A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 009 2 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till
er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare
nyhetsblad på eller
Hej! Här kommer ett Nyhetsbrev! Hoppas att allt är bra
därute! Själv jobbar jag mest i min studio, för tillfället mest med
Dotties nya CD. Den blir kanonbra om jag får säga det själv. Jag hade
Bosse Nilsson fiddlande här igår och han gjorde ett superjobb som vanligt.
Tack Bosse du är outstanding! Det blir mycket steel, fiddle och dobro på
den här plattan.
Här lite övriga nyheter! Janne Lindgren
Hej kära nyhetsbrevfantaster,
som ni kunde läsa i söndagens brev
så hade vi en klubbträff med en välsmakande chili con(med) carne(kött).
Vad gäller Jimmie Rogers så hade han en hel del sånger där han joddlade,
kanske rent av att han införde joddlingen i countrymusiken. Med tanke på
mitt medborgarskap (jag har ett rött pass med ett vit kors) så måste jag
bara slänga ut frågan om någon där ute vet varför han lade till joddlingen
och om det finns/fanns någon/några andra artister som också brukar/brukade
joddla? Vi diskuterade saken på klubbträffen men kunde inte komma fram med
ett svar.
Hälsningar Roland Brügger
Konsertene med Arly Karlsen, Lucie
Diamond (UK) og Wendel Adkins (USA) gikk over all forventning i week-enden
for snart 2 uker siden, både på "Sjøstjærna" i Mandal og på "Huse På Jæren",
en kjempe respons, mye folk og en overveldende mottakelse! Det neste som
Lucie Diamond og Arly Karlsen skal gjøre er Club Leopold i Kristiansand nå
til lørdag den 3. februar, som dere sikkert kjenner til. Så drar de rett
til Berlin Lørdag den 4. februar til Country Music Messe for å undeholde i
"best sendetid" på hoved scenen for rundt 4-5000 mennesker. Arly's gode
kolega Ove Støylen med the Whitnecks skal også opptre der på nogenlunde
samme tidspunkt og samme scene
Arly Karlsen:
Hej Janne,
Såg i
ditt senaste nyhetsbrev att du ville ha in uppgifter från oss som håller
på med radio.
Country & Western Club sänder sina veckoprogram varje fredag
Mellan kl
20 – 21 på 94,1 Mhz.
sändningar återutsänds via Internet och kan således avlyssnas i
efterskott. Gå bara in på och klicka på önskat program.
Vi är ett
helt gäng programmakare och det brukar alltid ligga ett antal program för
Vidare så
sänder även undertecknad en halvtimme Country i Radio Siljans
sändningar. Detta program kan också avlyssnas via webben.
– 17:05
Och sedan
så måste jag bara få framföra att min gode vän och kollega – Mr Joe
Bielinski i Mingus Texas har bytt station för sina otroliga
söndagssändningar via webben.
Den nya
moderstationen är KTFW och den hittar du enklast genom att gå in på
söndagsshow startar kl 19:00 svensk tid och sedan håller han humöret och
stämningen på topp i 5 timmar.
Och utan
att ta munnen full av fula ord så måste jag säga att för den som älskar
fyr-fyror och tvättäkta traditionell Country så är det så inni helv….te
bra musik han spelar att man bara inte KAN gå och lägga sig. Try It
Out….Highly Recommended.
Hej Janne
efterlyste countryprogram i lokalradion, och här har jag ett tips:
Lokalradion i Partille utanför Göteborg har varje tisdag kl 12-13 ett
program som heter Veckans artist. Programledare är Evert Olsson, och han
har haft program bl.a. om Tammy Wynette, Tom T. Hall och Merle Haggard.
Tisdagen den 28/2 kl. 12-13 skall Evert och undertecknad tillsammans ha
ett program i denna serie som handlar om Johnny Cash. Det skall bli snack
i studion och musik som jag valt ut ur min Cash-samling (som bl.a. består
av 490 LP- och 90 CD-skivor). Cash skulle ju ha fyllt år den 26/2, och
filmen om honom med Joaquin Phoenix och Reese Witherspoon i huvudrollerna
såg jag för att par dagar sedan i samband med Göteborgs Filmfestival.
En mycket
bra och sevärd film för alla countryfans, trots att man saknade en hel del
i filmen, den tog ju slut i och med år 1969 års utgång. Och nog hände det
ju en del saker senare i Cashs liv också!
För ett
par år sedan hade jag på Radio FM 88.0 (som stationen heter) en egen
programserie som hette Saloon Olé, med snack om artister och mycket musik,
plus en del inringda önskningslåtar. Stationen heter alltså Radio FM 88.0
och sänder då förstås på FM-bandet 88.0 Mhz. Man har också en egen hemsida
(som inte är fullt utbyggd ännu), och här är webbadressen dit:
Ole Romin
(medlem i Svenska Countrymusikföreningen i Göteborg)
Hei på deg Janne !
Jeg har opprettet noe som heter Norske Country Nyheter. Oppdaterer hver
eneste uke med nye nyheter. Siden inneholder de siste Nyheter, et Forum
hvor man kan ta opp et tema, Hvem som spiller hvor og når samt Kjøp og
Salg. Nederst på siden kan man lese tidligere nyheter.
Så hvis du vil følge med på hva som skjer i Norge så gjør følgende:
OBS ! Siden krever ett passord. Passord: country (liten skrift)
Så, ikke glem å legge deg inn på mailing listen...
Mvh Steff Nevers
I heard on the radio that Johnny Cash’s daughter did not like the movie
about his life. Do you have any information?
According to Rosanne Cash, the film “Walk The Line” is not an accurate
portrayal of what really happened in her family, adding, "I just don't
have a need to see the Hollywood version of my father's drug addiction and
my parents' breakup." Rosanne, 50, is the daughter of Johnny Cash and his
first wife Vivian.
What is Emmylou Harris doing for a dog care center? It was on the TV news.
Emmylou Harris has recorded public service announcements for People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), encouraging pet owners to take
better care of their dogs. Harris filmed one of the TV spots at the Ryman
Auditorium in Nashville. In another, Loretta Lynn's "I Want to Be Free" is
used to promote the idea of bringing dogs inside during the winter. Dolly
Parton's "He Will Be Waiting for Me" is the backdrop of the third clip
which features actress Kathy Najimy. Lynn and Parton both donated their
songs for the campaign.
Who was the guy who had the record about a shoeshine man? I think this was
in the early 70’s.
“Shoeshine Man” was Tom T. Hall’s 8th chart single. It peaked
at # 8 in 1970.
Back in the 50’s my brother worn out a copy of the record “I’m Tired,” by
Webb Pierce. Do you know who wrote that song?
Webb’s 1957 # 3 hit “I’m Tired” was written by Buck Peddy, Ray Price and
Mel Tillis.
I remember a song about “I Never Had The One That I Wanted” on the radio
by Claude Gray. My brother says the song was also on the radio by Johnny
Paycheck. Did he record that song?
“I Never Had The One That I Wanted” was a # 9 hit for Claude Gray in
1967.He re-released it in 1979 and it peaked at # 78. The song was also in
the 1967 “Johnny Paycheck Sings Jukebox Charlie and Other Songs That Make
The Jukebox Play” album.
I've been trying to find out who wrote and recorded "ARE
“Are You Mine” was written by Jim Amadeo, Don Grashey and Myrna Lorrie.
Ginny Wright & Tom
Tall, Myrna Lorrie & Buddy DeVal and Red Sovine & Goldie Hill all had hits
with “Are You Mine” in 1955.
My dad says he remembers hearing Conway Twitty sing the Hank Williams
tune, “Kawliga” on the radio many years ago. I never knew that Conway
recorded that song. Did he?
“Kaw-Liga” was a track in Conway’s 1969 “Darling You Know I Wouldn’t Lie”
I heard on the radio about George Strait breaking some attendance records
at his concerts. Do you know where?
George Strait sold out The Qwest Center to 15,200 fans. The next day he
sold out Oklahoma City’s Ford Center with 18,500 in attendance. Then in
Little Rock, Arkansas, he had the largest crowd in the venue’s
history—playing to a sellout audience of 17,559. This beat the arena’s
previous attendance record of 17,229 people, set by George on February 25,
There was a popular song on the radio back in the 50’s about a guys’ first
kiss on his fist date and his first love. Do you know the title and the
singers name?
“First Date, First Kiss, First love” was Sonny James 8th chart
single, It peaked at # 9 in 1957.
Roger Miller’s recording of “Little Green Apples” is my favorite record.
Did he write that song?
Roger’s 1968 hit “Little Green Apples” was written by Bobby Russell
Many years ago, the radio station played a song by Loretta Lynn about
“When You’re Poor” They only played it a few times. Now the folks at the
same radio station say Loretta never recorded such a song. Do you have any
Tell your radio station folks that “When You’re Poor” was the flipside of
Loretta’s 1971 hit, “You’re Lookin’ At Country.”
My dad used to sing a song about “Sweet Lips.” He said it was on the radio
many years ago by Webb Pierce. Do you have any information on such a song
and who wrote it?
“Sweet Lips” was Webb’s 54th chart song. It peaked at # 3 in
1961 and was written by Webb, Doug Tubb, and Wayne Walker.
My uncle has an old 78 recording by a guy singing “I’ve Taken All I’m
Gonna Take.” The label is all worn off. Do you know who the singer might
Taken All I’m Gonna Take From You” was a # 4 hit for Spade Cooley in 1945.
My sister says she remembers hearing Hank Snow singing the Merle Haggard
song, “Today I Started Loving You Again.” Did Hank record that song?
“Today I Started Loving You Again” was a track in Hank Snow’s 1974 “Hello
Love” album
Det var allt jag hade idag till er
men som vanligt är jag tillbaka på söndag om inget oförutsett inträffar!
Ha en fin kommande helg!
Janne Lindgren |
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 010 5 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till
er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare
nyhetsblad på eller
Det händer en hel del
beträffande countrymusik i Sverige just för tillfället. Kul också att ni
berättar om det! Här kommer lite nyheter! Janne Lindgren
Country &
Steel Music Club nypremiär på Fredmans i Uppsala Lördagen den 4/3. På scen
- Aktuella Mariahelena & Slidebar! Mer info på
& Slidebar från Uppsala är nu spel- och
bokningsbara med ny fräsch uppdaterad repertoar inför våren och sommaren
Mer info på hemsidan
Tjena Janne!
I Västerås spelas det relativt
mycket country på Radio Västmanland,
men man har tagit bort dom fasta
country programmen. Vår käre vän
Stefan Lanehed smyger dock in en
hel del country i sina program. Här
kan du hitta dom på nätet:
P.s Västerås gurka är salt
Hälsningar Tony
Det var vad jag trodde! JL.
Hej Janne!
Jag vore
tacksam ifall jag får göra lite reklam i ditt nyhetsbrev. Jag har
uppdaterad min skivlista ännu en gång och om någon är intresserad av den
så får de mejla mig på så skickar jag över den per omgående.
Walk the Line - ÄNTLIGEN var det
premiär, igår fredag, på den
efterlängtade filmen om countrylegenden Johnny Cash! Vi var ett gäng fån
SCMC som träffades och såg den på Astoria. Att den är nominerad till 5
Oscars kan man förstå. Filmen skildrar Johnny Cash`s tidiga sångarkarriär
med bl a ett inslag från den berömda spelningen på Folsom Prison, men
också hans destruktiva och våldsamma liv med alkohol och andra droger.
Frieriet till hans stora kärlek June Carter under duettsången Jackson på
en scen inför fullsatt salong är nog det mest romantiska jag har sett-
inte ett öga var nog torrt varken då eller i biosalongen i gårkväll! Dom
fick ett lyckligt liv tillsammans, June dog våren 2003 och Johnny några
månader efteråt. Filmen både rör och berör och den skall ju bara ses!
