / ContraCosta Times on February 07, 2004 at 21:16:08:
By Paul Freeman
"Music is too darn perfect today," country music legend Buck Owens is saying over the phone. "Come out to the show. I promise you, it won't be too perfect."
Owens' promise, referring to his concert Saturday at Bimbo's in San Francisco, is followed by the music icon's trademark guffaw. For half a century, he's been infusing country music with his aw-shucks humor, whether onstage or on TV's "Hee Haw," and he's not about to stop now.
But behind the laughs, Owens has made a lasting impact on the country scene, with his no-frills, energetic, exuberant Bakersfield sound exhibited in such hits as "Act Naturally," "Love's Gonna Live Here," "I've Got a Tiger By the Tail" and "Cryin' Time." He'll uncork many of his best-known numbers Saturday in what Owens says is a return to one of his favorite concert venues.
"I love the atmosphere there," he says. "The audiences come to have fun and whoop and holler. My favorite audiences always have been and always will be in the Bay Area. They're the most diverse, and they're into the music."
Owens recalls when he was a regular in the Bay Area around 1960, playing clubs such as Dick's Tower in South San Francisco, the 5 High Club in Salinas, the Black Saddle in Oakland, the 1440 Club in San Jose and a venue (the name of which he can't recall) in Richmond.
"And on Saturday night, I'd always try to play at that big dance hall in Napa, the Dream Bowl," he adds. Sometimes he'd play a spot six nights in a row, charging no more than a buck or two a night. "Paid for the band, anyway," he says.
At 74 and a music legend, Owens no longer needs to hit the road. But he still does it every now and then for kicks.
"It's still fun for me," he says. "If it wasn't, I wouldn't play." For Owens, life on the road was always a treat, certainly easier than picking cotton, which the Texas native did throughout his early years.
"I was part of the 'Grapes of Wrath' migration to California, only we didn't get to California. We broke down in Arizona and decided to stay a while."
Owens discovered music at an early age and decided that picking guitar might keep him from having to pick crops in the searing sun. He was under age when he began performing in clubs. "I had to stay on the bandstand," he recalls. "If I went to the bathroom, they had somebody go with me. I remember the first time I got inside a honky-tonk. It was cool in the summertime, warm in the winter. I said, 'This has got to be the way.'"
Owens developed a band that was eventually dubbed the Buckaroos by another future country legend, Merle Haggard, who briefly played bass in the group. Owens' sound developed from a unique blend of influences. "My hard-driving Bakersfield sound came from a combination of Bob Wills' Western swing and Little Richard," says Owens. "Bob Wills took the big-band swing music and used it on country-western songs. The Little Richard stuff hurried you. When you sing a Little Richard song, you're always in a hurry -- or you better be."
Armed with a $30 Fender Telecaster, Owens put a harder edge into his Bakersfield sound and racked up a string of 30 No. 1 singles, beginning with 1963's "Act Naturally." "It was an unbelievable thing. I wasn't trying to pick No. 1 songs. I was picking songs that I liked. I guess somebody was looking after me. I recorded that Chuck Berry song, 'Johnny B. Goode.' They said, 'Buck, that's a rock 'n' roll song, you can't put that out.' It also made No. 1," he says with a laugh.
Owens became a true rock crossover when Creedence Clearwater Revival put the line "listenin' to Buck Owens" in their hit "Lookin' Out My Back Door." Owens' songs were covered by the Beatles, Barbra Streisand and Ray Charles.
"You don't dream of that, those all-market world artists recording your songs. That's too big of a dream. Ray Charles did 10 of my songs! I had the pleasure of asking him one time, at an event about five years ago in L.A., how did it happen that he recorded so many of my songs? He said, 'How did it happen? I heard 'em, I liked 'em, and I sang 'em.'"
Around 1980, during the "Urban Cowboy" era, Owens quit the music business but was lured back in by Dwight Yoakum, a longtime fan, in 1988. The two recorded a duet, "Streets of Bakersfield," which, of course, went No. 1. It was Owens' first chart-topper in 16 years.
Nowadays, Owens still draws fans who share his passion for real rockin' country music.
"My favorite music is old-time country and old-time rock 'n' roll," he says. "I like Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash. There's no bull there. Turn on the microphone and get out of the way. That's when it was fun."
Owens says there is very little that he would change about his life or career. "I got through it all without ever being hooked on drugs or hooked on alcohol. My biggest problem has always been trying to have too many women at the same time. That can get a little hairy."
Då fick ni allt lite att läsa under veckan. Vi hörs på torsdag!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Torsdag morgon och svidande kallt i Stockholm idag! Som tur är sitter man skönt vid datorn eller för det mesta nere i studion och spelar in musik. Livet leker!
Här lite nyheter från glada läsare och förstås en hel del info från andra sidan pölen!
Janne Lindgren
Tack för de upplysningarna
Jenkins. Kul att vi får lite inside information i nyhetsbladet! Jag kan
berätta för dig att Ben Olander är en flitig och aktiv mailskrivare både till
det här nyhetsbrevet och till mig privat. Men du är ju ny som "prenumerant" så
det kunde du ju inte veta! Jag tar tacksamt emot alla intressanta saker du
snappar upp under dina många resor till USA. Glen Rose ligger förresten strax
sydväst om Fort Worth så att inte du och Gunilla åker vilse då ni kommer till
Texas! JL.
Question: My mom has an old recording of a song titled “Crying In The Chapel.” My dad says it was a hit for Rex Allen back in the 50’s-but my uncle says it was a hit for some other singer? Do you have any information?
Answer: “Crying In The Chapel” was a # 4 hit for both Rex Allen and Darrell Glenn—both in 1953.
The song was also a # 3 pop hit for Elvis Presley in 1965.
Longhorn Tungelsta Linedance har öppna danser på fredagar kl. 19.00 – 23.00 Danserna är följande datum, 20/2 – 26/3 – 23/4 – 28/5 Sen gäller det bara att ta sig till lokalen "Mittpunkten" var den nu kan tänkas ligga? Jag vet var Eiffeltornet i Paris ligger men "Mittpunkten"?! Never heard about it! JL.
Hei igjen Janne !
Det har vært en stund siden jeg har hatt noe å bidra med. Men her kommer det siste jeg har fått nyss om.
Lillian Askeland & Countrysnakes
Lillian Askeland er igjen aktuell for Country Norge og klar for å ta tilbake den gamle "Countrydronning" statusen her i landet. Etter et avbrudd på nesten 15 år.
Alle kjenner vel igjen henner fra tv programmet "Landhandelen" på slutten av 70-tallet og begynnelsen av 80-tallet. Der var Lillian og Countrysnakes fast husband. Det er få Countryartister i Norden som kan skryte av å ha solgt nær 1 million plater. Hun har hele 14 solo album å se tilbake på idag.
I den siste tiden har Lillian & Bandet øvet inn et solid repertoar bestående av "gamle kjente" og nye låter. De er nå konsert klare og skal snart debutere.
web side: http://www.countrysnakes.com/main.htm
skrevet av Steff Nevers
De som har lyst til å SE & HØRE Lillian Askeland & Countrysnakes igjen har nå muligheten til det.
Dette foregår i :
Rådhusteateret i Ski fredag 20. februar. Entré Kr. 150,-
Det vil dessuten bli litt / noe opptreden av CROWTOWN med noen utvalgte låter. Dette er en av Norges største Country pop/rock band.
web side: http://www.crowtown.no/
Steff Nevers
One of country music's biggest hits of 1941 winds up being saluted in a 1988
hit song-and unintentionally? Strange but true!
Vern Gosdin's 1988 number one "Set'em Up Joe" was written by Hank Cochran,
Vern Gosdin, Dean Dillon and Buddy Cannon.
Cannon said, "Set'em Up Joe" was written while we were all sittin' around
the fireplace in Hank Cochran's cabin on the Little Pigeon River in
Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Vern, Dean, and I had gone up there to visit Hank
and to write some songs for Vern's next album. We wrote about a dozen songs
while we were there."
"It was during one of those days when we were there around the
fireplace-trying to come up with an idea for a song. All at once, Dean
Dillon just spouted off the first two lines of that song and it just started
It probably took about an hour to write that song!"
Dean Dillon added, "It wasn't planed that way-but the song sort of turned
into a salute to Ernest Tubb and his 1941 hit , "Walkin' The Floor Over
You." All four of us were great admirers of Ernest. He was a true country
music pioneer."
"Set'em Up Joe" entered the country music charts April 9th, 1988 and was in
the number one slot the week of July 23rd.
The session was produced by Bob Montgomery.
The song was Gosdin's 29th chart single and his second number one.
It was on the charts for 22 weeks.
ARTIST NEWS (Nyheter direkt från Danne Ekbäck i Nashville)
Both songs that Alison Krauss performed in the film Cold
Mountain, “Scarlet Tide” and “My Ain True Love” are nominated for Best
Original Song in a Motion Picture. Krauss has been making the Hollywood rounds
lately. She was sitting at the Cold Mountain table with Sting at
the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night (Jan. 25) and performed the nominated
songs at the Miramax/Vanity Fair Golden Globes party. This evening (Jan. 27)
she appears on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno...
Patty Loveless will perform her hit ballad "On Your Way Home" on the
Wayne Brady Show on Feb. 11...
Toby Keith recently had to add a second show in Maine when the first
one sold out in two minutes and 45 seconds. The second concert also sold out.
Also, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry from Aerosmith have been
added to Toby Keith's Shock 'N Y'all Super Bowl Party: A CMT Crossroads
Special, premiering live on CMT on Jan. 31...
Montgomery Gentry's song "Speed" was used predominately throughout the
Discovery Channel's Gold Star Racing series, which follows the sport of
young go-kart racers...
