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från A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Gratisprenumerera genom att maila till Janne! Email: steelguitar@swipnet.se |
Ur innehållet:
#43 Mycket nyheter från USA
#44 Artist news från USA av Dan Ekbäck mm
#45 Avlidna:
Garland Frady, Clarence White, Wynn Stewart.
#46 Country Minstrels & Carolina
Åkerlind toppar Country Trax-listan IGEN!!
#47 Diverse nyheter och som vanligt: This Date..
#48 Story behind the
song: “Oakie From Muskogee”.
#49 Roy Drusky fyller 74,
USA:s största (enligt skivbolaget, men
okänd för mig Per-Uno) countrystjärna, Gretchen Wilson, kommer till
Sverige .
#50 Programmet för Lana Loge (Uddevalla), en av sommarens
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Den här gången har jag lyckat samla ihop en hel del nyheter på engelska och för en del kan det bli jobbigt att läsa allt. Men läs så mycket ni orkar. Lite svenska texter finns ibland alla långa artiklar för att lätta upp det hela. Åtminstone är de flesta positiva!
Som jag trodde så fick jag vara med Vikingarna i Bingolotto i söndags! Visserligen inte i bild, men ni som är lite lyhörda kunde höra min steel i bakgrunden på "Leende Guldbruna Ögon". Det gläder mig att det inte satt någon tönt vid en steel (som är rätt vanligt numera) och fejkade mitt ljud. Jag hör mig själv titt som tätt bakom grupper som jag gjort inspelningar med. Förr fick man vara med vid varje TV-framträdande men idag med modern teknik blandar man play back och "live"-framträdande och det är svårt att upptäcka "fusket"! Åtminstone gör inte vanliga människor det! Det skulle vara kul att få ersättning vid varje tillfälle artister och band använder mina bakgrunder vid sin framträdanden om det så är i TV eller ute i parkerna. Jag är säker på att jag skulle ha tjänat stora pengar om jag så bara fått en krona per framförd låt per kväll och grupp. Har diskuterat det hela med SAMI (Svenska Artister och Musikers Intresseorganisation) men inte ens de kan göra något åt saken trots att det faktiskt är olagligt att använda inspelningar hur som helst utan musikantens/upphovsmannens godkännande.
Jag vill påminna om att det inte är någon bra idé att sända mig information i storformat om festivaler med mer. Jag kan bara publicera det ni skickar som vanliga mail och som då innehåller t ex en hemsidesadress, där kan läsarna själva avgöra om det är intressant att gå in och titta. Trevlig läsning! Janne Lindgren
God morgon Janne,
Tänkte komma med lite info om C&M:s spelning den 5/6.
Conny Bergh (spelar vanligtvis i Lazy Bones United) och jag, Michael Axelsson ( Nameless) spelar under namnet C&M på Cafe Storgatan 13 i Ljungby lördag 5/6.
Vi spelar endast låtar av Hank Williams och Jonny Cash och det på två gitarrer och sång.
Väldigt mycket 'back to basics'.
Mvh Micke
Hej Micke, kul att ni kör lite country i Ljungby. Mer sånt! JL.
Hej Janne,
Tim och jag spelar
ju i Nora på fredag och på lördag, på en festival där. Kanske du skulle kunna
nämna det i ditt nyhetsbrev?
Du kanske också kan hänvisa till vår websida:
Har du själv varit och tittat på den förresten? Vi har ju gjort om den.
Lycka till i Nora! Hemsidan är jättefin! Irländaren ser ju ut som en riktig
cowboy!! JL.
According to Johnny Russell, “Act Naturally,” began as a joke and wound up as a country song!
Russell said, “I had a date with this cute young girl, but I had to break that date because some friends of mine had booked a recording session for that same night in Los Angeles, California, and asked me to help them out. Of course this sweet young thing asked me why I was breaking the date with her and I told her that they were gonna put me in the movies and make a big star out of me. Of course I said that as a joke and we both got a big laugh out of it. But I kept thinking about what I had said and how the idea of bringing an old boy to Hollywood to make him a star would fit into a song. So after playing with the idea for awhile-I sat down and wrote the song in one day. I even pitched the song to the guy they were recording that night but he just couldn’t learn it. So I played the song to my record producer and he turned it down. He said that songs about movies just weren’t popular. I pitched the song to several other artists and record producers and they all turned it down. Everybody was calling it a “gimmick song.” They kept telling me to write a song about love or heartbreak.
I thought “Act Naturally” was a love song-maybe a different kind of love song-but still a love song-but nobody else thought so.”
Russell had been writing songs with a young lady named Vonei Morrison. He decided to play “Act Naturally” for her and she loved the tune. She immediately suggested pitching the song to Buck Owens. At the time Johnny and Vonei had agreed to share co-writers credit on any songs they wrote. So he gave her co-writer credit on “Act Naturally.” They put five songs on a demo acetate and Vonei delivered it to Buck Owens. But when Owens finally replied, he didn’t like “Act Naturally” at all.
BUT—Don Rich—Buck Owens’ guitar player, fiddle player, tenor singer and right hand man—heard the demo and liked “Act Naturally.” Don began humming the song around buck and pretty soon, Buck was humming it too.
Johnny said, “One night Buck Owens called me and offered to record “Act Naturally” if he could have the publishing rights to the song. I told him he could. I found out later that he had already recorded the song that day.”
“Act Naturally” entered the country music charts April 13th, 1963 and zoomed up to number one, where it stuck for 4 weeks. It was on the charts for 28 weeks.
During a 1965 Beatles recording session, Ringo Starr decided to come out from the behind the drums and record a vocal track for their new album. The song he picked to record was “Act Naturally.” The Beatles album was a best seller.
Then twenty-four years later, Ringo Starr and Buck Owens recorded a duet version of “Act Naturally,” which peaked at # 27 on the country music charts in 1989 and was on the charts for 11 weeks.
Not bad for a song that started out as a joke because a guy broke a date with his girlfriend!
Question One: I have heard on the radio that Willie Nelson had surgery on his hand and then later, I heard that he did not. Did he or didn’t he have the surgery?
Answer: Willie Nelson's daughter has confirmed that her father underwent surgery on May 19 to relieve pain in his left hand due to carpal tunnel syndrome. On the singer's official Web site, Lana Nelson writes, "After a year of trying everything from arnica to zinc to relieve the pain, he finally had to break down and let them whittle on it a little.” Willis expected to fully recover.
Question Two:There was a song on the radio back in the 60’s about “The Mobile Home, Her and Her Car.” Do you know the singers name and was that record a hit?
Answer:“Her And The Car And The Mobile Home” was a # 67 hit for Dave Kirby in 1969. Kirby recently passed away in Branson, Missouri.
Question Three:Did they ever decide where to film the new movie about the life of Johnny Cash?
Filming of the movie biography of the late Johnny Cash will begin in
Memphis, Tennessee on June 28th.Memphis and Shelby County Film and
Television commissioner Lynn Sitler says the $28 million film will shoot for ten
weeks. The movie will also film in Nashville and Arkansas with Joaquin Phoenix
portraying Cash and Reese Witherspoon as June Carter Cash.
State film commissioner David Bennett says the producer wants familiar exterior
shots that could include Ryman Auditorium in Nashville and the Cash's home in
Called "Walk the Line," the movie will chronicle Cash's career from 1955 until
1968. The time span includes his Sun Records days in Memphis and his rise to
Question Four: My grandpa used to sing a song about “being too old to cut the mustard.” eHe He said it was on the radio all the time back in the early 50’s. Do you have an y information about such a record?
Answer: ”Too Old To Cut The Mustard” was the 3rd chart single for The Carlisles. It peaked at # 6 in 1951 and was on the charts for 6 weeks.
Question Five: Last week you published information about Merle Kilgore being seriously ill. Do you have an update on his condition and where I can send a get well card?
Answer: Merle Kilgore is recuperating from heart surgery and doing well.
Donations in lieu of
flowers can be sent to: St. Jude c/o Merle Kilgore 1305 16th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37212 Well-wishers can send cards to: Merle Kilgore Management
2 Music Circle South Nashville, TN 37202
Question Six: My cousin has a cassette recording he made from the radio about a song about a “two dollar toy.” Do you know the name of the guy singing that song and when it came out?
Answer: ”A Two Dollar Toy” was Stoney Edwards’ first chart single. It peaked at # 68 in 1971. Stoney died in 1997.
Question Seven: The radio guys were talking about Mother Maybelle Carter’s original guitar being for sale. What’s that all about?
''Mother Maybelle'' Carter's 1928 Gibson L-5, on which she
played most of the Original Carter Family's hits, is for sale for $575,000.
Gruhn Guitars on Lower Broadway in Nashville,
Tennessee is selling the instrument
for the anonymous owner.
The guitar has been on loan to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum's
permanent exhibit for three years and was regarded as one of its ''crown
jewels.'' Maybelle Carter purchased it new, and it was virtually her only
instrument during her long recording career until her death in 1978.
The guitar was removed from the building and a description posted on Gruhn's Web
''We are all very sad about it, but we can't really object to or question what
the owner of any artifact wants to do,'' said museum spokeswoman Liz Thiels,
adding that the staff hoped a philanthropist would help return it to the museum.
''It's important that it remains somewhere it will be cared for and preserved.
Who knows what it will mean for future generations?'' she said.
Maybelle's guitar is an important part of American musical history, not just
country music. Maybelle, Alvin Pleasant (''A.P'') Carter and his wife, Sara,
were discovered July 27, 1927, by Victor producer Ralph Peer in Bristol, Tenn.
Those famous ''Bristol sessions'' yielded country music's earliest stars, the
Original Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers. The Carters went on to popularize
numerous songs they brought from the Virginia hills, and the group cut hundreds
of records, including Keep on the Sunny Side, Wildwood Flower and Can the Circle
Be Unbroken, better known now as Will the Circle Be Unbroken.
Maybelle Carter is thought to have purchased her new L-5 in 1928 with money she
made from the Bristol sessions.
Gruhn said Maybelle's guitar was the most historically significant instrument to
come through his doors. He ranked country music's most important instruments as
Maybelle's guitar, Bill Monroe's Gibson F-5 mandolin and Earl Scruggs' Gibson
Mastertone banjo. Monroe's mandolin has been offered for more than $1 million.
Maybelle's L-5 was Gibson's most expensive new model guitar and cost $275
without a case in 1928.
Gruhn, who works with an international clientele of high-end guitar collectors,
said he, too, would be sorry if Maybelle's L-5 were to leave Nashville and said
he hoped a donor or group would come up with the money to keep it here. On the
Web Gruhn Guitars:
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum:
Question Eight: Several years ago, there was a song played on the radio about a guy wondering, “if fingerprints showed up on skin, I wonder who’s I’d find on you.” Do you know the correct title for that song and the name of the singer?
Answer: ”Fingerprints” was Freddie Harts’ 14th chart single. It peaked at # 41 in 1970 and was on the charts for 11 weeks.
Question Nine: The dudes on radio were talking about a new Loretta Lynn video. Do you have any information?
Answer: Loretta Lynn's video for "Miss Being Mrs.," recently premiered on CMT. It's the first video from Van Lear Rose, a collaboration with Jack White of the White Stripes. The song shares Lynn's thoughts and emotions after the death of her husband, Oliver "Doolittle" Lynn, in 1996. Loretta wears her original “Coal Miner's Daughter” dress, and the video was shot in the parlor and the bedroom of her Hurricane Mills, Tennessee home. “ Van Lear Rose” was released April 27th and has sold almost 100,000 copies.
Question Ten: My uncle used to sing a song about “I keep forgetting that I forgot all about you.” He said it was on the radio back in the 60’s. Do you know anything about such a song and the singer?
Answer: “I Keep Forgettin’ That I Forgot About You” Was Wynn Stewarts’ 7th chart single. It peaked at # 43 in 1965 and was on the charts for 7 weeks.
