Per-Unos hemsida COUNTRY
 Nyhetsbrev från 2005 februari
# 10 - 17

Janne Lindgren &

A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

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Ur innehållet:

Jimmy Crawford avled 2/2.
Mycket Artist news från Nashville, av Dan Ekbäck 
Merle Kilgore "Ring of Fire" har avlidit
Bl a bra Nashville-restips av Hasse Rosén
Enorm rapport från Nashville signerad Hasse Rosén 
Ännu en låång "Hank"-rapport

#16  Ännu låååångare ;-) Nashville-rapporter från Hank (Ack vore vi där!)
En vecka kvar till Country Cruise!



A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 010          3 februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Breaking News!!

News bulletin. February 2, 2005
With heavy heart, I bring this follow-up bit of news to my friends on my mailing list.

Jimmy Crawford died this morning a little after 3 AM in Nashville of heart ailments suffered last week.

Jimmy was definitely in the top twenty of the greatest steel guitarists of our lifetime and I feel, in the top ten. An incredibly unique player that I have known and admired since he was 17 years old. Jimmy and I have been very close friends from 1965 til this day and have lived within a mile of each other for the last 35 years.

When I met Jimmy, he was playing a triple neck Fender in a trio that backed up Wilme Lee and Stoney Cooper on the WWVA Wheeling West Virginia Jamboree. I was a Jerry Byrd fan and Jimmy's playing was like Jerry's but with a lot more sass and snap. Jimmy soon went to work with Hank Snow for several years, then Faron Young, several other famous singers before working with Slim Whitman the world over. Jimmy also had several instrumental albums out himself.

Jimmy became extremely well-known for his maintenance on steel guitars and then his "Crawford Cluster" modification to Emmons push pulls, then the great JCH guitar that he manufactured from start to finish. Jimmy was famous for his high quality playing and high quality workmanship on everything he touched. A wonderful personality and tremendous sense of humor made him totally unforgettable. This great legend in steel guitar will be remember by all who knew and were touched by him.

Bobbe Seymour


Så sent som i september 2004 träffade jag Jimmy Crawford på Scotty´s Steel Guitar Convention. Då var han i ganska dåligt skick och gick med en rollator och med stöd av vänner. Trots detta gjorde Jimmy och Russ Hicks ett framträdande tillsammans till folkets jubel. Visst hade Jimmy tappat mycket av sin enorma snabbhet men tonen fanns där fortfarande. Men redan då kändes det som en avskedskonsert och duon fick också stående ovationer från oss i publiken. Nu är det alltså ett faktum, det blev en avskedskonsert! Det gör oss alla oerhört ledsna då Jimmy, som Bobbe här ovan säger, faktiskt rankades som en av topp tio i världen av steel pickers. Jimmy har varit en väldigt trevlig och ödmjuk person då jag träffat honom vid många tillfällen. Jag var den fjärde som köpte en JCH från Jimmy. Den steelen ägs nu av Mats Rosén! Mats, ta väl vara på det instrumentet, den är byggd av en mästare!  JL.


Masser af Bill Anderson CD's på


Per Kammersgaard, Sønderborg Danmark


Hej Janne

När det gäller Bill Anderson och Sven Wikström kan du ju förmedla min adress så kanske jag kan hjälpa till. Jag måste då veta vilka skivor han är på jagt efter.


p.s. glöm inte att gå in och lyssna på Carolinas platta



Hejsan Janne!

Sven Wikström hörde av sig i det senaste nyhetsbrevet ang. Bill Anderson. Som "Bills yngsta fan" så har jag god kontakt med honom och han är minst sagt fortfarande aktiv inom branschen! Hans låt "Whiskey Lullaby" (co-written med Jon Randall) vann en CMA utmärkelse och var även nominerad till årets låt. Han har bara under ett drygt år släppt tre plattor (en jul, en gospel och en splitter ny country-CD "The Way I Feel" som släpps 1:a februari.) Vill du eller någon annan få tag på dessa så får ni gå på Bills hemsida och beställa dem därigenom (då de ligger på hans egna TWI etikett). Av de senare Bill A plattorna som kommit rekommenderar jag främst "A Lot Of Things Different" från 200 .

Får även passa på att göra lite reklam för den countryförening jag "representerar", nämligen Smålands Country Club ( där vi under det senaste året publicerat intervjuer med många storheter i vår klubbtidning SCC-Nytt som t.ex. Kris Kristofferson, Bill Anderson, Charlie Louvin och Jesse McReynolds. Medlemsskap kostar 100:-/år och det går att bli medlem via ovannämnda hemsida eller genom att kontakta Lasse Thell i Vimmerby på 0492-137 62.



Nu börjar det svänga i Småland och på västkusten! Tack för info pojkar!  JL.


Hej Janne!

Du måste berätta sen vad du gjorde i Glasgow. Vi blir så nyfikna!!!! Men det kanske är privat....'

Men Janne, nog är det skillnad i uttalet av Swede och suède, i alla fall enligt mina källor och lexikon... "turnip" = rova, "Swedish turnip" = kålrot. Och Suède betyder ju Sverige. Följaktligen Swede = kålrot .......oj, oj, oj .......


Språkintresserade Elisabet L

Jorå, nog är det privat alltid. Hustru Eva, dotter Sara och hennes kille David följer med på resan och det ska bli några härliga dagar hade vi tänkt. Vi flyger med Ryanair för 1 krona (1:-) per person och resa. Rätt så billigt faktiskt!! Nä, vi tänker inte bete oss som kålrötter och inte äta några heller. Anledningen till resan är att jag inte kunde hitta någon lämplig restaurant i Stockholm för att fira hustruns födelsedag. Därför valde jag Skottland i stället! Vi ska försöka hitta några specialiteter som t ex Scottish Eggs, Stovies, Finnan Haddies eller liknande.  Å du grabbar, den engelska frukosten är inte att leka med.  JL.


Den "Cina" som Ole Romin frågar efter är Cina Samuelsson's CD "From Country To Country på egna bolaget CCM Records. Denna platta är enligt mina öron bland det bästa som någonsin lämnat en svensk skivstudio i fråga om country. Den här CD'n måste man ha i sin samling om anser sej vara en seriös country-fan, den har allt man kan önska i fråga om bra låtar, bra produktion och varierat innehåll.
Kontakta Cina på (OBS. bara ett s i Samuelson i webb-adressen).
Där kan du lyssna på provspår och självklart beställa plattan.
Antar att du har Carolina Åkerlind's CD redan? Annars skaffa den från Janne för den är oxå ett måste!

Kjell Hörlin, MCWC (Mora Country & Western Club)


Ämne: förfrågan, och tips om ljudkvalitet.

Jag har varit på flera countrygalor där du varit med och uppskattar mycket ditt framförande. Jag har under flera år varit på många många galor. Vore tacksam om du kan svara på fråga om en annons som jag tror stod i DN lö 22/1 2005 ang kryssning med 25 countryartister ombord. Är det samma som går i mars 13 och 14.

Jag såg åxå i Gasetten att även du tyckte att ljudnivån är för hög på galorna vilket ju förstör den fina musikalitet som jag vet att ni (du) har och som vi lyssnare gärna vill uppfatta. Vid för höga ljudnivåer (som numera är vanligt) kan det uppstå öron-distortion som grovt påverkar kvaliten på ljudet. Som gammal tekniker kan jag åxå höra att ljudteknikerna ställer förstärkarna på så hög nivå att de ger både karftig harmonisk- och intermodulations-distortion. I sämsta fall (jag hört) står förstärkarna inställda på gränsen till självsvängning.

Det finns flera sätt att lösa problemet.

Jag var alldeles nyligen på en jasskonsert där den rutinerade ljudteknikern så när som på ett kort tillfälle hade mycket bra koll på ljudet. Så det går definitivt att få bra ljud även med begränsade högtalarstorlekar.

Jag är ingen ljudtekniker men jag tror att jag inte sticker ut huvudet för långt om jag säger att jag kan hjälpa er att tillsammans med en samarbetsvillig ljudtekniker ställa in nivåerna så det låter bra.

Jag lider av att lyssna på den dåliga ljukvaliten som nu är på galorna varför en insats från mig vore nästan rent självändamål. Hör gärna av dig för en disskusion.

Många hälsningar

Tommy Björk

Kryssningen du nämner är förmodligen den som går den 13 - 14 mars! Jag kommer själv att vara med där!

Det är riktigt att jag klagat på ljudnivåer och balans mellan instrument ganska mycket de senaste åren. Problemet är att arrangörer av countryfestivaler bokar in en mängd med mer eller mindre proffsiga countryartister, men bokar alltid in ljudkillar med rockbakgrund. De, ljudteknikerna, vet inte hur countrymusik ska mixas och därför blir resultatet alldeles för starka trummor och bas.

Då jag är ute och spelar med egna bandet Country Minstrels har jag aldrig några problem med ljudnivåerna eftersom vi har en egen anläggning och jag sköter det hela från scenen. Det funkar utmärkt! Det är vid tillfällen då man spelar på större scener och där arrangören skaffat egen ljudtekniker och PA-anläggning problemen uppstår. Men det finns sällan någon chans att själv försöka tala teknikkilllarna tillrätta. De släpper ingen in till mixerbordet!

Det enda du och jag kan göra är att försöka övertyga arrangörer att de INTE ska använda sig av rockljudkillar. Men hittills har INGEN lyssnat på mina klagomål. Mitt tips är att du skriver en insändare till t ex  KK.   JL.


Hej Janne!
Ville bara trycka lite för vår Country kryssning i dina nyhetsbrev! Bifogar även affischen, ifall du vill bifoga den med brevet?

Först till kvarn när det gäller biljetter till vår Country kryssning 13 & 14 mars!
Ultimate Country Cruise
Nyhet! Live musik på 4 scener med bla några av Sveriges kvinnliga Country stjärnor!
Carolina Åkerlind * Cina Samuelsson * Monica Silverstrand * Christina Lindberg
En annan Nyhet är att vi har tänkt köra Line Dance i Club 7 under stora delar av kryssningen!
Totalt 18 av Sveriges populäraste Country band får ni möjlighet att lyssna till.
Pris från 565kr (hytt + buffè)
Boka biljetter på tel. 08-4524087

Peter Jonsson
Lonesome Pine


Hej Janne.

Tiden går fort när man har kul. I dag 1 februari är det 30 år sedan jag köpte min första steel av Dig.

Det var en grön AWH Eminent. Tack för allt stöd och vänskap genom åren. Utan Dig hade det blivit

hälften så kul och dubbelt så svårt.

Vi hörs

Uffe Sterling

Tänk vad lyckliga vi var på den tiden då vi fick spela på AWHsteelar! Senare har vi fått nöja oss med MSA, Emmons, Sho-Bud och Derby! Vad blir det de nästa 30 åren? Zum, zum, zum säger humlan……. eller?  JL.


Gränna 2005-02-02


Jag skickar detta till dig som deltagit i en ensemblekurs i bluegrass någon gång tidigare. Jag kommer i år att ha en kurs i Gränna under vecka 27 d.v.s. 4 – 8 juli. Kurskostnad i år är 2.500:-. För studerande 1.800:-. Om ett helt band anmäler sig kan man tänka sig en grupprabatt.

Jag vore tacksam om ni/du som funderar på att delta i kursen ville höra av er så snart som möjligt med tanke på min sommarplanering som helhet. Ni behöver inte ge ett definitivt besked förrän i slutet av april men det vore bra att få en koll på läget redan innan.

Hoppas vi hörs av och ses.


Thomas Haglund

Tel. 0390 – 100 46,  0733 – 58 21 29 eller e-post

Från mitten av vecka sex kommer förhoppningsvis min nya hemsida att ligga ute på nätet. Adressen dit kommer att vara


Hej Janne!

Efter knappt 4 veckor på resande fot fanns det 762 mail i boxen. Sådan tur att vi kan lita på att det alltid finns något trevligt i dina nyhetsbrev, som nu är framvaskade och snabblästa. Stort grattis till Bobby Floreskonserten, som vi förstår har varit så bra, som man kunde förutse. Synd att vi missade den. Enda trösten är att vi var i Furuvik i somras...

Nja, förresten en annan liten tröst blev också att vi förra veckan lyssnade till Hank Williams Jr, som uppträdde på Florida State Fairgrounds med Big & Rich som öppnade för honom. Förstår att Big & Rich inte tillhör dina favoriter, men vi måste erkänna att det var en upplevelse att vara bland bortåt 5 000 i publiken som unisont skrek: "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy". Att det var mysigt att gotta sig åt farbror Williams, kan du säkert hålla med om.

Dagen efter satt vi på andra bänk mitt framför scenen, när GEORGE JONES gjorde sin andra konsert efter två månaders uppehåll. Vi var inte mera än 4-5 meter från LEGENDEN. Vi hade aldrig kunnat drömma om att få se honom uppträda, men plötsligt uppenbarade sig möjligheten på Cypress Gardens i Florida. Han såg enormt fräsch ut och skojade hela tiden med bandet och publiken. Självklart är inte rösten lika suverän i dag, som på skivorna man lyssnat på, men vad gör det?! En liten kalaskula har han skaffat sig men annars är han sig lik från skivomslagen. Han skojade mycket om sitt tidigare liv med sprit och "No Show Jones". Men det liksom strålade av lycka omkring honom nu. Hoppas det är så också. De djupaste tonerna klarade han inte av, men då hoppade Barry Smith in och stöttade. Barry och hans hustru Sheri Copeland var med i showen. De öppnade, körade och sjöng även något eget nummer var. Alla musikerna kändes väldigt bra, men namnen är inte bekanta för oss. Den som är intresserad, kan säkert hitta mera information på

Huvudet och kroppen är förstås full av alla intryck och glada minnen från veckorna i sommarvarma Florida, men vi får hejda oss, så du inte får stopp i datasladden.

Howdy från Susanne & Daniel

Välkomna hem till gamla Svedala! Berätta mer om resan!  JL.


Hej Janne!

Ville bara tala om att lunch spelningen på Växhuset här i Västerås blev en mycket lyckad

en. Nytt publik rekord och man kunde se att dom verkligen njöt till gamla låtar som Act naturally med flera. Ja det är verkligen kul att få sprida country musiken när det är på detta viset. P.s Det går trögt med den inspelning jag skulle göra åt dig. Jag har så många strängar på

lyran just nu så det får tyvärr vänta, men du har nog att göra ändå misstänker jag.

Ha det Gött !


Grattis till publikrekordet! Självklart gillar folk countrymusik och speciellt de gamla fina låtarna. Det är bara radio, TV och andra medier som inte fattat hur populär vår musikform är!  Jodå, jag har rätt mycket att göra men först en tripp till Skottland. JL.


Bobbe's Nashville News by Bobbe Seymour
 Vic Lawson, formerly with SHeDAISY and Josh Turner, is moving to Branson to work the Country Music Tonight Show.

Dierks Bentley, recording artist and friend, is releasing his second album in June and is reportedly playing the fiddle and steel guitar tracks as well as playing his Telecaster. Do we have another Jerry Garcia in the making?

Willie Nelson will play Uncle Jesse in the new upcoming movie, The Dukes of Hazzard. Look for Jessica Simpson in the role of Daisy Duke. Here's hoping the rest of the actors will be as appropriately cast and the Dodge Hemi's won't be replaced by Dodge Neon's.

Country music is finally sounding like country music again
By Chris Hansen Orf - East Valley Tribune, Arizona
January 30, 2005

Like many native or nearnative Arizonans, I grew up with the sounds of Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash and George Jones coming out of my dad’s crummy AM radio. Back then, I would never admit to my punk-rocker friends that — after catching The Specials on the old "Saturday Night Live" ripoff "Fridays" — I would tune in with my family to watch Buck Owens and Roy Clark pick and grin on "Hee Haw" the very next night. It was all just music to me.

When I heard Dwight Yoakam in 1986, I really got the country bug. I thought it was very punk rock in its own way, and I came to appreciate Cash, Jones and Merle Haggard as the punks of their generation. Punks with pedal steel players in their bands. I took the next step by tuning into country radio once in a while, going back and forth from KNIX (102.5 FM) to The Key, a forerunner of KEDJ (103.9 FM), where I could listen to my beloved punk music.

Unfortunately, the country music I heard on the radio bore little resemblance to the old school honky-tonkers I loved. Where were the fiddles? What were synthesizers doing in country music?

Then, in 1989, three debut records got the country music genre out of its rut: Garth Brooks’ self-titled disc, Clint Black’s "Killin’ Time" and Alan Jackson’s "Here in the Real World." All three records were unabashed honky-tonk, creating a movement called "New Traditionalist" country. I started digging country music again.

But Garth Brooks, who listed Billy Joel and Journey as influences, broke out big with a rock-influenced stage show and music to match. Brooks sold nearly 100 million albums in a decade, routinely debuting at No. 1 on both the pop and country charts. Suddenly, so-called "hat acts" inspired by Brooks dispensed with the fiddles, added rocking guitar solos. And I was hating country music again.

Sure, George Strait was still great. Alan Jackson was still great. But I didn’t have the patience to sit through 20 terrible tunes masquerading as country songs to get the real dope. By the late ’90s, things had gotten even worse. Shania Twain — with her synthesized faux-fiddle tracks and glossy backing vocals — was the rage. I almost gave up. But I kept holding out for country music’s redemption, for a day when twin fiddles and pedal steel again reigned supreme in Nashville.

Then, in 2004, Gretchen Wilson’s "Redneck Woman" came out of my car radio and made sweet love to jaded ears. I got the album. I loved the whole thing. I wasn’t alone in my joy. Wilson’s "Here for the Party" has gone triple platinum, which must be a real kick in the butt for the suits in Nashville who believed that to sell a bunch of records, it had to appeal to pop audiences, a la Twain and Faith Hill.

Less than a year later, pedal steels and fiddles are all over the Billboard country chart. Sure, pop boy band Rascal Flatts is still there, masquerading as country singers, and atrocious light popsters Lonestar also are present, but take a listen to Brad Paisley, Jackson, Darryl Worley and former crossover offender Tim McGraw.

Wilson’s current hit, "When I Think About Cheatin’," just may be the best country song mainstream radio has embraced in years. Twain’s and Hill’s last records were disappointments, both musically and in the sales column, as was Garth Brooks’ last record before his self-imposed exile. As a longtime fan of country music, I hope the suits in Nashville are listening.

Det här kan kanske vara något att fundera på för alla som har svårt att skilja på vad som är countrymusik eller inte?  JL.


Anderson Pleads Not Guilty To Charges

Lynn Anderson has pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from an alleged shoplifting incident at a Taos, N.M., supermarket. The veteran country singer's attorney entered the pleas on behalf of the artist to charges of battery on a police officer, resisting a police officer and shoplifting.

Taos County Magistrate Betty Martinez allowed Anderson to seek medical treatment out of state after the pleas were entered Friday. Martinez said she did not know why Anderson was seeking medical treatment. Anderson, who lives in Taos, was arrested Jan. 24 at the Smith's Food & Drug Center. According to a statement of probable cause filed by Taos police officer Virgil Vigil, Anderson asked him "Do you know who I am?" when refusing to sign a citation after supermarket employees had accused her of taking a "Harry Potter" DVD.

Anderson allegedly balked several times when she was asked to go to a patrol car. When the officer asked if she was resisting arrest, Anderson turned and punched him on the left forearm, according to his statement. Brigitte Ursula Lotze, Anderson's attorney, said the singer deserves the prayers of Taos residents. "Ms. Anderson is a loved and respected member of the Taos community," Lotze said.

In December, Anderson was charged with drunken driving after police found her passed out in her car on the shoulder of a highway near Denton, Texas. Anderson won a Grammy for "Rose Garden" in 1970 and was the Country Music Association's female vocalist of the year in 1971.