Lonestar will launch the second leg of their Acoustic On The Front
Porch Tour on Feb. 5. The 14-city tour will launch in Fredericksburg, Va.
Jimmy Wayne (“I Love You This Much”) will open select dates on the
Rick Trevino has been invited to perform at the official NARAS Post
Grammy party at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles on Feb. 8...
Christian artist Rebecca St. James will be the guest speaker of the
White House on Feb. 12. She will speak to The White House Christian
Fellowship—a weekly meeting of White House staff...
Rhett Akins, Chad Brock, Daryle Singletary and David Kersh are
the performers in the 2004 edition of the The Honky Tonk Tailgate Party
concert series...
Sherrié Austin filmed the video for “Drivin’ Into the Sun,” the second
single from her current CD, Streets of Heaven, this past weekend at
Jekyll Island, Ga...
The 11th Annual McReynolds Memorial Concert takes place at the Gallatin Civic
Center on Feb. 5. Established as the Grand Ole Opry Bluegrass Spectacular, the
annual event also became known as the Keith McReynolds Fund Benefit
Concert in recognition of Jesse McReynolds' (of Jim & Jesse
fame) son, who died Feb. 2, 2000, at the age of 44, after a long struggle with
multiple sclerosis. This year’s event also honors Bobby Thompson, banjo
player for Jim & Jesse’s Virginia Boys band and cast member of the Hee-Haw
TV show. He was stricken with MS in 1985 and was forced to retire from music
in 1987. For more info on the event call 615-452-7321...
Tim McGraw
performed at "Bud Bowl" to over 26,000 fans at Minute Maid Park in Houston
this past Saturday night (Jan. 31), the eve of Super Bowl XXXVIII. Tickets to
the 90-minute concert were supplied free to the public by McGraw's long-time
tour sponsor Bud Light...
Kenny Chesney will appear on Jimmy Kimmel this
Friday (Feb. 6) and The Late Show With Conan O'Brien on Feb.
The February 2004 issue of InStyle features a four-page layout of
Brad Paisley's wedding last year to actress Kimberly Williams-Paisley.
Also, Paisley will be in New Orleans on Feb. 23 as the Celebrity Monarch
for the 2004 Krewe of Orpheus Mardi Gras Parade. The Krewe was founded by
Harry Connick, Jr. in 1993…
Neal McCoy's childhood hometown of Jacksonville, Texas has proclaimed
February 4th as Neal McCoy Day to coincide Lon Morris College's homecoming and
150th Anniversary Celebration. McCoy, a Lon Morris alumnus, will receive the
college's highest honor, the President's Award, presented for those who have
distinguished themselves in their careers and in community service…
Napster.com has made four exclusive live Blake Shelton tracks available
to the service’s users. The songs, “Playboys of the Southwestern World,” “Ol’
Red,” “The Baby” and “All Over Me,” were recorded live during an October visit
to the Napster studios…
Hei igjen Janne !
I går gikk turen for meg og bassisten i bandet mitt til Oslo for å oppleve Ottar "Big hand" Johansen's Western Saloon. Heldigvis bor vi bare 4 mil unna og turen fra Drammen tar under 1 time.
Western Saloon fant sted på smale og lange "Muddy Waters". Dette er et velkjent utested for Blues musikken og dens røtter. T.o.m. tilholdssted for Oslo's Bluesklubb. Lokalet ligger i gaten som heter "Grensen" og er paralellgaten til "Karl Johan". Dette er rimelig midt i sentrum.
Ganske så nøyaktig kl.22.00 startet showet. Og de kjørte på med 2 sett som varte mye lengere enn 2 vanlige sett vanligvis gjør. Dette var til stor glede for oss iallefall.
Oppslutningen rundt dette var ikke det beste vi har sett, men stemningen var god. Her kommer det sikkert mye folk etterhvert.
Ottar "Big hand" Johansen hadde med seg gjeste artister som Tone Holen (flott kvinnelig country stemme), Egil "Gille" Larsen (tro kopi av Waylon Jennings) og Tofte.
Repertoaret var en god blanding av det kjente og litt eget stoff. Vi fikk høre gamle Bucks store slager "Close up the Honky-Tonks", Alan Jackson's versjon av "Mercury Blues" som så mange andre også spiller. "Will the circle be unbroken" som de avsluttet med, "When I die (I may not go to heaven)" og mange andre kjente.
Det som kanskje imponerte oss mest var Steel gitaristen "Henning" fra Hedmarken. Et råskinn uten like men likevel bare 27 år gammel.
Her har vi kapret oss en god steel gitarist på vår kommende plate. (jippi)
Ellers stiftet vi godt bekjentskap med Ottar, Egil "Gille" Larsen og de andre i bandet. Det er ikke umulig dere får se meg på scenen der neste gang.
Neste begivenhet av Western saloon på "Muddy Waters" er Mandag 1. mars. Møt opp de som kan.
web side: http://www.muddywaters.no/
Nei, nå er det på tide å støvsuge huset.
Steff Nevers
mail: steff@steffnevers.com
Tack Steff för den härliga rapporten från Oslos nattliv! Verkligen kul att country-musiken har fått ett ställe där som tycks fungera. Attan att det är så många mil mellan Stockholm och Oslo annars hade jag varit där ofta. Men om någon ändå funderar på att åka till Oslo från Sthlm så är det bara att kolla in sidorna www.norwegian.no Ett nystartat lågprisflyg som kostar 700:- enkel resa. Kan de va nåt?
Din rapport är lysande och jag skulle önska att countryfolk här i Sverige vore lika alerta som du Steff. Här får jag inte ens förhandsrapport från banden då de är ute och spelar i Stockholm, trots att det är så otroligt enkelt att sända mig ett email. Undantaget var Uffe Sterling i Rankarna som tipsade om deras senaste gig. Men en del band kanske inte vill att det ska komma folk till deras framträdanden. Kan det vara så? JL.
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ÖVER 600 METER med SKIVDISK - Ett gigantiskt utbud! Entré 40kr.
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sunjay@sunjay.se Internet:
i Valhalla Sporthall, GÖTEBORG, Lördag 28 FEBRUARI kl 11-16.00
500 METER med SKIVDISK - Ett gigantiskt utbud! Entré 40kr.
i Valhall SKÖVDE - Söndag 29 FEBRUARI kl 11-15
Info: SUNJAY tel 0513-12345 epost:
sunjay@sunjay.se Internet:
Självklart Johnny, jag nämner alltid skivmässorna eftersom vi
countryälskare kan göra många fynd där! JL.
Terri Clark Passes On Playboy
Posted by Barry A. Jeckell / Billboard on February 11, 2004 at 16:46:28:
After much consideration, Terri Clark has passed on the opportunity to pose
nude for Playboy. "On one hand, that felt terribly empowering for me as a
woman, as a symbol of every woman who's not a size 2 or 4," the country artist
says in a statement about the offer to appear on the cover of the magazine's
May music issue.
Orlando, Florida - Pinecastle Recording artists, Jesse McReynolds and The Virginia Boys are set to release their latest project, New Horizons in 2004.
New Horizons is the newest release in a long line of noteworthy material from the world-renowned and highly honored Jesse McReynolds and The Virginia Boys. This is the band's first release since the passing of Jim (Jesse's brother) in December 2002.
New Horizons encompasses traditional bluegrass tunes such as Faded Love and There's More Pretty Girls Than One to original compositions by Jesse, like, The Anniversary Song, and America on Bended Knees. She's Looking Good features the vocal harmonies of Charles Whitstein (formerly of the Whitstein Brothers) and Jesse, assuring us the traditional 'Jim and Jesse sound' is still alive and well. Carrying on the nearly six-decade tradition of Jim and Jesse's style of bluegrass and country music, Jesse and The Virginia Boys join to produce one of the best bluegrass releases to date.
"With this being my first effort alone, I searched through a lot of songs, trying to find something that would fit my style of singing and be a little bit different. I hope I have come up with something that everyone will take a liking to," states Jesse on his thoughts concerning New Horizons and the direction he and the band continue to take. Jesse and The Virginia Boys are maintaining a strong touring schedule across the US and continue to appear regularly on the Grand Ole Opry.
During the year of 2004, Jesse will be celebrating his 40th anniversary as a member of the esteemed, world-famous, Grand Ole Opry.
Det var allt för den här gången, men…….. förhoppningsvis är jag tillbaka söndag eftermiddag med fler nyheter och lite annat smått och gott. Till dess kan väl ni ha det gott!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Här är jag igen med massor av nyheter! Ha en fortsatt trevlig söndag och ny vecka!
Hej Janne!
En liten rapport från klubbträffen i fredags. Kärntruppen var där och lyssnade och njöt. Angela Ledin på scenen och vi fick höra både nyskrivet, gamla godingar och covers. Helt klart drog hennes egen "Sweet love" ner mest applåder.
Fler bilder finns att beskåda på hemsidan http://www.bigrivercc.com/ .
En lite bild på Angela och Björn, som numer finns med som stöd på scenen. Återväxten är också tryggad i familjen, då 15 årige sonen gjorde ett fint gästspel under kvällen och jag tror han drog ner kvällens längsta applåd. Mamma och Pappa log stolt.
Ha det gott!!
Lena Big River CC
Speedzone bjuder till årets första
countryjam på Railway Saloon i Sundsvall tidag 17 feb. 19.00
Countryhelg på saloonen blir det senare i vår 26-27 mars med bl.a.
Northernlight, Cross-country och Hazard eventuellt någon fler, mer om det
Hello from Nashville, Tennessee;
I would like to invite all you fans of Traditional Country Music to come out and see me this summer in Duved, Norway and Robertsfors, Sweden where I will be singing at their Festivals in (July, 2004) I hope to meet a lot of you there.
I would like to think all the D.J.'s that have supported my music in your area.
