Per-Unos hemsida COUNTRY
 Nyhetsbrev från 2005 oktober
# 81 -  89

Janne Lindgren &

A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Gratisprenumerera genom att maila till Janne! Email:


Ur innehållet:

Hur få upp intresset för svensk country?
Bobbe's Nashville News, verkligen flitig att skriva
DCMC ( Dalarnas country music club ) och Country Cream, har jam varje månad
#84  Kåre Nyberg & turkisk steel? Väntar på uppföljning...
#85  Country Minstrels
i Hallunda 2 nov
#86  Henning Koch om en USA-vecka
#87  Jul-country-show på Avesta Teater. Boka snabbt!
#88  Hasse Rosén från Nashville
#89  Ännu mer Nashville-tips från Hasse....



A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 081            2 oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Det är kul att ni engagerar er i mina Nyhetsbrev och deltar i debatter om både det ena och det andra. Det innebär att fler och fler tycker det är roligt att läsa mina brev som kommer två gånger per vecka. Förhoppningsvis så tar de som får kritik åt sig eller åtminstone får sig en liten tankeställare. I mina senaste Nyhetsbrev så har vi resonerat om svensk countrymusik jämfört med amerikansk sådan och vi har fått några synpunkter som är intressanta. Jag vill gärna ha fler då jag faktiskt nu efter sommaren hört från många håll att flera av countryfansen inte längre tänker bege sig till de olika countrymusikfestivalerna p g a att de, festivalerna alltså, inte längre håller vad de lovar. D v s att det ska vara countrymusikfestivaler! Det räcker inte med att det kommer ett par akter som verkligen är country och att resten av artistuppbådet ligger i utkanterna och ja, ibland ligger långt bortom countrymusiken. Min uppfattning är att countryfansen inte vill betala för "icke countryartister" längre. Kanske något att tänka på?


Här lite brev och nyheter!  Janne Lindgren


Hej Janne,
angående svensk countrymusik i radio så kan jag förstå om skivbolagen
tröttnar på att skicka plattor till många radiostationer, tidningar
för den delen också, då väldigt många är urusla på att höra av sig
tillbaka med vad de tycker om plattan man skickat eller om de har
spelat den/skrivit om den. Radiostationer i Europa är i regel
betydligt bättre. Får man ingen respons vet man ju inte ens om
radiostationen finns kvar eller om skribenten fortfarande skriver. Vi
på Dusty Records skickar ut hundratals promoplattor men skulle ändå
kunna skicka ut betydligt fler, om vi skulle täcka alla, men av
budgetskäl måste vi dra gränsen någonstans.

Det gnälls ofta, inte minst i det här brevet, om att svenska
arrangörer är dåliga på att boka svenska countryband men jag tror att
denna attityd även bör diskuteras när det gäller radiostationer. Det
finns en attityd bland många svenskar att en artist är bättre bara
för att den kommer från USA, vilket i mitt tycker är helt fel - jag
har ofta stött på det rakt motsatta och även fått det bekräftat från
amerikanska artister (även om det här inlägget inte var tänkt att
handla om våra egna artister på Dusty Records kan jag nämna att
Pilgrims nya CD fick betyget fyra av fem i den erkänt kunniga och
självständiga 3rd Coast Music i Texas) - jag har kunder i min butik
ibland som kan tycka att en platta som jag spelar ut i butiken låter
kanon men om de får höra att bandet är svenskt svalnar intresset direkt.

Att det sedan finns fler bra amerikanska artister än svenska är ju
inte så konstigt om man tänker på hur många fler countryartister som
finns over there men på varje bra amerikansk artist går det många som
inte håller någon hög klass.

Vad jag vill ha sagt är att om vi ska få upp intresset för
countrymusik i Sverige måste det finnas en levande scen runt om i
landet och den kan bara uppehållas med svenska artister. Och om ska
de tävla på samma villkor som amerikanska måste vi alla hjälpas åt
att sudda bort de förutfattade meningarna.

Vi behöver också mindre krogar och konsertarrangörer som bokar
country, inte bara stora festivaler eller arrangemang för
klubbmedlemmar. Jag tycker att det är jättekul att Malmö har fått en
klubb som satsar (Klubb Bakersfield). Mer sånt.