Från Burning Wheel Brothers har jag fått en platta med tre låtar som jag tycker låter riktigt bra. Plattan är ganska gitarrbaserad och här hade jag kanske önskat mig en steel eller fiddle som komplement. Men jag gillar den här tuffa CDn och ni kan kontakta Martin på om ni vill ha DJ-ex! 

I det här sammanhanget vill jag passa på att reda ut några begrepp som jag hört den senaste tiden. Man pratar ofta om "coverband" kontra band som spelar sin egen skrivna musik. Just ordet "coverband" har fått en lite negativ betydelse med all rätt! Vem vill höra ett svenskt band spela t ex Beatleslåtar exakt likadant som Beatles själva gjorde dem.  Eller alla dessa Elviskopior som försöker efterlikna originalet. Patetiskt! Då är det skönt med killar som t ex Kent Wennman som gör Elvislåtar på sitt eget sätt eller band som Burning Wheel Brothers ovan som skapar ett eget sound med gamla låtar. Vi i Country Minstrels har under alla år spelat gamla fina hitlåtar från countrymusiken, men vi har aldrig försökt att planka originalen exakt. Jag gillar inte om folk skulle kalla mitt band för ett "coverband" för det är vi inte. Vi gör våra egna versioner av andras hitlåtar även om vi försöker behålla originalet nerv. Om alla som spelar andras låtar skulle kallas "coverartister" så skulle t ex Bobby Flores, Darrell McCall och andra liknande artister placeras i  den kategorin. Men så är det  inte….! 

 Senare idag flyger hustrun, dottern med sambo och jag till Skottland! Det blir förhoppningsvis en skön liten 3-dagarstur. Men vi är tillbaka innan nästa Nyhetsbrev ska ut. På söndag alltså, och då hörs vi!

Janne Lindgren 



A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 011        6  februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Hej vänner! Jag är tillbaka från Skottland och tänker här ge er en liten kort reseskildring! I torsdagskväll åkte jag, hustru Eva, dotter Sara och hennes kille David min bil till Skavsta i Nyköping. Där bordade vi ett Ryanairs plan med destination Skottland. Planet lyfte 15 minuter före utsatt tid vilket innebar att vi faktiskt kom en halv timme tidigare än vi skulle till Prestwick, strax söder om Glasgow. Då klockan var ca. 22.30  hade vi kvitterat ut vår hyrbil och kört några kilometer till Monkton där vi hade i förskott bokat in oss på ett B & B (Bed & Breakfast). Ett litet hus med två gästrum med toalett. Lite småkyligt var det allt i rummen men efter att vi slängt ifrån oss den lilla packning vi hade så gick vi till en närliggande pub. Där klämde vi varsin Guinness och några äkta cider! Gott och värmande! 

Morgonen efter blev det fin brittisk frukost med ägg, bacon, korv, vita bönor, rostat bröd, juice, kaffe och te. Mums! Sånt gillar jag! Vi åkte sedan med vår hyrbil utmed kusten ca 8 – 9 mil fram till Glasgow. Det var ganska rörigt i staden vid den tiden, men med lite krångel hittade vi ändå fram till det hotell jag hade tittat ut på Internet dagarna innan resan. Vi fick två fina rum till ett mycket bra pris och som var mycket trevliga och varma. Därefter gick vi en promenad på gågatan en bit ifrån hotellet. Eftersom det var Evas födelsedag den här fredagen så passade vi på att äta en god middag på puben Molly Malone. Eva och jag åt en friterad Haddock (kolja) med chips och grönsaker och barnen åt varsin hamburgare. Det var jätteportioner och vi blev alla proppmätta. Några pilsner fick vi förstås också ned mellan tuggorna.

Dags för en middagslur för hustrun och mig medan barnen gick på upptäcktsfärd. På kvällen gick vi tillbaka till Molly Malone, då det var det enda ställe jag kunde hitta som bjöd på levande folkmusik. Det blev inte så kul som vi väntat oss då bandet var bullrigt, mycket trummor och bas, och inte så mycket folkmusik som vi trott. 3 låtar fick räcka sedan tog vi en lugn kvällspromenad i regnet i stället.

Lördagen började med en liknande frukost som beskrivs ovan och sedan packade vi ihop våra saker och ställde dem i bilen. Vi tog några timmars promenad i ett strålande väder i staden innan vi gick tillbaka till bilen och åkte för att titta på The Tall Ship, en båt liknande af Chapman som ligger i Stockholm. Vi åkte sedan söderut mot flygplatsen och en liten stad som heter Kilmarnock. En typisk liten skotsk stad där vi lätt hittade parkeringsplats och även ett ställe att äta lunch på. Är man i Storbritanien så MÅSTE man bara äta fish & chips. Just detta åt vi på den här osiga lilla baren. Här var fullt av folk och så typiskt engelskt som jag minns från tidigare resor i landet. Men har man ungdomar med i resesällskapet och som tidigare inte varit här så måste man ju bjuda på det traditionella i första hand.

Kilmarnock ligger inte mer än några mil från flygplatsen Preswick och det innebar att vi hade gott om tid innan planet skulle avgå.  Så vi for in till byn Prestwick och ned till havet som Sara älskar. Hon kan gå i timtals och bara njuta av saltvattensdoften och sanden. Sån har hon alltid varit, asfaltsbarn som hon är! Vi andra gillar också havet och den här dagen var otroligt fin med en temperatur omkring 7 grader. Därefter åkte vi till flygplatsen och lämnade hyrbilen och checkade in. Konstigt nog var det en liten kö till incheckningen vilket är ovanligt då det gäller Ryanair. Men den gick snabbt och väl inne i avgångshallen tog David och jag en sista Guinness. Planet lyfte även denna gång en kvart tidigare än utsatt tid och vi var i Skavsta redan vid 20.20.  Vi hämtade vår bil på parkeringsplatsen och en timme senare var vi hemma i Skärholmen. En kort med intensiv tur som inklusive resa, bilhyra och logi två nätter kostade 968 kronor per person! Inte så mycket att bråka om! Men det blir alltid billigt att åka med TraveLindgrens budgetresor!!  Janne Lindgren


Hej Janne.

Tittade in min gamla LP samling igår o hittade en LP med dej & Mats Rådberg o Rankarna från 1974 "Snus i motvind" heter den...KULT!

Vad spelade du på för steel där? Det finns en bild på baksidan konvolutet men det är svårt att se vad det är för märke.


Conny Ohlson

Jahaja,  du har hittat den gamla plattan! Det var under de två åren jag turnérade med Rankarna som den kom till. Du ser min gamla fina 66a Sho-Bud på bilden! Jag har den fortfarande kvar i källaren men den är lite ombyggd i "bridgen"!  JL.


Hej Janne!

I ditt senaste nyhets brev läste jag blandannat vad Uffe Sterling hade skrivit.

Det fick mig att tänka på när jag själv började spela pedalsteel ett par år in på

åttiotalet. Då fanns du alltid där med goda råd och tips samt att du fixade fram alla prylar

som en vilsen nybörjare behövde! Men det jag framförallt kommer ihåg är att du var en av

mina första stora förebilder då det gäller steelspel tillsammans med Weldon Myrick och

några till. Då jag idagensläge har kommit en bit in på vägen som steelspelare skulle jag

bara vilja tacka för din vänskap genom åren.

Hoppas att du orkar med länge än,kör hårt!!

MVH Berra Karlsson.

Oj, tack för de fina orden! Jag är väldigt glad att jag kunnat vara till glädje och nytta för dig Berra och andra steelpickers. Det är kul att se att du blivit en av de bästa i Sverige på instrumentet. Ett tag såg det ut som om vi inte hade någon återväxt i vår lilla bransch, men idag är det många ungdomar som börjat spela steel. Det gläder mig mycket! Då jag började att intressera mig för pedal steel i början av 60-talet fanns absolut ingen information att få, inga kursböcker, inga videos, LPs eller CDs. Faktiskt ingenting! Då Judy Lynn var i Stockholm med sin show 1966 träffade jag Gene O´Neil som spelade steel med henne. Jag bjöd hem honom till mitt föräldrarhem där jag då bodde och vi satt och spelade på hans Sho-Bud i många timmar i flera dagar. Då ägde jag en 8-strängad Fender och han visade mig The Nashville Tuning (E9th) och hur man skulle koppla pedaler, gav mig nya strängar och svarade på alla mina frågor. De var många på den tiden! Det var en enorm glädje att få lära känna ett amerikanskt proffs och på nära håll studera vad han gjorde. Hans ivrighet att lära ut saker om pedal steel var överraskande och en fantastisk upplevelse. Den andan ville jag gärna sprida vidare så att andra fick uppleva ungefär samma sak. JL.


Hallå Janne!

Vilken tråkig nyhet med Jimmy Crawford´s bortgång.

Jag har suttit hemma hos honom och spelat i hans källare och det var en stor upplevelse vill jag lova.

Vi som har spelat ett tag kommer ihåg hans omöjliga ”Crawford Cluster” som ingen annan än han kunde hålla reda på.

Jag menar, 10 knä och tio fot pedaler, det räcker och blir över för dom flesta.

Jag kommer att sakna honom, inte för hans blixtrande snabbhet, utan för hans otroliga feeling och känsla i musiken, och hans sätt att vara på.

Jimmy jag saknar dig redan!!!!

Benny Pedersen


Hej Janne!

Hoppas Du och Eva och familjen får en trevlig vistelse i Skottland!

Apropå maten så skulle jag inte rekommendera "Haggies" som sägs vara Skottlands nationalrätt!

Det är inälvsmat - inbakad fårmage!!!

Nåväl, det finns hur mycket fantastiskt som helst att se i Skottland! Hinner Ni, skulle jag rekommendera någon av whisky-destillerierna och är Ni i Edinburgh så är det mysigt att bara vandra omkring på stan! Slottet uppe på kullen är också att rekommendera! Det var där som legendariske Bo Ancker kommenterade "The Scottish Tattoo" ifrån!

Förutom detta ville jag bara kommentera "Språkintresserade Elisabet L"s kommentar om "Svenska kålrötter"!!! Hon har delvis fel, för "Sue`de" betyder Sverige - på franska! (svårt att få accangen rätt på datorn!)

Däremot betyder "suede" mocka (skinn) på engelska! Uttalet är samma som "Swede" (svensk). Tänk på rock´n´roll-låten "Blue Suede Shoes"!


Christer Lindström i Västerås!

Jotack, det blev en fantastisk resa. Kort och intensiv som du kan läsa om inledningsvis i detta Nyhetsbrev!  JL


Hejsan Janne

Svar till Sven Wikström

Jag är oxå ett fan till"Wispering Bill" och har en del skivor med honom.Bill är ju den artist som gjort en 3-2-1 kariär det är han nog ensam om. Han började som mansrösten i The Browns tillsamans med sina två systrar. Sedan gjorde han kariär tillsammans med Helen Cornelius. Hon har föresten oxå en underbart glad röst som man fortfarande kan avnjuta på Midnight Jamboree.Efter detta (tidigt 80-tal) har Bill själv gjort en solokariär med en del mycket njutbara låtar Man ska inte glömma att förutom en härlig sångare (om man gillar hans röst förstås) är han ju en underbar låtskrivare. Vi ska vara honom mycket tacksam för alla låtar han skrivit till den kanske bästa sångerska vi har inom countryn nämnligen Connie Smith. En helt underbar kombination.

Han sjunger ju väldigt bra själv oxå.Jag njuter av hans uppträdande lite då och då på Midnight Jamboree på söndagsmornarna kl. 07.00 . Har man tur får man höra dom sjunga duett. Jag tycker bara att det verkar vara en hyvens kille.

Enklaste sättet att kolla Bill i sömmarna är väl att kolla hans hemsida

Där har han lite nya skivor som man kan provlyssna till och det går att beställa där om man vill använda sitt kontokort.

Jag ser att CMC country har ett par skivor med Bill i lager Men jag är säker att dom tar hem fler om man fråger dom. Happy hunting.

May your horse be with you

Filip Flodman


Tack Filip för den iformationen! Men……… har du inte blandat ihop det här med Bill Anderson och The Browns. Något för Lasse Lundgren att reda ut?  JL.














Hej Janne och övriga countryvänner! två saker har jag på hjärtat, för ca 30 år sen altså runt 75-76 nån gång (oj vad tiden går fort) lyssnade jag på janne Ellerås utmärkta radioprogram där spelades "before the next....."med Freddy Fender och "as soon as i hang up the phone" med Conway och Loretta vilka underbara minnen förresten och vilken härlig countrymusik men nu till problemet , herr Ellerås spelade även en låt som hette "twenty twenty vision"

minns inte vem som sjöng, men har försökt hitta den, kan någon hjälpa mig med lite info vore jag tacksam. sen vill jag upplysa om " ocuntry night -turnén i danmark i mars, i fjol med Charlie MCcoy bl.a.. i år ser programmet ut som följer

vänliga hälsningar Börge Christensen Brålanda countryklubb

Tack för all info! 20-20 Vision sjöngs av Ronnie Milsap och utgivningsåret var 1976. Den finns på en LP med samma namn och bolaget är RCA APL1-1666.  Jag spelar den i mitt program Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö 97.8 på tisdag.  Dessvärre hörs programmet inte utanför Stor-Stockholm.  JL.

10. – 27. marts 2005

Et nyt spændende country-show – medvirkende en masse country chicks !
- COUNTRY SISTERS fra Tjekkiet (et sikkert trækplaster i Danmark)
- HEIDI HAUGE (Norge) klar med sit hit ”Diggy Liggy Lo” o.m.a.
- Ægte amerikansk bluegrass med LEWIS 3,
- JAN ROHDE (Sverige) – glæd Jer til ”Oh Lonesome Me”, ”Country Jenka” (ny line-dance-hit-song)

-  samt ikke mindst TOMBOOLA BAND der får hele gulvet til at gynge !
Torsdag 10. Marts : reserveret AALBORG
Fredag 11. ” : Odense Kongress Center, ODENSE
Lørdag 12. ” : Randers-Hallen, RANDERS
Søndag 13. ” : Direkte TV DK-4 kl.16-17.3o optages i AALBORG
Torsdag 17. ” : Kulturhuset Sønderborghus, SØNDERBORG
Fredag 18. ” : Grønnegades Kulturhus, NÆSTVED
Lørdag 19. ” : Skive-Hallen, SKIVE
Søndag 20. ” : Musikteatret, VEJLE
Lørdag 26. ” : Badminton-Hallen, FREDERIKSHAVN



Nu har vi börjat repa med orkestern i Ted Gärdestad-musikalen Sol, Vind & Vatten som har premiär den 16 februari på Chinateatern. Tre dussin kända och mindre kända Ted-låtar i kombination med 22 duktiga sångare och dansare (förutom jag själv medverkar bl a Tina Leijonberg, Micke Grahn, Per Ragnar, Hanna & Lina Hedlund) hoppas vi ska kunna bädda för en härlig föreställning. Ville bara tipsa alla countryälskare om att makalöse stränginstrumentvirtuosen Roger Gustafsson (Gotland) sitter med i orkestern och spelar såväl steel som banjo och mandolin i många låtar. Så även de mest inbitna countryöron får sitt!
Biljetter på   Välkomna!
All the best


Long-time music industry executive FRANK JONES died in his sleep last night at his home in West Nashville.

Frank had been in the music industry for over 40 years , serving as label head of Warner Brothers Records, Capitol and Mercury Records. As head of A&R at Columbia, he produced may hits including, John Anderson's "Swinging." He was a member of the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame. He served as a board member of the CMA as well as president and chairman of the CMF board.

He is survived by his brother Barry ( in Canada), his two grandsons Mason & Graham) in Murfreesboro and his Music Row "Girls."


Small Town Urbans

Howdy Janne!

Här kommer lite nyheter om ett av våra lokala band (Västmanland).

Kanske passar det i ditt heta Nyhetsbrev.

Ha det gott!

Jag fick ett telefonsamtal från Anders i STU och med en ganska andfådd röst förklarade han att deras nya demoskiva var klar.

- Kan jag träffa dig imorgon och lämna över demon för en recension. För det har jag läst i Janne Lindgrens nyhetsbrev att du börjat med.

Tycker du inte att jag var för elak då, svarade jag.

- Nej för f-n, jag vill ha dina ärliga åsikter om nya Small Town Urbans (STU)

Sagt och tvättat, vi stämde träff och jag passade på att göra en liten intervju också.

Jag började med den naturligaste fundering man har, om man gillar STU.

- Ni har ju bytt ut några i STU har jag hört, och många med mig är nyfikna vilka de nya medlemmarna är. Jag undrar naturligtvis också av vilken anledning det hände.

Anders svarar:

- Jag kände att vi stod stilla i vår musikaliska utveckling med gamla gänget. Trots försök, så kom vi inte vidare. Jag kände att jag ville starta om med lite nytt blod och efter en del diskussioner lämnade helt enkelt vår sångerska och en av våra gitarristerna bandet.

Det var en mycket jobbig period, för vi var ju mer än musikkompisar.

Anders fortsätter:

- Nu tuffar STU-tåget vidare med två nya medlemmar, Josefine Eriksson - sång & gitarr samt Andreas Carlsson - gitarr, banjo & pedalsteel. De övriga är som förut, Denis Tajic på klaviatur, Mats Åkerblom på trummor, Jonas Lidström med basgitarr och sång samt jag förstås som spelar drag- och munspel. Den sista helgen i januari bar det av till Berlin och CountryMusicMesse. Trots inbrott i vår turnébuss och stulna instrument, gick det otroligt bra. Helt enkelt toppen!

Våren är som för de flesta countryband lite för fattig på spelningar. På "hemmaplan" har vi Village i mars och väntar på datum från Rockland i Sala. Utöver detta ligger spelningar i såväl i Stockholm som i Hudiksvall i väntan på exakta datum.

Sedan är vi mycket stolta att vi får komma tillbaka till Scandivavian Country Music Festival i Furvik i sommar. Det blir årets höjdpunkt.

Vi trivs och känner att vi utvecklas. Vi hoppas på samma support som tidigare från Er då det är grunden vi behöver för att våga utvecklas.

Jaha! – här fick ju vi allt serverat på silverfat. Nu behöver vi inte fundera längre, för nu vet vi. Men jag kan trots det inte riktigt släppa frågan och fortsätter med att undra:

- Jag är ofta ute på webben och scannar av läget inom countryvärlden. Er hemsida känns faktiskt väldigt dammig och inaktuell med tanke på vad du har berättat för mig nu.

- Du har helt rätt Bosse, här blir det också förändringar. Vår hemsida kommer att få ett ansiktslyft och kommer att uppdateras en gång / månad. Som det är nu känns den som sagt var inaktuell och ointressant. Vi lägger även ut delar av vår demo-cd där.

Jag tackar dig Anders Härdevik för att du ställde upp och svarade ärligt, det uppskattar vi som är dina fans och betraktare.

Hemsideadressen till STU är:

Demoskivan då? Jag är ju en gammal ”countryräv”, men samtidigt måsta man ju höja ögonen och öppna öronen för det nya och modernare. Annars stannar utvecklingen och vi blir utan artister. Countrymusiken lever ju faktiskt i medvind just nu, så det är bara att hänga på.

Jag tycker om att lyssna till våra lokala band (Västmanland) och ett av dom är Small Town Urbans (STU). Som gammal STU-fan känner man igen musiken, Anders lite ibland sirliga munspel i bakgrunden och ibland dominerande och fett.

Den utveckling som Anders pratade om kan faktiskt märkas och jag tror att får gänget jobba vidare så blir det riktigt bra. Låtvalen är skiftande vilket är mycket bra för en demo, allt från country till lite bluesaktigt. Att placera STU i något fack vore helt fel och skulle begränsa deras möjligheter att nå den publikbredd som de förtjänar.