Wynn died in 1985.
Question Eleven: I heard on the TV news that Johnny Cash’s personal stuff was being sold. Is that true?
Answer: According to Sotheby's auction house, Johnny and June Carter Cash’s memorabilia will be sold within the next few months. Items up for auction will include Johnny's guitars, banjos, handwritten lyrics, photographs, vintage black leather clothing, stage costumes, GRAMMY Awards, antiques, crystal and other furnishings. The collection is valued at about $1.5-million. Among the items is a guitar designed by Cash, which is estimated to be worth $15,000 and a notebook filled with his handwritten lyrics, which is valued at $6,000. The auction is reported to be something Johnny was planning in the months between his wife's death and his own.
Question Twelve: The radio guys said that the Country Music Association had something to do with an Eddy Arnold birthday celebration. Do you have any information on that?
Answer: The
Country Music Association recently honored Eddy Arnold with a surprise birthday
party. Arnold was visiting the CMA offices for a scheduled meeting when a
birthday cake and giant card were unveiled by the staff to recognize his 86th
Arnold was the first CMA Entertainer Of The Year in 1967.
Hej Janne
Läser i ett nyhetsbrev din kommentar till Junsele:s Rock och countryfestival, och undrar
om Du inte har missuppfattat programtablå`n .( Eller gör Du som vanligt????)
Varför "Spyr du din vanliga galla" över en DEL av programmet och nämner inte COUNTRY
Lite mer ärlighet eftersöks.
Jan Berglund / Bålsta
Nej, jag har verkligen inte missuppfattat tablån! Rosie Flores och Steve Haggard förändrar inte min uppfattning om att Junsele Rock och Countryfestival från och med nu kan ta bort ordet country från sitt namn. Jag visste inte ens att Rosie Flores skulle komma dit, men det måste bero på att läs och skrivkunskapen inte är så utvecklad hos den som gör deras reklamblad. Rosie Flores har jag själv spelat med ett flertal gånger och äger faktiskt de flesta av hennes plattor. Inte kan man säga att allt hon gör är country. Tvärtom, det lutar nog mer åt rockhållet och passar således in i Junsele. En bra och rutinerad artist är hon dock och framför allt trevlig att jobba med. Steve Haggard skulle jag inte satsa 5 öre på att åka och titta på ( om nu femöringar fanns). Min moster sjunger bättre country än vad han gör! Men okejdå, det var många år sedan jag spelade med honom och man får väl hoppas på att han har blivit bättre med åren! Du kan väl berätta för oss hur det hela avlöpte? JL.
"Happy Birthday Paul Franklin...!!!"
by Charlotte Dillon
The legendary session guitarist Paul Franklin was born in Detroit, MI, in 1953.
Country music from greats like Pasty Cline was a part of his everyday home life,
but it was a guitar player by the name of Joe Edwards who first influenced the
young Franklin and turned his thoughts toward being a musician. When Franklin
was nine years old, he began his mastery of the steel guitar. At 16 he performed
a solo spot on the hit tune, "It's So Nice to Be With You." When someone is
really good at what they do, word of mouth can spread faster than a brush fire
during a drought. And so it was for Paul Franklin.
Franklin graduated from high school around 1970. At the ripe old age of 17,
fresh from school, he picked up his dreams and moved to Nashville. In no time at
all he had landed a remarkable job as a member of Barbara Mandrell's road band.
For several years he traveled with one band or another, playing beside
celebrated country artists of the time like Jerry Reed and Dottie West.
In the early '80s Franklin turned his attention to session work. He reached as
high a level of success with this venture as with his first. Over the years he
performed beside more artists than could possibly be listed here. Some of the
bigger names are Rhett Akins, John Anderson, Susan Ashton, Brooks & Dunn, Shania
Twain, Tracy Byrd, Suzy Bogguss, Faith Hill, Deana Carter, Alan Jackson, Wynonna
Judd, and Clint Black.
During Franklin's extraordinary career he has won many awards. For three years
in a row, from 1994 through 1996, he was named best steel guitarist by the
Academy of Country Music. In both 1999 and 2000 he was nominated for the Country
Music Association's Musician of the Year award.
Along the way, he not only mastered the steel guitar, but also the electric
guitar, the pedal steel guitar, the slide guitar, the Dobro, and the pedal Dobro.
He has even been known to accompany on the fiddle or drums.
Hej igen
Det hörs lovande med en så duktig sångerska. Det ser jag fram mot.Hoppas också att jag kommer i läge att höra er någonstans i sommar.
Jag vill naturligtvis beställa skivan när den kommer, så var snäll och skicka ett ex.
Vänligen Filip Flodman
OK Filip, jag sänder plattan då den
kommer i slutet av sommaren! Här nedan kommer den färskaste rapporten om
kommande festival i Nashville. Festivalen börjar redan nästa vecka och är ni
lyckliga att åka till Nashville just nu så händer massor av saker i stan. Men
det blir trångt vill jag påstå! JL.
Here's the latest news:
* New in 2004 - CMA Music Festival Sports Zone!
* CMT 100 Greatest Love Songs Concert
From pucks to arrows, hooks to footballs, the new-in-2004 Sports Zone is the
place for sports and music enthusiasts alike during 2004 CMA Music Festival/Fan
Fair(R). The 2004 CMA Music Festival Sports Zone, which is open Thursday through
Sunday, 1:00-6:00 PM/CDT, is easily accessible on The Coliseum grounds from the
Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge, which connects Downtown Nashville activities to
the Sports Zone.
Bass fishing's leading anglers will be paired with Country Music's biggest stars
in a unique bass tournament that concludes with an exciting weigh-in you don't
want to miss on Saturday, June 12. Check out the BASS(R) Outdoor Expo, a
showcase of products and interactive venues from the sponsors of the 2004 CITGO
Bassmaster(R) Tournament Trail and Bassmaster Elite 50 series.
There are several events that include appearances by your favorite artists. The
"Third Annual Andy Griggs Celebrity Archery Tournament" is always a hit with
fans and it is an official part of the Sports Zone in 2004. The event takes
place at 1:00 PM, Friday, June 11. Visit
www.CMAfest.com for list of participating artists. Fans of all-terrain
vehicles are in for a treat as Highlifter presents Fisher's ATV World's
Celebrity ATV Rodeo, hosted by Country duo Montgomery Gentry. The ATV Rodeo will
be held from 4:00-6:00 PM/CDT, Thursday, June 10. Visit the website for the full
press release and list of times and participants.
Sports celebrities will also make appearances in the Sports Zone. George Rogers,
who won the Heisman Trophy in 1980 while a running back at the University of
South Carolina, will make an appearance in the Sports Zone on Friday, June 11
(check schedule for additional days and times). NHL's Nashville Predators hosts
displays in the CMA Music Festival Sports Zone including an inflatable slapshot
cage and an inflatable hockey player and an appearance by goalie Tomas Vokoun.
Fans can check out the Predators' tent for team information. Tennessee Titans
wide receiver Drew Bennett is back in 2004 making in appearance in the Sports
Zone. NASCAR driver Stacy Compton will be signing autographs at his No. 59
interactive race car, sponsored by Bush's(R) Baked Beans. Several TNA Wrestling
Superstars will also sign autographs.
The Sports Zone also features displays by Camping World; Coca-Cola Game Trailer,
with XBox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube systems for game play; Fisher's ATV World;
Ford; Greased Lightning®; the National Women's Football Association, the
Nashville Sounds mascot Ozzie as well as the Toyota Interactive Garage featuring
two Toyota Tundra race trucks from the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series, a 25-foot
rock wall and a mechanical bull from New Heights and more.
This is CMA Music Festival after all and concerts will also be part of the
activities at the Bass Performance Stage. Confirmed performers include Brian
O'Neal, Chalee Tennison, Jason Aldean, and The Fox Brothers, with more artists
to be announced soon. Check the schedule for days and times.
Check out the schedule online to see the most up-to-date artists listed in
performing order!
Don't miss the CMT 100 Greatest Love Songs Concert on Wednesday, June 9th at the
Gaylord Entertainment Center
CMT welcomes Country Music fans worldwide to Nashville on the eve of CMA Music
Festival/Fan Fair(R) with a TV taping of one of the biggest concerts of the
summer. An array of stars will perform the Top 12 songs from CMT's romantic list
of 100 GREATEST LOVE SONGS. Concert goers will experience the Top 12 songs
performed live by Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Randy Travis, Brad Paisley, Sara
Evans, Lee Ann Womack, Joe Nichols, Dierks Bentley, Lonestar, Josh Turner, Julie
Roberts, Buddy Jewell, Del McCoury Band and more artists soon to be announced.
The Mavericks' frontman Raul Malo will act as the evening's Music Director.
CMT 100 GREATEST LOVE SONGS documentary and concert will debut on CMT Sunday,
June 13 at 4:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Here's your chance to see some of Country Music's legendary artists and today's
rising superstars on the same stage performing some of the top 100 love songs.
Get your tickets now at cmt.com, ticketmaster.com or call 615-255-9600. Find out
more online at:
CMA e-news subscribers SAVE BIG!!! Enter code: CMA when ordering online and save
$10 off each ticket.
For all the latest news and to purchase tickets, please visit
www.CMAfest.com. Tickets are still available for four-day ticket packages as
well as single concert tickets for Nightly Concerts at The Coliseum. Single-day
tickets to the Greased Lightning(R) Riverfront Park concerts will be sold the
day of the show at the gate.
Oj, det blev ett långt nyhetsbrev! Vi hörs på söndageftermiddag.
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Jag hoppas att ni inte glömt att hissa flaggan idag då det är Sveriges Nationaldag! Nästa år kanske den här dagen är en helgdag då man funderar på att byta ut Annandag Pingst och göra 6 juni till helgdag istället! Tja, kanske en bra idé. Personligen har jag ingen uppfattning annat än att jag tycker den här dagen alltid ska vara en helgdag.
Jag har fått ihop en del intressanta nyheter åt er. Håll till godo! Janne Lindgren
Hej Janne.
Såg dej i ett repotage i gitarrtidningen FUZZ. Kul att de kan skriva om steelguitar äntligen. Det var några bilder med på dej, såg en Carter i bakrunden på den ena. Har du den kvar också? De skrev att det var del 2 i steelguitarrepotage??? Jag har inte sett nån del 1 !???
Det slog mej häromdan, spelar Mats Rosen nåt nuförtiden? Han var en av min stora idoler när jag skulle börja spela steel...(även du förstås) ;-)
Måste berätta om en coolgrej jag hörde häromdan.
Vi var o spelade i Laneloge. Efteråt kom det 2 norskor fram som vi känner lite sen förrut...vi pratade på det mesta men sen kom vi in på countrymusik. Den ena berättade att hon var utbytesstudent i USA 1992...åhhh tyckte jag (som än inte varit där)
-Ja jag var i Nashville i 1 år säger hon...NEEEj..svarar jag lagom avundsjukt. Vi pratade en stund till. -Du spelar steel sa hon...Ja, jag försöker svarade jag.
- Bortgånge farfar i familjen jag var hos spelade steel sa hon...han var visst känd tror jag?.. fortsatte hon
Jasså, svarade jag...vad hette han?? Pete Drake sa hon...känner du igen det? RIDÅ!!!! Jag bara gapade....
Sånt är livet ibland...
Conny Ohlson
Tack för de upplysningarna! Har inte fått någon Fuzztidning än trots att de lovat att sända en. Men jag köper en idag! Historien om de norska tjejerna är lysande! Världen ÄR liten! JL.
ARTIST NEWS (rapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)
Reba McEntire, who kicked off her summer tour June 1 in Canada, performed
on the Today Show's outdoor concert series this morning (June 4). While
in New York, she will also tape Deborah Norville Tonight,
which is scheduled to air on June 8 on MSNBC...