Så, börja tjata på krogägare och lokala arrangörer att ni vill ha dit
ert svenska favoritband. Droppen urholkar stenen.
Jan Andersson
Dusty Records

P.S Vill ni läsa mer recensioner om Pilgrim kan ni bland annat gå in och
och nu kan man även köpa biljetter till vår countrygala 12 nov på
Ticnet och Pusterviks biljetter.
Kul att du tar dig tid Janne att skriva ett så pass långt inlägg till Nyhetsbrevet och jag vill gärna hålla med dig på alla punkter. Ja, ni som läst mitt Nyhetsbrev och tidigare artiklar i olika countrypublikationer under lång tid vet vad jag står för och varför jag håller med Janne Andersson. Först och främst är det självklart en skyldighet vi DJs har att skicka "play lists" till de som förser oss med plattor. Hur ska bolagen/artisterna annars veta om plattorna blir spelade? För det andra så är det också vår skyldighet som DJs att spela svenska countryartister, åtminstone några i varje program. Likaså är det en skyldighet, eller borde vara, för arrangörer att boka in svenska artister till sina festivaler. Om inget av ovanstående kriterier följs så kommer vi inte att ha några svenska countryartister kvar om några år och det innebär faktiskt i förlängningen att intresset i Sverige för vår musikform utarmas. Vilket i sin tur innebär att det kommer färre människor till festivalerna, vilka därmed antingen får ändra inriktning (denna har redan startat) eller helt enkelt lägga ned. Jag ser redan katastrofen närma sig.  Att sedan några inbitna countrysjälar endast vill ha amerikanska artister, bra som dåliga, till festivalerna är bara att beklaga men till slut står de där med festivaler som ingen besöker. Eller så blir det som i år där man kallar allt för countryfestivaler, "skit samma vad vi bjuder på, folk fattar ändå inget" tycks vara parollen! Huvudsaken är att arrangörerna får umgås med kändisar, vilket gör att man glömmer bort vad det egentliga huvudsyftet är, att ge folk bra countrymusik.


I Stockholm har vi till och från haft bra countryställen att gå till som Country Palace, Svarta Pannan, Miljonpalatset, Hee Haw, TantoGården med flera. Jag har själv varit inblandad i de uppräknade och några till och det var skoj på den tiden. Idag undrar jag varför ingen i vår stad fixar till en riktig countrymusikklubb av klass och jag undrar varför ingen krog satsar helhjärtat på vår musikform. Det finns massor av rock- och jazzklubbar i stan men ingen countryklubb. Varför? Jag förmodar att det är samma sak i Göteborg? Men det är som med alla radiostationer och TV-program, de ska stöpas i samma form och framför allt vara ungdomsinriktat. Men vad man inte fattat är att ungdomar också gillar countrymusik, men får aldrig en chans att lyssna på den. Inte heller ger man möjligheten att skapa ett intresse. Mitt tips är, om en av våra större stationer över Stockholm startar 24 timmars country om dygnet, skulle det bli succé. Hade jag själv 10 miljoner på banken skulle jag bevisa det genom att köpa upp en station och sedan bara åka. Så galen är jag! JL.


Skivmässa på Talang Café, Karl Gustavsgatan 5 i Göteborg. Datum är 8 oktober och tiden 11.00 – 16.00 Inträde 20:- Se vidare info på 


Lite livstecken från Per-Uno:

Ursäkta alla countryvänner att jag inte uppdaterat sidan med Jannes nyhetsbrev och annat insänt på ett tag. Ursäkta att jag måste verkat hjärndöd som inte bryr mig om mail, att det varken blivit svarsmail eller hemsidesuppdatering. Misstänker drivor av post som väntat för ni brukar förse mig med många länktips och annat matnyttigt.

Jag har råkat ut för lunginflammation och blev hämtad från Danderyds Sjukhus igår kväll.
Jag är ju Västeråsare, men var i Stockholm för att hålla föredrag när jag blev lite "sopig". Åker hem i veckan. Hade innan veckan hos dem haft en vecka där jag pga värk inte kunnat sova och det tog typ timmen att komma upp ur sängen. Nu har man blivit ompysslad och jag har fått mediciner för infektion och inflammation och värk,
så att jag i alla fall kan röra mig i snigelfart och orka sitta vid en PC en halvtimme.

Det var så många trevliga tjejer på avd 61 att jag nästan funderade på att byta religion och gifta mig med alla och flytta till någon paradisö med dem, men ekonomin sätter stopp för en pank sjukpensionär och vad skulle deras killar säga och en ö utan country vore nog inget paradis någon längre tid.


