Country Nyhetsbrev
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music
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! På Nyhetsbrev från Janne Lindgren & CountryMusicSweden FYLLDA MED BRA INFORMATION Email: HomePage: www |
Ur innehållet: Spara som favorit # 31 Nu startar countrytisdagar hos Lasse i Parken # 32 Lida succé som vanligt & härlig Hawaii på Mosebacke # 33 Hello Fellow players.. Bob # 34 # 35 |
En fin sommarbild från Jannes gömmor:
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CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music and more Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www.steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev 10031 3 juli 2010 3 sidorDet här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress någon gång mellan fredag - söndag. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Hej! Nu drar äntligen våra countrytisdagar på Lasse i Parken igång. Oftast kommer det vara allas vår countrydrottning Charlee Porter och hennes Country House som huserar med olika artister och fri entré varje tisdag. Mer info på och Den 6 juli och 17 augusti får vi dock kärt återbesök: för fjärde året i rad, de tre damerna i Cookies N Beans!! OBSO: Entrébelagd kväll. Biljetter:
Charlee Porter’s Country House
Cowboy Carlos
blandat med låtar specialskrivna för trion. Medverkan i Melodifestivalen, uppträdande i Globen med Peter Jöback, Allsång på
Liseberg, Så ska det låta, vinst i Country-SM och egna klubben Sin Wagon är
bara några bevis på att man inte legat på latsidan precis.
Och här är två repriser. JL
Hej Janne!
Välkommen på jazzbrunch 3-4 juli på mosebacke. Hawaii Orkestern(Svensk version) spelar upp till lunch mellan kl 10-15 båda dagarna. Släpp gärna med detta i något nyhetsbrev så hoppas vi på många steelare och andra lirare i publiken!!!
Trevlig Midsommar
MISSA INTE DETTA! DON'T MISS MISS LESLIE! The fabulous Miss Leslie will with her honky-tonk and western swing influenced country music appear on at least three stages in Scandinavia - on July 3 in Lida (Tullinge south of Stockholm) in Sweden, on July 7 at Sätedalen in Säter in Sweden and July 10 in Vinstra (North of Lillehammer) in Norway. Miss Leslie and her violin together with her steel guitar-playing husband Ricky Davis, straight from Austin, Texas, will knock you off your feet. No one in the world plays steel as good as Ricky does and at the moment she is the best act Texas can serve! För några år sedan vann Miss Leslie och hennes band en musiktävling utlyst av den statliga ledningen i Texas. Priset var en resa fritt för henne och bandet vart som helst i världen för att kunna uppträda internationellt. En väl etablerad och stor countrymusikfestival fick erbjudande att ta emot henne om bara omkostnaderna på platsen betaldes av arrangören. Arrangören nappade inte på detta...! 2005 kom hennes debutplatta "Honky Tonk Revival" 2008 succéplatan "Between the Whiskey and the Wine" och förra året "Wrong Is What i Do Best". Alla bör finnas i din samling av plattor. Lyssna även på henne genom Mr Music Countrys skivor No. 11 - 2005, No. 5 - 2007, No. 7, 9 & 11 - 2008 samt No. 4 & 6 - 2010 Nu kommer Miss Leslie till: Lördag 3 juli, Lida, Tullinge, söder om Stockholm, SE Ovan beskrivna nekande festival finns inte med i tablån... men det finns fortfarande utrymme för något litet mellanspel, så hör av dig till CA Promotion, telefon +46 - (0)31 - 776 97 07, mobil +46 - (0)70 - 563 49 07. Genom CA Promotion kan du även boka den bästa country & western-sångerskan genom tiderna - JONI HARMS - som är tillgänglig för Skandinavien 4 augusti - 17 augusti 2011, alltså nästa år, men det gäller att vara ute i god tid! mer om detta i ett kommande utskick. OBS. Detta utskick kommer inte från CA-Promotion utan från COUNTRY NEWS/SV. COUNTRY MUSIKFÖRENINGEN samt MR MUSIC COUNTRY med countrysamlingsplattan som slår alla andra! Vänliga hälsningar/kindest regards THOMAS
Thomas Buskhagen
Mer än så hade jag inte idag eftersom några av ovanstående går av stapeln idag. Vi hörs nästa vecka!
Janne Lindgren
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music and more Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www.steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev 10032 9 juli 2010 3 sidorDet här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress någon gång mellan fredag - söndag. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Det har varit full fart i butiken i veckan och det har hänt en hel del i Stockholm för övrigt. Lida Country Festival var i helgen och som vanligt så hade Tommy Löfgren sett till att festivalen bokat in det mesta av de bästa av countrymusik som går att uppbringa i Sverige. Jag var själv inte där men enligt rapporter så var det en kul festival. Vad har hänt för övrigt i stan då? Jo, läs följande:
Det enda jag saknade då jag med hustrun
besökte Mosebacke förra söndagsförmiddagen var vågskvalpet från havet.