Clay Walker heads to Washington today (June 4) to support the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society's Public Policy Conference and to heighten awareness
about multiple sclerosis (MS). Diagnosed with the disease in 1996, Walker serves
as the MS Society's Ambassador of the Year and works through his MS Road Tour to
inform and enlighten those living with the disease as well as their care givers.
The purpose of this week's conference is to address issues such as improving
Medicare prescription drug coverage, House passage of respite care legislation
and increased MS research funding at the National Institutes of Health...
Travis Tritt will sit on a panel with dignitaries of the world at the
international Group of Eight (G8) Summit in Sea Island, Ga., on June 8. Invited
by Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, this Georgia native will participate in a
panel discussion with heads of state from the United States of America, the
French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the Federal
Republic of Germany, Japan, the Republic of Italy and Canada. During the
three-day summit, thousands of government officials and diplomats will gather
and discuss global issues including terrorism, HIV/AIDS, and third world
economic development...
Gretchen Wilson appears on NBC's Tonight Show with Jay Leno
on June 18...
Sara Evans will appear on ABC’s The View on June 7. She will
perform her single "Perfect"...
Anita Cochran’s next single "(I Wanna Hear) A Cheatin' Song" goes for
adds on June 28. The song, written by Cochran, features the voice of the late
Conway Twitty. Twitty's vocal contribution was painstakingly assembled from
work and phrases contained in tracks that he recorded during his 1982-1987
tenure at Warner Bros...
The Mavericks hit the stage of Stubbs' Barbecue in Austin, Texas, on June
2, for a concert that was filmed for a live DVD/CD to be released this September
on Sanctuary Records...
The Oak Ridge Boys will appear for the entire hour on Deborah Norville
Tonight on June 4.
QUESTION: I have a bet with my wife that I can ask a classic country music question that you can’t answer. She doesn’t think I can. So here goes. We have some Johnny Paycheck records on the Little Darlin’ label. Those records have some of the greatest steel guitar playing that I’ve ever heard. I’m betting that you don’t know who played the steel guitar on those records. Do you?
ANSWER: There are lots of questions that I can’t answer but that isn’t one of them. The steel guitar player on all of those Paycheck Little Darlin’ sessions was Lloyd Green. By the way—just what did your wife win?
QUESTION: My aunt says that Ralph Emery had hit records many years ago. Is that true? I didn’t even know he could sing!
ANSWER: Ralph Emery had one chart single, “Hello Fool,” which was an answer song to Faron Young’s “Hello Walls.” The record peaked at # 4 in 1961 and was on the charts for 15 weeks.
1947 What is Life Without Love - Eddy Arnold
1955 In the Jailhouse Now - Webb Pierce
1963 Lonesome 7-7203 - Hawkshaw Hawkins
1971 I Won’t Mention It Again - Ray Price
----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----- Från: maria_olanders@se.sonymusic.com Till: steelguitar@swipnet.se Skickat: den 4 juni 2004 13:02
Hej Janne,
har fått ditt namn och
email genom en del sökningar på nätet. Jag skulle vilja ha lite mer information
om Country Music Sweden inför ett eventuellt artistbesök lite längre fram i
sommar. Skulle exempelvis vilja veta hur många som nås av ditt
utskick/nyhetsbrev mm.
Återkom gärna så snart
som möjligt !
Hej Maria,
Jag har ganska många countrymänniskor i mitt register. Hur många vill jag inte upplysa om! Mitt brev är av privat natur och jag skriver om allt som har med countrymusik att göra. Men du ska veta att jag själv bedömer vad som är country eller inte. Den bedömningen gör jag av 45 års erfarenhet av musikformen.
Om dina artister är som du säger, country, så upplyser jag självklart mina läsare om vad som kommer. Vet du att dina artister t ex ligger i gränslandet och ibland inte ens där, då är det meningslöst att sända mig info. Då finns det säkert andra kanaler du kan vända dig till.
Om du nu ändå beslutar dig för att vända dig till mig och mitt register så bör du i första hand stava ordet country rätt annars tar det stopp redan där!
Vänliga hälsningar,
Rösta på bra country, rösta på Carolina Åkerlind på Country Traxlistan. Adressen är www.polarradio.net/countrytrax.asp
Jag åker till Los Angeles och New York nu i juni (12 inklämda dagar mellan 2
festivalgig här hemma) och hoppas att någon kan ge något tips på roliga
countryställen i dessa ännu så länge kanske inte så countryfierade städer? Men
de är ju stora nog, så det finns säkert massor bara man vet var man ska leta. Vi
är borta mellan 20 juni och 2 juli. Tacksam för alla tips.
Den 19 juni spelar jag med Jake & The Spitfires på Mönsterås Countryfestival och
den 3 juli på Lida Countryfestival. Nya singeln Been There, Done That är klar
och kommer från pressarna nästa vecka. Dessutom har jag fått äran att spela på
Stockholm Pride Festival så nu ska vi sprida lite countrydoft även i de
färgglada fjollornas samling - yeehah!
Återkommer med fler festivalspelningar allteftersom veckorna går och hoppas du
tar med infon i ditt nyhetsbrev.
All the best
Hej Monica, i L.A. är det tunt med
countryklubbar, men om du letar lite då du är på plats så kommer du säkert att
finna någon. Förmodligen då inte någon som kör "pure" country men det kanske
inte spelar så stor roll. Förr fanns Palomino som var ett höjdarställe!
Universal och Disneyland är dock roliga ställen att besöka! JL.
Little Darlin' Reissue Collects
By Jim Bessman
NEW YORK (Billboard) - Aubrey Mayhew's legendary 1960s Nashville indie label,
Little Darlin' Records, is finally getting respectful reissue treatment through
Koch Records' Nashville division. The label was home to classic recordings by
Johnny Paycheck, Bobby Helms, Stonewall Jackson (news) and Jeannie C. Riley
Just out is "The Little Darlin' Sounds of Johnny Paycheck: The Beginning," the
first of a comprehensive reissue program of early Paycheck material. (The artist
changed the spelling of his last name to PayCheck before his death.) Also newly
released is "The Little Darlin' Sound of Bobby Helms." Next up are sets from
Jackson and steel-guitar great Lloyd Green, both slated for July 27.
Nashville music historian/journalist Robert K. Oermann notes that the reissues
celebrate not only an extraordinary label but an extraordinary era in Music City
history. "The company was one of the coolest country independent labels at a
time when Music Row had dozens and dozens of them," Oermann explains. "Now the
majors have virtually a stranglehold on the charts, but in the 1960s, a lot more
was possible, and Little Darlin's output and roster are the proof."
Citing in particular what was then the "radical" sound of Paycheck and Green,
Koch Records Nashville general manager Nick Hunter says: "It was one of the
smallest but most influential labels Nashville has ever seen. It didn't sell a
lot of records, but it was one of the few labels back in those times that was
still having fun -- maybe the first anti-establishment label Nashville ever
The reissues also bring Music Row veteran Hunter's career almost full circle.
"I was working at a one-stop in Kansas City in 1967 and was enamored with the
Paycheck sound. I called Aubrey up, and he offered me a job in Nashville,"
Hunter recalls. He briefly worked for Little Darlin' before starting his
major-label career with Columbia. Despite moving to the majors, Hunter stayed in
touch with Mayhew and attempted to reissue the Little Darlin' catalog 10 years
ago while he was at Giant Records. But Hunter left Giant before he could take
any action toward that goal. "Then a year ago -- at Koch -- I got to thinking
again and called him," Hunter says. "Slowly but surely, we put the deal
Hunter now aims to build an extensive, chronological Paycheck reissue series
starting with the artist's 1966 label debut. Among other Little Darlin' artists
with product forthcoming are Riley, who recorded for the label before her career
breakthrough, and Texas rockabilly/country legend Joe Poovey. He scored the 1966
hit "Heart Full of Love" for Little Darlin' after changing his name to Johnny
"There's an incredible amount of stuff that we're still digging up," Hunter
says, pointing to Mayhew's eccentric catalog. "There's an album he put out
years ago featuring a radio broadcast by Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans that
will probably come out some day, and he has four unreleased sides on Clint
Eastwood (news), including 'Burning Bridges' from 'Kelly's Heroes."'
But the Paycheck catalog, Hunter adds, is clearly "the centerpiece." Mayhew
says, "I recorded almost 500 sides on him, and so little got out. The real
treasures are yet to be heard." Noting the "experimental" nature of the Little
Darlin' recordings, Mayhew says the first Paycheck reissue is "just as it was --
very crude. We didn't enhance it or anything, because that's the way it was, the
way it started. To dress it up would be a commercial gimmick just to sell
records, and anybody who understands Johnny Paycheck wants it raw to begin
Mayhew observes Paycheck's influence on the more celebrated Merle Haggard (news)
and George Jones (news). "I dealt with all of them, and he was probably the
best country singer that ever surfaced," he says. "By the time we get
finished," Hunter notes, "we'll have 100 to 150 albums out over a five- to
seven-year period, 25 Paychecks."
Koch Records senior director of production and catalog development Dave Nives
notes that Paycheck "unfortunately, because he was broke, rerecorded everything
he did 50 times -- which accounts for real schlock in the marketplace. "Now
we're trying to counter that and show that these are his classic, great
recordings. Other than the Country Music Foundation's 'The Real Mr. Heartache:
The Little Darlin' Years,' they haven't been out."
Det var allt jag hade! Gå nu ut och fira vår nationaldag. Själv ska jag repetera
med Country Minstrels inför sommarens jobb! Ha det så bra!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Äntligen har jag nu fått möjlighet att sända mitt torsdagsbrev. Torsdagen blev stressig i allra högsta grad då min dotter Sara tog sin studentexamen här i Skärholmens Gymnasium. Vi hade fullt hus hela eftermiddagen och kvällen och det var ett väldans firande. Ett extra jättestort tack till Susanne och Daniel (Franke o. Hedström) som ställde upp med sin pick up truck och tjusiga cowboykläder. Självklart tog jag själv på mig min finaste hatt och countrykläder. Regnet strilade ned på skolgården men festen blev ändå väldigt lyckad då vi har tur att kunna vara i min "lilla" studio i källaren.
Fredagen var det uppstigning tidigt igen då jag måste till OAL-studion för inspelning med Jard Samuelsson. Countrymusik i kristen ton kan man säga om hans musik. Väl hemma framåt kvällen så var jag rätt trött (bara förnamnet). Där har ni hela förklaringen varför det inte blev något torsdagsbrev. Här kommer det i alla fall!
Så är det då dags för årets händelse i Nashville! CMAFest som man kallar den blir nog från och med i år något alldeles extra. Kanske inte alltid så country som vi skulle vilja, men mycket musik lär det bli. Här nedan kan ni se lite av vad som händer! JL
if you are
uGarland Frady died on May
26, 2004 at the Wake Forrest University
Hospital in North Carolina,
Hank Rosén
Hi again,
saxar dessa rader från Hillbilly-gruppens hemsida:
"Sad news just in about Garland Frady, from one of his oldest friends Ace
Garland Frady died on May 26, 2004 at the Wake Forrest University Hospital in
North Carolina, I talked to his brother Lee and he said they were going to
him and were not going to have any service of any kind.
Garland has been living back in the South since the 1980s, but made most of his
career while living on the West Coast. He moved to Los Angeles in the mid 1960s,
cutting singles for
Filmways (1966) and Dot (around 1967).
A solid singer, he was mainly part of the Valley club scene, and became somewhat
of a local at the Palomino. In 1969 he became part of the B-band, the second
version of Red
Rhodes Detours which played Mondays and Sundays. The Monday night saw each
member front the group in turn for a month or so, Garland of course got his
After Red Rhodes left the Palomino at the end of 1969, Garland got the Sundays
with his own band in the early 1970s. During the 1970s he recorded for GNP
Crescendo and the short lived
Countryside label which issued his only long player in 1973.