KK-grundaren och Western Swing-fantasten Lillies Ohlsson har numera början på en hemsida:  Har ni sett något som borde finns med på så tveka inte att höra av er! Ni som har countrysidor, se till att ni blir länkbytare med mig och se till att länkarna blir synliga av Google. har idag Google-rankning 3/10, har 4/10, fast de båda ju är ganska färska och kan kanske stiga ytterligare ett snäpp om vi countrydiggare hjälper varandra att synas. En annan sida jag gör är lite äldre och ligger nu på 5/10. Vitsen är man ska bli hittat i sökmotorerna och det är plus att vara länk-knuten till sajter med lika och högre Google-rankning än den egna. Sedan har jag många besökare, även om besökarantalet går i vågor.

Jag läser COUNTRY i fredagens DN:

Johnny Cash till Broadway

Där står om

- hans nyss släppta "minst sagt omfattande box".
- den snart kommande långfilmen "Walk the Line".
- den Broadwaymusikal "Ring of Fire" som ska komma nästa år.

Janne brukar med all rätt klaga på konsertljud.
Läser i samma DN om Backstreet Boys-konsert i Globen, har man råd med konsert där borde man ha råd med soundcheck.

Inte ens DNs popskribent stod ut: "öronbedövande volym i högtalarna före konserten".
Dett fortsatte under konserten och "ljudet, och då framför allt diskanten är av så usel kvalitet att jag undrar om det stora pyroteknikkontot tvingat gruppen att avstå från soundcheck av ekonomiska skäl".
En del tycks något IQ-befriat tro att ju högre volym desto bättre kvalitet på musiken.
Ha det bäst & Keep it Country!


Hej Per-Uno, du får absolut inte vara sjuk då du har viktiga uppgifter att göra med att uppdatera dina fantastiska countrysidor  Krya på dig pojk!  JL.


Hej gott folk!
Så här ser startfältet i Avesta ut i jul enl. Mr T Eriksson himself:
Avesta julshow 16-17 december 2005
Artister: Dean Miller, Christina Lindberg, Marina Uppgren, Red Jenkins, Mats Rådberg (conferencier), Lisa Öhman och Lelle Sjöholm (körar), Tennessee 5 (kompband)
Biljettpris: 315 kr + bokningsavgift
Själv e ja skapligt newfajken på Dean Miller och Marina Uppgren




Min country hemsida är uppdaterad med nya country cd/cd boxar och DVD. En del smakprov finns som länkar direkt i skivlistan.  Jag finns på Sunjays skivmässa i Solnahallen på lörd 1/10 kl 10.00 - 16.00  och på  Country News skivmässa i Göteborg lörd den 8/10 kl 11.00 - 16.00   Talang Café, Karl Gustavsgatan 5


/Hans Häggström


Svar till Peter Ahlm  ang. svenska artister/gruppers dåliga kunskap i PR!

Håller helt och hållet med dej Peter i din uppfattning om att svenska artister och band är totalt okunniga - eller möjligtvis ovilliga (?) - när det gäller att göra PR för sej själva.Har själv jobbat med countryband - och med radio - så jag vet att det tyvärr är så. Och detta smärtar naturligtvis en som jag, som jobbat med PR i hela mitt liv - OCH VET HUR MYCKET DET BETYDER FÖR FRAMGÅNGEN! Artisterna/musikerna verkar vara helt inne i sin värld med ljud, sladdar och all annan teknik. Men den biten spelar knappast någon roll om inte den stora massan får chansen att lyssna till deras musik! Självklart finns det undantag, och i countrygenren kan jag nämna Monica Silverstrand, som verkligen kan det här med PR.

De flesta band har ju inte ens en back-drop så publiken får veta vilket band som spelar på scenen. Har vid flera tillfällen påpekat detta för band, och då svarar dom alltid "alla vet vilka vi är", MEN SÅ ÄR DEFINITIVT INTE FALLET! Har vid ett par tillfällen gått ut i publiken, och flera av dom jag frågade hade inte en aning om vad bandet som spelade på scenen hette.

Och när det gäller att skicka ut pressreleaser, nyhetsblad och demoskivor, så är det ju samma sak. Det är få artister och band som gör detta. Och t.o.m. skivbolagen verkar ha dragit in på denna form av PR-verksamhet. När jag jobbade på Radio Lidingö 97,8, så gjorde jag vid ett par tillfällen en rundringning till ett stort antal skivbolag och påpekade detta. Några skärpte sej och började skicka demoskivor, men långt ifrån alla.