Den nya sångerskans sångröst går heller inte att jämföra med någon annans, vad jag vet i alla fall. Låtarna sitter fint och är snyggt kompade, kanske ibland något ”rörigt”. Jag fastande naturligtvis för den första låten, Suds In The Bucket en renodlad och modern countrylåt.

Låtar man sedan få höra är i tur ordning: Good Little Girls, Frontporch Lookin In, Cant Do Nothing skriven av Josefine Eriksson och sist Angel Of Sin som sjungs av sin upphovsman Jonas Lidström. Nu väntar vi på en fullängds CD.

Jag vill avsluta med att önska hela gänget all lycka och framgång

/Bosse Radeck

Aros RAWHIDE Country Music Club, Västerås


Hej Janne!
Kul att du gillade Burning Wheel Brothers!
För de som är intresserade finns det nu en hemsida också:
mvh  Mattias Lundgren, gitarrist BWB


ARTIST NEWS (Rapport direkt från Nashville av Dan Ekbäck)
Reba and Brad Paisley will team up to headline a tour, along with Terri Clark as a Special Guest. The Two Hats and a Redhead Tour kicks off April 15 in Virginia Beach and will cover more than two dozen cities before wrapping in mid-June. Due to a scheduling conflict, Clark will not be on the first three dates and Joe Nichols will fill the spot. The three entertainers have a total of nearly 40 #1 songs among them. Tickets go on sale in multiple markets Jan. 29...

Tim McGraw
will be the only country performer on this year's Grammy Awards. McGraw will join Green Day, Alicia Keys and U2 for the Feb. 13 show at the Los Angeles Staples Center where he is nominated for Best Country Album, for Live Like You Were Dying, and Best Male Country Vocal Performance for the album's title track...

 ABC's Good Morning America is launching a new advertising campaign on Jan. 27 that will feature the voice of Julie Roberts. Roberts, whose debut, self-titled album was recently certified Gold, will be featured in the on-air promos with all the GMA anchors and correspondents including Diane Sawyer and Charles Gibson. The promos will run on ABC as well as various cable networks, print advertisements and movie theaters in New York and Los Angeles throughout the month of February...

Tim McGraw and duet partner Nelly have been in Los Angeles shooting a television commercial for McGraw’s long-standing tour sponsor Bud Light. It is possible the spot will debut during the Super Bowl...


Friday Night Lights, featuring the acting debut of Tim McGraw, was released last week on Universal Pictures DVD and is the top-selling movie in the country. The DVD sold over 3 million units according to Hollywood Reporter (Jan. 27) and it will top Billboard’s DVD list as well....

Tracy Byrd
will host the Ace Hardware Celebrity Golf Shootout at Hawaii’s Mauna Lani Resort on Feb. 9 and if he can score a Hole-In-One, he wins $1,000,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network. Also to benefit CMN, will be the 10th Anniversary of the Tracy Byrd Homecoming Weekend event, fishing and golf tournaments on April 2-3...

Recorded and readied in less than a week, Toby Keith’s "Honky Tonk U" was released to radio on Jan. 26. Beginning Feb. 8, the single will be available exclusively at for 30 days before it will be available for download at all digital music stores...

The 2005 Craig Morgan Celebrity Event benefiting Hunters for the Hungry was a sold-out success raising more than $18,000. Special guests included Blake Shelton, Rhett Akins and Jim Ed Brown. Morgan is touring in support of his current single, “That’s What I Love About Sunday”...

Epic Records newcomer Miranda Lambert was included in Billboard's list of "Faces To Watch, 30 Under 30: Top Young Acts And Executives" in the Jan. 29 issue. Lambert wrote 11 of the 12 songs on her debut album, Kerosene, before she was 20...

Kenny Chesney's performance from the Jan. 15 NBC event, Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope is available for download via the Connect music store. All proceeds from sales of the 99 cent songs will be donated to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, with the Sony Corporation of America matching the first $100,000 raised. There is a link to the Connect site on Chesney appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Feb. 1...

Montgomery Gentry
will perform at Kick-Off to Super Bowl XXXIX: Celebrate Jacksonville to kick-off game week on Jan. 31...

 Brenda Lee underwent surgery on Jan. 21 at Nashville’s St. Thomas Hospital for a torn rotator cuff in her right shoulder. Doctors suspect the lifetime of holding a microphone in her right hand could be to blame. Little Miss Dynamite, now 60, is expected to make a full recovery and resume her regular tour schedule within a few weeks...

Rascal Flatts
relaunched their headline tour Here’s To You with Blake Shelton on Jan. 27 in St. Louis...

LeAnn Rimes
and Brooks & Dunn have been added to the line-up for the Annual Country Thunder USA festival in Florence, Arizona. Already scheduled are Rascal Flatts, Big & Rich, Blake Shelton, Darryl Worley, Chris Cagle, Shelly Fairchild, George Canyon, The Warren Brothers, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Little Texas, Harry Luge, and the Doo-Wah Riders. The four-day event, set for Apr. 14 - 17, is expected to draw over 150,000 fans...

The video for Blaine Larsen’s first BNA Records single, “How Do You Get That Lonely,” directed by Robert Deaton and George Flanigen, debuted on the CMT Top 20 Countdown on Thursday (1/27) and Larsen made a guest appearance...

Andy Griggs recently headlined KNCI Tsunami Relief Acoustic Jam, a benefit fundraiser in Sacramento. Griggs has been on the road with tourmates Brad Paisley and Sara Evans on the Mud & Suds tour, with additional dates slated into March...

John Conlee will introduce his first new music video in 20 years, “They Also Serve,” to a national television audience on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 6, on Fox News Channel’s Fox Magazine...

Roy Clark will undergo hip surgery in Feb. and has rescheduled upcoming dates for after his six-month recovery...

Lorrie Morgan
recently held in-store appearances at two Louisiana Wal-Marts to promote her CD Show Me How, and her DVD, The Color of Roses...

B-Venturous Records has two singles climbing the Music Row Country Breakout Chart including Wayne Warner’s “Something ‘Bout You” and “Conservative State Of Mind” from Jules Rancourt...

Danny Roberts, a member of The Grascals, has released his solo debut, Mandolin Orchard.


QUESTION: I just heard the end of a story on radio about a fiddle player that passed away. I think his name was Stamper. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: Bluegrass fiddler Art Stamper passed away January 23rd in a Louisville, Ky., hospital of complications from throat cancer. Stamper played fiddle for Bill Monroe, the Stanley Brothers, the Osborne Brothers, the Goins Brothers, Larry Sparks, Jim & Jesse, Bill Clifton and J. D. Crowe. Trained as a cosmetologist, Stamper gave up his fiddle for some 20 years to run his own hair salon in Louisville. But he returned to performing and recording in the late 1970s. The Society for the Preservation of Bluegrass Music of America awarded him its best old-time fiddler award for three consecutive years.


Oj, vad många sidor det blev idag! Men det kan väl vara trevligt att ha något att läsa en sådan här vinterdag! Ha en fin dag och fortsatt kommande vecka!


Janne Lindgren



A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 012         10 februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Fredag! Feberfri och sittande vid datorn! Ända sedan måndagen har jag varit riktigt hängig, men igår torsdag steg febern och jag blev liggande i sängen hela dagen. Så något Nyhetsbrev blev inte ivägskickat som ni kan förstå! Här kommer ett något försenat sådant!

Janne Lindgren

Svar till Sven Wikström

Jag är oxå ett fan till"Wispering Bill" och har en del skivor med honom Man ska inte glömma att förutom en härlig sångare (om man gillar hans röst förstås) är han ju en underbar låtskrivare. Vi ska vara honom mycket tacksam för alla låtar han skrivit till den kanske bästa sångerska vi har inom countryn nämnligen Connie Smith. En helt underbar kombination.

Han sjunger ju väldigt bra själv oxå.Jag njuter av hans uppträdande lite då och då på Midnight Jamboree på söndagsmornarna kl. 07.00 . Har man tur får man höra dom sjunga duett. Jag tycker bara att det verkar vara en hyvens kille.

Enklaste sättet att kolla Bill i sömmarna är väl att kolla hans hemsida

Där har han lite nya skivor som man kan provlyssna till och det går att beställa där om man vill använda sitt kontokort.

Jag ser att CMC country har ett par skivor med Bill i lager Men jag är säker att dom tar hem fler om man fråger dom. Happy hunting.

May your horse be with you

Filip Flodman

Filip Flodman hälsar och säger att så här skulle hans förra brev egentligen varit utformat! JL.


hej Janne!

Tack för nyhetsbreven som var en oväntad glad överraskning! Kanske kan få mig till datorn lite oftare.

Jag gissade att det var på det sättet med (pop-) ljudteknikerna som du skrev. Det tråkiga är man skrämmer bort människor från konserterna. Många jag har haft med mig på olika tillställningar exvis med Edlers arrangemang har lessnat på bullret. Kanske man på ålderns höst (62 år) skall utbilda sig till ljudtekniker. Har du något tips på kurser.

Hälsningar och tack för svaren!


Kan någon tipsa Tommy Björk om ljudskolor? Tack!  JL.


Hej Janne.

Fann din trevliga sida då jag surfade runt lite på nätet. Tänkte passa på att nämna att det finns ett Country och Bluegrassband i Åtorp, Värmland. Kika gärna in på vår hemsida på




Hej magistern!

Nu börjar det dra ihop sig så sakteliga till DCMCs 30-årsfest i Säterdalen den 28 maj. Kan du pula in följande i ditt eminenta hyhetsbrev så lovar jag att du ska du slippa höra mig sjunga (jag har legat i hårdträning med grannens valp några veckor, så nu låter det värre än nånsin):


DCMC, Dalarnas Country Music Club, fyller 30 år i år, och lördagen den 28 maj arrar vi en stor jubileumstillställning i Säterdalen i lilla men mysiga Säter (1 timme per bil från Sala åt Borlänge/Morahållet till). Säterdalen är en av landets allra mysigaste folkparker, och det i kombination med en massa countrymusik och -folk hoppas vi kommer att locka många besökare.
Programmet är inte klart än, men upplägget är att starta på eftermiddagen/kvällen med flera bra lokala band (det finns faktiskt rätt många såna i dag!) och presentera ett känt och publikdragande namn senare på kvällen, för att sedan avsluta det hela sent på natta med helt vanlig parningsdans, he! he! Vi ska också försöka få dit squaredansare och knallar, och kanske ytterligare nå't kul.
Countrymusiker i allmänhet och steelsnubbar i synnerhet ombedes vänligt men bestämt att leta upp mig och prata steel! Det är på tok för sällan vi har möjligheter att göra det, nämligen, så kom dit, vettja!
Anders Brundell, ordf. DCMC och återfallsmusiker.

Du har rätt på flera punkter Anders: att Säterdalen är jättefin, att det finns många lokala bra band (även i andra delar av landet), att vi kommer att leta upp dig den här kvällen (behöver vi leta förresten)? Behöver ni hjälp av Minstrels så vet du var vi finns!  JL.


Hej Christer Lindström i Västerås! Ett sista i inlägg i debatten om kålrötter .... Om du lyssnar ordentlgt på Elvis och Carl Perkins så sjunger de "blue suède shoes" och inte "blue swede shoes" ....



Internetradio med masser af 4/4 shuffles og country classics - den første time jeg var logget på, hørte jeg Jake Hooker, Bobby Flores, Justin Trevino, Darrell McCall, Curtis Potter (2 gange), Joe Carson og mange, mange flere.


Per Kammersgaard




Tack Carina Lindquist (Dottie) för den fina CDn med 3 låtar! Plattan heter Dottie Country Revivel och innehåller eget originalmaterial. Det är kul för det är bra låtar. Spel och sång är också bra! Spelar några spår framöver i Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö 97,8.

DJs skriver till   JL.




Nashville, TN (February 6, 2005)– The distinctive voice of Merle Kilgore, one of the most significant songwriters and entertainers in American musical history was forever silenced today. He died this evening (6th) from congestive heart failure onset from medical complications related to ongoing treatment for cancer over the last few months.

He is survived by his wife, Judy, sons Steve and Duane Kilgore, daughters, Pam Compton, Kim Pomeroy, and Shane McBee, 8 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter.

Born Wyatt Merle Kilgore on August 9, 1934, in Chickasha, Oklahoma—Kilgore spent much of his growing up years in Shreveport, Louisiana. As a boy of 14, Merle cut his teeth in the music industry carrying the guitar of Hank Williams Sr. to and from the stage of the historic Louisiana Hayride. Who could have known that as an adult, Merle would devote much of his career to carrying the name, the legacy, and musical heritage of the Williams family to new audiences, new heights, and virtually every great stage in country music and beyond as the manager of Hank Williams Sr.’s pride and joy—”Bocephus” -- Hank Williams Jr.

And never has the word “manager” covered a broader definition. When Buddy Lee and Hank’s Jr.’s mother, the late Audrey Williams, put Merle on the bill and on the road with Jr. in the ‘60’s there was a method to their plan. The teenage Hank Jr. was growing up in a tough industry without the benefit of his legendary father. In stepped Merle Kilgore—a handsome young entertainer, fifteen years older than Hank, who had already written a #1 hit for Webb Pierce, “More And More,” and followed it with monster hits including “Wolverton Mountain,” a 10 million seller for Claude King, and “Ring Of Fire,” written with June Carter Cash, recorded by Johnny Cash and on its way to selling 16 million records for Johnny, June and Merle.

Few artists on the day wanted to share a stage with Merle Kilgore—even fewer wanted to follow him onstage. Merle simply stole the show on whatever stage you placed him. With his off the wall humor, string of hit songs, and glitzy brand of showmanship, rare that an artist of Merle Kilgore’s caliber would take a step back from the spotlight to consider his touring partner—the teenage Hank Jr.—on his way to carving a legendary career of his own. Maybe it was a duty Merle felt to Hank Sr. – and maybe it was just the stuff legend is made of—but to say theirs was to become a friendship and a working relationship built on mutual respect—and yes—love-would be the true definition. Somewhere on some stage, in some forgotten town long ago Merle Kilgore and Hank Jr. crossed the invisible line to form a bond “of the road”—and became the kind of brothers and “family” that only those in the entertainment industry can fully appreciate and understand.

Reached by phone with the news of the passing of his long time friend and manager, Hank Williams Jr. was unable to make a formal statement at this time.

Greg Oswald, Sr. Vice-President at William Morris, and responsible agent for Hank Williams jr. was a long time friend of Merle’s and in constant communication with him throughout his illness. “When my brother called me just a few hours ago with the news, my immediate thought was that only six short weeks ago I lost my mother--and the pain was equally as sharp when that news came across the phone line tonight about Merle. He was family not only to Hank, but to me and to so many in the industry. We have suffered the loss of a truly unique and great man in the country music community of the caliber we’ll never again see in our lifetime within the industry.”

Merle Kilgore’s management of Hank Williams Jr.’s career brought him accolades along the corridors of Music Row—including CMA “Manager Of The Year.” He served on the CMA Board Of Directors, was elected Vice President of CMA, as well as President of both the Nashville Songwriter’s Association International and the Nashville Songwriter’s Foundation. He served two terms as President of ROPE. Merle became an Honorary State Senator in the State of Tennessee, was inducted into the Louisiana Hall of Fame, and even made the hall of fame in his old high school alma mater—Byrd High-- back in Shreveport. “Senator Kilgore has had an illustrious life—from double dating with pal Elvis Presley to acting roles in seven movie productions.Through it all, Merle continued not only to be one of the country music industry’s most successful personal managers—but an artist in his own right. His acting roles, accolades as a performer, and songbook as a multi-million selling writer would take volumes to record.

Merle Kilgore was a friend to all within the sound of his voice and he continued throughout life to encourage those within the family of Country Music to love what they did. His legacy will continue with the legions of friends and fans around the world who will insure Merle Kilgore’s legend will forever remain among those of the true giants in the music industry

Funeral Arrangements will be forthcoming


Hejsan Janne!

Det blev en riktigt fin kväll då Unicefs stödgala gick av stapeln i lördags i Borås. Drygt femhundra personer hade tagit sig till Folkan för att vara med under kvällen. Det var en kanonhärlig stämning ute i salongen och så även bakom scenen. Det bjöds bl.a på boogie-woogie, soul, blues och country och jag och Jill Johnson stod för countrytonerna denna kväll. Broder Berra höll sig igång på steel och dobro då han medverkade i ett bluesband + tillsammans med Jill och mig.

Ja, det var en lyckad kväll med en underbar publik, flera nya möten med härliga Boråsmusiker i en riktigt trevlig kosertsalong.

Men framför allt känns det fint att pengarna från denna kväll ska bidra till att bygga upp vardagen för barn som överlevde flodvågorna i Asien.

Kram/Cina Samuelson

 Last Thursday night at a small Nashville club called Douglas Corner, Alan Jackson made a surprise appearance. He was there to support Adam and Shannon Wright, the new husband and wife duo The Wrights. Adam and Shannon are the first act signed to Alan's record label, ACR (Alan's Country Records)-and Adam is Alan's nephew. The Wrights' debut album, Down This Road, comes out May 3. For more information, go to
I USA kan allt hända! Douglas Corner Café ligger lite söderut från Broadway sett! Men tro för all del inte att ni kan promenera från Broadway till Douglas Corner som ligger utmed 8th Avenue South (Franklin). Trots att stället ligger mitt i stan så är det ungefär som att ta en promenad från Skärholmen till Stockholms innerstad. Nashville är en enormt utbredd stad och skulle man försöka sig på att gå ifrån innerstaden till t ex Grand Ole Opry i Music Valley, skulle det förmodligen ta mer än en halv dag. Jag tror inte ens att det är möjligt att gå dit p g a alla motorvägar som går kors och tvärs.  JL.


Bobbe's Nashville News
This has not been a good week in our music industry. We have lost several wonderful people. Guitarist Ken Bozeman of Dr Hook and Leroy Van Dyke, MGM recording artist and Hank Jr's manager, Merle Kilgore who was also famous for co-writing "Ring Of Fire" and other classic hits passed away Sunday and of course, we all know about Jimmy Crawford whose funeral was Saturday.

Frank Jones, former Columbia Records executive producer of all of Ray Price's Columbia recordings, passed away February 4th in Nashville. will be doing a tribute show to Jimmy Crawford to honor him and his career on February 7th at 8 PM Central time. DeWitt Scott will be the host and will play some of Jimmy's best music from over the years and talk about his many accomplishments. Scotty will talk with some of the people who knew Jimmy the best including myself.

I neglected to mention in the earlier new bulletin, among the many people Jimmy had worked for, he was the steel guitarist in the Kitty Wells show for many years. Jimmy was one of the true legends who will never be forgotten.

This is the time of year when Nashville starts shuffling people around for the coming summer tour season. The stars are bidding for the best players they can find. If you are a hot shot steel player and think you've got what it takes, this is the time of year to come to town. Keith Urban has disbanded his old touring group and will be auditioning new players for his all new touring band.

Finally, keep great steel guitarist Hal Rugg in your prayers. His health problems seems to be compounded As most of you know, Hal was staff steel guitarist on the Opry for many years and very heavy in the studios in Nashville from the mid-sixties to the mid-ninties with hundreds of great sessions to his credit. Remember the great steel guitar on almost all of Loretta Lynn's recordings? Lynn was only one of many artists who's career Hal helped to further.
Bobbe Seymour


ARTIST NEWS (Direktrapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)
Lee Ann Womack and George Strait will duet on a song called “Good News” she wrote with Dale Dodson and Dean Dillon. It is reported that Strait has already recorded his part of the song but that Womack, though very excited, hasn't been able to make it in the studio to cut her part. Womack has scheduled appearances on Feb. 17 on Late Night With Conan O'Brien as well as Good Morning America. She can also be seen on the cover of the April 19 issue of Woman's World magazine...