Undrar förresten var ni alla andra country music lovers var denna
premiärkväll - det går faktiskt att uppleva country musik en vanlig
fredagkväll i Stockholm! Vi avslutade med en helt otrolig jam-kväll i
källaren hos Rob på rest Saddle&Sabre. / GunSan, mrs president SCMC
Mats Rådberg gäst i Radio
Lidingö 97,8
Mats Rådberg kommer att vara gäst i
programmet "Go´morron Lidingö med Tidningskrönikan" på Radio Lidingö 97,8
på tisdag 7 februari. Programmet "Go´morron Lidingö" kan du - om du bor i
Stockholm merd omnejd - höra varje tisdag och fredag kl. 7,00-8,30 på
Radio Lidingö 97,8. Programledare är Göran Geson.
Nu på tisdag kommer alltså Mats Rådberg att vara gäst i studion. Och det
med anledning av att Mats Rådberg & Rankarna ska spela på Viking Lines
"Ultimate Country Cruise" den 12 mars. I "Go´morron Lidingö" på tisdag
cirka 7,45 kommer Göran Geson att intervjua Mats om hans och Rankarnas
över 40-åriga karriär. Dessutom blir det naturligtvis en hel del låtar med
Mats Rådberg & Rankarna. En utlottning av biljetter till
countrykryssningen bland lyssnarna utlovas också. Så lyssna på Radio
Lidingö 97,8 på tisdag morgon!
Bluegrasskväll på Sjöhästen
Fredagen den
10 februari bjuds det på bluegrass och hillbillymusik från de amerikanska
appalacherna. Tre band på scen, från kl 20 till 24: Foxbone, Rockridge
Brothers och Hillfillies.
Inträde: 60
Långholmsgatan 24 vid Hornstull, Stockholm.
För mer information:
Ola Höiden
It is
with deep regret that we must inform you of the tragic loss of one of our
Yellow Rose Record's artists and dear friend, Karley Houston. We
tragically lost her this last weekend on Saturday Jan. 28th.
We are all
in a state of shock and sadness and all our prayers go to her family
Karley's new
album "Once You've Heard The Truth" was completed and set for release this
month. This album was her dream and we are grateful to have been a part of
helping her make this dream come true. She recently asked that it be
released no matter what.
There is a
memorial service planned for her at the Hixon Funeral Home in Leesville,
Louisiana at 1:00 PM this Saturday Feb. 4th for those able to attend. A
second memorial is in the planning stages (waiting on permission from
family) for the San Antonio area sometime in the very near future. We will
send an additional memorial service announcement.
Karley was
battling cancer and depression. So we are currently contacting the
appropriate charities where a portion of the album proceeds can be
We will miss
her incredibly and will keep everyone posted on her services and the
progress of her album. The people who believed in and invested in Karley's
career want this album project to be a memorial to her talent, creativity
and her dream.
Bobby Flores
Doug Davis
Owner/Publisher/Manager/ Editor/Writer/
QUESTION: The radio guys mentioned a program at the hall
of fame about steel guitar player Lloyd Green. Do you have any
“Nashville Cats: Salute to Session Player Lloyd Green,” the
first in a new series
that looks at the career of Lloyd Green, is scheduled for Saturday,
February 18 at 2:00 PM at The Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville,
One of country music's most renowned pedal steel guitarists, Lloyd Green
has played on 117 #1 hits over the course of his fifty-year career,
including classics such as Tammy Wynette's "D-I-V-O-R-C-E" and Freddie
Hart's "Easy Lovin'" to recent hits such as Alan Jackson's "Remember
QUESTION: I heard that Reba McEntire is coming to Las
Vegas. Do you know when and where?
ANSWER: Reba will begin the first part of her multi-week engagement at the Las
Vegas Hilton May 3rd thru 7th. The concert series is
titled “Key to the Heart,” and is presented by Whirlpool and will benefit
Habitat for Humanity. Her Hilton dates include: June 7-11; June 14-18;
July 19-23, July 26-30 and August 24-26.
QUESTION: Do you have any information about a new Kenny
Rogers CD. It was on the radio.
“21 Number Ones” by Kenny Rogers has just been released by
Capitol Nashville/EMI Music
The radio guys were talking about Dolly Parton
being on the record charts but not with her own records. What does that
Dolly Parton is on the charts twice on harmony vocals she had
provided on two recordings: Martina’s “I Still Miss Someone” and Brad
Paisley’s “When I Get Where I’m Going”
QUESTION: Is Kenny Rogers retired? I haven’t heard
anything about him in a long time?
ANSWER: Kenny seems to be a long way from retirement.
His “21 Number One Hits” CD was released last week, and his first album in
three years, “Water and Bridges,” will be released on March 21st,
plus he is still touring.
QUESTION: I heard that Merle Haggard is appearing at a
birthday party in Los Angeles for some old guitar player. What’s that all
ANSWER: The Los Angeles birthday party is not for “just
some old guitar player.” It’s for Les Paul’s 90’s Birthday Salute on
February 7th at
the Gibson
Amphitheatre stage at Universal City Walk in Los Angeles, and will be
attended by Merle Haggard, Alison Krauss, Edgar Winter and Aerosmith’s Joe
QUESTION: My sister has a tape recording made from radio
by a girl singer about “until the pain outlasts the shame.” It’s an old
recording but it sounds like Loretta Lynn.
Do you now anything about such a song?
ANSWER: “Til The Pain Outlasts The Shame” was the
flipside of Loretta Lynn’s 1972 number one, “Rated X”
QUESTION: “Behind Closed Doors” is my all-time favorite
song. Do you know who wrote it?
ANSWER: The Charlie Rich 1973 number one was written by
Kenny O’Dell.
QUESTION: I remember a song on the radio back in the 70’s
about “the dixie hummingbird.” Do you know the name of the singer?
ANSWER: “Dixie Hummingbird” was Ray Stevens’ 15th
charted song. It peaked at # 44 in 1977.
Hej Janne
Har modtaget dette. Har det interesse?
Country hilsen, Mary
What's New ?
Many new things have been happening for J.C., we have listed below several
links where you can read for yourself what's been going on. Also the show
times are in for SeaWorld Orlando performances.
J.C. Andersen Show Updates
SeaWorld Orlando, Florida
Bud & BBQ February 4-18-25, 2006
February 4, 2006 6 P.M. J.C. will open for Multi-Grammy winner and country
music sensation LeAnn Rimes SeaWorld's Bayside Stadium
February 18, 2006 (between) Noon to 6 P.M. J.C. will be performing at
SeaWorld's Bayside second stage, headlines at 6 P.M. Grammy-nominated,
triple-platinum, Billboard #1 single
group, Lonestar .
February 25, 2006 (between) Noon to 6 P.M. J.C. will be performing at
SeaWorld's Bayside second stage, headlines at 6 P.M. Four-time TNN/Music
City News "Female Artist of the Year." Lorrie Morgan .
Bud & BBQ activities and musical performances at SeaWorld are included
with park and annual passports admission. Concert line-ups and times are
subject to change.
J.C. will be available during breaks and after the shows to meet with all
the Fans.
Många hälsningar ifrån ett iskallt Stockholm! Vi hörs
på torsdag!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 011 9 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till
er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare
nyhetsblad på eller
filmen om Johnny Cash undrade presidenten i SCMC var vi andra countryfans
premiärkväll. Vi andra kanske resonerade som Rosanne Cash vid frågan om
skulle se
filmen om sin fars liv. NEJ varför skall jag gå och se hur det
profithungriga Hollywood
sensation av min fars sämre sidor. Vi andra (riktiga) countrydiggarna
håller oss till
när det gäller stora artister, vi har sett för många bedrövliga
om Hank
Williams Sr, Jerry Lee Lewis, Patsy Cline som enligt filmmakaren fick en
till frukost,
en vänsterkrok till lunch och en rak höger till middag allt serverat av
hennes man
Dicks, Loretta Lynns liv bestod enligt samma synsätt av både stryk och
dokumentär är informativ men också både tråkig och spännande precis som
livet i övrigt.
Hollywoodfilm som skall inbringa si och så många miljoner dollar är 10%
sanning, resten
våld, sex
och spekulation i massans hyenainstinkter.Johnnys frieri till June, inget
öga var
torrt, hade
dom möjligen kameran på Anita Carter, hon var ju Johnnys sparringpartner
June kom in
i bilden?
USAs massmedia och TV är så besatta av våld och sensation att
är noll, dom
är helt i händerna på sponsorer och annonsörer som vet att majoriteten av
tittarna har
skolats till denna livssyn.Det jag först började reagera mot var alla
dessa boxnings-
filmer som
Tjuren från Bronx om Jake LaMotta, filmer om Jack Dempsey, Archie Moore,
Ray Robinson
m.fl. hinkvis med blod, ansikten som bultats till råbiffar, gangster och
miljöer.Eftersom jag har cirka 500 titelmatcher i boxning på video, allt
från 1910 till 1985 och
aldrig sett
en fjärdedel av kroppens blodmängd på ringgolvet så finns det ingen
i dessa
filmer. Vill man ha en inblick i den och dens liv då är det dokumentärer
som gäller.
Tjenare Janne,
Rykande färska nyheter till ditt blad.
PS. Du får gärna lägga in mitt "jobbmail"
oxå till din utskickslista. Ha en bra dag.
/ Noppi
Dwight Yoakam till Dalhalla
Hei på deg Janne !
Norske Country Nyheter på farten igjen ! OBS ! Siden krever ett passord.
Passord: country (liten skrift)
Glem ikke å joine mailing listen !
Mvh Steff Nevers
Man tackar! Men det vore
egentligen konstigare om jag inte visste hur countrymusik ska låta efter
snart 50 år i branschen. Sänder strängarna omgående! JL.
Appropå det så såg jag en film
på TV alldeles nyligen som hette MASDJÄVLAR! JL.

Hej på er!
Vi såg i
dagens BT att DWIHGT YOAKAM !!!!!!! ska komma till Dalhalla den 31/7
Enl. uppg.
så ska biljetterna släppas 20 februari.
Det var som
gärna vidare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep it
Egon &
Hej Janne!
av våra lyssnare som prenumererar på Ditt nyhetsbrev ville att vi skulle
skriva och tala om att vi sändar massor av country i vår FM-radio.
Våra sändningar sker vardagar 06-22 (live mallan 09 och 16), på helgerna
sänder vi hela dygnet. Vi sänder ungefär 1/3 av vardera country, dansband
och oldies. Vårt countryinnehåll består både av traditionell country,
bluegrass men även av den moderna Nashville-countryn (typ: Alan Jackson,
Kenny Chesney, Brooks & Dunn m fl)
Kolla gärna vår hemsida - där du säkert känner igen vår Country Trax-lista.....
Göran Ohlzon
Centralgatan 4
026-70150 (studion)
Fredag, d. 7. april 2006 Kl. 19-01
Billetbestilling 65560172 Grupperabat v/ +20 pers.
Billet incl. Buffet pr. pers. kr. 335,00 ( v/ samlet bestilling af +20
billetter er prisen pr. pers. kr. 295,00 ) ( med overnatning kr. 725,00 )
Odense Congress Center, Ørbækvej 350 5220 Odense C Danmark Tlf: + 65560100
Fax: + 65560199
Doug Davis
Owner/Publisher/Manager/ Editor/Writer/
I heard that Ray Price is playing at a Hank
Williams Festival. Do you know anything about that?
Ray Price is scheduled to perform at the Hank Williams
Festival in Georgiana, Alabama on June 3rd.
QUESTION: What’s this I hear about some female artist
having a hit with one of Johnny Cash’s old songs?
Martina McBride’s new single, “I Still Miss Someone,” is from
her platinum CD, “Timeless.” The song was the flipside of Cash’s 1959
number one, “Don’t Take Your Guns To Town.”
QUESTION: The radio folks said that Randy Travis was
nominated for a gospel music award. Do you have any information?