In the 1980s he all but retired, and was working in a vacuum repair shop and
driving up to Vasilia, CA to work a music gig on the weekend. Then I heard he
went to Nashville for a while and finally ended up inAtlanta, GA working with
his brother in some kind of business.
Eventually in the 1990s he revived his career, and cut a series of self released
CDs and cut track for obscure label samplers. He even had a band up to 2002,
mabe even into last year.
He had been unwell for about a year or so, but the last few months saw his
condition escelate and his was mainly living in a hospice." one link:
Best Regards,
Hej Janne, lite nyheter.
Lördagen den 12 juni är det countrykväll i Haurida (Åsens by) utanför Tranås.
Artister: Dottie och hennes band ,Cosmos Cowboys m.fl.
QUESTION: My granddad had an old 78 rpm record of a guy singing a song about “Sweeter Than Flowers.” The label was worn off the record. Do you know the name of the guy singing on that recording? And whatever happened to him?
ANSWER: “Sweeter Than The Flowers” was the third chart single for Aubrey “Moon Mullican,” who was known as “King Of The Hillbilly Piano Players.” The record peaked at # three in 1948
and was charted for 26 weeks. Moon died in 1967.
1950 Birmingham Bounce - Red Foley
1958 All I Have to Do is Dream - The Everly Brothers
1966 Distant Drums - Jim Reeves
1974 Pure Love - Ronnie Milsap
1982 Finally - T.G. Sheppard
Remembering Clarence White
Born Jun 7, 1944 in Lewiston, ME. Died Jul 14, 1973 in Palmdale, CA
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Clarence White was a gifted guitarist who was one of the pioneers of
country-rock in the late '60s. Although died young, his work with the Byrds and
the Kentucky Colonels, among others, remained celebrated among country-rock and
bluegrass aficionados in the decades following his death.
Born in Maine but raised in California, White began playing the guitar at an
early age, joining his brothers' band, the Country Boys, when he was just ten
years old. The band eventually evolved into the Kentucky Colonels. Clarence left
the Colonels in the mid-'60s, becoming a session musician; he played electric
guitar on many rock and pop albums. He also began playing with the duo of Gib
Gilbeau and Gene Parsons in local California clubs. Gilbeau and Parsons
frequently worked with the Gosdin Brothers, so the duo was able to land a cameo
appearance for White on the Gene Clark With the Gosdin Brothers album. Around
the same time, Clarence recorded a solo album for Bakersfield International
which the label didn't release.
In 1968, White joined Nashville West, which also featured Gene Parsons, Gib
Gilbeau, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Glen D. Hardin, and Wayne Moore. Nashville West
recorded an album for Sierra Records, but the record didn't appear until 1978.
White was invited to join the Byrds in the fall of 1968. Roger McGuinn was
rebuilding the Byrds' lineup after the departure of Chris Hillman and Gram
Parsons, who went on to form the Flying Burrito Brothers. Clarence White fit
into the revamped Byrds' country-rock direction. He played on the group's
untitled album, which spawned the single "Chestnut Mare." While he was with the
band, he continued to work as a session musician, playing on Randy Newman's 12
Songs (1970), Joe Cocker's eponymous 1969 album, and the Everly Brothers'
Stories Would Could Tell (1971), among others.
Once the Byrds disbanded in 1973, Clarence White continued his session work and
joined Muleskinner, which also featured David Grisman, Peter Rowan, John Guerin,
Bill Keith, John Kahn, and Richard Greene. Muleskinner only released one album,
which appeared later in 1973.
After the Muleskinner record was finished, White played a few dates with the
Kentucky Colonels and began working on a solo album. He had only completed four
tracks when he was killed by a drunken driver while he was loading equipment
onto a van; he died on July 14, 1973. Following his death, several posthumous
albums of his work with the Kentucky Colonels and the Byrds appeared, as did
various albums that featured his playing, including Jackson Browne's Late for
the Sky and Gene Parsons' Kindling.
Remembering Wynn Stewart
Born Jun 7, 1934 in Morrisville, MO . Died Jul 17, 1985 in Hendersonville, TN
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Wynn Stewart was one of the leading figures of West Coast country music,
developing in the early '50s the style that would later become known as the
Bakersfield sound. Along with Tommy Collins and Buck Owens, Stewart stripped
down the sound of honky tonk, taking away the steel guitars and relying on
electric instruments, a driving beat, and loud, energetic performances. For most
of the late '50s and early '60s, Stewart released a series of independent
singles that performed respectably yet failed to break him into the mainstream.
By the end of the '60s, he had modified his sound slightly, bringing himself
closer to country-pop territory. The shift in style was successful, resulting in
his lone number one hit single, "It's Such a Pretty World Today," but Stewart
wasn't able to become a genuine country star, despite his steady stream of
records during the '70s and '80s. At the time of his sudden death in 1985, he
was preparing for another comeback, which may have resulted in some long-overdue
critical and popular acclaim. Even though he never received those accolades
while he was alive, his early singles like "Wishful Thinking" and "Big, Big
Love" clearly inspired contemporaries like Owens and Merle Haggard, as well as
'80s neo-traditionalists and alternative country musicians like Dwight Yoakam
and k.d. lang, which guarantees him a place in the history of contemporary
country music.
Stewart was born in Morrisville, MO, and spent most of his childhood moving
around the country with his sharecropping family. Following World War II, he
spent a year working for KWTO in Springfield, MO, before moving to California in
1948 with his family. Originally, Stewart wanted to become a professional
baseball player, but he suffered from a hand disease and was too short to play
ball professionally, so he concentrated on a musical career. While he was still
in high school, he formed a band and began playing clubs around California.
Eventually, he met steel guitarist Ralph Mooney, who joined Stewart's band;
rounding out the group's lineup were guitarist Roy Nichols and bassist Bobby
Austin. In 1954, Stewart signed a contract with the independent label Intro,
where he released "I've Waited a Lifetime" and "Strolling." The second single
drew the attention of Stewart's idol, Skeets McDonald, who had arranged an
audition at Capitol Records for him. By the summer of 1956, Stewart had signed
with Capitol and released his first single for the label, "Waltz of the Angels,"
which spent one week at number 14 on the country chart; the song was later a hit
for George Jones and Margie Singleton. Subsequent singles were released on
Capitol, but none of the records made any impact, and Stewart left the label.
With the help of Harlan Howard, Stewart signed with Jackpot, a subsidiary of
Challenge Records, in early 1958. Occasionally employing Mooney on steel guitar,
Stewart made a series of singles that explored a number of different styles,
from rockabilly and pop to pure honky tonk. In late 1959, he finally had a hit
with "Wishful Thinking," which climbed to number five early in 1960. Shortly
after the success of "Wishful Thinking," he moved to Las Vegas, where he hosted
a local television show and opened the Nashville Nevada Club. By the early '60s,
Stewart's reputation, if not his sales, was considerable, and he continued to
have a string of moderate hit singles, including the Jan Howard duet "Wrong
Company," "Big, Big Love," and "Another Day, Another Dollar." In 1962, Haggard
joined Stewart's band as a bassist, and Wynn eventually gave him "Sing a Sad
Song" for his debut single.
After his Vegas ventures went bankrupt, Stewart headed back to California in
1965, re-signing with Capitol Records. Early in 1967, he had his first
significant hit for the label, "It's Such a Pretty World Today," which spent two
weeks at number one. Following its success, Stewart concentrated on softer, more
commercially acceptable material, and the result was a string of hit singles
that ran into the early '70s. By 1972, his sales were beginning to decrease, and
Stewart switched record labels, signing with RCA. Over the next three years he
released a number of singles, none of which cracked the Top 40. In 1975, he
signed with Playboy Records, scoring a comeback single with the Top Ten "After
the Storm" the following year. He stayed with Playboy for two more years, which
resulted in only one other hit single: his own version of "Sing a Sad Song."
Stewart launched his own independent label, WIN, in 1978, and his first single,
"Eyes Big as Dallas," scraped the bottom of the Top 40. Though the musical
climate of the '70s was changing rapidly, leaving Stewart behind, he also wasn't
able to achieve more success because of his developing alcoholism. Eventually,
he decided to step back from performing in the early '80s, using the time away
from the spotlight. During the mid-'80s, Stewart decided to launch a comeback
with an extensive tour and a new album on his Pretty World record label when he
died suddenly of a heart attack on the eve of the tour. Following his death, the
posthumous "Wait Till I Get My Hands on You" became a minor hit.
Är du på väg till Dallas idag? Då kan du förvänta dig en höjdarkväll på
Cowboys Red River i morgon fredag. Om du hittar dit vill säga! Den ligger i
korsningen Interstate 35E – väg 183 om jag inte minns fel. JL.
Catch Mark Chesnutt In Concert This Friday Night At Cowboys Red River. Call 214.352.1796 To Purchase Advance Tickets!
Svenska Country & Westernklubben med Christina Birgell i spetsen ger ut
tidningen Krutstänket. I senaste numret finns samtliga countryfestivaler (plus
några andra) i Sverige listade med artister och annat som händer. Vill ni
kontakta Christina så gör det på
fam.birgell@swipnet.se eller kolla hemsidan
www.scwk.just.nu JL.
Det var allt för den här gången, men bli inte förvånad om det dyker upp ett nytt nyhetsbrev i morgon söndag!
Janne Lindgren
PS. Några nyheter hann bli inaktuella i det här nyhetsbladet! Beklagar! DS
nable to see the images below co
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Country Minstrels & Carolina Åkerlind toppar Country
Trax-listan IGEN!!
Tack alla ni som röstat på oss, det känns bra att ni gillar "riktig"
Vill ni rösta så går ni in på
www.polarradio.net/countrytrax.asp JL.
Till nyhetsbrevet:
"Mötet" - med mycket country - på Radio Lidingö 97,8
"Mötet" är ett program som sänds varje lördag kl. 21,00-22,00 med repris
söndagar kl. 19,00-20,00 på Radio Lidingö 97,8. Flera countryartister har
medverkat i "Mötet" under våren - Ben Olander, inte helt okände Janne Lindgren
och Pelle Ljungström i Wildwood.
Den 19-20 juni är storbandsledaren Leif Kronlund gäst i "Mötet" och där berättar
han att han älskar countrymusik och alltid lyssnar på "Country, Country Music"
på Radio Lidingö.
Den 26-27 juni är det Monica Silverstrand som är gäst i "Mötet" och efter
sommaruppehållet så kommer bland andra Mats Rådberg. Programledare för "Mötet"
är Göran Geson.
Hej Janne,
Det var kul att läsa om Conny’s info om Pete Drake. Jag har en ”Talk Machine” hos mig som är till salu som passar till en Steel, men också till en rockande gitarr spelare passar boxen. Någon hågad???
Det har varit skojigt att höra dig ihop med Vikingarna och andra genom åren. Tråkigt att läsa att de inte har betalat som de skall!!! Du får bli tuffare. Men det är rätt att det ser kul när det skall fejkas. Har sett en Barbara Mandrell Show på SVT en gång på ca –80talet (kanske –70talet). Barbara hade händerna 2 dm över strängarna och det lät som man spelade, en sådan steel vill jag ha.
Ha en fortsatt trevlig sommar.
Hörde en swinglåt med Monica Silverstrand på radio här om dan. Kommer inte ihåg titeln, men den var ”unplugged”. En C6 stämd resonator gitarr hade varit höjdare här.
Hej Janne
Nästa vecka spelar Jack Daniel´s Band och Dottie And The Wolfpack på Statoil Brändåsen.
Ett arrangemang i samarbete med Radio 94,3. Detta är inte första gången man har uppträdanden
på den här bensinstationen utan det har framträtt flera olika artister här bla Alfred Hansen från fd
Country Road mfl.
Hälsningar Thomas Ahlberg
ARTIST NEWS (rapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)
Kid Rock’s new record, “Single Father” is beginning to impact at country
radio. Rock co-wrote the song with David Allan Coe...