If you are not familiar with my music it is very traditional country. You can click here
to listen to Lo-Fi samples from my new CD "Somebody's Angel.
If you would like to Purchase my CD's and can't find them in your area you can go to http://www.cdbaby.com/group/westwood I have 2 CD's Available
"Honky Tonk Heaven" http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/erinhay and the new one
"Somebody's Angel" http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/erinhay3
There is another CD named "THE CIRCLE" but it is not available at this time. Out Of Print until later this summer.
I would also like to invite you to visit my Website at http://www.ErinHay.com and read my Biography, Reviews Etc! andd I hope you will take the time to sign my GUESTBOOK.
I am looking forward to meeting you this summer and remember "When It's Too Country For Everyone Else, It's Just Right For Me"
See Ya
Erin Hay
E Mail me at ErinHay2002@yahoo.com
"Happy Birthday Moe Bandy...!!!"
Posted by TWANGTOWNUSA.COM on February 12, 2004 at 08:35:26:
Born Feb 12, 1944 in Meridan, MS
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Moe Bandy was one of the most popular country singers of the 1970s, turning
out a series of hits in the latter half of the decade that made many fans and
critics believe he was one of the great honky tonk singers. Bandy's songs
never strayed far from the traditional barroom fare — delivered with a knowing
sense of humor, loving, cheating, drinking, and patriotic songs form the core
of his repertoire. Throughout the late '70s and early '80s, the singer racked
up hits. His audience declined somewhat a decade after his career took off,
yet he has remained a popular favorite through his theater in Branson, MO.
Bandy was born in Meridian, MS, the birthplace of Jimmie Rodgers. In fact,
Bandy's grandfather worked with Rodgers on the railroad, so it's no surprise
that the singer first fell in love with country music through the Jimmie
Rodgers records that were around his house, as well as the Hank Williams
albums. Bandy's family moved to San Antonio, TX, when he was six. During high
school, he was a rodeo rider, but his career came to a halt once he suffered
too many injuries. Once he left school, Bandy was a sheet metal worker,
singing in country nightclubs at night. He landed a one-record deal with Satin
Records in 1964. The label released Bandy's original song "Lonely Lady," but
the record made no impact. Nevertheless, he continued to perform at night in
various Texas honky tonks.
In 1972, Bandy met record producer Ray Baker on a hunting trip and convinced him to listen to some demo tapes he had made. Provided that Moe could pay for the recording sessions, Baker agreed to produce the singer. Excited by his new prospect, Bandy pawned his furniture and financed a session. Once they were released, the records went nowhere. The following year, the singer took out a loan to pay for another recording date. "I Just Started Hatin' Cheatin' Songs Today" was the result of this session, and Baker released the single on Footprint Records, manufacturing only 500 copies. Unlike Bandy's previous records, the single began to sell. GRC acquired the rights to the record and released it nationally; it eventually became a Top 20 hit. Nevertheless, Bandy kept his job as a sheet metal worker, uncertain of the end result of his taste of success.
Bandy followed "I Just Started Hatin' Cheatin' Songs Today" with several singles on GRC, including the Top Ten hits "It Was So Easy to Find an Unhappy Woman" (1974) and "Bandy the Rodeo Clown" (1975), which was written by Lefty Frizzell and Whitey Shafer. Bandy signed with Columbia Records in 1975, keeping Baker as a producer. "Hank Williams You Changed My Life," his first single for the label, was an instant number three hit, leading to his Most Promising Male Vocalist award from the Academy of Country Music. Bandy's string of hit singles in 1976 — including "Here I Am Drunk Again" and "She Took More Than Her Share" — confirmed that he was one of the most popular singers of the latter half of the decade. The following two years were equally successful for the singer, as he had hits with "I'm Sorry for You My Friend," "Cowboys Aren't Supposed to Cry," "She Just Loved the Cheatin' Out of Me," "That's What Makes the Jukebox Play," and "Two Lonely People."
Bandy's career reached a peak in 1979. During that year, he teamed up with Janie Fricke in 1979 for "It's a Cheatin' Situation." The song became a number three hit and won the Song of the Year award from the ACM. Bandy had another successful duet that year with Joe Stampley. The pair released Just Good Ol' Boys, which became one of the most popular albums of the year, spawning the number one title track and the Top Ten "Holding the Bag." Like his pairing with Fricke, the duet with Stampley was an award-winning combination, as the duo won the Country Music Association's Duet of the Year and the ACM's Duo of the Year awards in 1980. Bandy also had a pair of major solo hits with the number one "I Cheated Me Right Out of Her" and the Top Ten "Barstool Mountain."
During 1980, Moe Bandy's winning streak continued with the Top Ten hits "Yesterday Once More" and "Following the Feeling," a duet with Judy Bailey. Bandy teamed up Stampley again in 1981, which proved as successful as the duo's first outing. The pair again reached the Top Ten with "Hey Moe Hey Joe" and charted with "Honky Tonk Queen." With "My Woman Loves the Devil Out of Me" and "Rodeo Romeo," Bandy had a pair of solo hits the same year. For the next two years, he regularly charted in the Top 20, both as a solo act and with various duet partners, including Becky Hobbs on the Top Ten 1983 hit "Let's Get Over Them Together." However, none of his songs caused the sensation of "Where's the Dress," a parody of Culture Club's Boy George recorded with Stampley. Although Boy George sued the duo, the song was a major hit, winning an award for Best Country Video from the America Video Awards and the New York Film Festival.
Moe Bandy switched record labels in 1986, signing with MCA/Curb. Not only did he change labels, he changed producers, abandoning his old collaborator, Ray Baker, for Jerry Kennedy. Appropriately, the sound of the singer's records changed as well. No longer were they modern-day honky tonk; they were slicker and more pop-oriented. Ironically, the change in sound didn't bring about more commercial success. For a brief time, Bandy continued to have Top Ten hits, including "Till I'm Too Old to Die Young" (1987) and "Americana" (1988), which became presidential candidate George Bush's campaign theme song; Bandy played Bush's Presidential Inauguration, as well as playing the White House twice in 1989. However, he wasn't faring as well on the country charts. His albums became increasingly safer and smoother, yet they failed to reach the peaks of his rowdier early material.
Bandy opened the Moe Bandy Americana Theatre in 1991, becoming one of many country performers to establish themselves in Branson, MO. Bandy frequently performs in the 900-seat venue with his Americana Band. His theater has been more popular than his records in the '90s and '00s, but for a time in the late '70s and early '80s he was one of the most popular and exciting singers recording.
Hej Janne,
Endelig sker det - efter mere end 35 år som inkarneret country music fan, skal jeg for første gang besøge det forjættede land - USA. Jeg og en musikven, som jeg har kend i 25 år, rejser i april, først 4 dage i Austin, hvor vi skal opleve Roger Wallace, Justin Trevino, The Cornell Hurd Band, Dale Watson og Jake Hooker. Efter Austin op til Nashville, hvor planen er The Grand Ole Opry, The Midnight Jamboree, Ernest Tubb Record Shop, Country Music Hall of Fame, The Time Jumpers (John Hughey på steel), besøg i pladestudio, Tootsie's og måske endnu engang The Opry. Vi har kontakt med T. Jay Christian i Nashville og Howard Kalish (fiddleplayer hos Cornell Hurd) i Austin, men ta'r gerne imod gode råd og tips fra jer der har været der før - f.eks. Jenkins.
Med Venlig Hilsen
Per Kammersgaard
Country Highway
Grattis till resan Per! Du kommer säkert att få en fin upplevelse. Austin är fantastiskt och Nashville detsamma. Eftersom du har så bra kontakter i respektive stad så kommer du nog inte att missa så mycket. Men försök att planera in ett besök i Fort Worth och Stockyard, det är bara ett MÅSTE du då är i Texas. Med tanke på att du är i Austin, bara 3 timmars bilkörning från Stockyard så vore det synd att missa detta. T. Jay vet vad som pågår i Nashville då du besöker staden så jag ser ytterligare tips som onödiga.
I nästa nummer av Kountry Korral
kommer en reseskildring från min senaste resa i Texas. Den kan du läsa och
kanske få ut något intressant av. Men ska du följa den reserutten då
förutsätter det att du hyr en bil. Annars blir det omöjligt! JL.
Hi guys and gals,
The thing that started off as Bobbe's Tips has somewhat turned into Bobbe's
News. The tips are going to keep coming. Today will be the tips first and the
news second.
I'm astounded at how many of you are replacing your big old powerful Peavey
amplifiers with the lighter and smaller, but very loud and great sounding
Peavey Nashville 112 Steel Guitar Amplifiers. The 112 is only a half as
powerful, weights almost half and is almost half as big. The 112 seems to have
created a new trend in steel players and their amplifiers. If you're worried
about living with less power, the Nashville 112 is usually loud and clear
enough for most situations anyway, but if it isn't, then plug a microphone
line directly into the back of the amp which has a balanced line out and run
through the P.A. Drummers all have microphones on their drums anyway and go
through the P.A. so why not you? This leaves you a much smaller package to
transport and still have the same great tone. Many of the great pro steel
players feel this is a trend that's time has come. This amplifier has also
about totally taken over as the amplifier of choice of the studio m! usicians
in Nashville including your's truly.
I'm not saying throw your Peavey Nashville 1000 away as you someday may need
the additional power to peel paint off the wall at a hundred yards but if you
can afford it, have both. If you can only afford one amplifier, the 1000 will
do every job imaginable but if you get a Nashville 112, you will be shocked at
how much you'll be leaving the 1000 home and using the 112.
For players who want more volume and clarity and dependability and still
retain the 112 tone, lightness and size, I install a 12" Black Widow speaker
and in my opinion, this makes this amplifier the greatest all around steel
guitar amplifier ever made by Peavey and probably the best one ever made by
any company ever in it's range and with the discounts you can get from me,
your value will be unbelievable. This is one trend that I'm even following
myself. Call me for my price on a Nashville 112 with the Black Widow
modification that only we do at Steel Guitar Nashville.