Randy Travis is nominated for a 2006 Gospel Music Award for
“Angels” and “Glory Train.”
I heard about a guitar sculpture auction in
Nashville. What’s that all about?
One-of-a-kind Gibson Guitar sculptures and showcase guitars
designed by local visual artists and country music stars will be sold
Nashville's Guitar Town Auction Gala Presented by Gibson Guitar on
Thursday, February 23. Visit for ticket information
QUESTION: The guys on radio said that Wanda Jackson was
one of Elvis Presley’s girlfriends and that she still had the ring he gave
her. Do you have any information?
ANSWER: According to
Jackson, she and Elvis dated in the mid-1950s. The two were touring
companions in 1955 and '56. Elvis gave her a ring -- which she still has
QUESTION: The TV news said that Dolly Parton is nominated
for a Grammy. What’s the scoop?
Dolly Parton has a nomination for Best Original Song in a
Motion Picture for her song, “Travelin’ Thru,” from the film
“Transamerica.” This is Dolly’s second Oscar
nomination. She was
nominated for her song “9 to 5” from the 1980 movie of the same name in
which she co-starred with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin.
QUESTION: The old Del Reeves “Girl On The Billboard” is
my favorite country record. Do you know when that record was on the charts
and who wrote it?
ANSWER: “Girl On The Billboard” was a # 1 for Del
Reeves in `1965. The song was written by Hank Mills and Walter Haynes
QUESTION: My dad says that the radio station played a
recording of George Jones singing the Carl & Pearl Butler tune “Don’t Let
Me Cross over” years ago. Did George record that song?
ANSWER: He did! “Don’t Let Me Cross Over” was a track
in Jones’ 1966 “Love Bug” album
QUESTION: One of my cousins used to sing a song about
“That’s What The Texas Outlaws Love To Hear.” He said it was on the radio
by Johnny Paycheck years ago. Could that be true?
ANSWER: Could be! “That’s What The Outlaws In Texas Want
To Hear” was the flipside of Paycheck’s 1977 # 7 hit “Slide Off Of Your
Satin Sheets.”
QUESTION: I just heard on the radio that one of George
Strait’s albums received some kind of award. Do you know anything about
George Strait’s “50 #1’s” has been certified 6X platinum for
sales exceeding six million units. That ties "50 #1's" with “Pure Country”
as the second best selling Strait album of all-time.
QUESTION: I have heard that Alan Jackson’s wife bought one
of his old cars back for him and that he also sold one of his cars. Do you
have any information?
Alan’s 1955 Thunderbird was sold before he became a star, but
his wife Denise tracked it down and bought it back for him. During the
recent 5th Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction in Scottsdale,
Arizona, his 1960 Willys Jeep Surray Top sold for $51,300
QUESTION: Back in the 60’s there was a guy with a great
country record about “waltz of angels.” Do you know his name?
ANSWER: “Waltz Of The Angels” was Wynn Stewart’s first
chart song. It peaked at # 14 in `1956. The tune also scored a # 11 hit
for George Jones and Margie Singleton in 1962 and made it to # 51 for
David Houston in 1978
direkt från Nashville av Dan Ekbäck)
will be
the recipient of a 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award at tomorrow night's
(2/8) GRAMMY® Awards. Haggard joins David Bowie, Richard Pryor, and
Delta blues pioneer Robert Johnson who are also being honored this
year for “lifelong contributions to the recording medium”...
Alan Jackson
will perform gospel favorites from his upcoming album Precious Memories
at a Feb. 27 concert at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium. The special
performance will be taped for broadcast on GAC and subsequently available
to the public on DVD. Precious Memories is set for release Feb. 28
on Alan’s Country Records/ Arista Nashville. Tickets may be purchased at
Ticketmaster outlets and the Ryman box office...
Hello fellow players,
History, tips and technical things this week.
A tip from
one of our readers sounded really good to me so I'll pass it along. He
carries about 3 wood shims, little pieces of wood cut at about a 5 degree
wedge shaped angle, in his packaseat. It's a positive, quick way to make
your packaseat level and to keep it from rocking around while you're
playing on an uneven floor. If you play a Maverick or a guitar without
adjustable legs, these wedges can also be used there.
A wound 6th string on your E9th neck has to be pulled about 4 times
further than an unwound string of the same gauge. The question comes up
quite often, should I use a wound or an unwound 6th? This should be
determined by your guitar. If you play a guitar that only has one hole to
pull from in the bell crank, like Sho-Buds from '67 to '72, the only way
you can get these strings to pull together is for the 6th string to be
wound. Many guitars will work fine and have easier pedal action with an
unwound 6th. So use an unwound if you can. However, if you're playing an
early Sho-Bud, the wound will not only play better, make your guitar work
better, but also sound better. Yes, it's true, a wound string really does
sound better on a 6th, but on most guitars, the mechanical hassle isn't
worth using it. However, if you also lower the 6th string, you will be
locked into using an unwound.
The 12 Universal versus double tens. I have refrained from making
statements on this subject for several years, but I am now hearing from
many of you and hearing things like "Why didn't you steer me away from
that monstrosity?" There is no way you can temper tune both tunings.
Looking at and sorting out 12 strings on one neck is nowhere near as easy
as ten. Ever notice how few professionals use a 12 string Universal? I
think the straw that broke the camels back and made me write this in my
tips email, were 3 phone calls I got this past week where the young
players stated "No telling how far along I could've been on a double neck
by now, if I hadn't made the mistake of buying this Universal."
I'm passing a lot of this along to new players out there who might be
trying to make up their minds which way to go. I can list about ten very
good reasons not to do the 12 string Universal and really can't think of
any reasons why somebody should. I know that there are probably a few of
you out there who may have these guitars and like them and I'm sure I'll
probably hear from you, but I will look more than forward to arguing the
plusses and minuses that you would care to express in person. But
naturally, if you do have one, I am still behind you all the way and will
do anything I can to help you be a better player.
Another subject. After being a professional steel guitar player for 45
years and being born with picks on, I have gone "fingerpickless" over a
period of the last 7 years. It started off slowly by demonstrating guitars
in the store and not being able to find my fingerpicks. Then after a
period of time, of playing some sessions with picks and some sessions
without picks, I have gradually come into the ranks of the pick-less. I
like the fact that there's no metallic clank on the string and that by
using my fingernails, I have much more control over the tone, I have more
speed and I don't have to play two songs at the beginning of a live set to
get used to where I put picks on my fingers again. Pick blocking without
picks is many times easier and quieter than pick blocking with picks.
Do I recommend this to everybody? No. Do what's comfortable for you and
what you can control the best. I have just decided over the years that I
can play equally as well if not really better, without picks, as long as I
don't have a broken fingernail or some such malady. I have seen several
great players play as well with as they do without. Buddy Emmons, Randy
Beavers, Tom Morrell to name three. So do what's comfortable. Remember,
you don't have to be a slave to a set of fingerpicks. Thumbpick, yes, this
is a "have to" situation unless you have a fingernail growing out of the
left side of your thumb.
Now for a little history lesson. The Fender Guitar Company in California
wanted to round out their fine line of guitars in 1975, by adding a
professional steel guitar to their catalog. Knowing that what they had
done in the past was way out of date and obsolete, they approached David
Jackson of Music City Manufacturing Sho-Bud fame. David and the Fender
reps agreed that David would build 4400 steel guitars in the period of one
year and signed a contract stating so. This included professional double
neck guitars, a professional single neck model and a small quantity of
student guitars without a changer mechanism.
During the discussion of David's clean engineering sheet, the Fender
engineers stated that they had about 8000 of the ashtray type keyhead pans
in their warehouse and asked if David could incorporate it in the new
guitar. David agreed. What followed was a total, brand new design. The
Fender company wanted the tone to be characteristically Fender. David
obliged by designing a knife edge pivoting changer finger and by using
very lightly wound pickups.
When these guitars were all delivered to Fender, myself and several other
of the Nashville players said to David, "David, we love that guitar for
it's size, weight, simplicity. If you could make it sound like a Sho-Bud,
I think you'd have something there." Since David's contract was completed
with Fender, he designed and started manufacturing this neat little Fender
with a Sho-Bud changer, pickup and keyhead and called it the Sho-Bud Super
Pro. This was the first Sho-Bud guitar with chrome plated zinc underparts
and the narrow pedals. The professionals liked these changes so much, that
even the classic old Sho-Buds were redesigned to use these parts.
I did a promotional deal and tour for Fender promoting this guitar in
1976. On this tour was the first time I met many of you. I was connected
with this program for Fender from day one and I'm relaying these facts to
you that probably no one other than David Jackson is actually aware of.
So as you can see, by Fender forcing David to build them a new guitar from
a clean sheet of paper, it also did much for the evolution of the Sho-Bud
brand guitar.
Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymoure
Det blev ett skapligt långt Nyhetsbrev idag och mycken
information har vi fått! Dwight Yoakam ska jag förmodligen själv se på
Billy Bob´s i Fort Worth i början av mars. Men visst är det kul att vi får
hit sådana storheter till Sverige. Hellre en sådan än många småpluttar som
ingen människa känner till!
Ha det bra i helgen så hörs vi på söndag!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 012 12 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till
er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare
nyhetsblad på eller |
Hej vänner! Ännu ett
Nyhetsbrev från Sätra med innehåll som jag tror ska intressera er. Dels
listan på alla vinnare inom kategorin country på Grammygalan och dels
rapporter från Nashville av både Bobby Seymoure och Hank Rosén. Jag och
hustrun planerar själva inför resan till Texas den 8 mars. Det är mycket
att komma ihåg så det gäller att redan nu börja att göra anteckningar på
saker man ska ha med.
Här nedan får ni hela
listan på pristagare av årets Grammy´s! Men tro för all del inte att allt
det här är countrymusik! Kalla det hellre "big business"!
Janne Lindgren
Krauss— Grammys Country Queen
Country Album: “Lonely Runs Both Ways,” Alison Krauss and Union
Female Country Vocal Performance: “The Connection,” Emmylou Harris.
Male Country Vocal Performance: “You'll Think of Me,” Keith Urban.
Country Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocal: “Restless,”
Alison Krauss and Union Station.
Country Collaboration With Vocals: “Like We Never Loved at All,”
Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.
Country Instrumental Performance: “Unionhouse Branch,” Alison
Krauss and Union Station.
Country Song: “Bless the Broken Road,” Bobby Boyd, Jeff Hanna and
Marcus Hummon, (Rascal Flatts).
Contemporary Folk Album: “Fair & Square,” John Prine.
Musical Album for Children: “Songs From the Neighborhood - The
Music of Mister Rogers,” Various Artists.
Gospel Performance: “Pray,” CeCe Winans.
Bluegrass Album: “The Company We Keep,” The Del McCoury Band.
Southern, Country, or Bluegrass Album: “Rock of Ages ... Hymns &
Faith,” Amy Grant.
Country Club 10 år
Stor jubileumsfest och årsmöte i Ingatorps Bygdegård
den 18 mars 2006. Så här skriver man i reklambladet: Vi dansar och
lyssnar till ett av de bästa band Country-Sverige kan erbjuda och
underhålls med scenshow av flera toppartister.
Artisterna är: High Sierra, Tennessee
Drifters och Marlene Karlström
Hör av er till Lars Thell
Det kom ett Krutstänk från
Christina Birgell i min brevlåda. Tidningen speglar lite om vad som händer
framöver i Sverige och tar i detta nummer upp en recension från Vemdalen
från i somras. Det hade varit kul att få några rader skrivna om både Cina
Samuelson och Country Minstrels framträdande, då jag tycker dessa var de
bästa som Vemdalen bjöd på den här kvällen. Åtminstone av de artister jag
själv hörde (är jag något färgad nu?). Både Cinas och Minstrels har fått
mycket beröm i andra countrypublikationer om vårt framträdande just i
Vemdalen, men att sälja skivor är också viktigt och du gör en fin insats
där Christina.