Jeff Foxworthy has signed a deal with Villard Books to publish The Redneck Dictionary, based on his popular "words of the south" bit, and due out in fall 2005. Foxworthy will write the book with Fax Bahr and Adam Small, executive producers of the show Blue Collar TV. Currently, Foxworthy is the voice of Reggie the Rooster in the Warner Bros. film Racing Stripes as well as the voice of the animated character Lyle in the Disney movie Fox and The Hound II, which will be released on home video later this year...

Julie Roberts celebrated the Gold Certification of her self-titled debut on Feb. 2 with a party at Nashville restaurant Mirror. On hand to congratulate her were artists Joe Nichols and Trent Willmon, producer Brent Rowan, and the entire Mercury staff, including Co-Chairmen James Stroud and Luke Lewis...

Kenny Chesney
will travel to New York next week for appearances on the Feb. 16 editions of Good Morning America and Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Chesney is currently rehearsing for his upcoming Somewhere In The Sun Tour...

Willie Nelson and three partners have started a company called Willie Nelson's Biodiesel that will market a new environmentally-friendly truck and bus fuel known as Bio-Willie. The fuel is made from vegetable oils, mostly soy, and works in diesel engines without requiring any modifications...

Shooter Jennings is one of six new artists from various genres that will be featured in America Online’s Breakers program which showcases the artists and their music on and the AOL Music and Radio Networks...

Crystal Gayle and Lee Greenwood will unveil the President Ronald Reagan commemorative postage stamp as well as perform at a dedication ceremony on Feb. 9 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. The stamp will be available to the public the same day...

Pat Green
, who makes his Grand Ole Opry debut March 5, will perform at the Wildhorse Saloon on Feb. 11...

John Prine
will begin his upcoming tour in Asheville, N.C. on April 8 with dates running through summer. Keb Mo and Leon Redbone are expected to join Prine at some shows...

Billy Currington and Trace Adkins will play a concert at the Ryman on Feb. 23 benefitting the John Hiatt Fund for the Treatment of Alcohol & Drug Abuse...

Rounder Records will release the self-titled debut from bluegrass group The Grascals on Feb. 8 with the band playing at The Station Inn that night at 9:00 p.m. The Grascals made their Grand Ole Opry debut on Feb. 5...

The Pajama Party, a tour featuring Deborah Allen, Anita Cochran and Tammy Cochran, recently played its first date in Knoxville. The official tour begins in April...

John Conlee’s latest music video, “They Also Serve,” has been added into rotation on the Armed Forces Network...

Big & Rich received their first multi-Platinum award when Horse of a Different Color was certified double Platinum. Contemporary Christian quintet MercyMe earned their first multi-Platinum award in Jan. with the double Platinum certification of their 2001 release Almost There. Also earning his first Gold and Platinum honors was G-Unit member and Nashville native Young Buck for his debut, Straight Outta Cashville and Nanci Griffith’s Other Voices, Other Rooms was certified Gold.



Min nye musikk video, "Here's To You (The Man in Black)", er sendt inn til redaksjonen i Danseband-Jukebox på NRK2.

For at den skal komme med i sendingene trenger vi at mange stemmer på den via SMS. Skriv: Danse Arly Karlsen og send til 2008.

Videoen er også å se på min web side

Den er nylig redigert, med blant annet et klipp med noen uttalelser fra Tommy Cash om min selvkomponerte hyllest sang til hans avdøde bror, Johnny Cash.

Hver stemme teller! J

På forhånd takk!

Send meg videre J

Arly Karlsen


Till sist några funderingar av undertecknad! Jag har just läst igenom Stockholms Country Music Clubs Gazetten som damp ned i brevlådan i går! Den innhöll som sig bör en hel del information om kommande countrymusikhändelser, men även info om icke countrymusikhändelser!?


En annan sak som förvånade mig väldigt mycket var att Bobby Flores besök här i Stockholm inte fick särskilt stor uppmärksamhet i Gazetten! Elisabet Lennmark skrev visserligen några få fina rader om kvällen den 15 januari. Men allvarligt talat SCMC, var inte den kvällen viktigare än så? Hur ofta får vi uppleva en sån här äkta honky tonkkväll med en artist direkt hitflugen från Texas? En artist som vet vad countrymusik är och som gav oss alla en enorm show och upplevelse!


För övrigt börjar livet återvända efter denna långdragna förkylning som drabbat hela min familj.


Vi hörs snart igen!


Janne Lindgren



A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 013        13  februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller

Väldigt mycket snö har fallit i Stockholm och det känns som om vintern äntligen kommit! Inte för att jag längtat efter den, mer för att det ändå är ganska vackert! Min förkylning har släppt och jag har lördag och söndag känt mig nästan frisk. Veckan var eländig och jag fick ställa in två inspelningar som var bokade. Vad jag minns har jag aldrig uteblivit från någon inspelning på grund av sjukdom sedan jag började med studiojobb någon gång i mitten av 60-talet!

Det är roligt att ni börjar bli flitiga med att skriva till mig och berätta om allehanda ting. Extra intressant i detta nyhetsbrev är Hans Roséns inlägg angående att resa till Nashville. Det Hasse inte vet om den stan är inte värt att veta. Håll till godo!

Janne Lindgren


Hej Janne!
Man tackar för de uppsakattande orden! Vet att dina ord väger tungt i
countrysverige. Just hemkommen från florida, tyvärr hör man mest new country,
hör verkligen triggade trummor hemma i countryn..
Det börjar röra på sig här nere i malmö. Att countrymodet, åtminstone inom
klädvärlden, är hett märks. För oss har det resulterat i spelningar i
klädaffärer! Man tar ju de chanser man får.
Har ännu inte någon klar bokning till festival i sommar men hoppas
MVH Martin
Kul att ni har lite jobb och att countrymusiken sprider sig i södra Sverige! Det är viktigt för ett band att visa sig ute bland folk så visst är köpcentra, klädaffärer med mera intressanta att jobba i. Den musik du hörde i Florida är dessvärre det man får höra på stationerna i USA i dag. En form av "mainstreamcountry" eller som jag brukar säga "Perry Comocountry". Men ni som är unga vet förmodligen inte ens vem den gubben var? Beträffande bokningar inför sommaren så har nog de flesta festivaler redan sina program fastställda. De är väldigt tidigt ute av någon anledning som jag har funderat över under många år men inte kommit till någon vettig förklaring till.   JL.



Tjena Janne! Kan du vidarebefordra detta till Tommy Björk betr. utbildning till ljudtekniker:

Ljudteknikutbildningar finns vid några folkhögskolor och som påbyggnad inom Komvux.

Kulturama i Stockholm är en fristående skola som har en ettårig musikproduktionslinje. Du betalar kursavgift (möjlighet till statligt studiestöd finns).

Studio Blue i Stockholm ger en fristående utbildning i ljudteknik och musikproduktion. Dels en grundutbildning (1 år) och en påbyggnadsutbildning (1 år). ger dig exempel på ytterligare utbildningar.

Hälsningar Håkan Sahlin

Oj Håkan vad du är påläst!!  JL.


Och här nedan ett svar på tal beträffande
att resa i USA.
Hans Rosén har tillsammans med Lasse Lundgren rest till bl a Nashville många, många gånger
och har erfarenheter av hur det är att nöta skor där.
Läs och njut!  JL.


Howdy pardner:

En del tillrättalägganden för ev Nashville-resenärer... notera gärna Melonie Cannon nedan:

Douglas Corner Café -


Man uppfattar lätt att JL har anammat amerikaners sätt att leva, åker man till Nashville MÅSTE man ha bil där, vilket naturligtvis INTE är sant.

Man kan även promenera och framför allt åka med det lokala bussbolaget MTA. Att amerikanen i allmänhet inte orkar gå mer än cirka 100 meter

är en sak för sig. Jag har redan i början av 70-talet, tillsammans med legendariske Larry Lundgren, promenerat hela vägen från downtown till

Hickory records på Franklin Road (8th Avenue South). Även om Hickory Records inte är särskilt aktivt idag så står i alla fall byggnaden kvar.

Så visst kan man promenera i Nashville. Låt er inte avskräckas herr Lindgrens kärlek till bilen!


För kännedom kan också meddelas att till Grand Ole Opry i Music Valley går det utmärkt att åka med MTA-bussar  #11 och

expressbussen #34X (hemsida: ).

Det finns en gratis karta över hela busslinjenätet och
ett veckokort kostar EFTER PRISHÖJNINGEN 5/1 2005 endast $15,--.


Det finns även bussar som man kan åka med från Nashville International Airport, nämligen #18 & #11.
Vid min senaste resa i november åkte jag med bussar ända fram till mitt hotel, det perfekta Midway Motel.
Det är en - i princip - one-man-operation, där vänlighet är ett honnörsord och hjälpsamhet är standard.
Här bor man billigt och säkert (även om ett eller annat dödsfall kan inträffa...).
Själv betalar jag totalt $150 per vecka... ett pris som på det "finare" hotellen downtown gäller för endast en natts boende.


Det finns möjligheter nu när dollarn är låg att åka till Nashville billigt och enkelt.
Själv rekommenderar jag att man åker med American Airlines för att deras BONUS-system är det bästa jag känner till.
Man går med i deras Frequent Flyer-program och när man uppnått 40.000 miles (poäng) efter ca 4 t o r resor
får man en GRATIS-resa t o r vart man vill i USA.... Det senaste priset t o r Nashville som jag använt låg på ca. 4.700 kronor.


Jag anser att 2 veckor behövs för att göra Nashvilles honky tonks så då tillkommer $300 för hotellet,
maten är ju billig och här har JL och jag samma preferens nämligen Arby´s Roast Beef-burger.
Det kan vara bra att känna till att det ofta finns kupongblad i The Tennesseans söndagsupplaga... 
De kupongerna ger bra rabatter på häftiga burgare med varm rostbiff och lite kryddiga såser.
Så för cirka 7.000,- kan man göra Nashville osäkert i två veckor. 
Har man tänkt gå honky tonkin´ kostar det oftast inte något inträde på ställena utan "the band is playing for tips"... ölen kostar ca $3-4....


Med tanke på alla Country-country-music-lyssnare och Nyhetsbrevsläsare som önskar att de hade möjlighet att åka till Nashville
och på plats uppleva vad Janne berättar om, skulle det inte vara ur vägen att berätta att man kan åka dit till en högst rimlig kostnad!
Bo på lyxhotell kan man göra på hemmaplan, om man tycker det är en upplevelse.
Jag garanterar att efter en Nashvilledag och -kväll med skivjakt, musikupplevelser mm,
är man fullt nöjd med att få krypa ner i en ren och skön säng och lyssna på någon av de country-music-radiostationer som finns att tillgå.
Eller titta på de TV-kanaler som sänder country dygnet runt.

Hank Rosen


Du har förstås rätt Hasse, att man faktiskt inte alltid behöver ha bil då man åker till t ex Nashville.
Men nu hör jag till en av de där latare sorterna som tycker att det är skönt att ha den lilla bilen utanför hotellrummet hela tiden.
Får jag helt plötsligt lust att åka till en Arby´s, Denny´s eller annan trevlig restaurang vilken tid på dygnet som helst,
så blir allting så mycket mer lättillgängligt med flera valmöjligheter om man har en bil.
Hotell och restauranger ligger alltför ofta en bit ifrån varandra. Countryklubbar som The Station Inn
och andra intressanta ligger ibland i ganska ruffiga områden och att ta sig därifrån efter kvällens slut kan,
om man inte har bil, ibland vara ganska riskabelt. Jag anser att bilen är en form av säkerhet!


Har man en bil så har man också möjlighet att välja hotell som inte ligger i stadskärnorna,
vilket gör att man kan hitta väldigt bra hotell för låga priser, om man jämför med de som ligger centralt.
Som ett exempel kan jag nämna att Eddie Eriksson och jag låg på American Suites,
ett lyxbetonat hotell i Music Valley i september förra året.  Vi betalade ca 50 dollar (inkl. tax) för oss båda per natt.
Detta inkluderade stort sovrum, stort badrum, ett stort extra kontorsrum med skrivbord, spis och kylskåp.
Även stor frukost med bacon, egg, pannkakor, korv, pålägg, juicer, kaffe, te med mera. Vi bodde fyra nätter där.
(Några dödsfall är inte kända).  Att bo lyxigt behöver i USA inte betyda att det är dyrt!
Dyrt blir det för alla människor som beställer hela sin resa genom en resebyrå här hemma och inte själv tar ansvaret för någonting.

Med Hans Roséns erfarenheter och mina egna skulle vi bli den perfekta lilla resebyrån. Synd att man inte är 35 längre!!

Till sist Hasse, tänk dig en spinnande Pontiac Grand Am av nyaste modell som tar dig snabbt och
fort exakt dit du vill och vilken tid på dygnet du än önskar. Wow!   JL.

Hej Country-Janne.
Tack för dina vänliga ord om promocdn, men hela äran kan jag inte ta åt mej.Har ju haft stor hjälp av syrran Eva Östlund med musiken och så killarna
i Örebro Jan Elander,Mikael Norsten, och Michael Hagberg samt Johan Elander som gjort ett kanonjobb med arrangemangen..
Kul att du tänker spela någon av låtarna i ditt radioprogram framöver det betyder mycket för mej. Du har ju en slags auktoritet och är känd för att
vara rätt tuff i din kritik så jag blev ännu en gång förvånad och stolt över dina vänliga ord om cdn.
/Stor kram Dottie
Jag pratar ofta och mycket rakt från hjärtat och det gör att en och annan inte uppskattar mig till fullo!
Jag tror ändå att just uppriktigheten hos mig skapar en viss trovärdighet i längden!  JL.


Artists to pay tribute to Kilgore at Ryman   February 11, 2005
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Wynonna Judd, Travis Tritt and Kid Rock are among the artists slated to pay tribute to songwriter
Merle Kilgore during a memorial service Tuesday at the Ryman Auditorium. Other acts include Lorianne Crook, Ralph Emery,
Brenda Lee, Connie Smith and Marty Stuart. "Merle loved everyone and everyone loved Merle," said publicist Kirt Webster.
"The memorial service is going to make Merle proud. Just like he would have wanted, there will be music, story telling,
and this will be a full production."

Kilgore was noted as one of the most significant singer-songwriters in entertainment with country classics like "Ring of Fire."
Kilgore died from complications relating to lung cancer treatment on Feb. 6. He was 70. Kilgore is survived by his wife, Judy,
two sons, three daughters, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Visitation for friends, family and the music industry
will begin at 11 a.m. The memorial service begins at Noon, followed by the procession and cemetery service.


Hardcore Country with Dale Watson.  Mark Williams,  Music Editor
If you’re looking to scoot your boots across a hardwood floor this weekend, then head north to Borski’s Tavern
(Interstate 45 at Shepherd Hill Rd., Willis) for a shot of hardcore country with Dale Watson.
Current crop of Nashville pretty boys not gettin’-r-done? Then check out the Austin singer-songscribe and his band,
the Lonestars, who play an authentic, rootsy music you won’t hear on corporate country radio.

Watson definitely believes there’s murder on Music Row these days: “[Today’s country music] is like a relative that's a heroin addict,”
Watson said in an interview last year. “You witness them killing themselves and you can't do anything about it --
because you can't help somebody that doesn't want to be helped. All you can do is point it out to them.”

Watson’s latest album, 2004’s “Dreamland” (Koch Records Nashville), “is timeless music that’s as original as a brand new morning,
yet from the very first notes bending off his Telecaster, has a warm sense of familiarity.” Need proof?
The album, produced by Asleep at the Wheel’s Ray Benson, was named as one of last year’s best country albums by
The Austin Chronicle, where it was in good company, coming in #2 after Loretta Lynn’s phenomenal “Van Lear Rose”.

Watson, who was always named Best Male Artist by the paper, calls his latest “the best damn honky-tonk album I’ve ever made,” s

ays Watson of “Dreamland” -- described as “probably as close as we will come to driving our rig through Bakersfield in 1962...y
ou can almost see Buck Owens standing outside the studio door grinning from ear to ear.”

While Watson often plays historic Texas roadhouses like Borski‘s and The Broken Spoke in Austin, his sound is also
appreciated by people from all over. “The rock audiences have more of an appreciation to real country music than people
who listen to that stuff coming out of Nashville. Honestly, they’re likely to be paying more attention to their line dancing steps
rather than listening to you singing, so…I’d actually rather play in a punk club.”

Watson recently went before the cameras last fall in a film by Zalman King called “Austin Angel”, co-starring liberal West
Winger Martin Sheen. Although “Dreamland” producer Ray Benson suggested Watson for the lead role, in typical Hollywood fashion, i
t was nearly a year before he got the call -- but he is happy with the results: “The movie has some great country songs in it,
and the story's about a country singer who sells his soul to the devil to save his daughter,” Watson said when he spoke of the film last year.
“It's something a bit different, but we're still sticking to real country music in the process.”

Although he's been a Americana staple for well over a decade, Watson is finally getting some accolades from the mainstream country press
-- but he isn‘t sure if he likes it. “You've gotta be in this business a while to find your own voice, and that's one of the problems
with a lot of current singers. You don't hear a lot of the roots in their music because they grew up with Elton John or Fleetwood Mac.
Johnny Cash, Bob Wills, Conway Twitty, Elvis -- those were the people that I admired growing up, but it was important for me
to learn you've got to make your own way.”

Get a heapin’ helpin of some old-school, down-home, rebel-yellin’ country when Dale Watson comes to Borski’s Tavern on Saturday night.
For information and tickets, call Barry and Ina Pollock at 936-344-6212. Come out Friday night as well, for an evening of
new classic country from burgeoning Borski’s favorite Miss Leslie & Her Juke Jointers…

 NEXT SATURDAY: Classy country comes from Austin as longtime western swing outfit Asleep At The Wheel plays next
Saturday night at Haven's Landing (19785 Hwy 105 W., Montgomery). The 8PM show, a benefit for the Montgomery County
Performing Arts Society, will be preceded by a barbecue dinner at 6PM. For info and tickets, call 936-441-7469...

ARTIST NEWS  (Rapport direkt från Nashville av Dan Ekbäck)
Martina McBride’s My Heart has been certified gold only a week after its Jan. 24 release. The collection of love songs is available
exclusively in Hallmark Gold Crown stores for Valentines and is regularly priced at $10.95, or $6.95 with the purchase of any
three Hallmark cards. The CD remains in stores through Feb. 14...

With nods in five categories, Loretta Lynn is the most-nominated country artist for the Feb. 13 Grammy Awards. Lynn was
recently featured on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 and CBS's 60 Minutes and is confirmed to make her first guest appearance on
The Ellen Degeneres Show
to promote her cookbook, You're Cookin' It Country. On the Valentine’s Day episode, Lynn will
cook Peanut Butter Fudge...

Shania Twain, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Terri Clark, Paul Brandt and George Canyon were nominated for Canada’s
JUNO Awards which will take place in Winnipeg on April 3...

The Wildhorse Saloon will hold Sugarland Sweet Week Feb. 14-18 where it will give away Sugarland CDs and merchandise
to nightly contest winners. A special Baby Girl Brownie has also been made available for the week that will conclude with
a performance by the band on Feb. 18...

The Tug McGraw Foundation, headed by Tim McGraw, is contributing “45 YGB Bracelets” to the Grammy Award artist gift bags.
The bracelets are named for Tug’s baseball number and his catch phrase “You Gotta Believe”...

The concert set to follow the April 30 Country Music Marathon will now be headlined by Phil Vassar at the Gaylord Entertainment Center.
Sara Evans
was forced to drop out because she will be touring with Alan Jackson...