Michael McDonald joins the once-in-a-lifetime lineup of performers for
the CMT 100 Greatest Love Songs concert on June 9. The concert, hosted by
Joe Nichols and Sara Evans, also features Dolly Parton, Kenny
Rogers, Randy Travis, Lee Ann Womack, Brad Paisley, Dierks Bentley, Lonestar,
Josh Turner, Julie Roberts, Buddy Jewell and the Del McCoury Band.
The concert will be taped for telecast as part of a six-hour special debuting on
June 13...
Montgomery Gentry were honored as Best Music Artist/Group in Kentucky
Monthly's annual Kentucky's Best readers' poll for the second year in a row. The
popular state magazine lists 37 categories ranging from retail establishments
and restaurants to civic leaders, newscasters and coaches...
The Joe Nichols publicity machine is kicking into gear for the June 29
release of his new album Revelation. On the release date Nichols will be in New
York City for a live in-studio performance on Good Morning America, later
that day he will be in CNN's New York studios for live interviews, and that
afternoon he will tape a performance for AOL Sessions. The following day (June
30), he will appear live on The View. He has appearances scheduled for
Jimmy Kimmel Live and ESPN's Cold Pizza for later in
the summer...
Actor/director and former child star Rick Schroder (NYPD Blue) will
direct the video for the Brad Paisley, Alison Krauss duet “Whiskey
Mutual Admiration Society featuring Glen Phillips (frontman for
Toad The Wet Sprocket) and Sara Watkins, Sean Watkins and Chris
Thile of Nickel Creek have added Led Zeppelin bassist John
Paul Jones as a special guest on electric bass, and will feature drummer
Pete Thomas (Elvis Costello & The Attractions). The tour will launch
on July 27 in Seattle, and conclude in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 19...
Charlie Daniels has recorded new versions of “Legend of Wooley Swamp,”
“Uneasy Rider,” and “Trudy,” for the July 27 release of Essential Super Hits
for Koch/Blue Hat...
After a recent show in Burlington, Vt., Mary Chapin Carpenter, her band
and crew were invited to a private picnic for Governor Howard Dean and
Senator Patrick Leahy...
Gretchen Wilson will appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
on June 18...
Hometown News has been tapped by Armed Forces Entertainment to entertain
troops serving our country at home and abroad. They left on June 3 and will make
stops in Alaska, Japan, Diego Garcia, Guamand the Marshall Islands.
Hej Janne,
Hoppas allt är ok, sommaren är i antågande och på måndag hämtar jag mina barn på Centralen, sen väntar semester direkt efter midsommar.
En liten fråga: har du medverkat på en platta med Göran J Lindås som är inspelad i Askersund?
Ha det bra, vi hörs
Thomas Hydén
Jajamensan, och det var många låtar! 14 eller 16 jag minns faktiskt inte trots att det inte var mer än ca en månad sedan inspelningen i Askersund gjordes! JL.
Bobby's new CD "Festival Favorites" is here and available at: www.yellowroserecords.com and also at www.bobbyflores.com!
Recorded in April and May '04 at BGM Studio in San Antonio, this cd is a collection of great songs--some of which have been the favorites at Opry's and many Festivals!
Drums - Jim Loessberg, Upright bass - Jake Hooker, Piano - Randy Reinhard, Guitars - Bobby, Steel - Randy Reinhard and Dickey Overbey, Fiddles - John Schattenberg and Bobby, Harmony vocals - Bill Green & Jake Hooker.
*I'll Have Somebody Else (As soon as you're gone), *Too Much Love (Is spoiling you), *The Twenty Fourth Hour, *Silverlake Blues, *The Curtain in the Window, *I Wonder Who'll Turn Out The Lights (In your world tonight), *The Keeper of My Heart, *Danny Boy (instrumental), *South of The Border, *I've Got A New Heartache.
$14.99 plus $2 shipping & handling. Order online OR checks may be sent to:
Yellow Rose Records, P.O. Box 1526, Blanco, TX., 78606
Please specify "Favorites" on your check.
If you don't have "Just For The Record" yet and would like a copy of that CD as well, we are offering both CD's for $25 plus $2 shipping & handling. Thank you for your support and enjoy the music!
Thank you,
Jenna Hildebrand
Yellow Rose Records Group
QUESTION: My cousin used to sing a song about “Mirror On The Wall.” He said it was a Buck Owens record played on the radio back in the 60’s. Do you have any information on such a record?
ANSWER: “Mirror Mirror On The Wall” was the flipside of Buck’s 1962 number 11 hit, “Nobody’s Fool But Yours.”
QUESTION: Please settle an argument. My mom says that Loretta Lynn’s first hit record was “The Other Woman” on Decca Records. I think she had hits before that one. Who is right?
ANSWER: Loretta’s first hit on Decca Records was “Success,” which peaked at # 6 in 1962, but it was her second chart single. Her first was “I’m A Honky Tonk Girl” on Zero Records, which peaked at # 14 in 1960.
QUESTION: Back in the 70’s there was a good country song played on the radio about “Shadows Of My Mind.” Do you know the singers name?
ANSWER: “Shadows Of My Mind” was Vernon Oxford’s first chart single. It peaked at # 54 in 1975 and was on the charts for 12 weeks.
1947 Sugar Moon - Bob Wills
1955 In the Jailhouse Now - Webb Pierce
1963 Lonesome 7-7203 - Hawkshaw Hawkins
1971 You’re My Man - Lynn Anderson
1979 She Believes in Me - Kenny Rogers
1987 I Will Be There - Dan Seals
Så fick jag ihop några sidor till er denna söndag. Hoppas att ni haft en fin helg och att ni får en fin vecka nu i EM-tider! Fotboll är livet!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Hej vänner, hoppas att sommaren har kommit även till er. I Stockholm är det nu jättefint om än lite regn ibland. Bra för kantarellerna!
Dalarnas Country Music Club har precis kommit med ännu ett nummer av Country Post! En bra och informativ klubbtidning med allehanda nyheter och artiklar. Mestadels handlar det om händelser i Dalarna, vilket är fullt naturligt då klubben har sitt säte där. Ett jätteplus är att redaktionen skriver mycket om svenska countrygrupper, vilket gläder en gammal gube som jag är. Hur ska annars den svenska countryfloran överleva om vi inte stödjer banden och deras arbete för countrymusiken här i landet? En fråga jag lätt kan bolla över till en och annan arrangör av countryfestivaler i vårt land. Många av årets festivalgeneraler satsar hellre på okända amerikaner än skapligt kända svenska band! Idiotiskt enligt mitt menande eftersom det knappast heller är ekonomiskt försvarbart! Jaså, ni hade hört det förut? Nåväl, mailadressen till Country Post är bjeb@telia.com eller hemsidan www.countrysweden.com (varför finns inte hemsidesadressen där all annan info om klubben finns, d v s på sida 3?)
Så måste jag också nämna SCC-NYTT som ges ut av Smålands Country Club. En fantastiskt informativ klubbtidning som innehåller precis allt en countryintresserad behöver. Artiklar, nyheter, recentioner av konserter, DVD och CDs plus mycket mer. Dessutom är layouten väldigt fin och proffsig och det är en glädje att bläddra i tidningen. Den här tidningen speglar inte bara vad som händer i Småland utan här finns väldigt mycket mer. Klubbavgiften är väl värd att betala även om ni inte har möjlighet att alltid åka till arrangemang i Småland. Bara tidningen är värd pengarna. Adressen till klubben är www.smalandscountryclub.tk
Här nedan lite fler nyheter! Janne Lindgren
Tänkte bara be dig att göra ett uppehåll med att skicka nyhetsbreven till mig på 6 veckor! Alltså, tills jag är tillbaka från USA! (Fast du får gärna skicka mail under tiden!) Hoppas allt är bra med dig. Åker på lördag förresten, men det är fortfarande mycket kvar som ska hinna göras! Speciellt på jobbet så jag får jobba över en del den här veckan! Vilket är lite jobbigt...
Ha det så bra,
Caroline, glöm nu inte alla mina förmaningar om försiktighet då du reser till Nashville, speciellt den senare delen då du är ensam kvar. Du och dina föräldrar kommer säkert att få en härlig resa till New York och bilfärden därifrån till Nashville. Man måste köra försiktigt då trafiken, precis som i Stockholm, blir allt hetsigare för varje dag i USA. Annat var det för sådär 10 – 15 år sedan, då körde alla lugnt och städat. Så är det inte längre. Folk har världen över blivit mer stressade. Kan det bero på den moderna tekniken med datorer och mobiltelefoner överallt? Jag tror faktiskt det, men det är en annan historia.
Jag kommer inte att känna mig lugn förrän du landat på Arlanda igen. Men det är långt till dess och jag hoppas verkligen att du får en fin och skön resa. Du kommer säkert att få kanonväder. Det är det nästan alltid i Nashville den här tiden på året! Hälsa till dina föräldrar och ta väl vara på er! Janne
God morgon Janne,
Tänkte skriva en rad om vår spelning förra lördagen.
Kanske inget att ta med i nyhetsbrevet men en liten reflektion när det det gäller country i allmänhet.
Eftersom vi spelade en lite gammaldags country väntade vi oss att vi skulle vara för 'smala' för den vanliga publiken.
Det var väl inte så förvånande att uteserveringen var fullsatt när vi började spela men att alla satt kvar under den 45 minuter långa spelningen hade vi nog inte väntat oss.
Dessutom var det många som kom tillbaka till de bägge andra föreställningarna för att höra om samma låtar igen.
Ännu mer glädjande var att många yngre satt och lyssnade och verkade uppskatta musiken.
Cafe't har som du förstår många yngre stamkunder och flera av dem har efter vår spelning talat om för Rosa att de uppskattat musiken och frågat om hon inte har några skivor med Jonny Cash att spela i CD:n på fiket.
Ganska intressant va'.
Ha det
Hej Micke, grattis till ett lyckat jobb utanför caféet i Ljungby! Det du berättar är inget konstigt utan fullt naturligt. Countrymusiken har en mycket större publik än vad man kan tänka sig, men många som gillar musikformen vet inte att det är country den kallas. Nästan alla vuxna gillar gammal fin country, men även unga som aldrig fått en chans att lyssna fastnar lätt om de träffar på den vid rätt tillfälle. Vi har ganska många unga lyssnare av mitt Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö till exempel. Ha en fin sommar Micke! JL.
QUESTION: A friend had a tape recording of a song about “Please Mr. D.J..” He said he recorded from the radio and it was a Merle Haggard recording. Do you have any information on a Haggard recording by that title? Nobody else knows anything about it.
ANSWER: “Please Mr. D.J.” was the flipside of Haggard’s 1965 # 10 hit, “My Friends Are Gonna Be Strangers.” (Låten finns på LPn Strangers, Capitol ST- 2373 JL)
QUESTION: My grandpa used to sing a song about “Don’t Stop The Music.” He said it was on the radio back in the 50’s. Do you know anything about a song by that title?
ANSWER: “Don’t Stop The Music” was the 7th chart single for George Jones. It peaked at # 10 in 1957.
QUESTION: My grandpa used to sing a song about “Don’t Stop The Music.” He said it was on the radio back in the 50’s. Do you know anything about a song by that title?
ANSWER: “Don’t Stop The Music” was the 7th chart single for George Jones. It peaked at # 10 in 1957.
QUESTION: There was a song by a female singer back in the 60’s about “not letting the doorknob hit you on the way out.” Do you know the correct title of the song and the name of the artist?
ANSWER: “Don’t Let That Doorknob Hit You” was Norma Jean’s 12th chart single. It peaked at # 24 in 1966 and was on the charts for 13 weeks. (finns på hennes lp "Jackson Ain´t A Very Big Town" RCA Victor LSP-3836 JL.)