Klubbadressen är JL.
Hej Erika Stolt,
hur lyckades du få TV Hudiksvall att göra ett mini-reportage med dig?Tänk
att det går att få TV-folk att inse hur härlig countrymusiken kan vara.
Den insatsen kan du verkligen vara stolt över. Passar också på att gratta
till din,just nu, förstaplats på Country
Trax-listan. För er som undrar vad jag skriver om kan ni gå in på
Sedan är det bara att länka sig in till listan via en länk på menyns
vänstersida. Då får ni chansen att rösta fram er favorit av dem som finns
med på listan
(ursäkta Erika men jag väljer att förhålla mig neutral).
Janne, du låter väl inte OS påverka dina utskick av nyhetsbreven? OK, vi
läsare tillåter att du tar ett break när Anja pistar sig utför.
Oj, har OS börjat!? Nä, men inget får störa mig då jag tittar på
Premier League! JL.
CD REVIEWS Brit Lyng & Perley Curtis
fellow players,
Let me start this newsletter by saying I apologize if anyone got upset
over my opinion about the E9 Universal 12 guitars versus all other methods
of tuning and playing.
Many of you were confused by thinking I was down on all 12 string tunings,
which I am not. As a matter of fact, if you are working with a band and
only play E9th, I think the extended E9th is a wonderful way to go,
providing you only have one neck. Also, if you live in an area that
happens to be blessed with a great U-12 teacher like Maurice Anderson in
Dallas, Texas, you can consider yourself very lucky. Maurice plays many
tunings and even owns a double ten. However, his preferred tuning is not
the E9th Universal, but what he calls a Universal 6th. He has been playing
this tuning for many years and in my humble opinion, plays as well as
anyone ever could on this style and tuning.
I recommend that you do good research in the beginning of your playing
career, figure out where you want to go and what you want to play and
learn to play the configuration of steel guitar that fits your style best.
I have received many positive comments about going pickless. Again, this
is a personal preference. I'm not sure I would recommend it to everyone,
but I truly feel it has many advantages or I wouldn't have gone this
direction after many years of professional playing.
We are so happy with the new Cobra Coil bars that we've recently started
carrying, that we have now also ordered Cobra Coil bars in 1 inch by 3 and
a half inches. If you haven't tried one, you should. They can be ordered
from our website.
In all my years of being a player and a dealer, I have never seen an
amplifier sweep the market the way this light, powerful, great sounding,
dependable unit has. We constantly get great compliments and feedback on
this product. Many people bought the 112 because of the lighter weight and
were happy to find that it did a much better job than they expected. It
seems that most of the finest steel players in the world own at least one
of these amplifiers.
We now stock this amp in tan ostrich skin, red ostrich skin, green
leather, black leather and black tweed at an additional cost. Call for the
best prices in the industry.
In talking to Bruce Zumsteg the other day, we discussed the fact that we
had never seen anything like what is happening now. The popularity of
steel guitar is going through the roof. Most professionals have more work
than they can do, dealers sell guitars faster than manufacturers can
manufacture and manufacturers are backlogged sometimes over two years.
Steel guitar is like a snowball rolling downhill. Steel guitar is
expanding it's roots as primarily a country or Hawaiian music instrument
and is rapidly finding it's way into jazz, rock, soul, adult
contemporary/blues and is heard on television commercials as well as in
movies and finally, it's even being seen in hard rock.
Think it's just old guys who play steel guitar? Think again, the youth
movement is upon us so hang on folks because the winds of change are
blowing. Just think, you are in on the beginning of it.
Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour
Janne here's a report from Nashville, TN. (Direktrapport
från Hank Rosén)
Freezin' in Nashville - Saturday 060211
Left a snowy
Stockholm on Thursday Feb. 9th for a nice vacation
in Nashville. Snowing that morning and I took the bus and commutertrain
to Maersta and Arlanda... There it was quite easy to find SAS check-in..
a long line was waiting, some seemed to be headed for OS in Turin...
Had a harsh start as the plane was delayed about 15 minutes...
On board it was very frugal... noting for free, coffee cost 15,- and if
you wanted water it cost 20,- per small bottle... I really prefer Finnair
with much more complete service and even British Airways serve
something on the transfer flights to London Heathrow...
Arrive at Terminal 3, exactly the right terminal, since that is where
AA 047 leaves to Chicago.... Still had to go through security and
after a while I was on board the big plane... American Arilines felt
so good again....
Just after start the purser told us that it was just 80% filled so we
could change our seats if we wished... so I got a good 3 seats and
dized off, after I had the nice beef and potato lunch...
I have this inflatable cushion and eyeblinders, so I could easy fall to
just waking up after some hours, due to bad circulation of blood...
but just shifted the legs and everything was okay again...
An hour before arrival at ORD they served a deep pan pizza.... very tasty
as usual... and we arrived before schedule... At the VISA checkpoint,
there were long lines seemes like all chinese immigrants had been home to
celebrate new year.... and were now coming back again....
Check my suitcases for Nashville and took the train to next Terminal 3
and was waiting for Nashville flight for about 30 minutes...
Arrived before schedule and found my suitcase easily... walked through
the doors and found Dan, waiting for me immediately.... Just about 15
minutes later I was checking in again at Midway Motel.... same procedure
as every year.... Bob Happy as always and I got the same room...
now updated with a new television set....
Saw Nashville get beaten by Detroit... 2-3, after they had a 2-0 lead....
Some Swedes on the ice.... listened to some C&W radio and went to sleep...
Great Escape - Friday 060210
Woke up early as usual after the first night's sleep in Nashville...
me some
water for Nescoffee.... and had a nice breakfast... took bus #15, and
my buscard I had bought already on last trip... went downtown and then
with bus #7, after having had a nice browse at Walgreen's and Dollar
The bus stopped right outside Great Escape and I was waiting for the store
to open...
Was happy and so glad to meet Ricky there and he had brought some records
for me,
and I found a few in the store too... then it was time for the 1st Arby's
roastbeef burger and curly fries and coke... for only $4,- a bargain....
went and checked
out CD Warehouse and found nothing.... but they were still active...
Met another friend here, Nora, at Great Escape, and now she noticed I had
this time... Went downtown to check out Ernest Tubb record shop and see
what was
happening at the Opry this weekend.... and also picking up the free papers
and of course, Nashville Scene.... Then it was time to meet Dan at his
office, so I boarded
bus #2 and went out to 17th Avenue South... bus stop right outside... so
easy to get
around... Weather in Nashville has been around zero degrees centigrade....
and this morning
I even noticed snow...
Went in and met Dan and talked to him about the music etc. then he drove
and a nice
girl at the office to our places, she was living in the Baptist hospital
area and I ended up at
my motel via a short stint at HG Hill's food store, I had to get some nice
clean water, orange juice,
milk, cookies, bananas etc. etc. Dan was happy for the stuff I had brought
to him and Helene,
and I had even found him a mouse pad with Stockholm picture.... a true
collector's item for the Swede overseas... We said goodbye and I watched
with the radio on and heard the Grand
Ole Opry Show.... old stalwarts like Porter Wagoner and Jimmy Dickens....
and I wasn't impressed
at all... Listened to radio and did some filing on my Mac laptop....
probably went to sleep around
Today, Saturday I, got up early and watched some TV, took an early
downtown and then
after some errands I went to a record store and found me some good ones,
however my friend
Jeff wasn't there so I set them aside... for pick up later... had 2 Big
99 cents each..
great price... Went back downtown and to the library... Tonight I'll watch
Opry and listen
to the radio and I noticed Del McCoury in on the Midnite Jamboree, but
he's bluegrass
and I'm not to keen I will not see him live just listen to the radio...
I noticed the TV channels are broadcasting from Turin over here... saw
icehockey this
early morning and Finland-Germany 3-0.... NOTE Women....
Will be back later on with more reports.../ Hank
Tack för den långa rapporten Hank! Vi ser fram emot
nästa mail från dig!
Det var allt för den här
gången men på torsdag får ni hålla ögonen öppna efter ett Nyhetsbrev från
mig! Ha en bra vecka!
Janne Lindgren
PS. Glöm inte att lyssna på de countryprogram som sänds
lokalt i edra trakter. Jag har bara fått in några stycken mail som
berättar om vilka program som finns i Sverige. Jag vet att det finns många
countryprogram i lokal- och närradion över landet. Sänd mig information om
DIN station omgående. DS |
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 013 19 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till
er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare
nyhetsblad på eller´ |
Hejsan Janne!
Du efterlyste radioprogram i lokal/närradio.
Jag har ett Countryprogram i Radio Örkelljunga (94,1) som sänds varje
lördag kl.19.30-20.00.
Radio Halland sänder Country med
Roland Turesson på fredagar kl. 11.00-11.30 (97,3) med repris på måndagar
kl. 17.00 (p.g.a. det sketna OS så utgår Countryn några fredagar
framöver i Radio Halland men sänds på måndagar istället)
Radio Kronoberg sänder Country med
Hasse Altbark på onsdagar kl. 17.00-17.45 (99,5)
Radio Malmöhus sänder Country med
Kalle Oldby på måndagar kl. 12.10-13.00 (frekvensen har jag glömt), det är
i alla fall tusen gånger bättre än det han sänder på söndagarna.
Har ni vägarna förbi resp.
kanalområde så ratta in ovanstående frekvenser och luta er tillbaks och
njut av fin Country. Jag kan garantera er att det är både proffesionella
och kunniga programledare som vet vad dom pratar om på resp. kanal.
Mvh Rickard Johansson, Örkelljunga
Hej Janne!
Något för ditt nyhetsbrev och radioprogram?:
I januari i år kom en utav mina demolåtar med på januariutgåvan av Mr
Country. Mer info om skivan finns på På kan man läsa mer info om mig och min musik
lyssna på lite ljudklipp. Om du är intresserad kan jag även skicka en CD
tre demolåtar.
Hör av dig! Hälsningar Charlee
Hej Janne,
nu har vi spikat vår Dusty
Records-turné i april i och med att det är klart med Katalin i Uppsala 22
april. Det innebär att vi kör countrygalor i Norrköping 21 april (Rick
Rock Café), Uppsala 22 april (Katalin) och Stockholm 23 april (Tantogården).
Banden vid alla tre tillfällen är
Pilgrim, Cheatin' Hearts och Lee Marvelous.
Jag kan också berätta att vår nya
postorderkatalog är ute, vill du ha ett ex maila till eller skicka din adress till Dusty Records, Box
4171, 400 40 Göteborg.
Och 5 mars bär det iväg för
undertecknad till Texas för en dryg två veckor lång tripp. Med massor av
musik förstås, självklart blir det till att besöka det stora festivalen
South by southwest i Austin men innan den ska vi hinna med flera andra
orter i Texas. Jag tänker också sondera lite grand för att hitta artister
till vår kommande samlings-CD.
Jan Andersson, Dusty Records
(Direktrapport från Dan Ekbäck
i Nashville)
A new
record from the Dixie Chicks is expected to be released in April.
The as yet untitled project was recorded with producer Rick Rubin,
who commented to Rolling Stone that the album is more of a rock
album with a country side than vice versa. Chicks’ lead singer Natalie
Maines also appears on a new album by the band Yellowcard...
Lyric Street Recording group SHeDAISY’s new album,
Fortuneteller’s Melody, is scheduled to be released on March 14,
The Jan. 21 Randy Rogers Band performance sold out at Billy Bobs
Texas in Ft. Worth, making them members of the Billy Bobs Texas Sell Out
Club. Other members of the club include Willie Nelson, Pat Green,
and Cross Canadian Ragweed...
John Conlee’s Music of America Tour, featuring special guests Janie
Fricke and T.G. Sheppard will showcase performers singing their
chart-topping hits. The Bobby Roberts Company is handling 2006 tour date
Todd Fritsch will be beginning his first European Tour on Feb. 3 in
Berlin, and will tour Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland
for two weeks...