Montgomery Gentry will tape an episode of Blue Collar TV in Atlanta on Feb. 16 where they will perform their single,
"Gone," and act in a skit with the show’s comedians. On March 8, Montgomery Gentry will be the featured performer on Nashville Star...

Rascal Flatts vocalist and bass player Jay DeMarcus is producing a new album for the band Chicago...

Eddie Bush performed his song, “The Thin Blue Line” at the National Peace Officers Memorial in Washington,
D.C. in front of President Bush and 30,000 police officers. The service was featured on Fox & Friends.
Bush’s new single, “It’s Hard To Stop A Train,” will be added into rotation on GAC on Feb. 11...

Professional theater company Actors Bridge Ensemble is joining forces with Pam Tillis, Kathy Mattea, Maura O'Connell,
Mandy Barnett, Suzy Ragsdale, Annie Sellick
, Jeannie Seely, and Tracy Gershon for a Feb. 25 performance of Eve Ensler's
The Vagina Monologues
at the Belcourt Theatre as part of V-Day Nashville 2005. V-Day is a global movement to stop violence
against women and girls...

Capitol Nashville comedian Roy D. Mercer will participate in a year-long radio campaign for Dixie Cafe, a chain of family
restaurants with 22 locations across Tennessee, Arkansas and Oklahoma. The ads will air in key markets and feature Mercer
making his signature calls to unsuspecting Dixie Cafe owners and customers...

This Valentine's Day marks the 20th anniversary of Randy Travis's first major label record deal, a two single deal with Warner Bros...

SHeDAISY will perform on CBS’s The Early Show on Feb. 12.


Nashville News by Bobby Seymour

For those of you who may be interested in what's hot and what's not in the sale of steel guitar products, here are the hot items
that are selling the best in our world.

The Nashville 112 amplifier has broken all amplifier sales records many times over and is continuing to do so, not just from us
but from every dealer. It seems to be the hottest steel guitar product to come out in years.

The number two hot item that is changing the face of the industry is the new potless volume pedal. The Hilton ME262 is the leader
with the Goodrich model LDR-2 following closely behind. The reason for this is the poor quality of the 500K ohm carbon resistor pots
being manufactured today.

Product number three is another product we have keeping in stock because sales are tremendous. The Peterson Tuner seems to be
everyone's salvation in being perfectly in tune at all times under any circumstance.

Number four. Cobra Coil strings continue to be a very strong seller outselling all other brands we offer.

Number five. GFI continues to be our strongest selling steel guitar. I am pleased to see so many professional players purchasing these guitars.

Have a great steel guitar week.

Your buddy,
Nästan alla omnämnda saker köper du hos   


I veckan som gick blev det inget direktsänt Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö 97,8 på grund av sjukdom.
På tisdag är det åter dags för mig att sitta direkt i studion och ge er god och glad countrymusik. Lyssna, ni kommer inte att ångra er!

Glöm heller inte bort Alla Hjärtans Dag som inträffar i morgon, måndag. Alla dagstidningar kommer att vara formade som hjärtan?!


Kör försiktigt i snöyran!


Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 014      17 februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Hej vänner! Igår gjorde jag en snabbutflykt till Askersund för en inspelning hos Roffe Larsson i hans fina studio. Studion ligger i gamla fina kulturella lokaler och utsikten är över Askersunds hamn. Otroligt vackert! 9 låtar blev inspelade och Carina heter artisten. Mer vet jag inte om den produktionen, men en hel del countrylåtar finns på kommande platta.

Ett rykande färskt mail fick jag från Hans Rosén som just satt sin fot i Nasvhille! Sveriges hetaste Nyhetsblad gör verkligen själ för namnet! Eller hur! 

Janne Lindgren


Howdy Janne, a short report from Nashville....
Arrived in Nashville monday evening at 21.07 got to the hotel via cab 21.45 nice settling down with real country radio & TV.
Tuesday I started the day off at the library, where they have public computers to be used for free - limited to 1 hour per day
for visitors.... good way to keep up with e-mail and swedish papers....

At 12.00 I went to the Ryman Auditorium, a wonderful day 74 degrees and sunny... best weather this day since 1945...
This day we said goodbye to Wyatt Merle Kilgore - billed this day as "A Celebration For Life". It was a nice time there, some speeches and some performances.MC's were Travis Tritt and Marty Stuart... We heard songs by Connie Smith, grandchildren, Holly Williams, Kid Rock, a tearfilled speach by Hank Jr, Wynonna did her rendition of "How Great Thou Art" and believe it or not Big & Rich....

By the way at the Grammy presentation this monday our new favorite, the female Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gretchen Wilson also chose to make a tribute by wearing a tight black T-shirt that read, ''In memory of Kilgore - what a nice gesture of her...

Ralph Emery read a congressional Records about "Big Merle, The Boogie King" Kilgore, Who was born August 9, 1934... in Oklahoma.
At age of 14 he carried Hank Sr's guitar at Louisiana Hayride.. He started performing there at the age of 16.. In 1953 he had his
own TV-show as "The Tall Texan"... Wrote "More And More" for Webb Pierce in 1953, became a hit in 1954. He's most remembered
for "Wolverton Mountain" which sold 10 million copies... Later he wrote with June Carter - "Ring Of Fire" sold 16 million records for Johnny Cash.

Merle recorded his first top 10 recod in 1959 - "Dear Mama". He's recorded for many labels and have appeared in more than three movies... also TV-specials etc. He's been working with music publishing and also closely associated with Hank Jr. Merle was his personal manager for last 16 years.

During the ceremony we could see a large picture on a screen with a healthy looking Merle with a passion in the eyes... The coffin was open to the public and you could see his body resting there.... Lots and lots of flowers on stage and also in a corner his office moved there for just this moment... We heard mail call from Carl P. Mayfield - wellknown radio personality - The republican party had sent letters - believe it or not but George W. Bush had signed one!

After the ceremony the funeral processions gathered outside the Ryman.
I noticed Kid Rock And Hank Jr. chatting with people and smoking big cigars and the media covered everything.

Rest in peace Merle.

Spent the rest of the day record hunting and then finally about 19.00 I went to the local honky tonk Exit/In at 2208 Elliston Place. There I could listen to the following acts presented by the Western Beat manager, Billy Block:
7:00 - Artist in Residence: Jubal Lee Young
8:00 - Ross Falzone - radical heart
8:30 - Debra Davis - California Country
9:00 - Lance Miller - honky tonk country
9:30 - Wade Bowen - Texas country
10:00 - Randy Rogers - Texas roots rock
if you're interested in alternative country log on to:
there you can find lots of information.

Most of the above was not particularly good country. However it's nice to  keep up with what goin' on. The times I get "goose bumps" in Nashville are very few...  I remember once, when Leslie Satcher was singing at same place and she did a song with no backing... and I remember when Jeff Bates and Rachel Proctor did the ole Loretta and Conway song "After The Fire Is Gone" at a benefit at the Ryman.
And some scarce moment with Elizabeth Cook and Merle Haggard at same place.

But yesterday I got the feeling again... Lance Miller - a runner up in the Nashville Star competition... Has not been signed with a major label yet, but a stone honky tonker... great singer even a good band, this evening with Mike Johnson on steel,
you could even hear it play during the song, not only during the solos...
and he had the fiddleplayer in Tracy Lawrence's band, can't remember his name... best song he did was of course "George Jones & Jesus".

So all you Swedish country fans log on to:
there you can find the song and listen to it... Why not ordering a copy and supporting a REAL HARD CORE country act...

Wade Bowen - local TX.-c&w artists had just guitars in the band, drums and bass mixed up in your face.... NO steel and NO fiddle.... However Randy Rogers had a fiddle but the rock guitars made me leave the place early... after two soft rides on
buses #3 and #15 I found my empty bed at Midway Motel.

Best,  Hank

Wow! Vilken enorm rapport direkt från Nashville! Tack Hasse!   JL.


Hej Janne,

Hänvisar till min vän Bengt Hellberg på Radio Roslagen.

Jag arrangerar en ny countryfestival på Åland, 1-3 juli 2005.

Dragplåster har vi Christina Lindgren år 1.

Är det något du kan lägga in på din hemsida?

I övrigt kommer Bengt och jag börja samarbeta med radio (jag arbetar också med radio på Åland.)

Du kan väl höra av dig.


Bo Torgé

Det är förmodligen Christina Lindberg du menar. Kul att något händer på Åland. Det var ett tag sedan. Det var länge sedan jag träffade Bengt. Sänder mina hälsningar!  JL.


Hej Janne!

Är du hygglig och tackar Håkan Sahlin för tipset om ljudteknikerkurser. Jag skall studera det noga.
Få se om de antar gamla gubbar som jag till utbildningen.

Kan vara värt ett försök.




dagens ljudmixare har numera alltid en hörlur av dyraste sort på pallet!

mixern ska finnas mitt i spelrummet och skötas av någon som vet vad

god musik är, och han är säkert över 55 bast eller äldre.

samspel/harmoni mellan instrumenten är det viktigaste med musik i alla

former. musik ska bedömas med öronen , inte via hörlursutgången på

mixerbordet. trummisen är en takthållare, inte ett soloinstrumentet. Ragge/solna

Tänk om alla festivalgeneraler kunde ta in dina ord och fixa det här till sommarens festivaler?
Men det blir nog som vanligt, solo på trummor och bas från morgon till kväll!!  JL.


Hej Janne!

Nu var det ett bra tag sedan jag hörde av mig.

Tack för alla dina Nyhetsmail som jag försöker hinna med att läsa. Alltid mycket intressant att där.

Men nu kanske jag har en nyhet. Eftersom jag varje söndag lyssnar på Svensktoppen. Hoppsan! Det trodde du inte. Jo, det kanske jag sagt någon gång. I alla fall är det kul när vi får höra något av vår musikstil där. Brukar också maila producenten LG Alsenius och tjata lite om jag vet att det finns något bra inom får musikstil. Ibland ger det resultat. Denna veckan dök Eva Eastwood upp som utmanare men låten " En ny stil i stan" Jag håller givetvis bägge tummarna för att hon ska komma in.

Sen kanske vi ses på Countrykryssningen i mars. Resan är redan bokad och betald. Så Janne vi ses vid scenkanten, för där kommer jag nog att hänga ganska mycket.

Ha det gott i snöoväderet. (Det går ju och vara inne i den goa stugvärmen) Här i Värmlandsskogarna jublas det över snön, som äntligen kommit lagom till Svenska Rallyt. Rallyt har ju VM status och det brummar och surrar i hela stan. Helikoptrarna sveper över hustaken så tegelpannorna skallrar.


Lena Karlsson Big River CC, Hagfors

Tack för info Lena! Vi håller alla tummar!



13 & 14 mars  565 kr. inkl stor buffé!  Bokning genom 452 40 87


Loretta Lynn Wins First Grammy in 33 Years
Sun Feb 13, 6:58 PM ET Entertainment - Reuters
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Veteran country singer Loretta Lynn, who launched a bold comeback last year by joining forces with Detroit rocker Jack White of the White Stripes, won her first Grammy Award in 33 years on Sunday.
Mycket ska man höra innan öronen trillar av!  JL.


Grammy Awards Get Lowest Rating Since '95 By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television
NEW YORK - From J.Lo to James Brown, Usher to U2, the Grammys (news - web sites) had it all this year — except a lot of interested viewers. An estimated 18.8 million people watched Ray Charles' swan song clean up with eight awards Sunday night, a startling 28 percent drop from the 2004 Grammys. After two years on an upswing, Grammy ratings sunk to their lowest level since 1995, according to Nielsen Media Research. It may be an ominous sign for the granddaddy of awards shows, the Academy Awards (news - web sites), Feb. 27 on ABC.
Kanske är det trovärdigheten som saknas? Vem vet?  JL.


Red Jenkins i "Mötet" på Radio Lidingö 97,8
Red Jenkins kommer inom kort att vara gäst i programmet "Mötet" på Radio Lidingö 97,8. Programmet med Red Jenkins, som är en timme långt, sänds lördagen den 5 mars kl. 19,00, med repris dagen efter kl. 19,00. Programledaren Göran Geson samtalar med Red Jenkins (eller Björn Raita som är hans rätta namn) om hans liv och spelar massor av låtar med honom.
Radio Lidingö 97,8 hörs över större delen av stor-Stockholm med omnejd.

Dear friend,

Please check out the NEW today!
For your subscription to the FREE online club go here:

Also, feel free to correspond with me by replying to this email!

Thanks so much for everything!



Former Drifting Cowboy Dean McNett Has Died
Dean McNett, brother of Bob McNett, an original member of the Drifting Cowboy Band, died peacefully in his sleep, at age 77, this past Saturday evening. Dean played with the Drifting Cowboys after Hank's death and was a long time member of Doc & Chickie Williams' show on WWVA, Wheeling West Virginia. For the last several years Dean and his sons Tim and Shaun were the nucleus of the McNett Country Band, headlining at County Fairs and other events. Another of Dean's abilities was as an expert Square Dance caller, and the group was a favorite in that genre.
A veteran of the Korean Conflict, Dean will be buried with full Military Honors on Thursday,

February 17th.Read The McNett Brothers Story:


Remembering Sammi Smith,   Biography by Sandra Brennan
In the tradition of Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, singer/songwriter Sammi Smith was considered a country music outlaw, unafraid to sing songs that reflected the sometimes gritty realities of modern life. She first came to fame singing Kris Kristofferson's "Help Me Make It Through the Night" and was noted for her husky voice, the result of spending many years singing in smoke-filled clubs.

She was born Jewel Fay Smith in California, but spent her childhood living in different southwestern states. At age 11, Smith dropped out of school and the following year began singing professionally in clubs. She married at age 15 and produced four children. At songwriter Gene Sullivan's urging, a newly-divorced Smith moved to Nashville in 1967. A year later she had her first minor hit, "So Long, Charlie Brown, Don't Look for Me Around." In 1970, she had another minor hit, but it was not until the end of the year that she had her first major smash with "Help Me Make It Through the Night," which made it to the top of the country charts and also became a Top Ten pop hit. Later that year, she wrote "Cedartown, Georgia," which became a major hit for Waylon Jennings.

In 1973, Smith moved to Dallas to join Jennings and Willie Nelson and become an "outlaw." Through 1975, she had several hits including "Then You Walk In" and "Today I Started Loving You Again." She moved to Elektra in 1975 and remained with them for three years. During that time, she had several chart entries with such songs as "Loving Arms," "Days That End in 'Y'" (both 1977) and "Norma Jean" (1978), a tribute to Marilyn Monroe. In 1979, she signed to the independent label Cyclone and had a Top 20 hit with "What a Lie," In 1980, she moved to Sound Factory and had one Top 40 and two Top 20 hits including "I Cry When I'm Alone." Her last hit came in 1986 with "Love Me All Over."

Måste erkänna att jag inte har några plattor kvar i min privata samling av Sammi Smith då jag inte tyckte att de innehöll tillräckligt med bra countrymusik. Jag har några kvar till försäljning till superpris om någon är intresserad. Vinyl alltså!   JL.


There's an all new Wednesday night party at Cowboys Red River in Dallas!!!


With $0.50 well drinks and $1.25 selected longnecks Red River is THE ONLY place to be!!!!

With the closing of the Top Rail Ballroom, Cowboys welcomes everyone to dance the night away each and every Wednesday. Enjoy live music, drink specials and free cover all night long!

For more information check out our website, Cowboys Dancehall.

Ibland är priserna på drinkar och öl väldigt låga i USA. Det är hela tiden frågan om tillgång och efterfrågan. Den här onsdagen förväntades man inte få mycket folk och därför kör man med lite lockpriser! Kanske något för Stockholms krogar att ta efter? Men då får väl bestämmande myndigheter krupp?   JL.


Är det inte så att " hjältar dör inte - dom falnar bort",2789,603869,00.html

MVH/ Filip Flodman



What's Garth Brooks' latest incarnation? Soccer Dad. The reluctant superstar told the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, "I'm retired. I feel like I say no to people 150 times a day. I'm with my children, though, and that's where my love and my heart are." Garth stressed that the low-key life suits him just fine. "Every day I take my daughters to school and pick them up," he said. "I'm proud of knowing what they like to eat and who their friends are...what they like to wear. I wore sunglasses to the first soccer game where I was just 'Taylor's dad,' and I cried." Garth added that he's put down his songwriting pen for the moment, and he only plays guitar for fun. "It's back to the other side for me," he said, "just listening to country music on the radio."


Grammy Winners  Sarah Gilbert  (Rapport från Nashville av Dan Ekbäck).
Best Female Country Vocal Performance: “Redneck Woman” Gretchen Wilson Track from: Here For The Party [Epic Records]
Best Male Country Vocal Performance: “Live Like You Were Dying” Tim McGraw Track from: Live Like You Were Dying [Curb Records]
Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal: “Top Of The World” Dixie Chicks Track from: Top Of The World Tour - Live [Columbia]
Best Country Collaboration With Vocals: “Portland, Oregon” Loretta Lynn & Jack White Track from: Van Lear Rose [Interscope Records]
Best Country Instrumental Performance: “Earl's Breakdown” Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Featuring Earl Scruggs, Randy Scruggs, Vassar Clements & Jerry Douglas Track from: Will The Circle Be Unbroken "The Trilogy" [Capitol Records - Nashville]
Best Country Song: “Live Like You Were Dying” Tim Nichols & Craig Wiseman, songwriters (Tim McGraw) Track from: Live Like You Were Dying [Curb Records; Publishers: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing/Big Loud Shirt.]
Best Country Album: Van Lear Rose Loretta Lynn [Interscope Records]
Best Bluegrass Album: Brand New Strings Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder [Skaggs Family Records]

QUESTION: I heard on the radio that Merle Haggard is planning another tour. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: Merle Haggard will team up with Bob Dylan for a tour which will begin March 7 with a three-night stand at Seattle's Paramount Theater. The tour will also include the University of Portland, Oregon, plus five nights at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles and five nights at the Auditorium Theater in Chicago.

QUESTION: The radio guys were talking about the Bellamy Brothers taking three years to record an album. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: The Bellamy Brothers have been working on re-recording their hits with other artists. Coordinating schedules and getting legal approval became a mountain of red tape and took some three years to accomplish. Howard Bellamy says, "It was like giving birth to an elephant!""Angels & Outlaws, Vol. I," will be in stores March 29th and features 20 different guests, including Pat Green, Alan Jackson, George Jones, Montgomery Gentry, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton and Tanya Tucker. David Bellamy observes, "The legal aspects—we didn’t have a clue they would be this crazy. If we had known you couldn’t do this, we probably wouldn’t have. Fortunately, we went into it naïve."


This Saturday The Bellamy Brothers hit the stage at Cowboys Arlington!!!

This legendary duo has turned out hits for 30 years. "Redneck Girl", "Lovers Live Longer" and "Let Your Love Flow" are only a few of the songs that have spun their way up the music charts. Now, The Bellamy Brothers bring those songs and many more to Cowboys Arlington

Tickets are only $10 for this one night event!

Cowboys är ett av Texas finaste countryplace! Inte alltid så "pure" country men vilket härligt ställe att gå till för att dricka en Lonestar pilsner!  JL.


Bobbe's Nashville News,  by Bobbe Seymour
Most of you by now, have heard that Sammi Smith has passed away and as you all know, Sammi was a wonderful singer who had one of the greatest hits in country music, "Help Me Make It Through The Night".

Not only did she make her own career with this song, but also the little label "Mega Records" that she was on. I worked with Sammi many times during my early days in Nashville and she was a total pleasure to work with.

Now for the news part.