1952 The Wild Side of Life - Hank Thompson
1960 Please Help Me, I’m Falling - Hank Lockin
1968 Honey - Bobby Goldsboro
1976 One Piece at a Time - Johnny Cash
1984 Someday When Things are Good - Merle Haggard
1950 Why Don’t You Love Me - Hank Williams
1958 All I Have to Do is Dream - The Everly Brothers
1966 Distant Drums - Jim Reeves
1974 I Don’t See Me in Your Eyes Anymore - Charlie Rich
1982 For All the Wrong Reasons - The Bellamy Brothers
1951 I Want to Be with You Always - Lefty Frizzell
1959 The Battle of New Orleans - Johnny Horton
1967 It’s Such a Pretty World Today - Wynn Stewart
1975 When Will I Be Loved - Linda Ronstadt
1983 Our Love is on the Faultline - Crystal Gayle
En intressant sida för nordisk countrymusik hittar ni på www.underholdningsnettet.dk JL.
Benny Jonsson har spelat in en steelCD som heter "Se Sån Steel Han Har". Mer info kommer i senare nyhetsbrev. klasjonsson1@telia.com
Hello Janne,
I was looking at your music playlist and you play some good music I have written
songs for Willie Nelson, Connie Smith, Johnny Paycheck and others. I have a new
single on the Hillcrest label "Tired and Troubled Soldiers" if you get a chance
could you give it a listen.
Thanks Jenne for your time,
Billy Don Burns
Carolina Åkerlind toppar Country Trax-listan under hela sommaren!! Tack alla ni som röstat, det känns bra att ni gillar "riktig" countrymusik! Det går att rösta ända fram till den 12.8 då en ny lista presenteras www.polarradio.net/countrytrax.asp Den listan och annat material från Polarradio kommer också att sändas från Radio Lidingö. JL.
June 16/04
Hello from Hillcrest .....
Thank you once again for all the radio play and your wonderful support of our Hillcrest country recording artists. Please keep it going .....
Best regards
Ross Allen
Hillcrest Music Canada
Covering Greater Stockholm, Sweden.
Country, Country Music Playlist – June 15, 2004
Send promotion material to:
1. Intro: Country, Country Music Country Minstrels
2. Justin Trevino All Right I´ll Sign The Paper 2000
3. Joni Harms Lousiana Hot Sauce
4. Link Davis "The Cajun Crawdaddy" Jole Blon
5. Tex Ritter High Noon
6. Suzy Bogguss Eat At Joe´s
7. Ragnar (The Faroes) If Teardrops Were Pennies
8. Carolina Åkerlind I Wonder Where You Are Tonight
9. Hank Locklin Please Help Me I´m Falling June, 1960. No 1
10. Merle Haggard Please Mr. DJ 1965
11. Tom Morrell & The Time-Warp Tophands Honeysuckle Rose
12. Roger Wallace Wine By Wine
13. Chad Brock Right Now
14. Johnny Bush The Wall
15. Johnny Bond Oklahoma Hills
16. Bob Edgar Just Another Cowboy In Love new Gold-Pony Prod.
17. Lee Dinwoodie Love Gone Crazy new Comstock Records
18. The Mavericks All You Ever Do Is Bringing Me Down
19. Randy Travis Strangers In My Mirror
20. Norma Jean One Way Ticket To The Blues 1964
21. Porter Wagoner My Name Is Mud 1961
22. Buck Owens Close Up The Honky Tonks Jan. 1964
23. Danny Mack I Remember Loving You
24. Alan Jackson Love´s Got A Hold On You
25. Barbara Fairchild Mississippi
26. Vince Gill The Key To Life
27. Roy Clark & Buck Trent "Banjo Bandits" Down Yonder
28. Outro Asleep At The Wheel Bob´s Breakdown
Country, Country Music gör uppehåll under sommaren mellan den 27 juni till och med den 22 augusti. Det innebär att endast ett program återstår innan sommaren och det är nu på tisdag. Dessvärre blir det ett inspelat program denna gång också, men god countrymusik utlovas.
Lyssna gärna på "Mötet" med Göran Geson som sänds varje söndag mellan 20 – 21 på Radio Lidingö. Där kan ni höra intervjuer med en del countrymusikprofiler och andra intressanta människor. Som vanligt är det bara Stor-Stockholm som har möjlighet att lyssna.
Därmed sätter jag punkt för det här torsdagsbrevet. På söndag är jag tillbaka igen!
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Äntligen har jag kommit ut på nätet igen efter två dagars utvisning! Något fel på servern förmodar jag? Har haft en lugn helg och det märks att folk åker iväg till landet då vår gård verkligen är folktom under helgerna. I morse under hustruns och min promenad träffade vi på en rådjurshanne stående ca. 10 meter från oss. Inte blev han skraj heller!
I det nya numret (5) av tidningen FUZZ kan man läsa om en viss steel picker Janne Lindgren. Kul att få vara med i en så förnämlig tidning, med bild och allt. I bästa fall kanske jag blir med i bild nästa tisdag (29 juni) då jag spelar med Vikingarna på Allsång på Skansen. Åtminstone kommer ni kanske att höra mig! Återstår att se (höra) eller hur det nu blir!
Här nedan lite trevliga nyheter! Janne Lindgren
Hej Janne
Programmet till Scandinavian Country Clubs festival 13. - 15 august, i Silkeborg Danmark är klart.
bl.a. Asleep At The Wheel - The Good Brothers Can. - Billy Yates US. - Kelli Trotttier Can.m.fl.
Tjeck www.sccdk.com
Hej Janne!
En intressant
sida för nordisk countrymusik hittar ni på
www underholdingsnettet dk
Jag får inte in
detta, fel avskrivet när du knackade ner nyhetsbrevet?
För med tanke på vad du skrev måste du ju ha kollat sidan.
Fast det kan ju vara tillfälligt nere...
OK, jag gör ett försök till!
www.underholdningsnettet.dk JL.
(Felstavning alltså! Jag ändrar förra brevet i efterhand. / Per-Uno)
Hej Janne!
Jag får ny epostadress som redan gäller:
Det är bara att hoppas att countryfolk hör av sig med info, bra länkar och att
de som har hemsidor vill vara länkbytare för att synas bättre.
www.country.vingar.se / Per-Uno
Tack Benny Pedersen för Silkeborgs Festivalprogram. www.sccdk.com/festivalprogram.htm JL.
Lane Loge Västkustens CountryFestival 16 – 17 juli 2004 med bl a Country Minstrels och Carolina Åkerlind. www.laneloge.se Möt oss där! JL.
1945 At Mail Call Today - Gene Autry
1953 Take These Chains from My Heart - Hank Williams
1961 Hello Walls - Faron Young
1969 Running Bear - Sonny James
1977 Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love) - Waylon Jennings
1985 Country Boy - Ricky Skaggs
1946 New Spanish Two Step - Bob Wills
1954 I Don’t Hurt Anymore - Hank Snow
1962 She Thinks I Still Care - George Jones
1970 Hello Darlin’ - Conway Twitty
1978 Two More Bottles of Wine - Emmylou Harris
1986 Life’s Highway - Steve Wariner
QUESTION: My mothers favorite song is “I Know One.” She said it was a hit for Charley Pride but my dad says it was on the radio by someone else years earlier. Do you have any information?
“I Know One” was a
# 6 hit for Jim Reeves in 1960. Charley Pride also had a # 6 hit on the song in
According to Merle Haggard, his 1969 hit, “Oakie From Muskogee” started out as a joke and was written over a period of time-but the total time spent writing the song was probably no more than twenty minutes!
Merle said, “We were on the road-coming out of Arkansas and the bus passed a sign that read “Muskogee-19 miles.” And somebody—I don’t remember who- said “I bet they don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee.” Everybody thought that was funny. Roy Burris-who was our drummer at the time- and I - started adding to that. Several days later, I was listening to a Garner Ted Armstrong radio program and he talked about the smaller colleges just didn’t have the problems like drugs and riots-all those things you heard about happening at the larger colleges.”
“Well I started thinking about that line about Muskogee and I wondered if there was a college there. I found out that Muskogee did have a college and the college had not had any of those problems. The idea just struck me all at once and the song came together. And I just started writing it down. The song probably took a total of twenty minutes to write.”
“Even though people called it a message song-it’s also a funny song-even a little ridiculous in some ways- the song has a lot of different messages. It has some messages that I didn’t even know were there.”
But Merle added that the main message in the tune was pride and patriotism.
Merle said that his father lived in Checotah—which was some 20 miles south of Muskogee-before moving his family to California some three years before Merle was born.
“Oakie From Muskogee” entered the country music charts October 11th, 1969 and was at the top of the charts six weeks later. It was in the number one spot for four weeks and on the charts for 16 weeks.
The record was certified as a million seller October 7th, 1970 and was named Single Of The Year by both The Country Music Association and The Academy Of Country Music.
“Oakie From Muskogee” was written by Merle Haggard and Roy Edward Burris.
The record was produced by Ken Nelson.
Kountry Korral Magazine har just kommit i posten! Som vanligt en trevlig tidning att bläddra i och speciellt roligt är det att läsa vad Rune Krongårdh skriver. Den grabben vet vad countrymusik är och historien bakom densamma. Om alla som skriver i tidningen kunde koncentrera sig på att skriva om just countrymusik så skulle vi ha ett fulländat forum för vår musiksort. Dessvärre är så inte fallet för tillfället och det är på grund av detta omöjligt att ge tidningen högsta betyg. Kjellbergs artikel om Tom T. Hall är dock lysande! Själv återkommer jag som skribent då KK åter blir en renodlad countrymusikpublikation! JL.
Hej Janne!
Hoppas allt är väl
med dig och att du har haft en underbar sommar så långt.
Jag tänkte bara skicka över en länk till Per Bjurmans recension av Kris
Kristofersons konsert på Hultsfred igår torsdag.
Här kommer den: http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/noje/story/0,2789,493649,00.html
Tack Simon för info! Tack också alla för glada tillrop angående mitt nyhetsbrev. Det är kul att veta att ni gillar att få lite nyheter per email trots mina ibland giftiga kommen-tarer. Nåväl, förhoppningsvis mår hela countrybranschen bra av att åtminstone en person vågar sticka fram hakan. Men vad har en 60+are som varit med om det mesta att förlora? Ha nu en fin vecka.
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Regn, regn och åter regn idag på midsommardagen i Stockholm. Jaha, tänker ni, nu har han fått solsting eller nåt annat kul! Men egentligen är det den 24 juni som är Johannes Döparens Dag alltså midsommardagen. Sedan 1952 förlades den dagen till lördagen efter sommarsolståndet, av någon kallad "den socialistiska midsommaren"! Nu vet ni, dagarna blir bara mörkare och mörkare. Eländes elände!
Fem gamla countrygubbar besökte mig häromdagen för att lite försenat fira min 60-årsdag som brukligt är i vår vänkrets då någon fyller jämna år. Det är alltid kul att snacka lite country med grabbar som verkligen vet vad det handlar om. Vi har alla varit med sedan slutet av 50-talet och har tillsammans stora kunskaper om musikformen. Vi åt en liten enkel italiensk buffé och drack lite vin och några pilsner i min källarstudio. De som kom var Rune Krongårdh, Göran Adolph, Eddie Eriksson, Jörgen Hween och Lasse Lundgren. I present fick jag en jättebukett blommor, en tjock bok om countrymusik och 6 st pizzatallrikar. Med på presenten var även Red Jenkins, Hasse Häggström och Eric Nauclér, men som inte kunde komma just den dagen. Tack vänner, presenterna och besöket var verkligen uppskattat!
Här nedan lite andra nyheter, Janne Lindgren
Grammy Winner...Marty Stuart Arrested
June 23, 2004
(Hendersonville-AP) -- Country singer Marty Stuart was arrested today in a
Nashville suburb for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Stuart
was arrested in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant in Hendersonville
where police had gone to investigate an accident.
He was charged with drunken driving in April 2002 after police got a tip he was
intoxicated at a store. The charge was later dismissed, but Stuart lost his
driver's license for a year for refusing to take a blood-alcohol test.