/Göran Geson


(Dan Ekbäck är tillbaka med rapport från Nashville)

George Jones celebrated his 74th birthday on Sept. 12 and will celebrate the release of his latest project on Sept. 13. Hits I Missed...And One I Didn’t, on Bandit Records, includes his first duet with Dolly Parton on the Hank Williams, Jr. penned "The Blues Man." A video for the song is said to relate the stormy saga of Jones’ life...


The “One Country” concert has been announced for Hurricane Katrina relief, with George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson, Willie Nelson and Martina McBride performing at Houston’s Reliant Stadium on Oct. 1. Other acts are expected to be added to the show which is staged and produced by Houston-based concert promoter Louis Messina. “One Country” will be produced entirely with donated equipment and services including use of the facility. Tickets go on sale Sept. 16 at 10 a.m. at all Ticketmaster outlets, with Ticketmaster service charges also to be donated. The show will air live on CMT at 7 p.m. CT...

Brooks & Dunn
are sending a pair of their semi-tractor trailers to Jackson, Miss. with supplies for the people devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Sam’s Club helped with the relief effort...


Brad Paisely recently performed at The Walt Disney Studios Showcase in Hollywood where host and chairman Dick Cook announced that one of Paisley's song will be included in the upcoming Disney/Pixar film Cars...


The Nashville Show featuring Ralph Emery and sidekick Shotgun Red will debut at the Nashville Nightlife Theater on Oct. 19. The show can be seen live in studio, downloaded from the Internet, or purchased on DVD...

After a nine-year hiatus, Paulette Carlson released her new album, It’s About Time.

QUESTION: I heard on the radio that Bill Anderson is appearing on a special edition of The Grand Ole Opry. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: The Grand Ole pry will celebrate its 80th Birthday with one show October 11th and two shows both October 14th and 15th (at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.). The October 11th show features Trace Adkins, Terri Clark, Del McCoury and more, while the October 14th performances include Opry members Bill Anderson, Joe Diffie, and The Whites. On October 15th, the shows will include appearances by Diamond Rio, Ralph Stanley, Josh Turner, Travis Tritt and Steve Wariner. For a complete list of activities as well as ticket information, call 615-871-OPRY or 800-SEE-OPRY- or log on to


QUESTION: The radio folks were talking about the people appearing in the Johnny Cash movie having something to do with the CMA Awards. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, who portray Johnny and June Carter Cash in the upcoming film, “Walk the Line,” will serve as presenters during the 39th Annual CMA Awards Show on November 15th.


QUESTION: Back in the 60’s there was a song played on the radio about “Love Me, Love Me.” Do you know the singers name?

ANSWER: “Love Me, Love ME” was a #14 hit for Bobby Barnet in 1968.

QUESTION: Do you know the name of the guy who had a record about “Passing Zone Blues” several years ago and was it a hit?


QUESTION: My uncle used to sing a song about “I Hope So” and he says it was on the radio by Willie Nelson several years ago. Do you know anything about a song by that title?

ANSWER: “I Hope So” was a #36 hit for Willie Nelson in 1969. Willie recorded the song in 1963 for Liberty Records but it was not released until 1969.


QUESTION: I heard on the radio that Willie Nelson had canceled a big concert. Do you have any information on that?

ANSWER: The October 1st CMT “One Country” concert at Houston’s Reliant Stadium was postponed due to Hurricane Rita. The show will be rescheduled with headliners Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson, Willie Nelson, Martina McBride, George Strait, ZZ Top and others.


QUESTION: I heard that an album that Ray Charles recorded back in the 90’s is finally going to be released. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: The 1998 Ray Charles “Genius And Friends” that was recorded and then shelved, will be released on October 24th. The project was originally intended to be an album of duets but was never finished. The new CD will be Ray’s second album since his death on June 10, 2004.


QUESTION: Back in the 60’s there was a hit song on the radio about “Love’s Triangles” with a boy and a girl. I think the guy was Bobby Bare. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: “The Game Of Triangles” was a boy and two girls—Bobby Bare, Liz Anderson and Norma Jean. The RCA single peaked at # 5 in 1966.


QUESTION: Back in the early 60’s our radio station played a record about “The Ballad Of Wild River.” Do you know the name of the artist?

ANSWER: “The Ballad Of Wild River” was a # 7 hit for Gene Woods in 1960.


QUESTION: Do you know anything about a song titled “Poor Man’s Riches” from back around the middle 50’s and whatever happened to the singer?

ANSWER: “Poor Man’s Riches” was a # 2 hit for Benny Barnes in 1956. Barnes died in 1985.