Now for the news. Many of you have wished to be informed about how the lawsuit
is progressing. At this point, I have answered the MSA questions on the
deposition. Since everything so far is a matter of public record, a website is
now being built to keep everyone updated. This website will make it easy to
find everything in one place. I feel this will expose the heart and attitude
of the MSA company and also of myself and my company. I appreciate all of you
who have come forward and contacted me with your stories of despair related to
this case. I am happy to hear from anyone willing to add information on this
subject. Anyone who has ever dealt with MSA or myself is welcome to
contribute. By following this lawsuit and watching how it plays out you will
get an education and get to know the reputation of the companies that you as a
customer, are giving your money to. I believe in my right to my own opinion
and in my right to express my own opinion, I am not ! asking anyone here for
charity since I don't believe in taking without giving back, so I ask you
follow the link below and order as many copies of "The Bobbe Seymour Legal
Defense Fund CD" as your heart leads you to.
Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour
Congratulations to
Ryman Auditorium. The
Ryman was named Theatre of
the Year last week in Los Angeles at the 10th Anniversary Pollstar Concert
Industry Awards. The Ryman is the smallest and oldest venue to ever win this
Hei igjen Janne !
Litt Nyheter fra Norwegen.
Her blir det masse å lese. Hehe.
Takker for den gode omtalen i forrige nyhetsbrev. Det er viktig at vi som brenner for Country musikken jobber sammen. Som så mange andre kunne èn vært skikkelig egoistisk og ikke delt noe med noen. Jeg deler gledelig det jeg får vite og det jeg kan med andre. Dette er for å spre budskapen videre og bli mer opplyst på hva som skjer i Country fronten her i landet o.l. Iallefall det jeg får greie på. Jeg veit ikke hvor mange Norske som får dette nyhetsbrevet fra deg, men det er sikkert en del. Dere i Sverige er sikkert mer opplyst nå om hva som skjer her til lands enn det Nordmenn gjør. Hehe. Og det er artig. Synes du gjør en knall bra jobb Janne og det er moro og jobbe i samme retning som deg.
Jeg har kommet ut for masse drit prating om band og mennesker som virkelig gjør et forsøk på å tilføye en god essens til Norges Country miljø. Og det synes jeg er synd. Vi snakker om folk som tror de er på toppen av Country nærings kjeden her. Men det er de ikke og det er viktig at vi ikke gir oss vi som er de virkelige intresserte :-)
Det har noe med at en blir voksen og setter pris på noe som er "ekte". Og det fant jeg i Country musikken. Akkurat nå sitter jeg her å hører på "Hillbilly heaven and Honkytonk hell" med "Kenny Chesney & George Jones". Superbra.
Tekstene er også noe som jeg lytter mye til i Country'en. Mange dritbra varianter og vendinger på humoristiske måter så vel som tragisk. Det er det som gjør musikken så essensiell for meg og min samboer.
Jeg har i det siste vært inne på tanken å få igang en slags organisasjon her i Norge eller Scandinavia som er uavhengig av andre organisasjoner og det som heter "Norsk Country Musikk Forbund" her i landet. Som etter mitt synspunkt er for dårlig.
Jeg er åpen og interessert i og jobbe med andre som kan bidra med hva som helst og som har ideer.
Ideen min i første omgang er å ha en web side som reprensenterer alt og alle innenfor Countrysjangeren. Et Country mekka i scandinavia eller Norge på nett der du kunne bli oppdatert hele tiden om HVEM, HVA, HVOR og NÅR. Intervjuer med band, rapporter, nyheter, countryfestivaler, musikkresusser etc. etc. You name it.
Hvis noen av dere der ute brenner for det samme som meg kan sende meg en mail på steff@steffnevers.com Så kan vi jobbe sammen og det er ikke så mye som skal til. Har allerede en liten testside på nett. Sjekk ute her: http://hstrial-slundemo.homestead.com/index.html
Gi meg tilbakemelding om hva du synes. Gjerne forslag på hva dette skal hete. Forslag mottas på steff@steffnevers.com . Tilbake på hva som skal skjer :
Country Show.
"Boots band", Tingvoll Country Club og Engelbrektson entertainment har gleden av å invitere dere til Countryshow og Linedance.
Lørdag 28. Februar.
Denne Lørdagen blir det countryshow på Bjørnsonhuset i Molde. Det blir dans med to band, CD-lansering med "Boots", linedance-treff, linedace- konkurranse og premiering av beste Cowboy antrekk. Underholdning vil bestå av "Boots" og "Steinar Engelbrektson band". Masse bra danse musikk.
"Boots band" vil presentere sin nye CD "Our Time", som er innspilt i Audio Design Studio og kan love et flott show.
Billetter kan bestilles på - Billettservice: http://www.billettservice.no
- Rica Seilet Hotell tlf. 71 20 35 10
- For info http://www.boots.no
Jubileumsfestival på SKJÅK 2004
I juli 2004 er det nøyaktig 20 år siden Countryfestivalen på SKJÅK ble arrangert for første gang. Det blir i år utrolig mange bra artister. Internasjonale, Utenlandske så vel som Norske.
Den største nyheten er at SKJÅK festivalen skal dele ut NORSK COUNTRYPRIS. En hederspris som en eller flere personer, band eller gruppe kan få. Dette gjelder for de som har gort en unik innsats for Countrymusikken i Norge.
Send mail og stem med en godt begrunnende forslag her: bmabismo@online.no med "emnet" Årets Countrypris.
(P.s ! Håper noen stemmer på meg ? Hint hint. STEFF NEVERS)
Supert at noe slikt skjer. Flott. Kanskje folk blir mer engasjerte.
Hjemmeside til SKJÅK festivalen er: http://www.countrynorway.com/countryen.htm
PAAL ARNESEN slipper CD single !
Paal Arnesen er nå klar til å legge ut på turné med lanseringen av sin nye CD single. "We give all" heter den.
Paal mener Country musikken er på full fart inn igjen blant unge og voksne.
Singlen "We give all". Er produsert og skrevet av Arnt Egil Rånes sammen med og Frode Viken. Disse herrene er mest kjent fra D.D.E.
For mer info, besøk: http://www.paalarnesen.com
Disse opplysningene er hentet fra "Country Nyheter" som er utgitt av "Norsk Country musikk forbund"
Dett var dett for denne gang gamle ørn.
Mvh Steff Nevers
mail: steff@steffnevers
web: http://www.steffnevers.com
Lite trångt på slutet av detta nyhetsbrev, men ha det så gott! Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
God morgon! Hoppas ni alla har det bra i väntan på att våren ska dyka upp. Några grader kallt är det här i Sätra men himlen är mycket vacker. Nästa vecka är det sportlov i Stockholm och det ser lovande ut.
Det är kul då jag får positiva mail angående mina nyhetsbrev och om mitt program på Radio Lidingö. I det här nyhetsbrevet sänder jag med min senaste "play list" så ni alla ser vilken typ av countrymusik jag spelar. Pyret, som skrivit nedanstående mail, är själv radiopratare och har en stor skara lyssnare. Mailadresser till de olika radiostationerna som spelar mycket country i Stockholm hittar ni också i det här nyhetsmailet.
Hej Janne
Vi countryintresserade är mycket
bortskämda i Stockholmsområdet som har så fina countryprogram att lyssna på.
Du Janne på Radio Lidingö 97,8 (tisdagskvällar med repris på lördagar kl 15)
och Göran Adolf på Radio Haninge 98.5 (tisdagar 16.45-18.15)
Då jag själv är programledare märker jag tacksamhet från lyssnarna och ett mycket stort intresse för countrymusiken. Min uppfattning att den tar över stora delar av den annars så populära dansbandsmusiken vad gäller önskningar. Våra lokala radiostationers programledare, som lägger ner många timmars helt ideellt arbete, får ofta betyget att vinna med hästlängder mot vad Sveriges Radio bjuder på. Sug på den karamellen Janne.
Vi andra programledare puffar för era fina program så ofta vi kan.
Vännen Pyret
Uffe Sterling meddelar att bandet Ring Of Fire spelar den 27 februari i
Falun och i Vallentuna den 28 februari.
Bandet spelar rock/blues med lite countryinslag (obs! undertecknads
beskrivning) och är hårdsvängande. CD på gång! JL.
Hei Janne !
Blues og Country må dele !
Spellemannsprisen i Norge i år må kategoriene "Blues" og "Country" konkurrere mot hverandre. Spellemannskomiteen har funnet ut de skulle slå to fluer i en smekk.
Skjønt at dette kom overraskende for oss.
I spellemannsammenheng er "Jazz" og "Rock" fredet og får stå i fred som egne kategorier.
Uansett er dette bedre enn ingenting for oss som digger Country musikk. Da country har gått under "Roots" sjangerern i ca. 10 år nå. Og det kan være så mangt.
"Country" fortjener en egen kategori og det gjør "Blues'en" også. Dette er to vidt forskjellige stilarter.
Men, vi er på vei til å bli respektert mer og mer. Og det skal bli spennende å følge utviklingen.
skrevet av Steff Nevers
mail: steff@steffnevers.com
Web: http://www.steffnevers.com
I Sverige finns inte ens countrymusik med då man delar ut Grammis! Men vad gör väl det, några riktiga countryartister kommer ändå aldrig att bli nominerade. Endast artister som normalt inte sjunger country brukar blir uppmärksammade och där finns flera exempel! JL.
Covering Greater Stockholm, Sweden.