Vädret var varmt, ja nästan för varmt, luften sval och på scenen stod min
svenska favoritHawaiiorkester Ro´l Junell and his Hawaiian Novelty
Orchestra. Förra sommaren var de också på Mosebacke men då hade Ro´l
(eller Roland) idel finska musikanter i bandet. Nu hade han fått ihop ett
gäng svenska ungdomar som spelade lika fint och traditionellt som de
finska vännerna. Det är verkligen njutbart att lyssna på det här bandet
dels för deras musikalitet men också för att Mosebacke är ett trevligt
ställe att vara på med en fantastisk utsikt över stan. Grattis Roland till
en fin underhållning den här dagen och tack för att ni håller
Hawaiimusiken vid liv. JL. Hej och Tack för bilderna. Det var glädjande att se dig på plats. Sa åt bandet att du var där och de hälsar dig. Dom är:
Jim Herlin: uke, gitarr Mikloz Fläckman: gitarr samt (redaktör Tidningen Vi)! Mina Fläckman: sång Stefan Stenberg: bas
mvh rol
Hej Janne!
Jag kommer gärna tillbaka till din butik och köper lite fler LP skivor vid
tillfälle, jag hör av mig!
Det var roligt att ni
kom och bra att jag kunde hjälpa till med din fina gamla Sho-Bud. Det var
också kul att träffa Kenneth Andersson som kom över för att titta på mina
fina Regal Dobro. Är någon annan också intresserad så sänder jag mina
listor omgående. JL. Hello fellow players,
So there I was unpacking my steel and setting up my amplifier and equipment on a one night gig when the bandleader came over to me, introduced himself and said, “You don’t play real fast do you?”
My reply was, “Not usually unless there’s a great need for it. I don’t play fast in the middle of Help Me Make It Through The Night if that’s what you’re asking.”
About that time the fiddle player said, “Just remember, we’re not paying you by the note. We’re paying you for your maturity and taste.”
I said, “This means when we play Rocky Top I should lay out or just play chords?”
He said, “Play what you think will fit best and I think it will be okay.”
Noticing that there was a lead guitar in the band that I knew could play real fast, along with a banjo and fiddle player, I realized that they had hired steel guitar for the thing of beauty that it is. They didn’t need another machine gun hacking notes out as fast as he could.
Most of these musicians were very good players and I got to thinking about the great players that didn’t get loved for playing fast. I’m talking about great players such as Lloyd Green, John Hughey, Jimmy Day, Walter Haines, Sonny Garrish, Jerry Byrd, Bud Isaacs and this list goes on to include almost all of the great players.
What the majority of people want to hear out of steel guitar isn’t what kind of speed a player can attain, but what kind of beauty, taste, tone and melodic harmonies a player can affect everyone’s soul with.
Want to impress your buddies? Don’t do it when it’s gonna affect your paycheck. I recommended a player for a job last week and the bandleader said, “No. I’ve tried him before and I don’t want that kind of player.”
It really got me thinking. It made me search my soul back through some of the great steel guitar solos I’ve grown up with through the past. Like the Vince Gill intro on Look At Us. Buddy Emmons on Faron Young’s Sweet Dreams. Buddy on so many of those great Ray Price shuffles. Lloyd Green on the Gene Watson song Farewell Party. Even my intro on Faron Young’s Welcome To My World and that was in 1972 before I had much taste at all, in my opinion.
There is great beauty in a steel guitar, probably it is the most beautiful instrument ever created if it is played with taste and beauty. The secret to being successful in country music, great western swing, jazz, blues or any style of music is putting in good thought before you just blurt out a string of notes.
Just remember when you’re sitting behind your steel guitar, you have the power to make it sound beautiful, or you can use your power to be out of tune, tinny, screechy and miserable. The power is yours.
It seems like things are generally getting better and better all the time. I’m hearing great steel guitar players that are playing today that aren’t much older than the shirt that I’m wearing. It makes me love where steel guitar is going. Thank you guys, you’re doing a wonderful job.
Here we are coming into the very hottest days of summer. It makes me remember the days on the road with Claude Gray, Lynn Anderson, John Connelly, Ray Price along with several others when we’d play the rodeos in the southwest and the temperatures on the flatbed stage were in the triple digits.
But you know what? Everybody seemed to have a great time. My push pull Emmons magically stayed in tune very well. The temperature differential between the afternoon show and the evening show could be as much as forty degrees on some days.
But that’s what makes a professional musician. A guy and his equipment that can work perfectly through all of these hardships. Eat a hotdog between sets with a cup of coffee. At the end of the night hoping you have a shower and that you don’t have to share it with the entire rodeo crew.