Most people don't realize that she was married to one of the most famous steel guitarists in the world who started her singing career and taught her how to be a good band member, good singer and good all-around star to work with. This great steel players name was Bob White. Bob spent much of his career playing his triple neck Bigsby steel guitar with Hank Thompson's Brazos Valley Boys.

It's my opinion that she never would have had a career without Bob behind her. She may not even have had the desire to sing without Bob's encouragement and guidance. This goes to show you that behind every successful girl singer, there can be a steel player.

Merle Kilgore whom we just lost last week, was a hardcore steel guitar fanatic and I appreciated the fact that he always invited me to the great parties that he threw at Hank Williams Jr.'s ranch in Paris, TN. I was very proud to see Gretchen Wilson, another steel guitar fanatic, wearing a tee-shirt commemorating Merle on the Grammy show. It seems as though there are very many big name singers and actors who are falling in love with steel guitar like Johnny Depp, Billy Bob Thornton, Mike Judge, of course, Gretchen Wilson and the list goes on. It doesn't look like this instrument is in much danger of extinction with fans like these.

I, as all of us are, am very concerned about one of the greatest players of our time, Hal Rugg. His brain cancer is a problem of grave concern. I, along with other steel guitarists, have had to compete for jobs with this great player in Nashville for many years and I have tremendous respect for his ability. I will continue to keep all of you updated on his situation.


Oj, det blev många och långa nyheter den här gången! Hoppas att ni orkat läsa ända hit!


Om ni av någon anledning inte vill ha mina Nyhetsbrev fortsättningsvis så sänder ni mig information om det och jag tar bort er från registret!


Och tvärtom, om ni känner någon som gillar countrymusik och som ännu inte får mitt Nyhetsbrev så tipsa personen/personerna i fråga. Sätt gärna in information om mina Nyhetsbrev i edra klubbtidningar. Om vi alla samarbetar kommer vi i slutändan att se att vi sluter fler och fler intresserade till våra organisationer! Det har vi alla glädje och nytta av!

Janne Lindgren




A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 015      20 februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Söndag igen och här kommer ett Nyhetsbrev! Janne Lindgren


Interesant Nyhedsmail fra Hans Rosén - hvorfor på Engelsk ? Kan computeren på biblioteket i Nashville ikke skrive svensk ? Per Kammersgaard

Javisst kan man undra varför på engelska? Men känner man Hasse så förstår man varför. Han lever som han lär…..  bara med countrymusik i huvudet och då SKA det vara engelska. Det ÄR också lättare att skriva engelska på en amerikansk dator, där har du rätt!  Och visst är hans information enormt intressant! Mer kommer!   JL.


Hej Janne
Lite nyheter från skivbolaget Dusty Records.Under april släpper vi två plattor.
Cheatin Hearts (DUSTCD18)
Dusty Brown, Another Turn (DUSTCD17)
Cheatin Hearts är ett svenskt countryband bestående av Marina Uppgren: sång, Sophia Johansson: kör, Peter Andersson: steel, Patrik Malmros: trummor, Johan Ek: gitarr och Jonas Bylund: bas. Marina är ju Sveriges kanske bästa countrysångerska, Peter och Patrik är även med i Clayfeet Stompers och Johan och Jonas huserar i Jake & the Spitfires.
Här är det honky tonk och 60-tals country som gäller med en blandning av egna låtar och covers.

Dusty Brown är ett göteborgsband som lirar country med inslag av bluegrass utan att vara bluegrass och med 60-talssoul utan att vara soul. Med ett akustiskt sound där mandolin, steel, m m är bärande ingredienser i kombination med driv i låtarna och fina egna melodier har de skapat ett personligt sound.
I höstas tilldelades de 2004 års stipendium ur Roger Magnussons minnesfond för unga musikanter med motiveringen:
"Ökendamm och tumbleweed och blått gräs virvlar i hjärtat när man hör Dusty Brown och deras musikaliska, oerhört kompetenta och svängiga country. Sju personer, som verkar drivas av hängiven kärlek till den här musiken, som skriver fantastiska låtar och som bjuder in publiken till en varm och öppen famn. Hade Roger funnits här, hade han associerat till alla sina countryhjältar, pekat med hela handen och sagt:
Dom! Dusty Brown skall ha stipendiet 2004"

Releasespelning för Dusty Brown blir 23 april på Pustervik i Göteborg i arrangemang av Woody West.
Vi har lagt upp ljudfiler så att ni kan få smakprov på hur Cheatin Hearts och Dusty Brown låter på
Det går också att förhandsboka plattorna till förmånligt pris.

Mvh  Jan Andersson,  Dusty Records.


ARTIST NEWS (Direktrapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)
Garth Brooks slipped out of retirement for a Feb. 13 benefit show at Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, Texas. A Four Star Evening for Refuse to Lose also included performances by Steve Wariner, Stephanie Davis and Dan Roberts with proceeds going to Cook Children's Medical Center where Roberts' daughter is a former patient. Brooks, billed as a mystery guest, brought along his full band for the concert which raised nearly $2 million. Brooks, along with Trisha Yearwood, can be heard in the background vocals of a new album by singer-songwriter, Jenny Yates titled Out of the Blue. A new single from Yearwood is due out sometime in April with the album following in early summer...

current list of Top 20 Concert Tours places Toby Keith's tour leading all other country acts and at No. 4 over all genres. Readying to release his first studio album in two years, the collection's first single has reached the Top 20 after three weeks...

It is reported that Willie Nelson and Jessica Simpson will record a duet for the soundtrack to the upcoming film Dukes of Hazzard. The movie is out June 25 and stars Nelson as "Uncle Jesse" and Simpson as "Daisy Duke"...

Shelly Fairchild has been added to the Rascal Flatts Here’s To You Tour which has performed for over 50,000 fans since its relaunch on Jan. 27. Fairchild joins current opener Blake Shelton for this leg of the tour which continues through March 12. Fairchild will also be featured on the Travel Channel's series Fantasy Living on Feb. 28 in an episode about fantasy tour buses...

CMT will air a new weekly series called Wide Open Spaces that will feature alt. country, bluegrass, and Americana artists along with performers of more traditional country. The debut episode on Feb. 20 will world premiere videos by Steve Earle, Minnie Driver, Old Crow Medicine Show, and The Duhks...

Buddy Jewell was in the CMT studios on Feb. 17 for the world premiere of his video "If She Were Any Other Woman" on Top Twenty Countdown. The video features a special appearance by his wife Tené...

Gretchen Wilson will release a dual-disc version of Here For The Party on March 29 and her upcoming sophomore album is set to include a remake of Billy Holiday's "Good Morning Heartache"...

North Carolina-based bluegrass band Lou Reid and Carolina are finalizing their new album to be released in spring on Lonesome Day Records. Reid was a founding member of Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver and also a former member of Ricky Skaggs’ band...

Chely Wright will promote her upcoming album The Metropolitan Hotel with appearances at Wal-Mart stores throughout the country and will continue her support of the military with a stop at Camp Lejeune, N. C. on Feb. 26...

Darryl Worley will speak at a press conference on Feb. 24 in Washington, D.C. about endangered battlefields. Worley has dedicated himself to aiding the Civil War Preservation Trust...

Blaine Larsen is set to sing the national anthem at the NBA All Star Saturday Night live on TNT.

Hello fellow players,
This week I want to talk about one of Nashville's most loved and appreciated great steel players of yesteryear. This gentleman in the 50's and 60's worked sessions and the road with the likes of Don Gibson, Cowboy Copas, Ferlin Huskey, alias Simon Crum, Hawkshaw Hawkins, Jean Sheppard, Wilma Lee and Stony Cooper and was in Minnie Pearl's road band with the rest of the band members being Roger Miller on drums, Mel Tillis on guitar and Bob Moore on bass.

Hank Snow was the star that this gentleman was working with when I met him in 1955. This legendary steel player's name is Howard White.

When Howard left the road in 1964, his last job was with Judy Lynn and her western swing band. He went to work for The Hubert Long Agency in 1967 booking the biggest stars in country music. In 1968 he got into publishing working for Ray Price's Pamper Music. When Pamper was sold to Tree Music a year later, Howard went to work for Famous Music for a little while, then to work for the great Harlan Howard at Wilderness Music.

Howard is now happily retired and writing books with his wonderful wife, Ruth, who spent several years running Porter Wagoner's office.

For you steel guitar players, Howard's original guitar was a used Rickenbacker which he bought in 1946 in a pawn shop in Charlotte, North Carolina that had the name Slim Swift on the neck. Howard still has and plays this guitar today.

A very interesting piece of history for steel guitarists is the fact that Howard got the very first steel guitar that Shot Jackson of Sho-Bud fame ever built. It was a custom bodied guitar built like the later Sho-Buds but used mostly Fender parts. As soon as Shot and Buddy started the Sho-Bud company, Shot built Howard a genuine Sho-Bud and traded him even up for this first guitar which he had built for Howard in 1956.

The first guitar with Fender parts was built in Jack Anglin's chicken coup by Shot. Remember Jack Anglin was half of the famous Johnny and Jack duo. Johnny Wright is still married to Kitty Wells today. Howard is 79 years old, as funny as anybody in the world, mentally as sharp as a tack and drinks a quart of Jack Daniels everyday (so he says).

I feel that this man has been greatly overlooked in the history of steel guitar and this is my attempt to set the history of steel guitar on a little straighter course, so that he and others like him who paved the way for the rest of us, will not be forgotten. It's been my pleasure to have known Howard all these years. During this time he has proven to be a multi-talented sideman, studio musician, songwriter, publisher, producer and now author.

His first studio work was for King Records in Cincinnati and he has appeared in several Nashville movies and was a regular on the Grande Ole Opry for many years. Of course, I could never list all of Howard's great steel guitar and country music accomplishments and it gives me great pleasure to honor him while he is still with us.

He has achieved more in his lifetime than a lot of guys in the Hall of Fame. My vote, if I had one, would be to induct Howard White as the next Hall of Fame member, but of course, I don't have a vote nor do any of us. Howard is planning on producing a new CD together with another big name player. I'm sure it will be completed with the same class and style which has been a hallmark of all his previous projects.

Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour


Det här kom just in från Hans Rosén som just nu befinner sig i Nashville!  JL.

Hi Janne,
good to see you added my report.... so here's another hot one from Nashville...

"Choices" - a good country song, but also what you have to consider while honky tonkin' in Nashville, TN. This Thursday I noticed that Larry Cordle appeared at the Station Inn, I had planned on seeing him again. That buddy is always putting on a good show, and it's always a nice treat to hear the writer sing "Murder On Music Row", which literally is just as good now as when it was released... However, I noticed in the TV-programming that Channel 8 NPT (Nashville Public Television) were premiering the feature-length
documentary Bluegrass Journey that evening. Performances by the giants of contemporary bluegrass including: Del McCoury Band, Nickel Creek, Jerry Douglas, Tim O'Brien and Rhonda Vincent. The filmmakers explore the modern bluegrass phenomenon observing the unique bond between the music and its diehard fans. Lots of interviews and live music. So I watched bluegrass on TV and it was nice - though lots
of people got wet there... you'll see what I mean, if Swedish Public TV will pick it up....

Friday feb. 18th...
Woke up a little wasted, but had a very nice day to fill with things... So my "Choices" -
First the daily hour at Nashville Public library for computer time. It's nice to keep upwith the news in HSB's Sweden...
Then it was time for a little recordhunting, Great Escape, the big "used" record shop on Broadway, near Music Row. Here you can find thousands of rare vinyl records, but also the latest on cd and dvd.. prices are sometimes half of what you pay for brand new stuff at regular shops, like Tower Records etc... and many times you can find records for much less... I picked up Dallas Wayne on Hightone, Blaine Larsen on RCA, Larry Sparks "40" on REBEL... LA Womack's new cost $9,99 + tax (9,25%) sealed and some more, more or less, unknown stuff. Checked out the vinyl too... found an odd Tom T. Hall privately released album where he's backed by The Storytellers - a
real nice find. Not many have info about that release...

Arby-time... then visiting a bit with my dear buddy, Dan Ekback, wellknown Swedish music publisher on Music Row. He's helping a lot of swedes to find the right connections in the music business. Jill Johnson had lots of help from Dan, when she made her first efforts in Nashville and later even recorded there. Now she's planning a christmas album.... looking for material, I guess they call it..

After a short trip with Dan to my Midway motel, through heavy traffic - due to some police carchase or something.., he was kind enough to drive meto Wedgewood, which crosses 8th Avenue South, just where Douglas Corner Cafe is located a bit to the left and the Basement a little bit longer walk to the right.

The show I was preparing for was about to start 21.00 and I was there already at 19.00 so I went to Grimey's Records instead and looked around... You can always log on to: and see what's happening. The store is co-owned by Mike Grimey and so in the honky tonk - The Basement. He used to have another place some years back on Woodland - Slow Bar.... and probably that
was why that story ended... Now he has started up this new Basement and it's really a nice small place where you really get to hear the sound the way it should be. Mike himself checked everything out himself and I enjoyed the sound check with the top artist Rosie Flores - I was impressed with the laid back version of two old hits by Gary Stewart's - "He's Acting Single, I'm Drinking Doubles" and
"Whiskey Trip"

Well after a few hours of waiting and contemplating about the whole music scene it was time for the show to start, now it was 21.30... Chris Scruggs, grandson to Earl Scruggs and son of Gail Davies was doing his thing belting out about 15 songs in various styles... You might be familiar with him cause he's been around and is also a member of BR-549... a "retro"-C&W group being all so popular since they debuted at Robert's Western World on lower Broadway... He was well received by the audience and it was amazing to see how good he was on his guitar. Other instruments featured at his set: drums & bass....

About 22.45 it was time for our top of the bill - San Antonio's own Rosie Flores... and now dear friends - believe this: Chris Scruggs played a Fender steel guitar all through the set which ended about 10 min past midnight. Rosie was excellent as ever on her guitar and there was a fella with a doghouse bass and some very mild drummer, and as I said before - full credit to the "Grimeyster" (as Rosie called him) for the good sound. We all enjoyed the show very much and especially the part when Gail came up on stage and sang harmony, and on that particular song Chris sang harmony too... Gail  followed up with a nice old Webb Pierce hit, from the 50's of course, "More And
Many of the songs Rosie sang can be found on her latest release from 2004 on DURANGO ROSE records, recorded live at Douglas Corner a few years back (I missed it due to the fact that Johnny Bush - The Country Caruso -was doing the Midnight Jamboree
that very nite - "Choices", you know.)
I must say that Chris Scruggs impressed me with a very laid back style but very effective picking, and it's not so often you can see lead guitar work functioning so well together with a loud steel. The two performers blended and we got something that was worth far more than seing them by themself alone...
When the show was over I had a nice little chat with Rosie, while she was sipping some red wine, and she gladly signed my copy of her last album. She was amazed when I told her that I had seen her in London, at the Oval, together with another Texan songstress Kimmie R., it must have been in the late 80's... "Oh, that was way back" as Rosie replied...
Of course being a proud MTA buscard owner, I had no "Choices" after the show. Last bus on fridays left Wedgewood 23.48, and I didn't feel like missing the finale... So, some might wonder what did ole Hank do to get back to Midway, did he walk all the way... wearing out his soles (and maybe his soul too..) Nope, I found a fellow country music fan, a DJ, from N.C. who tried out as a songwriter in Nashville, about 600 registered in C&W... he told me... That goodhearted man was kind enough to drive me to Midway and at 00.33 I entered my room and sat down for a nice cup of coffee and some homebaked cake...

I noticed in the Nashville Scene that I had missed out on Sugarland (new group) at the Wildhorse Saloon - But I doubt very much I would have liked them better than Chris And Rosie.

Today Saturday I'm gonna check out Melonie Cannon at Douglas Corner Cafe.

Best All Ways,


Tack för den intressanta rapporten Hasse! Keep swingin´ in Nashville!


Det har var allt för denna sena söndagsrapport! Ha en fin vecka och glöm inte att lyssna på Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö 97,8  om ni bor i Stockholm. Tisdag 20.00


Janne Lindgren




A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 016     24 februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


I går, onsdag kväll, bjöd Susanne och Daniel (SuDa) mig på några pilsner på Texas Longhorn på Humlegårdsgatan 1 i Stockholm. Ett trevligt ställe som faktiskt kunde servera en Lone Star pilsner direktimporterad från Fort Worth i Texas. Äkta Texasöl, äkta Texasmat, äkta Texasgäster (vi tre alltså!) och äkta Texasatmosfär i övrigt i lokalen. Men en sak förstår jag inte! Från högtalarna spelar man högljudd discomusik i stället för som sig bör, countrymusik? Någon där har fått tilt i skallen!

Men trevligt hade vi i alla fall och trevligt hoppas jag att ni ska få då ni läser detta Nyhetsbrev! Hans Rosén fortsätter att informera oss om sina äventyr i Nashville och vi får också veta att Larry Kingston avlidit. Läs mer nedan! Janne Lindgren


Larry Kingston has passed away
Our music industry loses still another. One of country musics' great songwriters, Larry Kingston has passed away. I do not have funeral arrangements at this time, and as soon as I receive them I will pass them on. Please keep his family in your prayers.
May His Soul Rest In Peace.






pardner, good YOU understood my point of using US keybord.... but norwegians are norwegians....     Report continued:

Softing throughout the saturday, went to Ernest Tubb recordshop on Broadway, where you can find almost all records still in print... browsed there to findout about what's available but only bought Ray Pillow - Live, a somewhat underrated singer, and since the price was only $9.99 I could afford it...  web site: - there you can find lots of info and see what kinda weather it is etc info about all records in stock ...

Went back to the hotel and had some nice roastbeef sandwiches and coffee, the immerse heater is very good at warming water in a coffee cup. A must for the primitive country fan staying at cheap local hotels.

In the evening I took bus #17 to Douglas Corner Cafe (website published earlier) As usual the showtime was set to 21.00 and this time a singer/songwriter was on stage with a buddy of his. Both played guitar but Ray Scott sang all the time. He's a new guy who has signed with WARNER BROS. and recorded a full album under the direction of Buddy Cannon... now I guess some of you understand the link - you gotta have connections in Nashville to get ahead... Clearly speaking he was opening up for Melonie Cannon - daughter of Buddy.

Ray was a good singer in the vein of Waylon and the "Long Black Train'-guy, you all know by now Josh Turner...Most of the songs he sang was written buy himself and his buddy. They were also recorded, some were nice, and others were a little easy, with some artists mentioned every now and then... it wears you out sometimes to hear Jones, Coe etc in the lines... I talked to him a bit and I learned he had Dan  Dugmore on steel at the sessions... but no fiddle... I doubt his album will ever be released... Why should we need another guy sounding like somebody else... and for me as purist no fiddle - hell no.... but the main show was about to start - hell yeah!

After a set with Ray Scott a very goodlookin' female entered the stage in red trousers and a white jacket... She introduced herself as Melonie Cannon and apologized she had a fight with the flu and was cold, but after a few songs on stage she was hotand cookin' with the nicest bluegrass band you could think of. Me being the stoned honky  tonker I am don't catch up much in that vein, BUT I noticed that Ronnie Bowman was singing harmony... there were a total of 9 persons on stage.fiddle, dobro, mandolin, banjo, bass, guitar, harmonysingers... She sang many songs from the album, release last fall, and some of them  were written especially for HER, since she is NO songwriter and has no interest in writing...