Country, Country Music Playlist – February 17, 2004
Send promotion material to:
1. Intro: Country, Country Music Country Minstrels
2. Kenny Price Happy Tracks
3. Chet Atkins & Hank Snow Under Dubble Eagle
4. Tim McGraw Just To See You Smile
5. Pauline Reese Don´t Leave Me Standing Here
6. Patty Loveless & John Randall Someone I Used To Know
7. Clint Black Ode To Chet
8. Ernest Tubb & Andrew Sisters I´m Biting My Fingernails and Thinking Of You
9. Don Gibson Blue
Blue Day 1957
10. Linda Dixie & The
Train (Holland) I Feel A Heartache Coming On new Comstock Records
11. K Wilder Come Out And Dance new Dusty Records
12. George Jones & Melba Montgomery Close Together As You And Me
13. Carol Decker Keep Your Eyes On The Lord new Glory Train Records
14. Chester Lester Hello Sunshine
15. Joni Harms I´ve Got A Feeling For You
16. Toby Keith I Love This Bar new
17. Erin Hay Bad Luck new WHP/CoDisc Record
18. The Rockridge Brothers Let Me Fall new
19. Larry Dean Is This The Way new WHP/CoDisc Records
20. Kelly Lang Godbye Darlin´ (a tribute to Conway Twitty) new Eartwind Music Service, Nashville
21. Danny Mack Holy Karumba
22. Marty Robbins Calypso Girl
23. Alan Jackson Tropical Depression
24. J J Johns & Heather Myles United We Fall
25. Ove Stöylen Like A Deck Of Cards new Kultur & Spetakkle
26. Country Minstrels I Feel Better All Over 1984
27. Brad Paisley & Redd Volkaert Spagetti Western Swing
28. Asleep At The Wheel Bob´s Breakdown
Här är
hemsidesadresser till stationer i Stockholm som spelar countrymusik:
Stöd din lokala radiostation!!
Dan Ekbäck informerar oss om vad som händer just nu i Nashville.
Cruzan Rum
was announced as a sponsor of Kenny Chesney’s Guitars, Tiki Bars &
Whole Lotta Love Tour. Also, Chesney and Uncle Kracker will appear on
Late Night with Conan O’Brien to perform “When The Sun
Goes Down.” on Feb. 19...
A new Alan Jackson DVD, Greatest Hits Volume II, was released
Feb. 10. The DVD features six music videos, including the video for Jackson's
multi-week No. 1 single, "Remember When"...
Clint Black will release his new Equity Music Group CD, Spend My
Time on March 2. Black will visit nine cities in six days for special
appearances in local Wal-Marts. During the first week of release, the Clint
Black “Spend My Time” jet will touch down in Bakersfield, Seattle, Denver,
Chicago, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Austin, Houston and Pittsburgh...
Country Music Hall Of Famer Dolly Parton and Gospel Music Hall Of Famer
Dottie Rambo have earned a Dove Award nomination for their No. 1 Christian
country duet, "Stand By The River." The nomination for Country Recorded Song
of The Year was announced by the Gospel Music Association on Feb. 10. Winners
of the 35th annual Dove Awards will be announced April 28 in Nashville...
Little Texas founding members Duane Propes (bass), Porter
Howell (guitar), Del Gray (drums) and Dwayne O'Brien
(guitar), have returned to the country music scene after a six-year hiatus.
The band is rounding out its roster with the addition of lead singer Steven
Troy, who comes to the band having most recently toured as a musician and
vocalist with Lee Ann Womack. Their first official show will be this
Feb. 21 at the Galveston, Texas Mardi Gras...
Sammy Sadler’s new single, "Hard On A Heart," tested an 81% pick on
After Midnite...
Katy Kiefer, while on an 11 state radio tour to promote her single “My
Song” (No. 56 on the Music Row chart), made her television debut on
Windup Country, a top ten country countdown show out of Joplin, Mo.
2004 Grammy Winners
Alsion Krauss was country music’s big winner at the 2004 Grammy Awards.
She took home three awards—Best Bluegrass Album, Country Collaboration with
Vocals and Country Instrumental. Johnny and June Carter Cash
picked up posthumous awards for Short Form Music Video and Female Country
Vocal Performance, respectively. Below are the winners in the country,
bluegrass, and Christian categories. A complete list of winners is available
Country Album—Various Artists—Livin', Lovin', Losin': Songs of The
Louvin Brothers
Country Song—"It's Five O'Clock Somewhere"—Jim "Moose" Brown and Don
Rollins (Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett).
Female Country Vocal Performance—June Carter Cash—"Keep on the Sunny
Male Country Vocal Performance—Vince Gill—"Next Big Thing" .
Country Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocal—Ricky Skaggs and
Kentucky Thunder—”A Simple Life"
Country Collaboration With Vocals—James Taylor and Alison Krauss—”How's
the World Treating You”.
Country Instrumental Performance—Alison Krauss and Union Station—"Cluck
Old Hen"
Bluegrass Album—Alison Krauss and Union Station—Live
Short Form Music Video—Johnny Cash—"Hurt"
Traditional Folk Album—June Carter Cash—Wildwood Flower
Rock Gospel Album—Audio Adrenaline.—Worldwide
Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album—Michael W. Smith—Worship Again
Southern, Country, or Bluegrass Gospel Album—Randy Travis—Rise and
Traditional Soul Gospel Album—The Blind Boys of Alabama—Go Tell It
on the Mountain
Contemporary Soul Gospel Album—Donnie McClurkin—... Again
Gospel Choir or Chorus Album—The Potter's House Mass Choir—A Wing
and A Prayer
Hej Janne!
Ett STORT tack från både Torbjörn och mig för alla mail. Som Du vet
distribuerar jag dem vidare till Torbjörn.
Vill bara informera om att Rodney Crowell
uppträder på KB Club i Malmö den 19 april,
på Nalen, Stora Salen i Stockholm den 21 april och på Stora Teatern i Göteborg
den 22 april.
Biljetter finns på: ticnet.se
Hälsningar från "Rosa" i Sätra.
Tack Rosa, alltid kul med färska nyheter! JL.
Det var allt jag hade att bjuda på denna torsdagförmiddag! Men ni vet att jag är tillbaka igen på söndag, om mitt minnet tillåter.
Ha ett fint veckoslut!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Varsågoda, här kommer ett rykande färskt nyhetsbrev från CMS. Innehållet är som vanligt blandat med svenska och amerikanska nyheter. Hoppas att ni hittar något av intresse! Janne Lindgren
Hej Janne!
Notiser till ditt nyhetsbrev...
Radio Lidingö 97,8
- en kanal med mycket countrymusik!
För er som bor i Stockholm med omnejd - ratta in och lyssna på Radio Lidingö
Varje söndag kl. 19,00-20,00 sänds t.ex. ett program kallat "Mötet", där kända
personer berättar om sina liv och spelar sin musik.
Gäst söndagen den 29 februari är inte helt obekante Janne Lindgren. Andra
intressanta gäster i den här programserien är t.ex. Pelle Ljungström, sångare
i Wldwood, söndagen den 21 mars samt Gert Palmcrantz ("ljudfadern" kallad),
som varit ljudtekniker för de flesta stora artister i Sverige - både svenska
och besökande utländska -, söndagen den 4 april. Och lyssna också söndagen den
11 april, då Karl-Axel Thernberg (Kalle Sändare) är gäst i "Mötet". En
oförglömlig timme utlovas!
Även i programmet "Jukeboxen", som sänds på söndagar kl. 12,00-13,00 spelas en
del countrymusik. Både "Mötet" och "Jukeboxen" har Göran Geson som
Och lyssna naturligtvis också på "Country Country Music" med Janne Lindgren på
tisdagar kl. 20,00-21,30, med repris lördagar kl. 15,00-16,30.
Göran Geson
Railway Saloon i Sundsvall
- en RIKTIG (!) saloon!
Railway Saloon, som ligger vid järnvägsstationen (därav namnet) i Sundsvall,
är en RIKTIG saloon - byggd helt i trä och med en lång bardisk till höger. Då
och då är det underhållning på scenen i saloonen. Här har bland andra Alf
Robertson, Wildwood och många flera framträtt.
I slutet av mars är det countryhelg på Railway Saloon i Sundsvall. Råkar ni ha
vägarna till Mitt-Sverige 26-27 mars, så passa på att besöka Railway Saloon.
På fredagen framträder Honky Tonk Brothers - en mycket duktig grupp, som
består av fem (!) bröder Malmström. Dessutom Northern Lights Cowboys på
fredagskvällen. På lördagen blir det Hazard och Cross Country.
Göran Geson
Hej Janne!
Fredagen den 27:e Feb har Jazzklubben i Enköping en tillställning i
kosnertsalen Klara Hall i Enköping med Peps Persson. Tyvärr blev Peps Sjuk och
Mainstreetstompers blev ersättare för kvällen. Vi utlovar lite
countryklassiker att lyssna på om man svänger förbi, det börjar c:a 19:30 och
håller på ett par timmar. Billigt inträde!
Björn Hellman
Och då vi är igång med tips om vad som händer i vårt avlånga land så glöm
inte bort att åka till Hagfors och Karlstad den 5 – 6 mars.
Då kommer undertecknad tillsammans med Carolina
Åkerlind att underhålla er där. Gå in på respektive hemsida och studera
http://hem.passagen.se/cafeheart/index.htm om ni funderar på Karlstad och Heart Line Café.
http://www.bigrivercc.com/ . för Hagfors och Big River Country Club.
Carolina är en fantastisk countrysångerska som det är värt att åka några mil för att se och höra. Undertecknad har ni säkert hört förut, men i kombination med Carolina kan det vara en ny upplevelse! Vi ses väl i Hagfors eller i Karlstad i början av mars? JL.
Country singer Gilley hospitalized
Posted by WSMV-TV / Nashville on February 19, 2004 at 11:05:47:
February 18, 2004
Country singer Mickey Gilley is in a Texas hospital on Wednesday. Gilley was admitted Tuesday night after suffering complications from a recent minor surgery.