Stuart is a member of the Grand Ole Opry. His hits include "Tempted" and "The
Whiskey Ain't Workin,' a duet with Travis Tritt. Calls today to his management
company seeking comment were not returned.
1948 Texarkana Baby - Eddy Arnold
1956 Crazy Arms - Ray Price
1964 Together Again - Buck Owens
1972 The Happiest Girl in the Whole U.S.A. - Donna Fargo
1980 One Day at a Time - Cristy Lane
1988 I Told You So - Randy Travis
"Happy Birthday Roy Drusky...!!!"
Born Jun 22, 1930 in Atlanta, GA
by Jason Ankeny
A singer/songwriter often called "the Perry Como of country music," Roy Drusky
enjoyed success throughout the 1960s as a performer in the Nashville sound vein.
Born June 22, 1930, in Atlanta, GA, Drusky's mother, a church organist, tried
for years to interest her son in music, but throughout his childhood he focused
the majority of his energies on sports. It was not until during a two-year stint
in the U.S. Navy that he bought his first guitar, and soon after began
performing for his fellow crew members.
After leaving the Navy, Drusky returned to college, and unsuccessfully tried out
for baseball's Cleveland Indians. In 1951, he started his first band, the
Southern Ranch Boys; the group's success on a Decatur, GA-radio talent show
landed Drusky work as a DJ, where he attracted a substantial following among
listeners. He also continued to perform in local clubs after the Southern Ranch
Boys called it quits, and on the strength of a 1953 single, "Such a Fool," he
was signed to Columbia Records in 1955.
After moving to Minneapolis to continue his work in radio, Drusky began
headlining at the Twin Cities' prestigious Flame Club, where word of his talents
began spreading to Nashville. As a result, Faron Young recorded Drusky's "Alone
With You" in 1958; the single was the biggest of Young's career, topping the
charts for 13 weeks. Soon after, Drusky moved to Nashville, and in 1960 released
back-to-back Top Five hits, the honky tonk ballads "Another" and "Anymore,"
which led to an invitation to join the Grand Ole Opry. In the same year, he also
released a hit duet with Kitty Wells, "I Can't Tell My Heart That."
In 1961, Drusky released the double-sided hit "I'd Rather Loan You Out"/"Three
Hearts in a Tangle," and also issued his first LP, Anymore With Roy Drusky. The
next year, he reached the Top Ten again with "Second Hand Rose," from the album
It's My Way. Throughout the first half of the decade, he continued to release
chart hits, peaking in 1965 with his lone number one, "Yes, Mr. Peters." He also
issued two separate albums in 1964, Songs of the Cities and Yesterday's Gone. In
1965, Drusky appeared in his first film, White Lightnin' Express, and also sang
the feature's title song; he later appeared in two other films, The Golden
Guitar and Forty Acre Feud. In the middle of the decade, he also began recording
with singer Priscilla Mitchell, and with her released two albums of duets,
1965's Love's Eternal Triangle and Together Again in 1966. In addition, Drusky
began a career as a producer for acts like Pete Sayers and Brenda Byers.
As a recording artist, Drusky's success tapered off after 1965; although he
released 11 chart hits between 1966 and 1969, only two, "Where the Blue and
Lonely Go" and "Such a Fool," reached the Top Ten. However, in the early years
of the next decade he made a comeback: 1970's "Long Long Texas Road," from the
album All My Hard Times, was his first Top Five hit in six years. It was also
his last, however, and as Drusky's brand of country fell victim to changing
tastes, his singles and albums were less and less successful; after releasing
two LPs in 1976, This Life of Mine and Night Flying, he returned to writing and
producing. After remaining silent throughout the 1980s, he began a new sideline
as a country-influenced gospel balladeer in the early 1990s.
ARTIST NEWS (rapport från Nashville av Dan Ekbäck)
Tim McGraw launched his Out Loud Tour over the weekend and performed to
50,000 fans during its three-day run. Also for the first time, McGraw began each
night with a pre-show party for fan club members and radio winners. These
private pre-show parties begin with an unplugged set by opening act the
Warren Brothers, who then accompany McGraw for a few numbers. The
performances are followed by an answer and question session with McGraw...
People Magazine included Dierks Bentley in its annual bachelor issue
listing the nation's most eligible single men. The magazine hits newsstands June
Reba McEntire scores her 53rd Top 10 single this week as her current
single, "Somebody," climbs to No. 10 on Billboard’s country singles
Lonestar makes its first ever daytime television appearance with a
performance on NBC's Days of Our Lives on June 21. The band, appearing as
themselves, visit the fictitious town of Salem, USA, to headline the grand
opening of character Bonnie Lockhart's (Judi Evans) new restaurant
Alice's, a country music bar and restaurant...
Three-time Female Vocalist of the Year Janie Fricke will be attending and
participating in the Memorial Services for the legendary Ray Charles in Los
Angeles today (June 18). Others scheduled to take part are Stevie Wonder,
Willie Nelson, BB King, Billy Preston, Glen Campbell, among others...
Charlie Daniels joined XM air personality Shannon for a live
broadcast that featured the World Premiere of his new single, "The Intimidator."
on June 8 to a packed house at the Country Music Hall of Fame's Ford Theater.
Keith Urban’s Golden Road has been certified double platinum by
the RIAA. Also, his fan club raised $45,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital during the CMA Music Festival...
On New Year’s Eve of 2000, Billy Joe Shaver’s only son and longtime
musical collaborator Eddy Shaver was found dead of a heroin overdose. At
the time of his death, Eddy was at work on an untitled album that was only half
completed. His father decided to finish the album. The resultant album, Billy
and the Kid, will be released on Aug. 24 on Compadre Records...
Julie Roberts will be featured in the upcoming "Must Have Music"
sections of In Style and Entertainment Weekly and Maxim...
Compass Records will release Kieran Kane and Kevin Welch’s
You Can’t Save Everybody on July 20. This is the first full-length studio
collaboration from these two respected songwriters. The album was recorded live
in the studio with Kane and Welch accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Fats
Cerrito is nominated as Country Crossover Artist Of The Year by the trade
publication New Music Weekly. He will travel to Los Angeles later this
month for a round of media and to attend award ceremonies on June 26 in
Hollywood. Other artists nominated in the category this year include Shania
Twain, Tim McGraw and Wynonna. Cerrito will be a presenter on the
awards ceremonies to be held at the Key Club Theater in Hollywood.
Sony Music has
teamed with Bank One to offer consumers the Sony Card. One of the first artists
featured in the campaign is Nashville's own Gretchen Wilson. Fold-out
advertisement of the new campaign appeared in the June 21 Us Weekly and
the June 18 Rolling Stone...
Toby Keith will release his second greatest hits package this
November. He had been trying to decide whether to release a collection of new
material or a retrospective of the past 5 years. This week it was decided that a
hits collection will be released...
Big & Rich in the nations capitol on June 28 for a visit in the studio with
Voice of America's Border Crossings...
Nashville Star winner Brad Cotter will hand-deliver his first
video ("I Meant To") to CMT's Top 20 Countdown on June 24 where it will
be given a World Premiere. He'll talk to host Lance Smith about making
the video and the whirlwind that has surrounded him since winning the national
Nashville songwriter Claudia Nygaard wins the 2004 Kerrville Folk
Festival New Folk Songwriting Competition. The New Folk contest honors six
songwriters every year. It is one of the premiere songwriting contests in the
country and past winners include Lyle Lovett, Steve Earle and Robert Earl Keen.
Other winners were John William Davis (Colo.), Julie Clark (Va.),
Cary Cooper (Texas), Idgy Vaughn (Texas), and Effron White
Travis Tritt begins making the television rounds this week performing on
Jimmy Kimmel tonight (June 22) and appearing on PBS' Tavis Smiley
on June 23 and Dennis Miller on June 24. He'll also be doing interviews
with AP Radio, ESPN Radio and will make an in-studio appearance on the popular
syndicated radio show After Midnite on June 23. All events will help
promote the release of his ninth album, My Honky Tonk History, which hits
stores nationwide on Aug. 17...
Johnny Lee, Eddy Raven, Baillie & the Boys, Gene Watson, and Margo
Smith will perform at The Biloxi Grand Theatre at the Grand Casino Biloxi on
July 30. It is part of the Country On The Gulf series which airs on GAC...
Nashville’s National Public Radio Station, WPLN, aired a segment of their
Songwriter Sessions, featuring Randy Thompson, on June 19 and June
Stockholm den 22 juni 2004
USA: s största countrystjärna
Gretchen Wilson till Sverige i juli
Albumet "Here For The
Party" släpps den 7 juli
USA:s just nu
största countrystjärna, Gretchen Wilson, kommer till Sverige på ett kvickt pr-besök
i juli. Wilsons debutalbum "Here For The Party" som nyligen släpptes i USA har
redan sålt i över en miljon exemplar. Därmed är hon den absolut största
Nashvilledebutanten genom tiderna. Gretchen Wilson anländer Europa och Sverige
den 5 juli. Den 6 möter hon svensk press och medverkar bland annat i
Nyhetsmorgon TV4 där hon framför albumets förstasingel "Redneck Woman" .
Albumet "Here For The Party" släpps den 7 juli
För mer information och intervjuförfrågningar, kontakta:
Maria Olanders
Sony Music Tel: 08 617 71 00
E-mail: maria_olanders@se.sonymusic.com
På begäran publicerar jag här nedan den sista listan på Country, Country Music för sommaren! Programmet återkommer i slutet av augusti. JL.
Covering Greater Stockholm, Sweden.
Country, Country Music Playlist – June 22, 2004
Send promotion material to:
1. Intro: Country, Country Music Country Minstrels
2. Ray Price Crazy Arms
3. Alan Jackson Summertime Blues
4. Moe Bandy Soft Lights And Hard Country Music
5. Lembo Allen Two Empty Glasses
6. Little Jimmy Dickens May The Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose
7. Lee Ann Womack Never Again, Again
8. Freddy Fender Secret Love
9. Sammy Kershaw If You´re Gonna Walk, I´m Gonna Crawl
10. Mickey Gilley Room Full Of Roses
11. Merle Haggard Silver Wings
12. Ralph Mooney & James Burton Columbus Stockade Blues
13. O J Hanssen Cowboys Don´t Get Lucky All The Time
14. Lefty Frizzell I Love You Thousand Ways
15. Howard Kalish I Just Want You For a Friend
16. Ferlin Husky Second Hand Rose
17. George Jones Honky Tonk Myself To Death
18. Leroy Pullins I´m A Nut
19. Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell My Baby´s Gone
20. Hank Snow Paper Roses
21. George Strait Honkytonkville
22. Porter & Dolly Just The Two Of Us
23. Hank Williams Jr Cajun Baby
24. Roger Miller Don´t We All Have The Right
25. Brad Paisley Wrapped Around
26. George Hamilton IV Excuse Me
27. Buck Owens I´ve Got A Tiger By The Tail
28. Hank Thompson Luckiest Heartaches In Town
29. Dolly Parton Cash On The Barrelhead
30. Conway Twitty I´ve Already Loved You In My Mind
31. Carl Vaughan Who Will Buy The Wine
32. Asleep At The Wheel Bob´s Breakdown
Glöm inte bort att det finns andra intressanta program på Radio Lidingö 97,8 som t ex "Mötet". Info får du på www.radiolidingo.se
Någon (jag tror jag vet vem avsändaren är) har per post sänt mig artiklar från olika dagstidningar. Man tackar! Alltid kul att läsa. DN skrev om Loretta Lynn, Jesse Sykes och om Kris Kristofferson. Det är bra att countrymusiken sprider sig bland kulturen!
Caroline Dahlström befinner sig
just nu i New York tillsammans med sina föräldrar. De far snart vidare till
Nashville per bil.