I was hoping to hear her strong version of "Whiskey Lullabye" and it came after awhile, so I was satisfied with the gig. Entrance cost $7 and the Miller Light beer cost $3,50 per bottle... a cheap way to keep up with trends in all kinds of music. On 8th Ave. South you can manage to catch bus #8 if you know when and where. I have all timetables needed so I caught the bus at 8th @ Wedgewood. It took me downtown to Deaderick busterminal. Then I caught the Night Owl service back to my Midway motel. Of course that mean a little sightseeing, but after a good  show you can spend some time contemplating about the nice situation... Back home I listened to the Midnight Jamboree with Tommy Overstreet as guest this time, and on the GAC- channel on TV they showed an informative program about the Music Mafia in Nashville. People in that goup has been very popular lately... Big Kenny, John Rich, Gretchen Wilson... are some of those... also Tom T's son Dean Hall is included...

After the radio show was done, it was time to get a good nights sleep and wake up for a Sunday mornin' with all the countdowns, different on TV AND radio. The guest in the radioshow was Reba McEntire and she was as nice as usual to hear. Telling stories and what she's planning in the future etc... Then I went record hunting again, indoors of course, since today was my first day of rain in this city, a light drizzle..

Nothing much planned for tonight... will probably sort out my new ... Best,

Tack Hasse för att du tar dig tid med rapporter direkt från Nashville. Jag tillsammans med de flesta av läsarna av Nyhetsbrevet tycker att dina rapporter är MYCKET intressanta. Vi får verkligen en närbild av vad som händer i Nashville just nu!


Några har undrat varför Hasse skriver på amerikanska till en svensk publik, men faktum är att mitt Nyhetsbrev även går till våra Nordiska grannländer där inte alla kan svenska speciellt bra! Det vet också Hasse, så tanken är inte helt fel. Då jag själv skriver vill jag helst göra det på svenska eftersom jag behärskar vårt språk bäst! Hasse däremot kan använda både engelska och svenska då han är ypperligt duktig på bägge.

Hans Rosén är den förste som har tagit sig tid med att till Nyhetsbrevet rapportera från sin semesterresa direkt från USA. DET måste vi vara glada för och njuta av. Dan Ekbäck bor i Nashville sedan många år och han sänder info varje vecka och det är vi också väldigt glada över, trots att allt är på engelska. Kör hårt Nashvillepojkar, vi väntar på nästa rapport!  JL.


A federal court judge has told Sara Lee Corp. that they can no longer say Jimmy Dean sausage products are endorsed by Jimmy Dean. In a ruling earlier this month, Judge Sam Cummings of U.S. District Court in Lubbock, Texas, ordered Sara Lee to stop using any personal endorsement by the 76-year-old entertainer on its packaging pending the resolution of a lawsuit he filed last year, which said the continued use of his personal endorsement on products violated his right to privacy. In 2003, Sara Lee dropped Jimmy as a spokesman. The company said they stopped putting Jimmy's personal guarantee on its packaging about a year ago, citing business reasons, but still wanted the option. Sara Lee spokeswoman Julie Ketay explained, "It's not on our packaging, but we still maintain we have the right to use it."


ECMA i Spanien ger sig inte! Nu delar man ut European CMA 2005 Awards och får i första hand amerikaner att tro att organisationen är viktig och speglar vad som händer i Europa inom countrymusiken. Så är det inte! Endast ett fåtal europeiska närradiostationer rapporterar regelbundet till ECMA så organisationen är totalt värdelös!  JL.

Bobbe's Nashville News, by Bobby Seymoure
After getting several compliments on the Howard White information we put out last Thursday, we got an email enquiring about several other great Nashville players who are not as high profile as those you see at all your shows.

Specifically, I was asked about Stu Basore, who is still one of the unsung heros of great commercial steel guitar being played in Nashville daily. He does many sessions, some television and a little bit of live work. Stu is a very successful and great player.

Jack Evins, who played pedal steel guitar with Ray Price in the earliest days is retired and living in Mount Juliet, TN. He still plays and loves his steel guitar.

Bob Foster, legendary player and Hall Of Fame member, had a souvinir and tee-shirt shop on lower Broadway for 35 years, does not play anymore.

Johnny Sibert was inducted into the Hall Of Fame not long ago. Johnny no longer plays but has left an impressive past, working with Kitty Wells and Carl Smith.

Sonny Burnett, who played his Bigsby pedal guitar with Webb Pierce in the earliest days and was the staff steel guitarist on the Opry for several years, is retired, lives on Center Hill Lake and continues to try to catch every fish in the lake.

As most of you know, Lloyd Green is back out of retirement after an illustrious studio career and is now playing what, where and whenever he wants to. Lloyd has made a tremendous living from playing steel guitar and it is well deserved.

A song, The Way That You See Me, written by Jimmy Day, one of the most legendary steel guitarists of all time, will be featured in a new Hollywood movie. This composition will also be featured as cut number three on the new Willie Nelson album. Jimmy may be gone, but his work will be living on for many years.

Thank goodness we haven't lost any great steel guitarists in the world of steel guitar this week. Even though several of the first generation legendary players are continuing to do battle with health adversities, best wishes and prayers go out to John Hughey, of course Hal Rugg and Bobby Caldwell.

The National Hockey League has cancelled this season. This has caused a financial lull in the clubs on lower Broadway, adjacent to the hockey arena. Thousands of customers who were brought to the clubs of Broadway by the hockey games have been sorely missed by Nashville's live music emporiums.



During a 1970’s interview, I asked Mother Maybelle Carter about the song, “Bury Me Beneath The Willow.”

She replied, “ That was a song we had sang all our lives. We first heard the song at a family get-together and decided to learn it. We did learn the words and sang it at all our family parties and get-togethers. The song became quite popular so when we recorded for RCA Victor in 1927--we recorded “Bury Me Beneath The Willow” on our first recording session in Bristol, Tennessee. The original version of the song was written by Bradley Kincaid.”


QUESTION : The radio folks were talking about some guy named “John” having a new CD and that he had something to do with a big Don Williams hit song. Do you know what they were talking about?

ANSWER : They were probably talking about John Prine--who will have a new CD titled, “Fair & Square” on the market on April 26th. Prine also co-wrote Don Williams 1983 hit song, “Love Is On A Roll.”

QUESTION: My nephew used to sing a crazy song about “Doo-Wacka-Wacka-Do” or something like that. He said it was on the radio all the time back in the 60’s. Do you know anything about such a song?

ANSWER: “Do-Wacka-Do” was Roger Miller’s 5th chart single. It peaked at # 15 in 1964 and was on the country charts for eleven weeks. It also scored a #31 on the pop charts.


QUESTION TWO: The radio guys talked about a new Patty Loveless and Vince Gill CD. Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: “All Star Bluegrass Celebration” DVD and CD is now in music stores and features Vince Gill, Travis Tritt, Alison Krauss + Union Station and Patty Loveless.


Howdy Janne
good to see you like my reports so here is one covering the magical day of
feb. 21st - 2005, feel free to share it with all your friends:

Hank goose bumping in Nashville at nite

Woke up monday morning with a feelin' that this day might gonna be  special... looked out thru the window and found the heavy rain pouring down... during a phone call to Sweden I heard some thunder roaring so I ended the call...
Now I had this problem how am I gonna get downtown without gettin' all wet?
I called a friend of mine and he was so kind to drop by and take me down to the  busterminal at Deaderick street.

Caught up with bus #26, which to me all the way out to Madison, where I got off just by the Burger King, where I had an egg?sausage sandwich and read the morning paper.... after some time there I walked up to Great Escape at this location and browsed for records etc for about an hour or so... got me a few and headed back to catch the bus all the way out to Rivergate Mall, where I had
a meeting  with my friend Jack at 13.00 - running a tight schedule sometimes make you plan things nicely - at least you gotta do it if you're more than 30 years old, you all know...

I got out the okay and went to CD Warehouse, where I found me a couple of fairly new cds at the right price: Sherrie Austin, Jefferey Steele and Sammy Kershaw..  the last one and most expensive one I got for free ( see they have these cards you can get and for every cd you buy you get a stamp, and when you have 15 stamp marks you get e free cd) Good to know if you're visiting regularely...    Took a dive into Mediaplay, a big outlet for books, cds, dvds etc... they're  all over Nashville... just browsing there... Now the time was about 13.00 and I met with Jack, who I have been dealing with for some time thru email... He had boxed up my 45s, lps, cds and cassettes nicely and I paid him and chatted for a while then took the same bus downtown...

Arriving at Deaderick just in time to cath the #3 going out on West End, where I got off just by the Arby's burger store... had a couple and was fit for next meeting. This time with my favorite promo and latest and rarest releases man, Todd. He was arriving early and so was I, we chatted and joked a bit and I had a got at his stuff. Bought about 15 of his rare to come by material... plan on seeing him more times during this week..

Then I hasted to the bus #7 stop on Broadway to catch my #15 downtown. I had to go to the Midway motel to unload the now somewhat heavy carry-on luggage... Smooth ride as usual, rested a bit and had some coffee and some pieces of  Swedish  hombaked cake... good to have that homeland feeling sometimes cause coffee cakes made here in the US are not my style, unless they are pecanpies... which are
the best pies I can think of all around the world.... try some next time in the US, you won't be disappointed. I first tasted that kind way back in '78 in Midland, Texas and it was homebaked and I still can smell that feeling...

Anyhow, now I was going to get ready for the mail feature this day - 'Whitey" Shafer benefit show. I had gotten a email about this event and they were telling about it at WSM radio so, since he is sick and they wanted to do this wonderful show for him I just had to go. Billy Block use to say - "it coast $5 to get in, but you will have a $6show". This time they asked for a $25 donation but for me the show was worth  $$$.     to be continued...        Hank


Hank Goose bumping in Nashville at nite - part 2
I took the bus 34X from Deaderick Street to the Music Valley area. Went to browse for half an hour at Ernest Tubbs record shop out there. Just looking for some odd ones. I bought just one, namely Tommy Cash,  doing a tribute to his, now deceased, brother... released on a local label...

Then it was just a short walk to the Nashville Palace. The girl behind the desk greeted me, and complimented my nice baseball cap 'hell yeah'. I made the donation and walked in. This is the classic honky tonk in Nashville, where, then Randy Traywick started his career as a dishwasher (!). You can still see his first paycheck there in the lobby... Of course all the country fans know he later turned to be Randy Ray and make his recordings nowadays under the Randy Travis alias... There are tables in the middle of the big room where eating is provided, and there's a bar and a place with small tables where people just can sit and drink and have fun. Beer sells for $3. I sat down  at the right hand side of the stage, where there stood a pedal steelguitar and hoped for the best sound...

I started talking with a singer/songwriter, a young fellow trying to make it... and we had a long conversation about country music on the whole and he admitted he was a shuffles man too... I asked him about Darrell McCall, and if he knew if he was gonna attend and pay tribute... I learned that he was playing don in La Grange, TX. this wonderful evening. However we were not disappointed after the show... I'll probably see this fellow at Legends Corner this friday and see if he lives up to the standards we were talking about. He'll be there 18.15--22.00, trouble is Mark Chesnutt is singing at The Trap same night, but most people thinks he won't come on until 22.00 so we'll  see about that.

There were many writers showing up in the crowd... like Dallas Frazier, and  a lot of record industry people... musicians, and then us fans. I must saw during all these years of following country music I have not hear a better mixing of  the sound, than at this show. It was just perfect, whcih shows that it is still possible to have the right sound even with the new equipment they get all the time The place were getting fuller and fuller and near the back wall there were tables, with stuff to be auctioned off. Artists had donated stuff to this benefit. Like
ol' Hag donated a pair of autographed Levi's (size W34 L32) and an album flat. Strait donated signed hat, and some original shirt, Margo Smith Donated a nice hat... and there were more things.....

Show started at 19.00 and Bill Cody from WSM introduced the whole event and The Nashville Kats stated playing, among others: Willie Rainford-piano, Jim Vest-steel, David Russell-fiddle... solid country!! First real artist to appear was the ragin' cajun Jimmy C. Newman who sang some good cajuninfluenced songs and his first hit "Cry, Cry Darlin'" from ca. '56. He also told some awful cajun jokes, but they made the people laugh their asses off... Time for Seely, Jeannie that is... nice backing and solid vocal, also joking a lot. We're really having a good time I thought. Margo Smith came on and did a few songs and of course a heavy yodel... She also had her daughter Holly with here and she sang the Wilson hit "When I Think About Cheatin'" and did a version outsinging 'poor' Gretchen's version. Very hard core country there... (bus is she signed with a label ? maybe her looks and background isn't right for the Music Industry?)

Now, it was time for some kinda surprise I'd never thought would happen, Vern Gosdin entered the stage and did "Set ' Em Up Joe", he wanted a female on stage and sang a wonderful duet with Leona Williams "We Must Have Been Out Of Our Minds". He was really a joker and kidded Jim Vest all the time... and the public etc...Then it was time for video clipping from Whitey's own career... Ray Price introduced him and he sang in Leftyish vocal: "Mom & Dad's Waltz" and "That's The Way Love Goes" after that followed "I'll Never Go Around Mirrors" and a duet with Connie Smith also "That's The Way Love Goes" and finally a superb version of Lefty's Gone"    end part 2 to be ctd..

Howdy janne,
now follows part 3, I do this part thing because sometimes computers raise hell
and get stuck... and I don't want to rewrite whole story if it gets lost in cyber space....

Hank goose bumpin' in Nashville at nite   part 3.

I heard from someone that Whitey and Lefty wrote 14 songs together. They all had stories to tell about Whitey... and people around the Lefty Frizzell family, brothers Allan, David and also Abe Mulkey.... So we were at the film clippings and after that it was a kinda songwriters session. First came Dean Dillon and Ed Bruce. Both in fine form paying tributes only back by own guitars... we heard Dillon do "The Chair" Ed followed wit a song that Willie didn't write "Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys"... and both did a couple of more from their hands. Dillon is more of less staff writer for Strait.

Then came Aaron Barker and did a couple of songs and Flash Gordon. Now a big surprice Larry Henley was there and did "Wind Beneath My Wings" and then came Bruce Channel oif "Hey Bay" fame and that's the song he did WITH the audience. Then another writer Rick Williamson who did the slowest version I've ever heard of "I'll Break Out again Tonight"... now I had begun worryin' about if there were  only songwriters sessions left of the show, men with guitars and sometimes good songs... would there be no goose bumps from this wonderful show...?

Well after a short break Marty Stuart came on with his guitars and drums, just like the Furuvik show in Sweden except this time NO steel... He started with "A  Satisfied Mind" followed by "Homesick" then the most played guitar instrumental.... "Country Boy" Now it was time for the auctions and people bid on the stuff being donated... I never bid, Merle Haggard Levi's wasn't the right size... ha,ha... And I already had my baseball cap, so what would I do with Margo's hat.... And all Strait shirts was medium... he's kinda small guy, literally, but heavy in Country...

After a short break a new band entered the stage: most interesting Mike Sweeney-steel Jim Buchanan-fiddle, more solid than ever and the really were heard. First  artist to come on with this eminent backing - Damon Gray - a fairly new guy in the field of country, but good
he did a nice job on Merle's "Ramblin' Fever". Then it was time for George Jones' favorite girl singer, even though he was married to Tammy.... Connie Smith who did very nice versions of "My Baby On My Mind" and "I Got Some Hurtin'' Done Today" please
remember the frantic steel and fiddle backing...

Jimmy Fortune followed and sang "Elizabeth", nice vocal, underarted I  guess... then he did a nice version of "She Thinks I Still Care". Damon came again and did "Your Turn To Fall" Baillie And The Boys did a couple of songs which really didn't fit the shuffle type that I like... and her daughter doing a song of her own I shouldn't have mentioned...

Now it was time for the real thing... on stage David Frizzell singing his heart out for Whitey Shafer with "I'll Break Out Again Tonight". He then asked his brother Allan to come up and help out with "I Never Go Around Mirrors", in the middle of the song also Jimmy Fortune joined them, nice as ever... David Frizzell's favorite singer, Allan Frizzel, did a very Leftyish (more Lefty than Lefty) version of "Yesterday Just Passed My Way Again"... now I was beginning to feel good very good, this was my kinda country...

Ronnie Reno, who told a story about when he was with Merle and they listend to Whitey demos, some which the Hag later recorded and what an impact htey made on the Hag. Reno sang "T For Texas" and "High On A Hilltop" wailing steel and solid fiddle all the way...
Now it was time for Hag's nag as she called herself, Leona Williams... heavy fiddle intro by Jimmy on "Yes, Mam He Found Me In A Honky Tonk" followed by a song she wrote for the Hag which he made a hit of "Someday When Things Are Good". Top singer and
top backing... she the introduced her son Ron Williams (has one local cd out from '04) and he sang just like Merle... "Right Or Wrong" and "Silver Wings" and finished of with a duet with mom 'Somewhere Between", what more can you ask for....

Finally it was time for Hank to goose bump in Nashville again... the mc introduced Mr. Kenny Vernon... ( have to tell you I saw him with the Hag a few years back on Valentine's Day at the Ryman, and he sang his heart out on "I Bought the Shoues That Just Walked Out
On Me" still the strong vocal and backed with Hag's Strangers..) So I had my hopes up high... would I hear this wonderful song.... NO! He told Whitey and everybody that THIS way his favorite Whitey song... Strong fiddle intro by Jimmy then he started singing:
"The Nightshift Got Off Early Because Of Major...." and did I start applauding... my favorite George Jones cut done pure honky tonk by Kenny Vernon with Whitey Shafer present. I got goose bumps all over and almost cried... this was too good to be true... but it was real.... and Sweeney on steel did a fantastic and the fiddle and the fantastic mixing...Now some of you might wonder... what song was it, since you might not be so interested in Jones deep catalog material, of course some might say at first blink "Tell Me My Lying Eyes Are Wrong"... good taste Kenny! He followed up with a great version of "One More Drink". Then top of the whole bill, receiving a standing ovation Whitey Shafer got on stage. Was he in shape for singin'... what would happen... He just asked us all "What do you say...? And then came the songwriters own heavy versions of two Strait hits "Does Ft Worth Ever Cross Your Mind" and "All My Ex's Live In Texas". Standing ovations after both songs, and we  all feeling the chill - that special feeling - this was a magical moment.

They told us that the show was over and that you could by cds and have a safe ride home. I managed to speak with Whitey and tell him that us diehard honky tonkers in Sweden loves him and he was kind to autograph the programsheet for me... I really will pray for this man
than he should have more years to write songs, and by God, he can still outsing almost anybodyin the business in the Lefty style...

Spoke with Leona Williams, my favorite girl singer back in 1972, when I did an interview with her at Hickory Records at 8th Avenue South.... That's where these reports started... remember... GOOD NEWS: she's booked in SWEDEN for a show with Justin Trevino and our Bobby Flores... in the beginning of august, so pardners, see to it that you will be free and off work and go where the action is and support solid country music.

The Whitey Shafer Benefit Show was not a $25 show, to me it was worth a million, and I'll never forget it as long as I live...Took a cab to the Midway Motel since it was way past midnight by now. The guy drove fast and took the shortest way and I paid him $22 and he was happy... but not as much as me...Totally wasted I drifted off to sleep...Maybe I'll wake up tuesday to see Billy Block & Co. at Exit/In I Thought.  Thanks for your time,



Och så måste jag bara än en gång tipsa om India Dream, en indisk restaurant som ligger i Kungens Kurvaområdet. Dit måste ni bege er en lunch! Så god mat är sällsynt i Stockholm och priset för lunchen är endast 55:- inkl. dricka, bröd och sallad. Öppettider är 11 – 22 alla vardagar och 12 – 22 lördagar och söndagar. Adressen är Jägerhornsvägen 1 och emailadressen är: 


Där fick ni allt några fullmatade sidor med info direkt från Nashville och Stockholm!
Ha en trevlig helg med mycken countrymusik!