His publicist says Gilley's condition isn't life threatening. Gilley lives in Pasadena, Texas and performs regularly at his namesake theatre in Branson, Missouri.
He is probably best known for his namesake "Honkey Tonk"
which inspired the 1980 cult classic movie "Urban Cowboy."
Nu heter det inte countryrock eller countrypunk längre! Nä, Americana är samlingsnamnet säger förståsigpåare! Hej och hå! JL.
Cash Tribute
Marvell, former member of the 60s' million selling group Mercy releases "Johnny We Miss You" on Circuit Rider-43, Burning Country-2 & Ready Records. Listen at: www.jamesmarvell.com ... Turn your sound on and click under Main Menu where it says 'Cash Tribute.'
* "Johnny We Miss You" is currently ridin high on the National Indie Charts. http://www.insidecountry.net/Chart.html
Author Topic: Janne Lindgr
... medan andra mest får skäll. Kolla nedan, alltså!
From: London, UK
posted 20 February 2004 07:32 AM
I'm working for a library/production music company at the moment and one of the cds I'm working with is all music in a country style. There's some lovely steel guitar played by Janne Lindgren, who I'd never heard of before. Certainly brought a smile to my face on a cold London afternoon!
From: Falun, Sweden
posted 20 February 2004 09:40 AM
Hello Matt!
Lindgren is Sweden's leading steel guitarist (loooong and faithful service!)
and he's played at one of Scotty's conventions many years ago. He's also a
well known name amongst country people in northwestern Europe and a little in
central Europe.
You can reach him at steelguitar@swipnet.se homesite (in swedish) at
Tack Anders, det där kunde jag inte låta bli att ta med! JL.
BRAD PAISLEY will headline the fifth annual Country Music Marathon ...
Posted by Rolling Stone on February 20, 2004 at 19:23:52:
BRAD PAISLEY will headline the fifth annual Country Music Marathon on April 24th in Nashville . . .
Jackson and McBride draw 16,000 to Alerus tonight
Posted by By Paulette Tobin / Grandforks Herald/ North Dakota on February 20, 2004 at
By Paulette Tobin
With the well-worn, knee-ripped blue jeans that Alan Jackson so often wears, it's highly unlikely there will be any "wardrobe mishaps" when Jackson and Martina McBride take the stage tonight at the Alerus Center.
Jackson and McBride don't have to resort to "Whoops! Was that what I thought it was?" moments to deliver a super performance. All they have to do is show up and sing.
In country music today, there's no one bigger than Jackson or McBride.
He's the Country Music Association Entertainer of the Year and Male Vocalist of the Year. She's the CMA Female Vocalist of the Year. Both could fills rooms with the entertainment awards they've won and boxcars with the CDs they've sold.
Jackson's "Don't Rock the Jukebox" and McBride's "This One's for the Girls" prove they can rollick along with the best of country's good ol' boys (and girls). Likewise, her "Blessed" and his "Drive (For Daddy Gene)" are unsurpassed in expressing the passion and poetry that makes country music so beloved.
Yet, these two at times seem to transcend the genre.
Jackson's simple, accessible and heartfelt ballad, "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)," became a touchstone for a grief-stricken nation after Sept. 11, 2001. McBride, who recorded "Independence Day" and "Concrete Angel," both passionate anthems against domestic violence, has become a spokeswoman for anti-violence causes.
Just as impressive, the two have managed to walk the line that's been so difficult for Shania Twain, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill and other country stars they've managed a crossover appeal without appearing to turn away from traditional country.
Just how big are these two?
So big that the aforementioned top CMA awards are just the beginning of their accolades. Jackson recently took home a Grammy for his Jimmy Buffet duet, "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere." McBride received the 2003 Grand Ole Opry Minnie Pearl Humanitarian Award.
So big that they are in constant demand for performances and special projects. McBride joined Katie Couric on "Today" to introduce the mother and daughter she'd picked to personify her hit song, "In My Daughter's Eyes." CMT recently paired McBride with rocker Pat Benatar for one of its "Crossroads" specials, in which the two sang each other's songs, including Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" and McBride's "When God-Fearin' Women get the Blues."
So big that they owe their success not to flashy stunts but to their talent and genuine appeal, and by singing the heck out of the kind of songs that country fans love.
Jackson and McBride's Grand Forks show is a stopover on Jackson's 2004 concert tour, right between a Thursday night performance in Sioux City, Iowa, and a Saturday show in St. Paul. Sponsored by Napa Auto Parts, the tour kicked off in Florida on Jan. 23. McBride will join the tour for select shows through May.
Jackson, a country star for more than a dozen years, had his latest single, "Remember When," go No. 1 in January. As a songwriter, he has penned 23 No. 1 singles, of which "Remember When" became his 21st as a writer and artist.
Om ni inte har skaffat Alan Jacksons alla CDs vid det här laget så är det dags nu! Bättre countrymusik kan ni inte köpa! Kontakta Hasse Häggström, Rune Krongårdh eller någon annan leverantör snarast. Jacksons plattor finns även hos en del vanliga skivhandlare, åtminstone i Stockholm.
Det var vad jag hade att förmedla denna söndag! Men vi hörs som vanligt på torsdag morgon om inget oförutsett inträffar.
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Alvino Rey passed away
Posted by Janice Brooks on February 25, 2004 at 22:41:04:
Known as the "father of the steel
guitar", Alvino Rey passed away, Feb. 25,
2004 at his home in Sandy, Utah. He was 95. Age didn't keep Alvino in his
rocking chair! He was still performing occasionally at local venues and even
ventured out to watch new artists perform. His wife, Luise King, of the
King Sisters, passed away Aug. 4, 1997 at age 83.
Ännu en legendarisk steel picker har lämnat oss. Alvino Ray var i första hand orkesterledare och en av de första att föra in steel guitar i storbandsjazzen. Han var också uppfinnare av "the Talking Steel Guitar" som långt senare kom att kallas "Talk Box". Har man tur kan man fortfarande hitta några av hans CDs som funnits några år. Läs hela hans historia nedan. JL.
Remembering Alvino Rey
Posted by TWANGTOWNUSA.COM on February 25, 2004 at 22:51:06:
Alvin McBurney Born July 1, 1911 in
Oakland, CA
by Jason Ankeny
The self-styled "King of the Guitar," swing-era bandleader Alvino Rey
pioneered an otherworldly pedal steel sound which later formed the foundation
of the space age pop aesthetic. Born Alvin McBurney in Oakland, CA, on July 1,
1911, a decade later he and his family relocated to Cleveland, OH, where as a
teen he received a banjo as a birthday gift. He made his professional debut in
1927 as a member of Ev Jones' band, and a year later signed on with the Phil
Spitalny Orchestra. Eventually switching over to guitar, he adopted the name
Alvino Rey in 1929 while performing in New York City, where Latin music was
then at its peak; stints backing Russ Morgan and Freddy Martin followed, and
by the mid-'30s he was in San Francisco playing with Horace Heidt.
With Heidt, Rey became a star upon adopting the pedal steel; a pioneering
force behind the popularity of the amplified guitar, in early 1935 he was even
recruited by the Gibson guitar manufacturing company to develop a prototype
pickup. Later modifying his instrument to rechristen it the console guitar,
Rey's innovative chord structures and distinctive sound earned him a major fan
following, and in 1939 he formed his own band. He and his group (which
included the vocal group Four King Sisters, one of whom — Luise King — became
Rey's wife in 1937) were soon enlisted to serve as the staff orchestra at the
Mutual Broadcasting radio network, in early 1942 scoring a major hit with
their reading of "Deep in the Heart of Texas."
That same year Rey dramatically altered the band's makeup to bring in an enormous brass section, with no less than six saxophones. The group's lineup was extraordinary — members included the likes of Ray Conniff, Neal Hefti, Billy May, Al Cohn and Zoot Sims — but the 1943 musicians' union's recording ban brought about their swift demise, and within months Rey was out of music altogether, accepting a mechanic job with Lockheed Aircraft. In 1944 he joined the U.S. Navy, where he was assigned to develop radar systems; after his military stint he formed a new band, signing to Capitol and notching a handful of minor hits including "Cement Mixer." After this band broke up in 1950, Rey toured with a series of smaller combos, frequently appearing with his brother-in-law, Buddy Cole.
Rey also became one of the most
influential and distinctive session men of the exotica era, lending his guitar
to sessions from Esquivel, George Cates and countless others; he also teamed
with Jack Constanzo and other session aces in the Martin Denny-inspired group
the Surfmen. In the mid-1960s, Rey joined the ever-expanding King Family group
on a television variety show which enjoyed a healthy run of five seasons,
concurrently producing a series of LPs featuring the program's cast.
Amazingly, he also continued performing well into his '80s, leading a band
that played Disneyland each year from the theme park's opening onward.
Stockholmsgruppen The Rockridge Brothers har just släppt en CD. Plattan är kanonbra och innehåller 15 låtar i Old Timeystuk. Jag gillar första låten Let Me Fall bäst, men här finns också andra godbitar. Kontakta ralf.fredblad@telia.com om ni vill köpa ett ex.
Gilley discharged from hospital
Posted by WSMV TV on February 23, 2004 at 22:48:23:
February 20, 2004
PASADENA, Texas (AP) -- Piano-playing country singer Mickey Gilley has been released from the hospital after being treated for complications from minor surgery, his publicist said Friday.
"He's doing great," said longtime publicist Sandy Brokaw. "He's out of the hospital, and everything's going to be fine."
Gilley, 67, was hospitalized Tuesday at Bayshore Medical Center in Pasadena. He lives in Pasadena and commutes to performances at his theater in Branson, Mo.