Monica Silverstrand åkte också till New York men far vidare till L.A. Hoppas
att hon hittar någon countryklubb där! Kanske får hon bege sig ända till
Bakersfield för att se någon form av countrymusik? Buck Owens Crystal Palace är
en höjdare!
Jag håller just på att mixa en platta i min studio med Gunnar Almqvist, tidigare sångare i Minstrels. Det blir en full-CD med många kända låtar ur Gunnars repertoar. Har ni tips om billigaste och bästa CD-pressningsfirma så tar vi tacksamma emot dessa här i Nyhetsbrevet.
Göran Adolph på Radio Haninge nämnde att han gör uppehåll med sitt International Country under samma tid som Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö. Till hösten kommer Polar Radio att sända sina topplistor på Radio Lidingö som ett första steg i samarbetet stationerna emellan.
Rune Krongårdh nämner i sin
artikel i Kountry Korral på sidan 6 två stycken plattor utgivna på
Philipsetiketten här i Europa "Lonesome Cowboy" och "Country Hit Parade". Den
sistnämnde tror jag ska vara "Call Of The Prairie". Eller hur Rune? Två
FANTASTISKA plattor! För övrigt är hans artikel enormt informativ, som alltid!
Det var allt för idag! Ha en fin och lugn midsommarhelg med god mat och dryck. Men du grabbar och tjejer, kör inte bil om ni är onyktra eller bakfulla. Det är inte bara i Nashville man kan träffa på en polis just vid ett sånt tillfälle.
Plocka nu sju olika blomster och lägg under kudden så hörs vi
förmodligen på söndag igen!
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på www.vingar.se eller www.country.vingar.se
Hej alla! Hoppas allt helgen varit fin med inte alltför mycket regn! Midsommarafton var jag och hustru Eva och tittade på svensk folkdans med en grupp från Kansas i USA. De uppträdde i Bredäng (nära Sätra där vi bor) i samband med resandet av majstången. De både spelade gammal fin svenska folkmusik och dansade danser som t ex Oxdansen! En kul upplevelse att amerikaner kommer hit och dansar våra traditionella danser, eller hur!
Här lite andra nyheter! Janne Lindgren
ARTIST NEWS (rapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)
Jimmy Buffett’s License To Chill album is set to release on July
13. The CD features collaborations between Jimmy and artists such as Kenny
Chesney, Martina McBride, George Strait, Alan Jackson and Toby Keith.
The album's debut single, a playful rendition of the Hank Williams
classic, "Hey Good Lookin'," features Clint Black, Chesney, Jackson,
Keith and Strait...
Martina McBride is being featured in the July issue of InStyle
magazine in a “Before They Were Stars” article...
Vince Gill scored a hole-in-one on June 22 during Volunteer/Media
Appreciation Day played at the Golf Club of Tennessee in Kingston Springs.
Gill’s Vinny Tournament, which raises money for Tennessee Junior Golf programs,
runs from June 27-29...
Sugar Hill artist Mindy Smith's "Come To Jesus" video, directed by
Sophie Muller (Pink, No Doubt, Sarah McLachlan), was added into
rotation at VH1 this week. VH1.com will feature Smith, only one of six artists,
in a newly created segment, "You Outta Know," which serves to reflect the
networks belief in developing artists...
Willie Nelson's first full studio album since 2002 will be released on
Lost Highway on Sept. 14. It Will Always Be was produced by James
Stroud and includes guest performances Paula Nelson, Lucinda Williams
and Norah Jones...
Lonestar returned to ABC's The View on June 24 and performed "Mr.
Mom" from their recently released album Let's Be Us Again. Also, a live
performance of the band’s single "Let's Be Us Again" and an interview will be
featured today (June 25) on Sessions@AOL..
Charlie Daniels’ Essential Super Hits to be released on July 13
will include a reading of the “Pledge Of Allegiance.” Daniels will perform the
version that Red Skelton made famous on The Red Skelton Hour on
January 14, 1969. This version explains the meaning of each word and each phrase
is clarified...
Multiple Dove Award-winning vocalist and songwriter Fernando Ortega will
release his initial project for Curb Records on Aug. 10. The self-titled album
is Ortega’s first studio project in two years and the twelfth of his
accomplished career...
HBM Recording artist Blake Stamper heads overseas for a two-week tour
from June 23-July 6. He will be in Germany for special performances for US
troops stationed there. Among his stops will be the 293rd Base Support Battalion
in Mannheim and the Air Force base in Geilenkirchen.
Terri Clark
was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry by Opry members Marty Stuart and
Connie Smith on June 12. During the induction, Clark was presented the Opry
Member Award, a 14-inch bronze and oak wood replica of the Opry's vintage
microphone stand designed by renowned sculptor Bill Rains...
CMT will present the television premiere of Tim McGraw's newest video
"Live Like You Were Dying" on Top 20 Countdown on June 17. In addition, CMT.com
will feature a sneak preview of the new video online beginning today (June 15)
at 9 a.m. (CST)...
Toby Keith is winning unexpected fans during his current USO Tour. While
visiting and performing for U.S. troops at Camp Phoenix in Kabul, Afghanistan,
Keith earned the support of local Afghani's working at the base. The local
workers heard the Keith had a tune called "The Taliban Song" and were eager to
hear it. "They loved the song," says Keith's manager, T.K. Kimbrell,
"because it speaks highly of them and poorly of the Taliban. They constantly
asked for Toby's autograph, telling us what an awesome song they thought it
John Michael Montgomery will be at the Pentagon this week to help
celebrate the Army's birthday. He will visit injured soldiers and families at
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, play golf at the Officer's Club, tour the
Pentagon and culminate his trip with a grand performance on at the Pentagon...
Heidi Newfield, lead vocalist of Trick Pony, and NFL agent
William L. Johnson Jr. tied the knot Sunday (June 6) at a seaside ceremony
in Destin, Fla. Guests in attendance were country legend Mel Tillis, and
a host of NFL stars including Pro-Bowl linebacker Keith Brooking and
defensive tackle Rod Coleman of the Atlanta Falcons. Newfield’s
bridesmaids included her bandmates Keith Burns and Ira Dean...
The 2nd Annual Music Row Yard Sale to benefit Leadership Music, with the help of
the CMT.com auction, the silent auction on-site, Country Weekly and GAC's
support, raised over $35,000...
Gretchen Wilson’s debut disc, Here For The Party, has been
certified platinum by the RIAA...
The RIAA has certified Montgomery Gentry's first video DVD collection,
You Do Your Thing, gold...
Pat Green is throwing a Fourth of July party/concert in Austin, Texas, at
Auditorium Shores. In addition to Green, Jerry Jeff Walker, Cowboy Mouth,
Jack Ingram and others will perform...
Don Williams is releasing a DVD called Into Africa. The disc
highlights the singer’s trip into the heart of Africa along with performances
including “Heartbeat In The Darkness,” “Amanda” “Desperately,” and “I Recall A
Gypsy Woman.”...
Lee Greenwood is promoting Flag Day, the USO and their newest project
Patriotic Country, a music CD that features a collection of top entertainers
including Hank Williams, Jr., Charlie Daniels, Martina McBride, Kenny Chesney,
Brooks & Dunn, Kenny Rogers, Randy Travis and Alabama. The album
releases today (June 15).
QUESTION: My cousin used to sing a song about “Right Before My Eyes.” He said it was on the radio by Waylon Jennings back in the 60’s. Do you now anything about such a song?
ANSWER: “Right Before My Eyes” was the flipside of Waylon’s 1968 # two hit, “Only Daddy That’ll Walk The Line.”
1945 At Mail Call Today - Gene Autry
1953 Take These Chains from My Heart - Hank Williams
1961 Hello Walls - Faron Young
1969 Running Bear - Sonny James
1977 Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love) - Waylon Jennings
1985 Little Things - The Oak Ridge Boys
Hej Janne
Nu har jag två skivor med steelguitar. En med dig och en med Benny Jonsson. Svårt att säga vilken som är bäst för de är lite olika i musikstilen. Men båda är jätte bra.
Det var väl egentligen inte därför jag skriver. Jag skickade dig ett mail för en tid sedan om att jag har bord på Lida för att göra reklam för countryklubbar, festivaler m.m. i sammarbete med Stockholm Country Music club. Vet du hur många som svarat ????? 3 stycken. Det är Furuvik, Lane Loge och Äppelbos country klubb och så har jag fått skivor av Benny som jag ska sälja där. ( De andra kanske kommer dit med info. blad, men, men )
Du och jag försöker att få klubbar att samarbeta så att vi kan få en bredd och fart på countryn här i Sverige, men ..... det är visst bara vi som inte är rädda för att dela med oss.
Ha det så bra och om vi inte ses förr så gör vi det på Lane Loge.
Jätte kram från Christina Birgell
Svenska Country & Westernklubben
Hej Christina, ja problemet återkommer varje år! Det verkar som om många klubbar och festivalarrangörer inte bryr sig om att försöka göra reklam för sina arrangemang. Det finns förstås undantag, men jag tycker att det skulle vara en självklarhet som arrangör att vända sig i första hand till de som sprider countrymusiken runt vårt land. Du och jag kanske inte ses som speciellt viktiga personer, vad vet jag? Jag känner mig själv inte speciellt viktig men jag vet att jag når ut till många, många countryfans runt om i landet med mina Nyhetsmail. Varför man t ex inte utnyttjar den saken tillsammans med mina program på Radio Lidingö ens till lokala Stockholmsarrangemang är en gåta! Ditt arbete för countrymusiken är också vida känt. Men det är kanske som du säger, alla vill ha sina klubbar, festivaler och countrymusik för sig själva? JL.
Hej, hej!
Skickar en liten påminnelse om vår countryfestival som du gärna får ta med i ditt nyhetsmail:
16 och 17 juli har vi countryfestival här på Lane Loge. Vi har fått så många bidrag till den rikstäckande countrytalangtävlingen, så vi kommer att köra två delfinaler på utomhuscenen under eftermiddagarna, för att sedan sex bidrag ska kunna tävla inne på logen på lördagkväll.
Det känns finfint att kunna presentera följande kvällsprogram:
Fredag 16 juli: Annica and the Countryneers, Country Minstrels med Janne Lindgren, Christina Lindberg, G. Thomas och Micke Muster. Lördag 17 juli: talangtävlingen, (vinnaren går vidare till final i Vemdalen 14 augusti) Austingänget: DB Harris, Roger Wallace, Jim Stringer och Teri Joyce.
Dagtid 12-19.30 kommer att finnas massor av aktiviteter för hela familjen. Vad sägs om: pajtävling (domare - radiopratande countrylovern Björn Hellgren), westernshow med uppvisning av SM-grenar i westernridning (svenska och europeiska mästare), squaredance, country linedance, lerduveskytte, simulatorskytte med hagel, hönsutställning, ponnyridning, hölassåkning med indianöverfall, Björnjägaren slår upp läger och kör femkamp i westerngrenar tillsammans med Brålanda Countryklubb, kobingo, knallemarknad, massor av go´mat och mycket mer. Vill man gå en ronda på fotbollsgolfbanan så går det också alldeles utmärkt.
Vi hoppas på härligt sommarväder och hälsar alla välkomna till vår anläggning ute på landet.
Ska bli roligt att ses, Janne!
Försommarhälsningar från Annette och Roger
Hej Janne!
Bilden du hade sist i nyhetsbrev 2004-049 kom inte med?
Du kan ju maila den som bilaga, så kan jag komplettera.
Ha en skööön midsommar, fast det är grått i Västerås.
Det var egentligen ingen bild, bara ett misstag att göra en ruta där! Men tack för hjälpen ändå! Helgen har varit rätt grå i Stockholm också!
Glöm nu inte att titta på Allsång på Skansen och Vikingarna på tisdag. Se om ni kan upptäcka undertecknad och kanske t o m höra mig! Ha det så bra i veckan!
Janne Lindgren