Do I miss those days? Heck no. But I enjoy thinking about them from the comfort of my air conditioned store.
I’ll never forget my first Japanese tour. I had a girlfriend that wanted me to bring back a real nice gift for her, something to remind her of Japan. So one afternoon when I had the day off in Osaka, I walked and shopped and walked and shopped until I finally found this beautiful quaint little gift shop.
I went inside and looked through all the beautiful items they had for sale. Finally I decided on this gorgeous little lamp. It used special bulbs so I bought two or three extra ones, paid extra to have it wrapped very securely, guarded it with my life all the way back to Hendersonville, Tennessee, USA.
My friend was extremely excited to get it and could hardly wait to open it up. Upon opening it, she looked at the bottom of the box and would you believe it, it said, Aladdin Lamp Model 72G, manufactured in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Yep. Right next to Shoney’s in north Hendersonville.
If you’re on your summer vacation coming through Nashville, please stop by because I’d love to see you. This goes especially for our great friends from overseas.
Your buddy, Bobbe
Nu åker hustru och barn och jag till Värmland för att närvara vid ett bröllop. 100 personer lär vara inbjudna så jag säger bara….. pusst!! Vi hörs igen nästa vecka.
Janne Lindgren |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music and more Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www.steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev 10033 31 juli 2010 4 sidorDet här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress någon gång mellan fredag - söndag. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Nu sitter jag här igen, mitt i natten och lyssnar på Grand Ole Opry. Det är en otrolig härlig känsla att kunna njuta av wsm650 i direktsändning. Marty Stuart är värd för den första avdelningen och han öppnade med Hillbilly Rock och presenterade sedan en rad med artister. Om ni är vakna klockan 02.00 så kan ni själva lyssna. Skriv www.wsm650 och ”live”. Oftast bra artister och alltid kanonsound. Petter Törnqvist var här för ett par timmars lektioner. Han har bara spelat steel i någon månad men visade på den korta tiden att här finns det en talang. Det ska bli kul att följa Petters vidare utveckling. Johan Lindström kom på eftermiddagen och hämtade sin sprillans nya GFI Expo D-10. Ja, här kan man också tala om talang. Johan demonstrerade en massa fina Jerry Byrd-ackord som han hittade direkt på sin nya steel. I morgon åker han till Tyskland och dagen efter till Ungern för jobb med sin grupp. Tänk er att få äta en riktig tysk bratwurst, i Tyskland!! Uffe Edefuhr i Ängelholm har blivit stadens första citycowboy då han nyligen skaffat både boots, hatt och belt-buckle! Jag tror han blivit religiös också?
Sommarnumret av CountryPost ligger nu ute i solen för allmän beskådning. Ha en bra sommarsurf. Björne i Smedjebacken.=
Hello fellow players,
This week in Nashville we have suffered the tragic loss of one of the greatest musicians, composers and writers the town has ever known. The great Fred Carter, Jr. born in 1933, came to Nashville from the Louisiana Hayride in 1959, has left us after having a brilliant career in Nashville that could only be rivaled by Chet Atkins himself.
Fred was the owner of Nugget Recording Studios and produced many legendary artists himself in this studio along with many other studios in Nashville. Much has been written about Fred so I will only relate my personal stories which I had while in contact with him myself.
I remember one afternoon in 1972 that I was outside working on my 911 Porsche, preparing it for a Gymkhana race when the phone rang and a Nashville promoter, Joe Wright, said I have a recording session for you at Nugget Studios with Fred Carter, Jr.
He said, “Have your steel guitar in perfect working order, get plenty of rest the night before because Fred can be a real bear if things don’t go exactly right.” He said, “The artist is from Bakersfield, California and Fred’s gonna be producing the whole album on her.”
I said, “Great. This will be a lot of money for me.”
I remember driving out to Nugget Studios the following week, walking in the studio and seeing some of my good friends that were going to be on the session. After setting up, Fred walks in the studio and everybody got totally quiet like we were all about to be executed.
He came over and sat down beside me and pulled out his paisley Telecaster, pulled it in and chomped on it a few times trying to get the reverb to work in the amp and I thought “Well, I’m gonna use a different approach on him than most new people do.”
I thought I would start off being sarcastic to try to put him off his game a little bit. I looked at him and said, “Boy that’s good tone! Where did you get it? World War II?”
He said, “Well hey chief, if you hear anything you don’t like, just come right out with it.”
I busted out laughing and said, “You can count on that.” I had no idea what I would have to put up with for the rest of the session so I laid back and was polite from that point on.
He glared over at me with his Telecaster in his lap and said, “Ok chief. You and I are both on the same track and I don’t want to redo something because you screwed up. So not only are you gonna play tasteful and great licks, but you’re not gonna mess up anything.”