Gilley is best known for his namesake honky tonk that inspired the 1980 cult classic "Urban Cowboy," starring John Travolta and Debra Winger.
The Pasadena club became an overnight tourist draw, but the club shut down in 1989 after Gilley and partner Sherwood Cryer feuded over running the place.
(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
According to Bill Anderson, the lyrics to Conway Twitty’s 1979 number one hit, “I May Never Get To Heaven,” were written in 1959, after Anderson broke up with a girlfriend.
Bill said, “I finished the lyrics to the song and didn’t try to do anything else with it. I was in Buddy Killen’s office one day and happened to have the lyric sheet with me. I showed the song to Buddy and he went over to the piano and started working on it. I thought his melody was great! We did a demo on the song and Buddy started pitching it. Don Gibson was one of the first artists he pitched the song to and Don decided to record it. But they put it on the “B” side of his big hit, “Just One Time,” so “I May Never Get To Heaven” wasn’t heard.”
“For about 20 years, between 1959 and 1979- over a dozen artists recorded the song-including Aretha Franklin—but nobody had a hit on it.”
According to Conway Twitty, “The first time I heard the song was on Don Gibson’s recording. And I liked it very much. So I put a copy of the song in my box I kept songs in that I intended to record someday. That was back before I was even recording country music—in my rock and roll days!”
Buddy Killen was elated when he heard Conway’s version of “I May Never Get To Heaven.” All that time he kept thinking that he and Bill Anderson had written a good song and nothing ever came of it-and finally—Conway’s version was recorded the way he thought the song should have been!
Conway’s recording of “I May Never Get To Heaven” was produced by Conway and David Barnes.
The song entered the country music charts July 14th, 1979 and was in the number one slot the week of September 8th.
It was Conway’s 50th chart single and was on the charts for 15 weeks.
Question One: I heard on the radio that Reba McEntire did a concert in place of Alabama-because the group didn’t show up. What’s that all about
Answer: Reba recently filled in for Alabama at The San Antonio, Texas Livestock Show & Rodeo.
Randy Owen could not appear due to acute labyrinthitis ( a viral syndrome of the inner ear.)
Question Two: Can you tell me something Fiddlin’ John Carson—what was his real name and who was “Moonshine Kate?” I’ve read that she was his daughter and later read that she was his wife. Can you clear that up?
Answer: He was born John William Carson in 1868 and died in 1949. According to the record books, his daughter Rosa Lee played the part of Moonshine Kate.
Question Three: Did Randy Travis win some kind of award for a gospel album?
Answer: Randy Travis won a Grammy for the Best Southern, Country Or Bluegrass CD for his “Rise And Shine” CD.
Question Four: I thought the song “Uncle Pen” was a Bill Monroe song but the guys on radio were talking about it being a hit for Ricky Skaggs. Is that true?
Answer: Bill Monroe wrote “Uncle Pen” but never had a hit record on it. Porter Wagoner had a # 14 hit on it in 1956 and Ricky Skaggs scored a # 1 with it in 1984.
Question Five: Do you have any information about someone going to jail for threatening George Strait? The radio dudes were talking about it.
Answer:32 year old Walter Bonin Jr. has been indicted by a Federal grand jury , for threatening George Strait. The Louisiana man reportedly said he would “go Rambo” if Strait did not record one of his songs.
Question Six: Did Chet Atkins have any hit records?
Answer: Chet Atkins placed 10 songs on the country music charts between 1955 and 1983. His first was “Mr. Sandman” which peaked at # 13 in 1955.
Question Seven: I heard on the radio that Dolly Parton has something to do with some sort of fire-fighting project in California. Do you know anything about that?
Answer: Dolly Parton is taking part in the February 26th “Heroes And Heroines” Gala in Beverly Hills, California. Dolly is joining several celebrities in decorating helmets for Southern California firefighters. The helmets will be auctioned off for charities that benefit the firefighters.
Question Eight: Sonny James’ recording of “Young Love” has always been my favorite record. My mom says that Judds also recorded that song. Is that true?
Answer: The Judds scored a # 1 hit on a song titled “Young Love” in 1989, but it was not the same “Young Love” that Sonny James hit with in 1957.
Question Nine: My dad says that Alison Krauss and Dolly Parton will be on the music awards program. Do you have any information?
Answer: Alison Krauss and Dolly Parton are scheduled to appear on the April 21st CMT Flameworthy Video Awards.
Question Ten: Back in the 60,s’ Lynn Anderson recorded a song about “appearances” with some guy. Do you know his name?
Answer: Lynn Anderson and Jerry Lane scored a # 49 hit on “Keeping Up Appearances” in 1967. It was on the charts for 6 weeks.
Question Eleven: I heard on the radio that some steel guitar player that played on The Opry passed away. Do you know anything about that?
Answer: Katz Kobayashi-who played steel guitar for Marty Robbins, Bill Anderson, Johnny Russell, Jeanne Pruitt and Alan Jackson, passed away February 6th of complications from a stroke.
Question Twelve: The TV news said that Willie Nelson is playing at some Tennessee music festival this summer. Do you have any information?
Answer: Willie Nelson is scheduled to perform at the June 11th thru 13th 2004 Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester, Tennessee.
Hej Janne,
Hoppas du inte missade "Sveriges countrydrottning" på tv i söndags. Det var i programmet Fame Factory man än en gång utnämnde en sångerska till drottning inom country´n. Jag blir så trött på alla som springer runt och inbillar folk en massa lögner, för inte rörde det sig om country inte. Nej, i vanlig ordning var det någon form av pop-rock som man har hört till leda.
Tidigare var det något ljushuvud som satte benämningen countrydrottning på Jill Johnson och inget ont om Jill, hon är en duktig sångerska, men country? Nej, inte enligt min mening.
Däremot har jag en LP i hyllan hemma med Tomboola Band från Malmö där Jill som 15 åring enligt uppgift sjunger på platta för första gången och DET låter country.
Javisst, jag är gammaldags och träig i min inställning till vad som är country och mina medmänniskor må tycka vad dom vill om detta, men en sak är säker: jag viker inte en tum! Jag vill ha min stöt-fiddle och crying steel-guitar i mängd och därmed basta, därför intresserar mig inte alla Shania Twain-kopior som verkar växa på träd.
Med många hälsningar
Thomas Hydén
Hej Thomas,
Jag missade vår senaste drottning (turligt nog)! Men det där med drottning har de kanske som bisyssla? Håller med, det finns alltför många drottningar i kupan! Jill har en gedigen countrymusikbakgrund, men det verkar som om hon dessvärre lämnat genren helt numera. Ja, det vill säga om man inte kallar Shania Twains musik för country, då är ALLTING countrymusik! JL.
55th Anniversary of the oldest continuous running Country Music Nightclub in Bakersfield, California
Posted by Buster Doss / STARDUST OF NASHVILLE on February 23, 2004 at 16:28:42:
Artist Mayf Nutter wrote:
Dateline Feb. 23, 2004 BAKERSFIELD
Last night was the 55th Anniversary of
the oldest continuous running Country Music Nightclub in Bakersfield,
California. TROUT'S, as it is called, is located on Bakersfield's famous
Chester Avenue and virtually every Country Music performer of note has played
there through the years. Today it is still a favorite place for Country Music
lovers to meet, dance, and have fun together. Bobby Durham and the TEX PISTOLS
have been the house band at TROUT'S for some years now and another Bakersfield
icon, Red Simpson is a regular performer on Monday nights. The event last
is comparable to the CMA, in honoring Bakersfield's Country Music talent and
preserving its history. The first inductees, on the opening day of the Museum
in 1988, were Buck Owens and Mayf Nutter. The 2004 Salute to TROUT'S was video
taped for posterity. It was a wonderful gathering of musicians and performers
who had been a part of the club's long history. Inez Savage handled the MC
duties with her smooth, caring and friendly way, despite late arrivals and all
the usual "unusual" confusion and frivolity which always occurs when such a
family reunion comes together. Special treats for me were getting to visit
with my old friends, the legendary Billy Mize and Bakersfield's Granddaddy of
fiddlers, Oscar Whittington. Those of you who watched THE WALTONS TV series
will remember Oscar played the role of the fiddle player for radio star, Bobby
Bigelow; my role on the series. If you ever watched the show, you have
probably heard us playing and singing together over the Walton family's radio,
and have seen us as those characters in the show. So TROUT'S, after 55
continuous years, was once more the gathering place for a house-full of happy
fans, friends, performers..... and some great Country Music. I was honored to
have been ask to be the show's closing act for the evening of celebration, and
to see so many old friends again. Long live the Bakersfield Country Music
scene. Mayf Nutter
Jag missade Trout´s då jag var i Bakersfield för några år sedan. Har någon annan av läsarna av nyhetsbrevet varit där? Berätta för oss i så fall. JL.
Posted by BALECOX@AOL.COM on February 22, 2004 at 20:14:55:
NASHVILLE…In 1997, Jim Glaser returned
from a European tour anxious to get
back in the recording studio. He contacted his old friend Doyle Grisham, and
two set about the task of deciding on material both new and tested. The
trouble was how to choose from the goldmine of material to be found in
chart-topping solo work, as a member of the legendary group, The Glaser
and as a top writer of hits for a variety of artists, including Gary Puckett
and the Union Gap’s huge hit, "Woman, Woman."
As members of the Grand Ole Opry for fifteen years, Jim Glaser and his
brothers (Tompall and Chuck) not only paved the way for modern country groups,
but also won virtually every group award country had to offer. Billboard named
them the most awarded country group of the time. When Jim set out on a solo
career in 1980, he took center stage in a tour-d-force. His first release,
You’re Not A Lady," still holds the record for being the most successful
first release of a new label, staying on the national charts an incredible 34
weeks. In 1984, his "You’re Getting’ To Me Again" hit number one on
charts, and he was voted Top New Male Vocalist by the Academy of Country
Jim’s first solo album, the critically-acclaimed The Man In The Mirror,
stayed in Billboard’s charts for over a year and a half, and held six
It took nearly six years to decide on the material, and Jim likens this
release as "…the satisfaction of a long trip finally over."