The Sonny Burgess video for his single “Jesus and Bartenders” from
Stronger was scheduled to debut on Great American Country on Jan.
Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder, Nickel Creek, Steve Earle, Jerry Douglas,
Bonnie Raitt, and Shooter Jennings are among the 80-plus
acts scheduled to play the 2006 Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival, June
16-18, in Manchester, Tenn. Superfly Productions and A.C. Entertainment
announced the initial lineup yesterday which also included Tom Petty &
the Heartbreakers, Radiohead, Beck, and Elvis Costello & the
While Brooks and Dunn are usually concert headliners, the duo
recently opened for the Rolling Stones at Omaha, Nebraska’s Qwest
Bonnie Raitt and Lyle Lovett will appear on a new episode of
CMT Crossroads, premiering Feb. 11 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT...
George Strait’s 50 #1's has been certified 6 times platinum.
His hit single “Desperately” also recently passed BMI’s 1 Million spins
Columbia Nashville recording artist Brice Long will perform
“Anywhere But Here,” at the 2006 Kentucky Music Hall of Fame induction
ceremony at the Lexington Convention Center on Feb. 23...
According to the record books, the song
“There’s A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere,”
caused the writer, Bob Miller, much embarrassment.
To Miller, music was either ”hillbilly music” or it wasn’t. And
there was no room for compromise.
By the time his song, “There’s A Star Spangled Banner Waving
Somewhere” was into it’s third million in sales, he bought a huge ad in
Variety magazine, asking the big name band leaders “not” to play the song.
When the song made the Hit Parade, he even threatened lawsuits if anyone
played the song.
To Miller, his reputation in the music business was at stake.
He insisted that the music must have the “common touch” and was
truly violated if performed by anyone other than a true son of the
soil-and such music must not be streamlined or compromised!
“There’s A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere” became one of the
early hits for Elton Britt in 1942.
Britt, who was actually James Elton Baker-died in 1972 at the age
of 58.
QUESTION: I heard that some of Bill Monroe’s children
were opening a bluegrass music campground. Do you know when and where?
Bill Monroe’s son James, is opening a 700-seat music hall and
RV campground in Franklin, Kentucky, and will host a music festival there
April 19th-22nd. Billed as the Kentucky Springtime Bluegrass Special, the
festival will feature performances by Larry Sparks, the Grascals, Bobby
Osborne and others. Monroe and his band, the Midnight Ramblers, will
perform at the music hall each week.
QUESTION: The radio folks were talking about some new
female singer recording the Kristofferson song, “Sunday Morning Coming
Down.” Do you have any information?
“The Pilgrim: A Celebration of Kris Kristofferson,” contains
a version of “Sunday Morning Coming Down” by Gretchen Wilson. The album
will be released by American Roots Publishing on June 27 in honor of
Kristofferson's 70th birthday.
QUESTION: Back in the 60’s, there was a good country song
on the radio about “Why Don’t You Come Home And Talk To A Stranger.” Do
you now the name of the artist?
“Won’t You Come Home And Talk To A Stranger” was
a # 61 hit for Wayne Kemp. George Strait also charted with the tune in
Howdy Janne here's a report
from Nashville, TN.
Happy Fats in Nashville - Sunday 060212
Listened to Grand Ole Opry last night, average, though Elizabeth Cook
was called in on short notice and did a couple of appearances... Tried
to get Eddie Stubbs to play her latest cut, "Coldest Fire In Town" on WSM,
but he didn't have it.... still nice talking to him on the phone...
Spent Sunday morning listening to Country Countdown on WSIX radio,
while I was filing stuff on my Mac. No# for 3rd week in a row was Carrie
Underwood! Had lots of new aquisitions to list in database on the harddisk.
Got a nice phonecall from Sweden and was greeted a "Happy Birthday"...
so I'm celebratin' today...
Took the bus downtown to be at Country Music Hall of Fame
at 13.00. The event was instrument demonstration with Fats Kaplin married
to singer Kristi Rose (
and a real multiinstrumentalist. He recorded yesterday with Paul Burch and
told us about his career... he grew up in New York City, on the upper West
Side, where Puerto Ricans played salsa all weekends... He played on
various instruments and started with fiddle, the old way, and continued
with cajun accordion, and did a nice rendition of the ol' tune "Bosco
Stomp". His musical insterests started with Pete Seeger playin' banjo...
while other kids there listened to Grateful Dead etc.
He had recently been to Turkey, Asia with his wife to visit her sister...
while there he bought a local instrument called balama and took some
lessons... very odd instrument.
But it sounded like a soundtrack from Sindbad the Seaman... He also plays
both steel guitar and lapsteel.... Mostly he is recording with so called
Amerciana artists, like Kevin Welch, Kieran Kane, but he has been
recording with some majors too...
Next week he is gonna be on the Opry with Emmylou Harris... He was nice
and very informative about the instruments he played... Will definitively
visit Hall of Fame next week when even better artists will be playing...
A short note I learned from Eddie Stubbs - Charles K. Wolfe has died... he
was writing books about music and lived from (1943-2006)... Too bad, so
young and with so much information....
I'll give some of the record collector nerds some info about my recent
Pinmonkey - BACK PORCH 49652 - "Big Shiny Cars" released 3/07/06 - This is
a must for just one cut I have told you about earlier, the Liz Cook duet!!
George Jones - BCI 40800 - Live In Concert - released 2004, with duets by
Lacy J. Dalton and Terry Gibbs.
David Allan Coe - CLEVELAND INTERNATIONAL CIR 1027 - Songwriter Of The
released in 2001 with studioversions of his privately released stuff...
check out for info about his recent recording and where to
buy them...
The Jenkins - CAPITOL 18387 - The Jenkins - was to be released in 2004,
but never came out, I have the rare advance copy... a mother & 2
you can check up their story on
and finally the nice brother story.. his brother is the wellknown .....
Ricky Traywick - LAMON LR 10346 - I'm Already There If you don't know
about him read more about him here:
Now I'm signin' off, I'm gonna go out to Arby's and have myself a nice
dinner... what a nice way to celebrate... But I'll be back... Hank signin'
off, Hank
Howdy Janne here's a report from
Nashville, TN.
Shawn Camp is hot - Monday 060213
Nice afternoon yesterday, on the bus #3 out to Music Row for a nice Arby's
dinner I spotter my promotion man, Todd, and quickly got off the bus and
we set up an appointment at Arby's about 70
minutes later.... So I had 4 Arby melts for $5 and Curly Fries for $0,99.
Sat and reflected about the weather it was snowing and ice on the
streets.. However after the time had lapsed Todd showed up with some cd
boxes and I found me some oddball country cds for a bargain...
I have set up another appointment with him later on this week...
Took bus #7 downtown and, as usual bus #15 to Midway Motel. Spent evening
filing on database while listening to C&W on radio or TV... and later on I
had some coffee and homemade cake... and
I opened all my parcels....
After a good night's sleep I woke up around 8 and had my breakfast and
this morning it was snow outside.... took bus #26 out to River Gate Mall.
I visited a cd shop, but the big MediaPlay had closed out there... maybe
that's a good hint that something is gonna happen to US economy before too
long... They have many stores in the US and about 3 in Nashville that I
know about... will see if the other ones are closed too.
Took bus back in again and stopped in Madison for the Great Escape and
picked up some local yokals there too... and one vinyl... Spent some more
time at a Goodwill store and finally headed for lunch at
Arby's on Gallatin Rd. Beef & Cheddar Meal for $4,36... a bargain...
here is some info for the record collecting nerds:
Shawn Camp - SKEETERBIT 591713 - "Fireball" - probably last recording with
Jimmy Martin.
Dugmore, Pahl & Perkins-steel... nice effort with a few good tracks and
some more like bluegrass..
released 2006
Marshall Chapman - TALLGIRL 6964 - "Mellowicious" - produced with Tommy
Spurlock, who also plays steel, released 2006
The Strayhorns - CHIEF 404-254 - "Featuring Alan Jackson" - Alan's band
with him on vocal on 2 cuts,nice and seldom seen, Robbie Flint-steel: Mark
McClurg-fiddle... released years ago...
Tonight I'm probably gonna soft a bit on my motel, cause tomorrow will be
a night with Billy Block & His Western Beat Show at 12th & Porter this
time check out on Now I'm gonna head out to Nolensville to meet my
buddy Jeff and pay for my stuff he has gathered for me...
Nice sunny weather today, but not more than 40 F.....
signin' off, Hank
Det här söndagsbrevet är skickat i efterskott eftersom jag
befunnit mig på Huddinge Sjukhus sedan i fredags natt! Mer om detta i
nästa Nyhetsbrev som kommer i morgon torsdag!
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 014 23 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till
er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare
nyhetsblad på eller |
Hej vänner! Jag förstår
att ni undrat varför inga Nyhetsbrev från mig kommit i er brevlåda.
Problemet var att jag förra tisdagen (14 februari) fick hög feber på
kvällen men inga andra symptom. Även onsdag, torsdag och fredag låg jag
däckad med hög feber. Fredag natt vaknade jag med ett ojämnt slående
hjärta, bröstsmärtor och även hög feber. Hustrun ringde efter en ambulans
som med ilfart tog mig till Huddinge Sjukhus där jag fick den bästa
omvårdnad man kan tänka sig. Efter några dagar hade det mesta återgått
till det normala och nu är jag alltså hemma igen, redo för nya prövningar!
Ett jättetack till er som ringt, mailat och skickat blommor!
Här lite nyheter! Janne Lindgren
Hej Janne.
efterlyser radioprogram.
På min
hemsida har jag en länk som jag kallar radiolänken. Gå in på
länkar och scrolla ganska långt ner.
Jag kan inte
garantera hur aktuell den är men det när det kommer in något nytt eller
ändring så lägger jag in det. Du får gärna informera i ditt brev om detta.
På torsdag
23 så spelar Fatboy på Trollhättans Folkets Hus. Kl 20.00 ca.
Ingemar Elf.
Plademesse. Lør. d. 1. april 2006
, kl. 11-16. (Entré: Ca. 20,-)
Køb og salg af sjældne CD'er, LP'er, singler, promotion m.m.
Arrangør: Rytmeposten Sted: Rytmeposten , Østre Stationsvej 35, Odense C
International Brugtplademesse.
Lør. d. 1. april 2006 , kl. 11-16. (Entré: 20 kr) Arrangør: Jazzhus Dexter
Sted: Jazzhus Dexter , Vindegade 65, Odense C
Karlsen på Sørlandstoppen onsdag 22. februar!
som er tatt ut er ”Norway USA” fra den Arly’s nyeste plate ”Sveet Honky
Den er
blant annet innspilt med hardingfele, spilt av Erik Sollid.
Sangen er
skrevet av Arly Karlsen og Jan Vincents Johannessen.
Sveriges STÖRSTA SKIVMÄSSA på lördag 25 FEB
SOLNAHALLEN / Solna/Stockholm Öppet från kl 10.00 till 16.00
Fullproppat med
säljare, CD /DVD och Vinyl! KOM Och hitta plattorna du söker! Läs mer på
på svensk skivmässa för första gången gör Peter Bastine från Tyskland.
Specialist på PICTURE DISCS.
I rad 4
återfinns DJ som rensar sin skivsamling efter 15 år i branschen, även en
och annan privat samling som utförsäljes i denna rad.
som säljer begagnade skivor på nätet, både vinyl och cd. Tar även emot
efterlysningar som skickas vidare till skivhandlare". Kolla in dom på
Väl mött
på lördag !
Hei på deg !
Da er vi klar for enda en uke med Country Nyheter. Samme regla som før.
HUSK passordet....
Passord: country (liten skrift)
Er dette av interesse for andre send mailen videre...Ha en god dag :)
MvhSteff Nevers
Säljes Mr
Music Country samling.