I looked at him and said, “I’ve never made a mistake yet. I won’t mess up if you don’t.” And we didn’t thank goodness, because I may not have lived through it.
When the first song started, Fred listened intently through the earphones for about half the song, then jumped up, ran into the control room, has us play the song again without him being in the room, punched the button on the talkback and yelled, “Bass man and drummer, pack up and go home.”
He came back into the control room, apologized to the rest of us and said, “Sorry but we just can’t cut a master session with a rhythm section like this.” He said, “Everybody be back in four hours and we’ll try it again.”
I thought, “Oh-oh. This is what I’ve heard about.”
To make this long story short, the artist was Suzy Arden and the song was “LA International Airport” which went up to number ten on the international charts. Anyway, Fred and I got along wonderfully and used either me or Stu Basore on everything he did after this.
He was a real character, but a wonderful player. If you don’t believe me, listen to the guitar work on Simon & Garfunkel’s Mrs. Robinson or Jack and Misty Blanchard’s Tennessee Birdwalk or thousands of other hits that have come out of Nashville in the past forty years.
By the way, did I say that he was the father of Deena Carter of country music singing fame? Remember he hit? Did I Shave My Legs For This. For more information, Google Fred Carter, Jr.
Nu har jag fått in
GHS strängar till steel och dobro. Jag har också fått in FENDER Volume
Pedal 60´s styling och FENDER VolumeTon Pedal.
Mr Music Country har kommit med utgåva nr. 7 med Alan Jackson som första spår med ”True Love Is A Golden Ring” ´. En blandplatta av bästa sort. Prenumerera nu!
Av bästa sort ja!
Prova Thai-restauranten i Högdalen (Harpsundsv. 138).
Hello fellow players,
One of the most tragic things to get hit with this week was the news of our great friend Ben Keith dying in California. I had been looking for Ben for a couple days after hearing his house had burned to the ground in Gallatin, Tennessee, a few miles from my store, Steel Guitar Nashville.
His death has emotionally upset all who knew him. It seems to have hit me especially hard because of our enduring friendship from the late fifties when he was playing the little double neck Sho-Bud eight string with the Faron Young band.
Ben had the personality that is described today as cool. He was a pretty quiet guy with a quick smile, good sense of humor and a laid back playing style.
When I first moved to Nashville, Ben was wandering around town playing bass on a few sessions and I remember hiring him on a session that I was session leader on at Faron Young’s Queen of Sound Studio.
A few days after the session when we got paid, I was distributing the money amongst the musicians via the US Postal Service, but soon found out that Ben had moved to California to work with Neil Young.
It was eight years before I saw Ben again. He came back to town for a visit and called me to say hello and I immediately yelled, “Where have you been?”
I said, “I owe you $35.00 for a demo you did in 1969.”
He said, “Are you sure? I’d forgotten all about that.”
He went back to California before I had a chance to meet with him and pay him and it was twenty years before I could track him down again and get the money to him. Then about ten years ago, I found a highly beat up double neck eight string Sho-Bud steel guitar in a pawn shop in the neighboring town of Madison, Tennessee.
Upon checking it out, I found it was the same one that Ben had in the late fifties. I bought it and was in the process of restoring it when we scheduled a large steel guitar party at the store. I thought it would really be cool to have Ben come to the party so I made several calls to Louisiana and California, finally got his daughter’s address in Gallatin, Tennessee, contacted her and she said, “Well Ben’s right here in town. I’ll have him call you.”
Twenty minutes later, the phone rang and it was Ben. I invited him to the party and he came and we reminisced over old times and he informed me that he wasn’t doing bass sessions anymore for $35.
I laughed and said, “Well union scale has gone up a lot since then.” He had averaged $100,000 a year playing with Neil Young and produced introductory album on rock star Jewel. He was very successful on many other sessions and productions throughout the last many years in California.
Overall, Big Ben Keith was a very successful musician, producer and good will ambassador for steel guitar. Here’s a link to the party we had at Steel Guitar Nashville which was the last time I saw Ben, a dear friend over many years and I can’t believe he’s gone like to many others that our little industry has lost in the last two years. shows Big Ben Keith, Ron Elliott, Lloyd Green, Danny Bentley, John Hughey and Little Buddy.
One of the biggest loves of Ben’s life that I picked up from talking to him was his 44’ sail boat that he lived on in the Caribbean. From what he said, it was as luxurious as the world’s finest hotel or house, totally self-contained, even having a Perkins diesel engine for power and electricity.
I’m sorry I never got to take him up on his offer to spend time with him on this magnificent ship.
He did do one steel guitar instrumental album but I don’t believe it was ever pressed.
Your buddy, Bobbe
Så mycket mer har jag inte att säga! Sköt om er därute!
Janne Lindgren
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