Satisfying doesn’t begin to tell the story. This is a seamless collection
of country songs at their best. The lyrics are visual and compelling, the
musical production an example of country’s ability to be progressive without
sacrificing its integrity. Jim’s tenor, which first gained national attention
the Marty Robbins’ classic "El Paso," remains as fresh, strong and vital as it
was when he started out on the road with Robbins at age nineteen.
Among the songs longtime fans will welcome, are new versions of: "Happy
Hour Blues" (first recorded by Tompall and the Glaser Brothers); "Who Were You
Thinkin’ Of" (recorded by The Texas Tornadoes on Wanner Bros.); "She’s Free
But She’s Not Easy" (first recorded by Jim on MCA Records, Owen Bradley
producer); "Don’t Say Love" (recorded by Jimmy Payne, Connie Smith, and Irish
Daniel O’Donnel); and "I See His Love All Over You" (released by Jim on MCA,
and by Wilma Burgess on Decca). Additionall, there are stellars cuts of Glaser
compositions including "Georgia Sunshine," "Mason-Dixon Line," "If I Had You
To Love All Over Again," "United Airlines," and "When Will It Be My Turn."
of Jim’s road show will be happy to learn that he closed the CD with a fan
favorite, his rendition of Stephen Foster’s "Hard Times."
Hei Country venner !
Vi har igjen oppdatert siden våres.
Nå kan du se "live" opptak av oss på ACC i Grimstad.
Lyd kvaliteten er so som so.
Steff Nevers
Mail: steff@steffnevers.com
Där fick ni allt träna upp er engelska lite grann med tanke på att nästan hela nyhetsbrevet denna gång innehöll amerikanska artiklar.
Ha nu en fin weekend (väckända) så hörs vi förmodligen på söndag igen!
PS. Jag lyssnar just nu på Tex Ritter och musik från hans Bear Familybox High Noon. Otroligt fin gammal countrymusik, långt från dagens s k country som Faith Hill, Reba McEntire, Tim McGraw m fl representerar. Ja, jag undrar faktiskt om det finns något i deras musik som kan kallas country? DS
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Så var det söndag igen och ett nytt nyhetsbrev. Tiden går verkligen fort och snart är vintern över. Men varför klaga en sådan fin dag som det är idag! Fantastiskt väder åtminstone i Stockholm.
OBS! Carolina Åkerlind och undertecknad åker inte till Hagfors och Karlstad nästa veckohelg då publikanslutningen till Heart Line Café inte var tillräckligt stor! Beklagar verkligen att vi inte kan komma och underhålla er den 5 och 6 mars som vi verkligen sett fram emot. Vi får hoppas på en annan gång.
Big Hand Saloon kör hårt denna vinter! Den 1 mars (måndag) kan ni på Muddy Waters i Oslo än en gång se och höra Big Hand Ottar Johansen, Tone Holen, Claudia Scott m fl.
Showtime kl. 22.00 (norsk tid!) JL.
Question: My uncle used to sing a song about “Loving You Beats All I’ve Ever Seen.” He said it was on the radio by Johnny Paycheck. Do you have any information on such a record. And was Paycheck his real name?
Answer: “Loving You Beats All I’ve Ever Seen” was Paycheck’s 23rd chart single. It peaked at # 26 in 1975 and was on the charts for 11 weeks. Paycheck was born Donald Eugene Lytle in 1937.
San Antonio
radio legend
Jerry King receives top honor
By: Gary DeLaune,
News 9 San Antonio Staff
Mega stars like George Strait even have called to congratulate King on his
He's the morning radio host on KKYX Radio and has been a local personality for
almost four decades.
Next month, Jerry King will receive the ultimate honor from his peers.
On March 2, he'll will join his old hero, Charlie Walker, in the Country Music DJ Hall of Fame.
King says the Nashville honor culminates a dream.
"It's a wonderful honor and very surprising when this one came down in November. It's like 'me?,' you know. I've only been doing this 39 years, you know I'm still a young guy in the business."
Mega stars like George Strait even have called to congratulate King on his honor.
King was the first deejay to play Strait's first big hit "Unwound" in 1981.
"I interviewed him a little bit and talked to him on the air, started his song — that was the little 45 record. Remember that," King laughs.
"When I started playing it, he went outside. He left the building. I thought, 'did I say something wrong?' His manager said, 'No, he's never heard himself on the radio before.' "
Now 58, King began his career in 1965, when he working at the KBER Radio playing old songs you could hear on jukeboxes and was paid $35. Today, he is a millionaire, not in money but with memories and country music friends.
King is well respected by all singers including country gospel star Clifton Jansky.
"Jerry is a special friend. He's a great disc-jockey, but he's more of a friend, more of a friend than a disc-jockey. But, you know he's been playing my records since 1974."
Hi guys and gals,
Outlooks and attitudes
How you approach a job and your attitude toward the job that you're going to
be playing next will definitely affect the quality of work that you do. For
instance, if 3 or 4 hours before the job you say to yourself, 'Boy, why did I
take this job? This guitar player I have to work with tonight plays all the
time and plays too loud and blows cigarette smoke over me all night … why did
I take this job? It doesn't pay what I'm worth anyway.' How well do you think
you're going to play that night?
Are you approaching the job just because you have to make the money to take
home or because you love playing steel so much that you'd play for free if you
were aksed?
Here's an example that I've never forgotten which shows how much your attitude
affects your performance. When working with Ray Price 20 plus years ago, we
were booked on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I flew out to Burbank,
went to the NBC studios, met up with the band, went through a great rehearsal,
played the show, met and talked with Johnny for 3 or 4 minutes, met and talked
with Doc Severinson and the band, spent the night in the Universal Sheraton
Hotel and flew back to Nashville the next day in time to play a VFW in Central
City, Kentucky for $35. The great Russ Hicks was the guitar player and he rode
up with me to do this little Podunk job in Kentucky But you know what? I had a
lot more fun in Kentucky than I did in Los Angeles. Russ and I laughed all the
way back about how much fun we had playing the VFW and after expenses were
taken out and money was counted, we didn't take much home, but I considered
the Kentucky job much more personally rewa! rding than the Tonight Show job. I
got to play just what I wanted to all night, talk directly to everyone in the
club I felt like unlike the night before where I never did get to see the
millions of people who saw me.
Now fast forward to the present. I played a job last Friday night in northern
Tennessee on the Kentucky border that can be described as a beautiful little,
rustic redneck bar. The band was fine, the atmosphere was fine, the fun was
unbelieveable and I again realized that had I thought this little job isn't
worth anything and I shouldn't even be doing it, I would have missed a lot of
great comraderie, playing and just plain old fun. There are more ways to get
paid than money and it really brought it home to me that the attitude I have
before approaching these jobs is instrumental in the overall outcome. The
moral of this story is … How you approach a job and your attitude toward the
job that you're going to be playing next will definitely affect the quality of
work that you do. Start enjoying every job several hours before you get to it
and you'll enjoy it much better on your way home because your playing will not
be any better than your attitude.
Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour
Grand Ole Opry flyttar tillbaka till sitt fina Opry House som ligger i Music Valley strax utanför Nashville. Under vintern har Opry´t sänds från det klassiska Ryman Auditorium som ligger en tvärgata upp från Broadway. Nedan en rapport från Danne Ekbäck i Nashville. JL.
Coinciding with the 30th
anniversary of the Grand Ole Opry's move to the Grand Ole Opry House, the Opry
will host ABC’s Good Morning America on March 2. Segments featuring show
anchor Diane Sawyer will originate live from the stage of the Opry House that
morning in conjunction with Charlie Gibson's hosting duties in New York City.
Also in Nashville, will be Good Morning America news anchor Robin Roberts, a
former local Nashville reporter.
Artists participating in the Good Morning America broadcast include Opry
member Brad Paisley and special guests Joe Nichols and Wynonna. Fans wishing
to attend the live broadcast are requested to be on site at the Grand Ole Opry
House at 5 a.m. that morning.
"When Good Morning America contacted us, we were delighted that Nashville, country music, and the Opry would again be in the national spotlight on network television," Opry Vice President and General Manager Pete Fisher said. "I can't think of a better way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Opry House and to showcase Gaylord Entertainment's recent eight million dollar renovation of the facility than to share some of the best in country music live from our stage on March 2. We hope Nashville will come out to celebrate along with those tuned in from coast to coast."
The Opry will return to performances at the Opry House March 5 after a winter run at its most famous former home, the historic Ryman Auditorium in downtown Nashville.
GRATTIS säger vi till Gert
Johansson som igår lördag fyllde 50 år!
Gert bor strax utanför Uppsala och är
en steelentusiast som äger en Emmons, bara så ni vet! JL.
Goodrich volume pedal model L120 (low profile) i lager igen. Kontakta Steel Guitar Music på steelguitar@swipnet.se
GFI seat för steel pickers på väg in. Kontakta steelguitar@swipnet.se
3st Squarneck Dobros av märket Regal i lager just nu. Kolla med steelguitar@swipnet.se
Följande CDs med steelfenomenet John Hughey kan beställas från steelguitar@swipnet.se
Gospel Favorites (2003)
Lost In The Feeling (2002)
He Touched Me (2001)
Neck To Neck (2000)
John Hughey (1999)
On And Off Stage (2001)
James & John (1979)
Plattorna kommer att kosta ca. 250:- styck och leveranstiden beräknas till ca. 3 veckor. JL.
Det var allt för denna gång. Ha en bra kommande vecka!