Janne Lindgren


PS. Lyssnade just på Martin Nilssons CD "En Del Av Mej" som jag köpte igår! Den var inget bra…..! Trots en bunt countrylåtar så var arrangemangen mer åt svensktoppshållet så det låter definitivt inte countrymusik. Den fejkade pedalsteelen, spelad på en synt, på några låtar är ren katastrof. Varför gjorde man inte en countryplatta med Martin?  DS



A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad


Nyhetsbrev nr. 017         27  februari 2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Nu är det ett fint vinterväder utanför mitt fönster i Sätra i Stockholm! Hoppas att ni har det lika fint där ni bor och slipper lukta på nyutslagna blommor och påskliljor som Hans Rosén skriver om i sin reseskildring från Nashville! Dessutom är det rena försommaren i Nashville och Texas just nu. Nä, tacka vet jag snö, iskall bil att sätta sig i och det eviga skrapandet av bilfönster! Då känns det att man lever!!

Här kommer lite nyheter!  Janne Lindgren


WSMV-TV Channel 4 – Nashville. BULLETIN: Longtime Opry member, Goldie Hill, dead at 72
Feb 25, 2005, 03:28 PM CST

A long-time member of the Grand Ole Opry has died. Goldie Hill died Thursday night at Baptist Hospital of Cancer. She began singing in her teens with her brothers in Texas then joined Webb Pierce's band in the 50's. Once she arrived in Nashville, she was dubbed "The Golden Hillbilly."

Her biggest hit came in 1953 with "I Let The Stars Get in My Eyes." She retired from performing after marrying fellow Opry Member Carl Smith in the late 50's.

Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2pm at the Williamson Memorial Funeral Chapel in Franklin.

 Remembering Goldie Hill,   Biography by Al Campbell

Country singer Goldie Hill, younger sister of Tommy Hill, was born in 1933 in Karnes County, TX. Music played a huge part in the Hill family. The radio was one way to block out the daily backbreaking work of picking cotton. Goldie soaked up the popular country music of the era and developed a talent for singing. Early on, Goldie's older brothers Tommy and Ken left a life of cotton picking determined to make a name for themselves in country music. Within a few years, they were backing up Hank Williams, Johnny Horton, and Webb Pierce. Sister Goldie officially got her start on the Louisiana Hayride in 1953 as part of Tommy's band. Billed as "the Golden Hillbilly," she scored a number one hit in 1953 with her second single, "I Let the Stars Get in My Eyes," originally written by Tommy for Kitty Wells. Among her other charting tunes were several duets with either Ernest Tubb's son Justin Tubb or Red Sovine, including the big hit "Yankee Go Home." In 1957 she married country singer Carl Smith following his divorce from June Carter. In the late '60s she made a short-lived comeback as Goldie Hill Smith, without much fanfare. Following Carl Smith's retirement from music in the late '70s, he and Goldie lived on their horse farm outside of Franklin, TN, and the two began to show horses professionally during the course of the decade.



Hej Janne

Äppelbo Country Music Klubb skall ha sitt sommar kalas den 27/8. Det blir som vanligt på Paviljongen i Äppelbo. För musiken svarar Annica & Countryneers.

Att Hasse R är en mycket bra gittarist det vet jag. Men att ta sig tid att skriva så välfylda rese repotage är verlkigen fint gjort, en stor eloge till Hasse.


Bosse Engzell

Tack för info ang Äppelbo! Hasse Rosén är som du skriver en mycket duktig gitarrist och har varit med på tiotusentals låtar som studiomusikant! Blanda däremot inte samman honom med Hans Rosén som just nu befinner sig i Nashville. Två personer, två intressen!  JL.


Heisann Janne,
Slik jeg har forstått det, så er du en meget sentral person I Sveriges
countrymiljø, kan det stemme? Jeg lurer på om kanskje du kan hjelpe oss litt?
Vi skal jo, som kanskje nevnt, en tur til Danmark for å spille på
Truckstopfestivalen I Vejle 30. juli. Det vi lurte på, var om vi skulle
prøve å få noen spillejobber I Sverige samme uke som vi skal til Vejle, dvs,
onsdag, torsdag og fredag. Vet du om noen booking agenter som vi eventuellt kan kontakte?
På forhånd takk,  Hilsen Halvor
Kanske uppfattas jag som någon centralfigur inom countrymusiken i Sverige med tanke på att jag ger ut ett Nyhetsbrev 2 ggr per vecka och har mitt countryprogram på Radio Lidingö. Men min mening är inte att vara någon sorts frontfigur, jag är bara ovanligt intresserad av att ge tillbaka lite av det countrymusiken givit mig under nästan hela mitt liv!

Om någon arrangör ser det här mailet du sände så kanske de hör av sig. Jag befarar dock att de flesta countryfestivaler redan har bokat upp sina program.  JL


Hej Janne,

Kan du lägga in info om vår festival litet snyggt på din hemsida. Vi har nu klart att Christina Lindberg kommer på söndagen. Lägg in en bra bild på henne.

Ålands Countryfestival 2005 1-3 juli.   Plats: Bastö Hotell & Stugby

Countrypass kan beställas från:


TEL + 358 18 32116



Bo Torgé

I mitt Nyhetsbrev finns det inte utrymme för bilder, men alla vet väl hur Christina Lindberg ser ut?  JL.


15/3 + 16/3 22:00-24:00 på Big Ben, Fri Entre´ Folkungagatan (t-bana M-borgarplatsen)

17/3 Rest.Fleming´s Fleminggat. 2-4 S:t Patrick´s day Party, highlife orkester "Bob May & Just in time"

Bob May leadvocal + Sveriges bästa steelpicker/+guitar Nicke Wide´n

Kolla hemsidan + fiolspelar´n på "Big Mamou"

mvh // Bo Nilsson



13 & 14 mars  565 kr. inkl stor buffé!  Bokning genom 452 40 87 eller Viking Line


Howdy Janne,
I hope you understood why I send in three pieces for you to add or whatever...   cause the computers are not secure and sometimes the got stuck and all written lines are gone... but here goes again:   "Choices" - revisited...

After all the good country music on monday I was a little late getting back in action on tuesday... spent some time at the library and went out to Music Row and went huntin' again at Great Escape... nothing much had happened, I just bought the DVD with The Flatlanders recorded down in Texas and released on the NEW WEST label, $9,99+ was a good price...
Later, after the coffee, cake and rest I took bus #10 out to Exit/In, but  since I am not a keen follower of Jubal Lee Young, as I saw him last week, I skipped his performance and arrived when Julie Lee was singing.backed on doghouse bass by Dave Pomeroy and with a guitar player... "nothing much to write home about",but to quote Billy Block "beautiful songstress"...
Then it was time for Sean Patrick McGraw, who did a brief stint on USA Networks,
Nashville Star... he had a backing with guitar and drums and sang some songs
written or co-written by Dean Miller... the ext group was Dodd Ferrelle & The Tinfoil Stars,
guitars and drums and a female bassplayer... More rock and roll than country but at least not hard rock...

Finally it was time for the reason I spent the $5 entrance fee... Wendy Newcomer, who I saw in september and thought was really good, since then I have heard that she has a cd out, not full album but EP. She's really good lookin' which helps sometimes when the music is too bad, but she can really sing and at least she had a female fiddle player... on her EP which I bought for $10 she's backed by Mike Daly on steel which helps a lot.... best cut was "Moment Of Weakness Too Strong" really nice and 3 songs on the cd were written by Leslie Satcher, very underrated  artist & writer... So I hope she's gonna ha a mjor release one day... she called her band this evening for The Daydrinkers... another strong song was "Killin' The Blues".
If you're interested in her stuff log on to:

Closing the show were Iron Horse - a hard rock band and I left the building... out in the chilly air, waiting a while for bus #3 to take me downtown to catch bus #15 to Midway motel. Spent next hours hammering on my Mac computer and watching GAC or CMT, and maybe some radio... drifted off to sleep around 01.00...

This wednesday I just went out to Hickory Hollow shopping mall and went windowshopping
but found one cd I have not seen in a long time Holly Wynette... nice to find that at a good price $3,95+... On the way in I stopped at Gene's Barber Shop and had  the regular
haircut for only $8.... they have thse nice machines cutting the hair and then sucking away
the hair they cut off, it feels really good and I have not seen those in Sweden, however I
guess it was still about 10 years ago I had a haircut back home. Too expensive there for a poor country boy...

Stopped by at HG Hills grocery store and bough some necessary items such as: ice cream, 1 pint pecana or course, one small pecan pie, tomatoes, and some Alisons oatmeal coookies...
Back to Midway motel and a nice time dumping the stuff and eating the pecana  icecream...

Then I ended up here and wrote the report.... but what about choices.... yeah, every day we do lots of choices... Tonight Trace Adkins and Billy Currington is playing the Ryman for
some benefit cause.... however I've seen Mr. Currington last year live and it sucked, just
like southern rock music from the 70's, although there might be a steel on stage you could
hardly hear it through all the noice from drums, guitars and bass... I don't trust the mixing
there so I'll just pass on that, will probably stay home just softing in from of the TV.
Best,    Hank


Howdy Janne...
another slow day in Nashville yesterday, spent the day windowshopping on Gallatin road, and also finding some cds and clothing.... went to some used bookshops but althought the book I was searching for was in the computer, they couldn't find it... Met with my promo man last night bought a box full of cds, mostly unknowns and odd promos, never released... like Ken Mellons on CURB, with the song "Mr DJ" that never made it though he had the title in fromt of his bus e few years back... I saw it myself outside Toosie's way back then...

Also some live appearance with Kevin Welch... and the 2 first cds by my friend Mike Siler... and some good local Texas artists... spent last evening catching up with things in my Midway motel room... registered all the stuff on my Mac... and watched TV with country music live on both CMT & GAC, the Country Music channels you can see in this area...

Toby Keith is active again, very much so, with "Honky Tonk U", where U stands for university... sound a bit like ol' Waylon... I never told you that Melonie Cannon and a few other bluegrass musicians are gonna appear at a bluegrass show put together in march during the SXSW shows in Austin, TX in mid march... so they never knew bluegrass before as this was supposed to be a first...

Tonight I'm gonna catch Mark Chesnutt at the local honky called The Trap. Entrance fee - $10,- A must for a diehard honky tonk fan. Hopefully we'll hear a lot of stuff from his recent VIVATON record, where he's back to the old standard C&W sound...

So it'll probably be late night... Will start of with a warm-up at Legends Corner, then head down to The Trap, where the show is supposed to start at 21.00, but sometimes they wait for at least 30 minutes... we'll see

I'm glad and honored to see that Janne used my reports... hopefully some avid Swedish fans will find it worthwhile to hear for Nashville and go honky tonkin'... low budget alternatives are possible here...

They had a wonderful orbituary about Sammi Smith in the Nashville Scene last week, really hit the spot and told a lot about the artist, many were impressed...  Take care...

Best Regards from a sunny and mild Nashville, where trees are blooming, and I have seen daffodils blooming and tulips are on their way...

Okej då Hasse, men jag GILLAR snö och 8 grader kallt!  JL.


ARTIST NEWS (rapport från Nashville av Dan Ekbäck)
Kenny Rogers
and Lionel Richie are set to tape the next episode of CMT Crossroads. This year marks the 25th anniversary of their collaboration “Lady.” They also worked together on “We Are The World” and many other hits and together they have sold over 200 million albums...

Melonie Cannon
has parted ways with Kane Management Group. Cannon, whose debut was released on Skaggs Family Records last year, will be using BudRo Productions as an interim contact. Inquiries can be directed to BudRo at 615-320-4880 or

The latest effort from Rodney Crowell, The Outsider, is due on Sony Nashville June 7 and features Will Kimbrough on guitar as well as guest vocalists Emmylou Harris, John Prine, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Buddy & Julie Miller and J.D. Souther...

Jamie O’Neal will perform and sign copies of her new album Brave at the Tower Records’ stage at Opry Mills on March 5...

Dwight Adair, cofounder of EntertainCom, has directed and produced a half-hour digital documentary about swing bandleader Bob Wills called Faded Love. The film has been selected to screen at SXSW between March 11-19 during the month commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wills' birth...

Phil Vassar has been selling out shows all along his east coast headlining tour. The tour continues with upcoming stops in Cleveland, Sandusky, Chicago, and Taylorville, Ill...

On March 2 BMI will host Larry Sparks' album release party and he has a show at the Station Inn the same night...

Tim Rushlow, lead singer of the band Rushlow, filled-in as Toby Keith’s opening act when previously-scheduled opener Ted Nugent’s flight was canceled. Tim gave the 10,000 fans a sneak preview of the new Rushlow song “That’s Just Me”...

Billy Gilman will release a new album entitled Everything And More on May 3 through Image Entertainment. This is Gilman’s fifth recording, which he describes as more mature and including a variety of country styles. The album is due out May 24, the same month as Gilman's 17th birthday.

Howdy Janne,
here's another report from Nashville - maybe last from this trip...

Taking the good with the bad OR the bad with the good...    Friday febryary 25th - another nice day with nice sunny sky... how wonderful it is to have spring in the air... first I checked out downtown area for some stuff I had on my wants listing, then I went the the Nashville Flea Market. It is held the 3rd weekend every month and if you're planning a 2-week stint here you might at well be here for just THAT weekend.

It starts up mid-friday and then goes on from early saturday ' til about 18.00... then the same for sunday... you can find almost anything there and in any shape. It's just nice strolling there and checking up on the American way of life...bought some clothing for my grandchild and some old vinyl... and a few local cds... and a Willie DVD

The easiest way to get there with bus is route #1, which will stop right where the BEST entrance is, the closest... if you ride with bus #12 you'll have to walk all throught the parking lot and that's not too funny... However, I took #1 downtown and experienced a NEW driver,
who really got lost in the area and she didn't know where to turn right or left so a passenger helped her out to get downtown... There I just hit #3 and went West End down to Arby's and had a delicious Super for only $1,99... that's $2,16 with tax... Made a last (?) visit to GreatEscape and found an old Kenny Price original album I didn't even know about...

Visited with my Swedish friend Dan, and we rode back to the Midway motel, where I gladly donated my last two Swedish "mazarines" to his wife Helen as Dan told me they were favorites of hers....

Rested a bit and sorted thing out for this evening... Took bus #15 to downtown joint Legends Corner... where my new Buddy Owens appeared. Singing 3 Whitey Shafer songs in an hour is swell: I had met him at the Benefit Concert... he had really good backing: a 22 year old steel player Eddie Lang, and a nice fiddleplayer (for Ken Mellons) Chris Jones. Nice sound
and he had a lot of Lefty within... Also sang nice cuts by the Hag... the girl who played fiddle was really hot on "Orange Blossom Special" and some other fiddle tunes.. Buddy did a nice rendition of Watsons "Memories To Burn"

He kindly donated his demo cd to me and autographed it... then I ran into Ernie\ Rowell, who had played for, among others, Jones, Price and Tillis... have his Jones Boys album, which I treasure... and also those hard 45s on BLUE CREEK and  PRIZE... we talked about favorite songs and he agreed on "Tell Me My Lying Eyes Are Wrong" is strongly underrated... And we also talked about Martina McBride singing "Just One More", when they taped the tribute special for Jones' 50 years as a recording artist in september this year, it was then broadcast during Thanksgiving weekend.. That's just a marvellous cut... and I fully agree with Ernie about Craig Dillingham doing a great job on that song on his new local  album... it's infact
THE best song on that album...

Spent a little more than an hour there but had to take bus #26 to The Trap. "Thanks to the Trap for bringing a real "Tonk" to Nashville" as Deryl Dodd had written on his signed 8x10 photo near the entrance. It's the real thing, a real honky... all with mechanical bull etc.... Mark Chesnutt was supposed to start at  21.00, but when I arrived there there was some kind of warmup band not worth anything at all playing recent hits with drums and bass mixed right up in your face...

However, they ended their set soon and it took about 1 hour for the guys setting up the right equipment and gettin' the sound right, at least in their mind... During the whole show

Chesnutt's big bus was parked outside with the lamps blinking and he had earlier on been appearing at the Ryman with Grand Ole Opry members...

Now, my friend Buddy Owens had his spot in Legends Corner from 18.00-22.00 and if I had known in advance how strange the Chesnutt set would be I would gladly have stayed at Legends instead, hearing REAL country music with local hard-core musicians, than hearing a bigname artists with zero backing, except fo the fiddle player... although sometimes it was even hard for him to get through...

So after one hour of putting the stuff together, or exactly 21.57, our hero Mark Chesnutt went on stage... he's on VIVATON records now and has a pure honky tonk album out so I expected it to be the same... I was kinda surprised when I looked on stage and found 5 people there.... and 4 of them were playing guitars.... it was an all acoustic set... no steel... and of course no drums, no honky tonk  piano etc.

Although they were just playing regular guitars the mixing was so bad that the bass tones from the guitars was too heavy for some of the speakers and the sound was kinda blurry.. Mark was in good form and started out with old hits but mostly he played the songs
from his new album... but they really call for frantic steel guitar playing  - and there was NONE.

So I got a lot disappointed, as they had not adverstised this show as acoustic... Still I could bear the cost of only $10... After some covers of The Hag and also Conway... he joked about "Miller Lite provides the inspiration" and saluted the folks... obviously not all had
that brand as a favorite as some shouted back at him....

The atmostphere was just like a Texas honky tonk... big place, lots of beer commercial neon signs a rowdy crowd, some couples dancing on the hardwood floor and some avid fans standing close to the stage with beer bottles in their hands saluting every song... and hollerin' out requests...I stood at a side was about 8 meters from the man...

Exactly one hour after he'd started he ended the show and went to his bus. He was kind enough to stop by to sign my album DECCA DRN3P-3581 - "Double Trouble Dance Disc", before security helped him out to the bus...

Then I noticed on my clock it was about 8 minutes until bus #4, this time, would turn up on Woodland Street... so I just waited and it was coming right on time... a few minutes at Deaderick Street and then bus #15 to Midway... I was home about 23.29... where I found out I had some callers to my phone while I had been away during the day... A nice woman had delivered some auction stuff from ebay right to my motel and another guy was looking for an appointment... so the day was really full...

So learned from this lesson you got to take the good with the bad...  One last message, I had some feedback from "Larry The Librarian" regarding Leona Williams coming to Sweden... He told me that they mighed have switched her for Amber Dean.... how strange.... as Leona was sure about this... and thinking about missing this pure solid rock in country music, for some "one album wonder", is really hard to take... instead I would suggest they book both Leona AND Ron Williams, so that we can keep up the Lefty/Hag tradition... but maybe Ron's not flashy enough... and Leona not young enough... Toooo saaaad.

Now it's time for some fllea market action,  Best Wishes,



Tack Hans Rosén för fantastiskt fina rapporter från Nashville. Din reseskildring har förmodligen öppnat ögonen på alla som har varit eller ska åka till Nashville för hur mycket man kan uppleva där. Många fastnar nämligen på Broadway och kanske åker ut till Music Valley. Men det finns ju så mycket mer! Du har samtidigt bevisat för mig och för alla andra att man visst kan klara sig i den stan utan bil! Själv kommer jag dock att även i fortsättningen ALLTID hyra bil då jag åker till USA.  JL



Pizzeria Tiamo som ligger på Vintervägen 2 i Tyresö strax utanför Stockholm har mycket goda pizzor och annan mat. Ca. 75 olika pizzor kan man välja mellan och därtill sallader, hamburgare, pasta eller kebab! Jag åt en kebab med nybakat bröd som var supergod! Restauranten ligger inte långt från Tyresö Musik!


Det var alla nyheter för denna söndag! Glöm inte bort att lyssna på Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö 97,8 varje tisdag kl. 20.00 och repris på lördag 15.30. Har ni inte bokat in er på båtresan som beskrivs ovan så är det hög tid att göra det! Massor av bra band och artister kommer att medverka. En resa ni inte ska missa!


Janne Lindgren




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