Det är från
nr: 4 -94 till nr:2 -97 = 35 st i nyskick! 700:- för alla.. eller 25 kr st.
(+ porto)
Brit Lyngs "Goodmorning
Nashville" är nu tvåa på P4 toppen i Radio Jämtland
Several hit songs became hit songs because someone heard someone
else’s recording of the song and decided to re-record it. All that might
sound like either a severe dysfunctional family or a plot for a TV
movie—but it has happened several times in the music business.
And as the story goes, Ray Price’s monster hit record,
“Crazy Arms,” was just such a tune!
Claude Cavender, one of the original owners of Pamper Music
Company, happened to ask steel guitar player Ralph Mooney, if he had any
songs. Mooney mentioned a song that he and Troy Seals had just written,
called “Crazy Arms.” Mooney mentioned that the song was a different type
of song but that it could be a hit. So Cavender took the song and recorded
it with his wife. The record never got off the back burner but a Florida
disc jockey told Ray Price about the song. Ray became interested in the
song after hearing the title so the disc jockey played the record for him.
And the song became Ray’s next Columbia single and the rest is country
music history!
“Crazy Arms” entered the country music charts May 26th,
1956 and made it to number one, where it stayed for 20 weeks. It was Ray’s
8th charted song and was on the country charts for 45 weeks.
QUESTION: The radio said that Dolly Parton and Ralph
Stanley are on an album together. Do you have any information?
Dolly Parton, Ralph Stanley and Lucinda Williams are among
the country artists found on the Nettwerk “Transamerica” soundtrack.
Parton's "Travelin' Thru," is nominated for an Oscar this year for best
original song. Other country and bluegrass artists on the soundtrack
include Jim Lauderdale, Heather Myles, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Old
Crow Medicine Show, Larry Sparks and Wylie & the Wild West Show.
QUESTION: My friends tell me that Alan Jackson is doing a
gospel concert at The Opry House. Is that true?
Alan Jackson will perform a special concert of gospel
classics from his upcoming CD, “Precious Memories,” at the Ryman
Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee on February 27th. The show
will be recorded for a DVD.
QUESTION: I love Gene Watson’s singing. Do you know the
title of his first hit record?
ANSWER: Watson’s first chart song was “Bad Water,” which
peaked at # 87 in 1975. It was on the Resco label
12th & Porter - Monday 060214
Another nice day in Nashville, repeat
perfomances and visits with some record dealers.... spent some hard earned
cash... had a Happy Meal at McDonald's 99 cents.... with a toy included!
Was a big day, since the Gaylord Arena was sold out, only black market
tickets available...
Bon Jovi - sold out in Nashville !! so you can figure there is much more
than country music lovers here...
here's a review of Westrn Beat Show:
7:00 - Stone - Sony's new Buzz band - 4 guys guitars and drums... very
much southern rock
7:30 - April Verch - New Rounder star - Canadian fiddler and stepdancer -
with doghouse bass
played by Jon Weisberger, and a guy on spoons/handdrum... authentic
oldtime/bluegrass !!
8:00 - Bonnie Bishop - New Texas country star - drums, bass, 3 guitar -
southern rock for me
8:30 - Last Train Home - Americana stars - drums, bass, piano, guitar,
lead and steel by Bridge
Gilbert, nice
9:00 - Pinmonkey - EMI/Back Porch recording artists - sorry Liz Cook
didn't show up, 4 guys,
drums, guitar, bass and leadguitar (he had 4 diff guitars with him) played
songs from
the upcoming cd (060307) - they all signed my copy !!
9:30 - the Big Happy - Jam-pop-rock - 4 piece group with Billy Block
himself on drums, and a guy
and females on guitar and mandolin/washboard - pop/rock says it all
10:00 - Jeffrey Steele - The Man, the Myth, the Legend - songwriter with
country interest buy
rock n roll live, plays lefthanded guitar himself, and had bass,drums &
lead. I thought it was too much rock... he sold a new released cd "Hell On
Wheels". I left early.
Notably many people there and 12th & Porter is the NEW home for Billy
Blocks tuesday shows,
I like this better, nicer place and better location for us busriders....
Among the fans you could spot Kevin Fowler...
Took 23.15 bus back home, but due to Bon Jovi concert it arrived 11
minutes late...
A nice evening, which ended with asparagus soap at my Midway Motel... and
some coffee
and cafe before I filed some on my Mac..
signin' off, Hank
Howdy Janne here's a report
from Nashville, TN.
Mike Siler & Short Notice Band - Wednesday
Another day in Nashville, getting warmer up to 60's today... Spent some
time going out on bus#10 on Charlotte Avenue... found some gifts for my
near and dear... Same procedure during the afternoon... and at about
18.00 I went downtown to Legends Corner, the best Honky Tonk in Nashville,
by far in my small world.... On stage was Mike Siler & Short Notice Band
and he had John Hughey on steel (see and this time twin fiddles by two japanese looking
guys... a terrific sound... and good honky tonk music, many songs from his
recent album "Bubbles in My Beer"... At one time
the barmaid Kate got up and sang two songs, first Whitey Shafers, "Heaven
Was A Drink Of Waine" and Willie's "Me And Paul"... nice effort with good
What is sooo good about L.C. is that the sound is not based on bass and
drums but on the whole sound, so you can easily hear the steel and the
vocal and actually hear the words in the songs... about 20.45 he ended his
first set and I moved on...
This week it's CRS (Country Radio Seminar) here. That means that many DJ's
and other radio people are here from the whole country and register and
pay for seminars and visits with the record labels etc. etc. lots of stuff
recorded for radio, interviews etc.. just like the old DJ Convention used
to be...
I learned about Universal South's Party at The Stage on lower Broadway...
I managed to get in there around 21.00 and found me a good seat
upstairs... free drinks and barbeque... and a show with their major
artist..... what more can one ask for... About half an hour later the
place was full with radio
people and some invited guests... I happened to be sitting next to the
wife of the star's bass player... The label executive welcomed everybody
and there was a comedy act for some minutes, but I didn't like the below
belt jokes... and none country..
Then came Rookie Lynne - a newly signed artist with a new single out
however, he was NOT country more like southern rock from the 70's. He was
by drums, bass (a lefty again) lead, piano and steel.... and he played a
mean lead himself.
However, the sound was very bad, too much drum and bass mixed up in your
and it was ridiculous to find that the record label showed is muscles with
a 24 channel
mixingtable in the little dive.... what a waste... you could hardly hear
the steel at all.
I told my neighbor that if this is the future of country music, I don't
want to hear it no more...
A short break and new people on stage... it was time for a new
presentation and in came Joe Nichols and belted out "Brokenheartsville"...
and a lot of his recent hits, and the crowd went wild with label exec. in
front singing along, and once in the mic too... he did a Hag song and the
crowd went wilder.... and then started out on "Family Tradition" and
everybody inte the crowd sang along... he really knew
how to please the crowd, even Kid Rock appeared on stage (last time I saw
him was at
Merle Kilgore's funeral)... He had a better sound than Rookie much to the
fact that it was
not so much based on rockish lead guitar solos... He closed the show with
"Tequila Makes He Clothes Fall Off" his recent hit song.... (nice video,
at least the first time you see it) and some people started throwing their
cloths on stage at him and everybody sang along.
I must mention that he had the standard country backing, also piano, buck
lacked the basic instrument fiddle.... However I noticed that he had Terry
Crisp on steel and he sounded good and some of the steel breaks were
great.... Had one last rhum and coke, and about 23.30 I went on to the
Renaissance hotel and checked out the shows there, but Warner had nothing
of interest... and when I arrived CURB executive was just belting out the
he had just signed Steve Azar, and he started playing.... then I
left the building... took a short walk to MTA bus terminal and took the
00.15 Night Owl back to
my Midway Motel.... wow, I just fell asleep immediately....
Problem with Nashville and visting here for good country music is you have
to make the right choices, and to do that you need luck! I knew that Doug
Stone was playing 12th & Porter same evening, he rarely performs anymore,
but since I didn't know what kinda backing he should have I didn't dare go
there.... Tonight I have a hard decision, should I see Travis Tritt at
Wildhorse Saloon or Todd Fritsch and local Texas artists at CSR...
we'll see about that...
Here's are a few find for the record collecting nerds:
Thea Tippin - THEA TIPPIN 0396 - "Bring It On" - Yes, it's Aarons wife and
HE also sings one duet on this gem, seldom seen, but a must for Tippin
Various Artists - COMMON GROUND CGR 7230 - "Tribute To Bob Wills' 100th
Released in 2005 and produced by Tommy Allsup... a hefty 21 songs with
artists like:
Texas Playboys, Tanya Tucker, Leon Rausch, Charlie Daniels, Hag, Joe
Diffie & Robin English,
Billy Grammer, Dierks Bentley, Gene Watson, Porter Wagoner & Terry
Bradshaw & Tanya Tucker,
Johnny Rodriguez & Lynn Anderson, Jones, Larry Gatlin, Red Steagall... It
must be a winner
among Western Swing fans and solid country fans... I bet even among the
white tanktop fans...
signin' off, Hank
Howdy Janne here's a report
from Nashville, TN.
Choices Revisited - Thursday 060216
A strange day in Nashville over 70 degrees F... and I saw blooming
daffodils and also forsythia... with those yellow sparkling flowers....
had to go out to meet Jeff and managed to spend some time with him, got
some new stuff, then I visited Veteran's Fleamarket... however I leard
from the owners wife that, the old man nad died on Oct. 1st and now she
was trying to get rid of the stuff and the contract...
too bad he had a heartattack and the amblunace people didn't manage to get
him back into life... will miss him, we always met during my vacations and
shared some words... So this night I had choices... one was to see Travis
Tritt free at the Wildhorse Saloon... another was to see a SMITH MUSIC
Group artists presentation, (this is a label doing all those live albums
from Billy Bob's) However I noticed that on their rooster was mostly
southern rock acts, the nearest country music would be Jason Boland... so
I passed that option too... Instead I went to the Ryman Room at the
Renaissance hotel and saw
a Texas Country Show put together by Palo Duro Records and Bill & Debbie
First off was the female singer Allie Danielle with a cd out on the
market... she sang good and had the looks, too bad she was just backed by
a single guitar player...
Then it was time for Todd Fritsch, a native Texan and he has also a new cd
out... This was pure music with fiddle and a writer friend on guitar....
he sang really good and did his small hit about "Smaller Radio
Stations"... After that it was time for Kevin Harris with the Dust
Devils... They were more rock and had lead, drums, guitar and mandolin..
also a girl singer.... Then it was time for top of the bill - The
Derailers... with Chris Scholzhauer on pedal steel. He lives in Ft. Worth
Texas and very near where the Texas Steel Guitar Convention is held next
month... NOTE! Mike Siler of Legends Corner fame
will visit that event too, try see him Janne he's good !! and
underrated.... here in Nashville...
Now the time was about 23.08 and I had to leave the building... to catch
23.15 bus, which
was on time... When I got to my Midway Motel later on I noticed it was
still 70 F !! Strange
and after some 20 minutes the rain was pouring down...
Watched some sports, and had some coffee and cake, before getting ready
for bed, I fell to sleep listening to WSIX.
Grand Ole Opry - Friday 060217
Still nice weather but this morning 40 F again... bought a new buspass,
now it was raised to $17,-
for a weeks travel. did some shopping on Gallatin Rd.... thought I'd meet
my promotion man,
but today he never showed up... tonight Emmylou Harris will visit the
Grand Ole Opry at the old
Ryman... will move back again to Opryland in march... I will listen on
radio only... at Station Inn
Randy Kohrs will be playing... but maybe he'll do bluegrass so I'll
pass... he's on at 21.00...
signin' off, Hank
Hello fellow
It has been brought to my attention that a new steel guitar fan found the
steel guitar forum and asked the innocent question, "What records should I
buy to hear some good steel guitar?" I was deeply shocked and appalled by
some of the answers he received. Players who should have known better
answered the question by naming many country music singers, like Mel
Street, Stan Hitchcock, Doug Stone, Martina McBride and Leanne Rimes.
As we all know, none of these artists play steel guitar. I hope every
great steel player who saw these answers was as appalled as I was. We have
many, many steel players who have taken their own money and recorded
incredible steel guitar CDs which are widely available through the steel
guitar forum itself, Scotty's in St. Louis and my store, Steel Guitar
Nashville, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Why give the money to a singer artist on a major label to hear 4 bars of
steel guitar when the steel player who did those 4 bars for the artist has
most likely a 12 song CD out of his own with thousands of bars of great
steel guitar, where he got to play what he wanted to play instead of being
told by a producer what not to play.
If we don't support the steel guitar players directly and not just the
artist they work for, there will be no reason for the steel guitarists to
put out their own CDs. It is a terrible shame that a steel guitar player
has to be judged how good he is by how famous the artist is he works for.
Now here's a sentence that should ring true to all the minds that have the
musical sense to understand it. Most of the greatest steel guitar players
do not work for stars. The greatest ones got famous on their own, not
because of who they worked for.
Back in the old days, before the internet and communication the way it is
today, about the only vehicles a steel player had to be heard on his own,
was to be exposed by the record companies and the artist he worked for.
Most of this exposure was by radio. Today it is impossible for an
instrumentalist to get a record deal in this country where he can be heard
through the medium of radio or television. However, steel players do have
the internet to make their CDs and learning products available to the
masses. Support the steel players or possibly some day, there won't be any
to support.
I personally think the voice on a record gets in the way of the steel
guitar. Sure, I used to buy major country records for the steel guitar
because I had no choice. However, today, there are many better choices to
learn to play steel and to just listen to good steel guitar. So why worry
about what ole so and so put on some stars record. Why not buy the record
the steel player has out himself? You'll sure get a lot more steel guitar
for your money!
Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour
Det var allt jag hade att komma med idag men om inget
oförutsett inträffar så är jag tillbaka igen på söndag. Ha en lugn och fin
Janne Lindgren
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad
Email: HomePage: www
Nyhetsbrev nr. 015 26 februari 2005
Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress
torsdagar och söndagar.
Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på
eller |
vänner! Solen strålar verkligen ute idag i Stockholm, men det är dock lite
kallt! Inomhus sitter jag och skriver på min ”nya” dator som jag fått av
Kåre Myrberg! Tack Kåre, min gamla var verkligen sliten och nu känns det
som om jag kommit framåt några år i dataåldern. Förhoppningsvis så funkar
även allt då jag ska sända iväg mina Nyhetsbrev. Om inte så hör ni av er.
Tune in right here:
Country Highway
Hej, bra att du är på benen igen!
Den 4:e Mars blir det en konsert med Nina & the Mainstreet Stompers i
Östervåla (bilklubbs) ladan. Det blir mycket rocknroll eftersom publiken
där gillar det men även lite country n western. Här är en topp-8-lista på
vad som bubblar i min stereo just nu:
1. Marti Brom - Blue Tattoo
Marti har ju varit duktig på rockabilly men countryspåren är brutalt
fantastiska (med bl.a. vår vän Jussi i truppen), låten "Please don't play
A11" är ett exempel på hur hon totalt skövlar Buck Owens som en
skördetröska. Jag undrar om det kan bli mer country än så här?
2. Betsy-Dawn Williams - Lucky world
Detta är ett mästerverk, aningen modernistiskt men lyrik och munspel och
dobro gör en countryupplevelse (man kan nästan lukta sig till koskiten
omkring) som är fantastisk.
3. Buddy Emmons - Buddies boogie radiotagningen från 50-talet
Som Jussi, ovan, skrev i - det brinner i bigsbyn (och
4. Buck Owens - above n beyond
Stackars Buck som blev skövlad av Marti har givetvis sina sidor - första
skivan dvs. Nja, kanske lite hårt men första skivan är en höjdare men ett
steel spel som är vad steel skall vara (på det brädet).
5. Patsy Cline - Crazy dreams
Ja Patsy i högform, "How can I face tomorrow" är också en favvo.
6. Planet Rockers - best dressed beggar
Johnny-cash-sound är sjysst men oj vilken countryröst han har.
7. Janis Martin - Love me to pieces (live grand ol opry)
Ingen lista kan vara full utan Janis. Här går hon lågt med rösten
och bara fastnar framför högtalaren.
8. Red simpson - Highway patrol
Jag gillar Junior Browns version också. Fräckt gitarrsolo - tja Junior
plankar bra också...
Friden Liljor, Björn H
sicken otur du haft janne men skönt att ha dig på
benen igen
Hei på dere alle sammen !
Country-team HHH arrangerer denne helgen en stor countryfest i
lindesneshallen med flere gode artister. Hovedartisten er ingen ringere
enn Ed Burleson med fullt band direkte fra USA. Han har blant annet med
seg gitaristen Joe Degelia som tidligere har spilt sammen dem Wendel
Adkins. For mer info. Ring Frank Holte TLF:90186327
Mvh, Steff Nevers
This message was sent via country-norge, a mailing list created through
Hei Alle sammen.
Western Saloon & Pub, Moy Moner i Grimstad. Lørdag 25. Feb kommer STEVEN
KVINLAUG m/ fullt orkester. Gjesterastist er CINDY KVINLAUG. Hun var med i
IDOL på TV2. Der ble hun nr.4 i del finalen Åpningstid fra kl. 20.00 TIL
kl. 03.00. CC KR 100,- for medlemmer og 150,- ikke medlemmer. VI har ALLE
RETTIGHETER m/ matservering. 18 års grense. Stort dansegulv med mer. ER VI
Mvh, Steff Nevers
fellow players,
Are you a steel guitar player or a musician? The steel guitar is just a
machine that is one of the links between your mind and the mind of others
who are listening to you. Are you a musician who has studied music and
knows music real well, who just happens to use steel guitar as a medium to
convey your thoughts? Or possibly, was it the steel guitar itself that you
first fell in love with and then learned to operate it much as you would a
motorcycle or computer?
I have observed both kinds of players in my 40 plus years in Nashville and
of course, this doesn't apply just to steel guitar, but to all instruments
or musical machines. It is possible to be a great musician and not even be
able to operate a music machine. It is the mind that plays the music. The
machine/instrument is just a link in the process. How many times have you
seen a young 20 year old kid player who played such a blazingly fast array
of notes that you couldn't believe, only to find out he couldn't give you
an intro to Crazy Arms. I would not call him a musician regardless of how
dazzling he executed his amazing array of notes.
How about the 14 year old girl who plays organ in church? If you sit in
the congregation, you'd see her left hand playing beautiful chord runs and
her right hand playing the gorgeous familiar melodies. Can you imagine
walking up to her after church and saying, "Play me something, anything
with you hymnal closed? Improvise something for me. Play a song that you
know in your mind that you have never played before." I think you know the
end of this story. She also is not a musician, but she is a machine just
like the piano she is playing, only reproducing what has been previously
written out ahead of time. This is possibly like many of the violinists in
a symphony. We'll never know because we don't get the change to hear them
improvise or be themselves musically during their performance. (Unlike
some of the great old players in country music.)
When somebody says "Boy, I saw old Wayne Newton in Vegas last week. Boy,
he had the greatest steel player I ever heard." I just have to wonder to
myself, is he a great machine operator or does he truly understand music
and what he's playing.
I extend my respect to some of my great competition in Nashville over the
past 30 years, who are great steel guitar machine operators and also know
music very well, like Weldon Myrick, Hal Rugg, Buddy Emmons, Hank Corwin,
Stu Basore and the like.
Sometimes by just hearing a steel guitar player play a show or play a
recording session may not give you much of a clue as to how good a
musician he really is. However, watching this player work day in and day
out in the recording studios under various types of pressure, the truth
pretty well comes out. If this player also shows up at jam sessions and
plays many different styles and types of music and knows hundreds of great
tunes from all eras, you can rest assured you're hearing a musician who
just happens to play steel guitar.
Every once and a while on the steel guitar forum, I'll see a post where
someone has heard a steel guitarist one night playing behind his star
employer and seeing raves about what a wonderful steel guitar player he
is. They seem to forget that this steel player only plays the same 8 songs
a night, 6 nights a month and this might possibly be all he can do. Again
this is a case where this steel player is absorbing the notoriety and fame
from who he's working for and is not creating it on his own.
Naturally there are some incredible road musicians, but just because you
hear someone one time in his own environment does not necessarily mean he
is a musician and possibly not even a very good machine operator but is
well versed for the show he plays, which is fine for what he's doing,
however, get him in a jam session after the show and find out what he's
made of or let him sit in with you at the VFW. You might find that your
musical abilities might encompass a wider musical landscape than his.
When you hear somebody rave about a player you know is not a good player,
it immediately puts you on notice that the person who said it is not a
good player. I am remembering that no matter how we play, no matter who we
are, we all have a lot of room for improvement.
Are you a musician or just a steel player, or are you that rare player
who's both? I hope this gives you food for thought, broadens your musical
scope and gives you a new view of the world of music that you are in.
Your buddy,
Howdy Janne here's a report
from Nashville, TN.
Nashville Cats - Saturday 060218
Listened to Opry yesterday... Emmylou brough on Elvis Costello for his
debut on the Opry, although he has played the Ryman before this was his
first time there... in fact he sounded as good as ever and had Emmy on
harmony and sang COUNTRY songs in the vein of Louvin Bros...
After that ending I listened to WSM for some old country... before I
drifted off to sleep..
Saturday started good with a sngwriter session at The Country Music Hall
of Fame at 12.00... with Elizabeth Cook & Tim Carroll... just them and
their guitars for about 1 hour.... Talked to Elizabeth and she had read
Niemi's bood about Vittula and had laughed a lot about that Country book
from SWEDEN... She likes Sweden a lot...she sang these songs:
"Cupid", "Heather Are You With Me Tonight", "Dolly" and the new single
"Sometimes It Takes Balls To Be A Woman" ...
Her Husband sang: "Pro-Attitude", "After The Hurricane", "Find A Way To Be
Me", "TGB",
and finally Punkrockin' Honky Tonker" I had front row seats in the Ford
Theatre... A nice session, unfortunately Liz didn't remember the words to
the deep catalogue stuff I asked her to sing namely: "Outlined In Blue"
which I heard on the Opry years back and also "If He Had His Way"...
After the session I could leave my bag and jacket there... cause now it
was soon to be time for the main feature:
"2:00 p.m. Nashville Cats: Salute to Session Player Lloyd Green The first
in a new series, this program looks at the career of Lloyd Green. One of
country music's most renowned pedal steel guitarists, Lloyd Green has
played on 117 #1 hits over the course of his fifty-year career. His sound
nd style set new standards for the instrument. He has contributed to a
range of hits, stretching from classics such as Tammy Wynette's
"D-I-V-O-R-C-E" and Freddie Hart's "Easy Lovin'" to recent hits such as
Alan Jackson's "Remember When." Moderated by Bill Lloyd. Free with museum
admission and to museum members. $5 for the program only.
So the ShuBud steel guitar that was standing next to Liz And Tim was Lloyd
I had of course front row seat for this session to, but now the Ford
Theatre was packed... they showed a movie with a Lawrence Welk show where
L.G. backed up Charley Pride... from way back then... really nice sound on
both songs... then Bill Lloyd asked Green about his whole career... He
also played some strategic steel guitar intros... first to "The Bridge
Washed Out" - Warner Mack hit... he had a hard
time with Owen Bradley.... then he payed the licks on "D-I-V-O-R-C-E" by
Tammy Wynette
and then the great intro on "Jukebox Charlie" Johnny Paycheck hit.... The
last intro was the best and I got goose bumps like never before in
Nashville... "Farewell Party" hit by Gene Watson.... It was a memorable
session and I'll never forget it...
After this Lloyd was kind enough to autograph cds and meeting with fans
and friends...
I had brought his newest "Revisited" produced by Russ Pahl... and a
Paycheck compilation
of Little Darlin' material... he signed it "Two guys with attitude"
meaning him and Paycheck,
who sang with attitude while Lloyd played with same...
I met Dan in the lobby and he greeted Lloyd too... he remembered Dan from
he Furuvik
concerts ways back.... It was so nice.... After the warm show it was
getting out in the cold
for a short walk to a mexican restaurant... where Dan treated me to a
decent meal with
tacos, enchiladas and chalupas.... Thanks to the Great Dan.... then we
drove back to my
Midway Motel again...
Spent the evening watching TV, listening to WSM Opry, this evening also
Emmy & Costello,
and all the oldtimers as usual... nothing exceptional... Midnight Jamboree
with T. Graham
Brown must have been boring cause I feel asleep listening to it....
"Sunday Morning" - Sunday 060219
Cold here this morning... 12 F... and snow on the gound and icy streets...
listened to WSIX and saw the SWE-USA hockey match... which was kinda
Went out with the regualr bus and met with Jeff again and picked up some
For record collector nerds I list a few finds:
Mike Siler - CDMS 053006 - "Bubbles In My Beer" - released last year -
pure honky tonk
produced by JustinTrevino... and the following personnell:
Jim Loessberg-drums, Jake Hooker-bass, Ron Huckaby-piano, Johnny
Jason Roberts-electric guitar, Bobby Flores-fiddle, Acoustic
guitar/vocals-Justin Trevino,
Of course Mike autograped it for me....
Cal Smith - "Memories Take Me Back' probably released this year...22 custs
from this old
man living in Missouri now...
Rosie Flores - DURANGO DR 1670 - "Christmasville" released last year, but
not so easy to
find... 11 christmas songs by our Flores favorite...
Gail Davies - LITTLE CHICKADEE - "The Songwrite Sessions" 2-cd-set with 45
songs, hardto find... fans can always check her homepage
signin' off, Hank
Last Night With Rosie - Monday
This Monday it was time for another honky tonk night in Nashville. Too bus
downtown and walked to Mercy Lounge on 8th Avenue... nice place, cover
charge this night $8... very good backing this time: Chris Scruggs-lap
steel and Tammy Rogers-fiddle... that some hardcore honky tonk sounds..
started about 19.50 and last about 22.00.. Rosie Flores was the artist
they celebrated... she is moving back to California.. on an album from
2003 she hinted that she might move out and now she has decided to
She sang some old nice songs like: "Crazy Mixed Emotions", "Bring It On",
"I'll Post Rgith Over" (Fulks songs), "Country Boy" "Boxcar", "Bandera
Highway", "Love Hurts"...
some artists appeared there too: Trent Summar... who wrote "Guys Like Me"
for Gary Allan... then Joy Lynn White, who is moving out too, but only to
east Tennessee...
she sang with Mary Alice Wood "Yes, We're Pickers" and "Good Rockin'
Mama". Bobby Cochran came on and sang "Night Life" and "Come On Everybody"
Gail Davies did "Love, Love, Love" from her Webb Pierce tribute album.
Chris Scruggs sang two songs... Chris Casella played steel on "Honky Tonk
Moon" with Rosie on vocal...
Greg Garing did "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" and "Deep Elem Blues"...
The show ended with Rosie singing the perfect James Intweld songs "Crying
Over You" very good steel and fiddle sound.... she has NOT sounded
After the show everybody said goodbye to her and I did too, and she was
kind enough to sign my "Christmasville" album.... and 2 more.... Also
spoke with Joy Lynn and she signed an album.... after that show I took a
short walk down to Broadway and checked out the other places, but nothing
of real interest so I just went back home with the 23.15 bus #15... soon I
was eating a nice
warm soup before easing into my bed and having a good night's sleep...
I haven't seen any JL Newsletters lately so I reckon Lindgren is sick...
hope that he will be back live and kickin' before too long..
Last Night At Exit/In - Tuesday 060221
Yesterday I went to some thrift shops, donated books and a full cd box
with 30 cds.... I found me a nice local guy with Bobby Hempker-steel... so
it can be worth a lot giving sometimes...
Had 2 Happy Meals at McDonalds at 99 cents each... about 19.00 I went to
Billy Blocks Western Beat Show.... Nice event with a top of the bill Raul
Malo..... more later...
signin' off, Hank
Howdy Janne here's the last
report from Nashville, TN.
Last night at the Exit/In - Tuesday
So I went to the venue for the last time,
show is moving to 12th & Porter from next week.
7:00 - Britton Jack - Pop & roll - 5 piece band - drums, bass, guitar,
lead and steel, and as usual
here too much drum & bass in the mix - not much of interest..
8:00 - Shawn Camp - El Supremo Musico "Known for his ability to straddle
bluegrass, honky tonk, folk and roots rock, Camp stands as one of the most
respected young artists in NashvilleÕs creative community. As a performer,
a songwriter and an instrumentalist, heÕs an accomplished, triple-threat
artist whose easy-going demeanor doesnÕt obscure his ability to create
lasting music in a variety of styles and on any number of instruments.
With the release of Fireball, Shawn Camp stands
on the brink of still another phase of his career. Ê Loaded with a fresh
batch of songs the album reveals his strengths as a rootsy yet modern
country stylistÑÑand, as always, a songwriter who memorably connects
contemporary sensibilities to forms that evoke memories of classics that
traverse the range of country music history."
He did a nice bluegrass oriented set... himself as guitar player and a guy
on mandolin and a well
known man on dog house bass... played with Del McCoury for 13 years...
mostly new songs from very soon to be released cd..
8:30 - Buck Jones - Americana chart topper "What about Buck Jones? Buck
Jones sings about the cool things he has done, the great places heÕs gone
and the great characters he has met along the way
on his euphoric ride in life. Some people are born to be great athletes or
great scholars or great philosophers; in BuckÕs case he was born to sing,
to write an occasional song, to weave a tale of truths and half-truths and
pay homage to those that have been there for him along the way. His
Western Beat
debut CD LUCKY STAR is in the Top 10 of R&RÕs Americana chart and features
original songs and some Texas favorites from the mighty pens of Walter
Hyatt, Chris Wall and Walt Wilkins. Buck Jones promises a set of good olÕ
fashioned, sawdust-on-the-floor, raise-some-hell, honky-tonk Texas music."
- nice backing this time.. regular setup but this time steel and fiddle in
the band... Tim Lorsch played fiddle - a real Texas honky sound - much
better than last time... he'd just been signed to UNIVERSAL...
9:00 - Kevin Gordon - Roots rock "Kevin Gordon has just released, O Come
Look at the Burning. HereÕs what his good friend Buddy Miller has to say
about it: Ò I love the record. I get
transported to a beautiful, strange, familiar place. ItÕs where the best
music comes from. Deep and soulful. I canÕt take it off. It reminds me of
why i love music...Ó Blackie and the Rodeo Kings recently performed their
version of KevinÕs ÒWater or GasolineÓ live at the Juno awards, in
in April. Kevin also recently performed at the 2004 New Orleans Jazz and
Heritage Festival. Kevin Gordon is over-due to emerge nationally as one of
Music CityÕs most powerful and original artists. His music and
performances are on par with the best work of John Hiatt, Lucinda Williams
Springsteen." - Terrible for a country fan to have this man on stage,
guitar, lead bass and drums... bad mixing as usual and lots of guitar work
- NOT a bit country, but f course he has probably never been...
9:30 - Sunny Sweeney - Texas heart throb "When asked about who has
influenced her musically, she says, ÒMerle Haggard and Loretta Lynn are
just plain bad ass. ÓÊ They are both the epitome of
hardcore and truly authentic country music writers and singers. Ê ÒI love
it when I can turn on a radio and hear someone singing and be able
to tell who it is, you know, someone who is unique.ÊÊÊ IÕve seen both of
them live, and both their shows changed me on so many levels.Ê That
caliber of honesty in
their writing shows that they are writing what they lived.Ê You canÕt make
that stuff up and be believable.Ó" - This nice looking girl had a very
pertinent voice, easy to recognize - will have a cd released soon, backed
by Tommy Detamore on steel and Bobby Flores on fiddle... while at this
show she was backed by Raul Malo's band... BUT at least Jim Lauderdale
came on stage and sang a duet with her....
10:00 - Special Guest - SO famous we can't advertise - This was of course
Raul Malo himself, singing
songs from next cd to be released in the summer... however he had picked
favorites of his, but NOT necessarily country stuff.... so I left early to
catch my bus #3 to downtown and the the #15 to Midway Motel... had some
soups before I packed a bit and spent some time with my Mac filing.
Haircut & 2 gig - Wednesday 060222
Last full day this time... went to Gene's barber shop at Murfreesboro Rd.
I was there for about 6 minutes and was nicely cut by these 2 guys having
had the business for a long time... only $8 and highly recommended as they
use them airsucking machines that really rise your hair and just sucks it
away it feels like... wonderful... then I went to CompUSA and bought a
little memory card for digital camera 2 gig $79,- a nice price I guess
cause at Heatrow airport 1 gig of the same cost £75,-
Did some last visits at Great Escape and met with Jeff.... picked up some
new stuff...
Jamie Johnson on BNA - sounds like David Allan Coe - with a few really
good songs...
but some with a R n R edge...
The evening I spent at motel doing serious packing... Weight allowance on
the international
flights are now only 50 pounds per suitcase (23 kg). You can have 2
suitcases... it used to
be 70 pounds (32 kg). Now if you still carry 70 you will have to pay $25
per suitcase...
Therefore doing properly packing is essential..
Last minute preparations - Thursday 060223
Rode a bus downtown - bought some easter candy at Walgreen's and went to
library to catch
up with the news from OS and Sweden... got the Lloyd Green cd replaced at
Ernest Tubb's
record shop as I had noted that the disc was actually broken from center
about 1 cm into the
record... have never seen such a thing before and htey kindly replaced
it... I bought it sealed
and since Lloyd had signed it I«m gonna keep it forever...
Went by the MTA shelter and bought a bus pass for $17 to use next time in
Nashville.. It's
good to be prepared... went by a Salvation Army store and donated a
clock/radio as nowadays
my motel has a good one... so You don't have to bring one in.... US
voltage of 110 makes
it impossible to use in SWEDEN so they happily took my donation... found a
local yokal cd
for a buck... went back to my motel...
Dan came on time and delivered me to the airport... everything went smooth
at check-in
suitcases weighed in at 71,0 and 73,5 pounds.... the homeland security
searched both of
them.. the last one after paging me after about 1 hour... easy flight via
O' Hare in Chicago,
waited for about 3 hours for flight to Heathrow... spent most of that
flight sleeping with
my own inflatable pillow and the mask for my eyes... flight back to
stockholm delayed,
got to Arlanda happy as SWEDEN had beaten Tjeckien with 7-3... I had some
luck, my pieces arrived safely, but since Homeland Security in USA always
screws up
when they repack the suitcases one solid lock had been broken as it was
not properly adjusted...
BUT I didn't care to wait for some more 30 minutes to file a claim...
Taxi was waiting for me, with a handsign, and I got back home in just 35
minutes, I strongly
recommend Solna Taxi (preordered) from Arlanda to Stockholm City - they
charge just 350,- the others might charge you whatever they feel and many
will drive for 445,-
I must say this trip was a success! Highlight - Lloyd Green steel intro to
"Farewell Party"
Definitely signin' off, Hank
Än en
gång tack till Hank som ger oss en helbild av Nashville och det utan att
ha en bil att köra runt med. Det är fantastiskt!
Nyhetsbrev beräknas komma på torsdag. Ha det bra till dess!
Janne Lindgren |