QUESTION: I always liked the song “Wolverton Mountain.” I’ve wondered if the guy in the song--- Clifton Clowers-- was real and if so what happened to him?

ANSWER: According to the writer of the song, Merle Kilgore--- Clifton Clowers was very real and died in 1994 at the age of 102.


Hi Janne

Thanks for play Dick Curless on your show . I thought you mite like this photo of Dick as a your Man in fact i will send a couple . Hope you enjoy them Ken Wentworth Artists Carousel Message board . There is a link to playlist board at bottom of this page please join us and post with us Thanks for your consideration Ken There is also a link on this page to me website if you have a minute come listen to a song and sign my book Have a great day Ken

Ken Wentworth
12 Norfolk Street Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine Zip 04401
Victorian Recording Studio
Artists Carousel Records Bangor, Me.
Stardust Records Nashville ,Tenn.
WHP Records Glendale, Arizona
Website Click Here
Tel # 207-942-3264
email To
DJ Playlist Board Link Below Please Try It
Artists Message & Discussion Board Link Below



Hello fellow players,
Something to think about. What if Bud Isaacs would have tried with all his might to play just exactly like Jerry Byrd instead of coming up with his original style? And what if Walter Haynes and Buddy Emmons would have spent their lives trying to play exactly what Bud Isaacs came up with for his style? Let me tell you, if Bud Isaacs would have tried to sound exactly like Jerry Byrd, we would have undoubtedly, never heard of him. If Buddy Emmons would have only played exactly like Bud Isaacs, why would we have ever needed to hear of him?

For one thing, it is absolutely impossible for one person to play exactly like someone else, just as it is impossible for someone to exactly duplicate another person's handwriting. However, in our world of playing steel guitar, it seems that over 95% of us are trying to play just exactly what ole so and so did on such and such a record or play exactly like Mr. Famous did on his signature turnaround for Mr. Famous Opry Star. What I'm saying here is, not only is it impossible to play just exactly like somebody else, but you will be much better off, much more famous and have a lot longer career if you try to be original, but interesting and tasteful at the same time.

We all start learning to play by mimicking what we hear. Sometimes we'll go on for years trying to be Weldon, Hal, John or Buddy, but as time goes by and more pressure is put on us, and we start looking outside the world of steel guitar and listening to music in general and what other instruments are playing like piano and lead guitarists, our style of playing gradually takes on new dimensions. This is incredible. This is when you have blossomed and turned into a truly great steel guitarist.What if the great Maurice Anderson would have spent his entire life trying to play exactly like Buddy Emmons? Nobody would have ever noticed him and I for one, would have greatly missed Maurice's influence in the world of jazz, chords and the new direction he has taken steel guitar.

The more you play and the more you listen to different kinds of music, this means not just country, and the more you listen to what other instruments are playing and the directions that the minds that are playing them are taking, the more rounded, creative and original your playing will be. It doesn't matter if you're only playing the VFW on Friday night or not playing out at all. The more you absorb from different places without trying to be who you are listening to, the better player you will be and the more you will have to offer your listeners.

Nothing wrong with absorbing music from all sources and learning what you can by listening, as long as you remember, you undoubtedly also have a mind as good as the persons you are listening to. Be yourself and offer the world who you are.

The Dobro simulator that we sell which we first introduced in this newsletter, has been selling extremely well and has made it possible for any steel guitarist to add new flavor and dimension to his performances at the flip of a switch. It is much easier to use this simulator, which is only priced at $299, than it is to carry, tune and maintain an actual acoustic resonator Dobro guitar. All this, and you don't have to worry about miking a resonator guitar on stage with all the feedback and tone problems that arise from trying to do so, or have to learn how to play a different instrument or learn a new tuning. And all your pedals will work on your Dobro! Does this simulator sound like a read Dobro you may ask? I did a recording session the other day and while setting up the Dobro simulator, the engineer hit the talkback switch from the control room and said, "Hey Bobbe, great Dobro tone, don't move that microphone. I'll give you another microphone for the steel guitar." I replied, "This isn't a Dobro, it is a steel guitar with a simulator on it and I'm using the same microphone and amplifier for both the Dobro sound and the steel guitar." He punched the talkback again and said, "Yeah sure, I gotta see this."

He came out of the control room to the booth where I was set up and could not believe what this little unit was doing. He ended stating that he wished everybody in Nashville would make his job this easy. I laughed and said, "I'll do my part."  Call or email me if you need one.

Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour


Jag har just lyssnat igenom George Straits nya platta "Somewhere Down In Texas" och funnit att den kanske inte håller samma höga Straitklass som vanligt. Första låten "If The Whole World Was A Honky Tonk" är förstås en kanonlåt och tenderar till att bli en hit. Titelspåret som kommer därefter är rätt tråkig och stråkarret av Bergen White är inte så kul. Dessvärre har producenterna Strait och Brown använt hans stråkar på ganska många spår. Det kunde vi vara utan! En av höjdarlåtarna är "High Tone Woman" som jag kommer att spela i mitt program på tisdag. Kanske några andra också! Plattan är överlag i släpigaste laget men visst finns där fina stories och visst är det bra spelat. Fattas bara annat med proffs som Paul Franklin, Brent Mason, Glenn Worf, Stuart Duncan m fl.


Oj vilket långt brev det blev denna gång! Men nu har ni något att läsa och fundera på under söndagen och kommande vecka. Ha det så bra så hörs vi på torsdag!


Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 082             6 oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Idag är jag lite sen med Nyhetsbrevet men anledningen är att jag suttit i min studio hela dagen och jobbat med bakgrunder till Dottie. Men om än lite sent så kommer Nyhetsbrevet här. Håll till godo!


Janne Lindgren



Squaredance och många artister på Lidingö Centrums 10-årsjubiléum
Nu till helgen firar Lidingö Centrum 10-årsjubiléum. Så värst mycket countrymusik blir det dock inte, men på lördag blir det framträdande av Ocean Waves Squaredance Club från Lidingö. Ur fredagens digra scenprogram kan nämnas två grupper som verkligen är still-going-strong, nämligen Trio Me´ Bumba samt Burken & Rockfolket. På lördag bjuds det på bland annat Orup och Helen Sjöholm. Dessutom blir det dansuppvisningar, körer, utlottningar, utställningar, musikkårer, Mumintrollet, Skansentåget och mycket annat trevligt.

jag håller med dig janne att man går inte på festivaler vi behöver få lite mera svenska band
och så vill jag ha tillbaka det som en gång var i furuvik kan inte eskilstuna anordna nått så man slipper åka så långt man kan ju inte pendla och det kostar som sagt
nått att fundera över janne tycker jag-   Gunilla


Tack Christina Birgell för Krutstänket!  Alltid lika kul att läsa vad du skriver och jag är jätteglad att din klubb går så bra. Vi behöver många countrymusikklubbar i Sverige, helst placerade lite varstans. Spridningen är det bästa för vår musikform. Adressen till klubben är 


Kriztina Åhs har sänt mig en CDsingel som inte låter så dumt! Du har utvecklat din sång betydligt sedan jag hörde dig senast Kriztina. Jag är inte överförtjust i den mullriga mixen på inspelningen men bandet spelar ganska ok. De har i alla fall försökt att få till riktig countrymusik och det är positivt även om inte kunskaperna räcker ända fram. Jag spelade låten i mitt program i tisdags.


Tack till Uffe "Ere´fjun" Edefuhr i Ängelholm för kortet från Santorini. Tänk om man hade råd att åka dit? Grattis förresten till din nyinköpta MSA pedal steel. Det är kul att du är med i gänget igen!  JL.


Pedal steel guitar säljes! ( nä, det är inte Uffe som säljer sin direkt. JL)
MSA Classic XL Supersustain2. D-10, 8 fotpedaler + 6 knäpedaler. Tillverkad
på slutet av 70-talet. Svart färg, George L - mickar. Gitarren är något
sliten i lacken, perfekt mekanik. Case ingår.  Pris: 16.900 kr
Maila eller ring mig för mer info och bilder (gitarren finns i Malmö) Tel: 0709-145392

Email:  Mvh Peter Andersson



Cowboys Arlington presents Dwight Yoakam THIS Saturday, October 8th, at 10pm.

Tickets are only $12 to see Dwight Yoakam shake, rattle and roll across the Cowboys stage! Get yours today by calling 817-265-1535.

For more information about this show, log on to our website: Cowboys Dancehall.

Om ni åker till Dallas-Fort Worthområdet och missar att gå till klubben Cowboys i Arlington, då har ni en skruv lös! Det här är en av de mest fantastiska klubbar jag någonsin bevistat. Husbandet kör inte alltid den bästa countryn men vilket ställe! Åker ni till Texas denna vecka så är besöket på klubben på lördag givet! 12 dollar är en löjlig summa för att se Dwight och hans band. På den här klubben ser du scenen var du än står då hela stället är uppbyggt som en rund cirkus med avsatser. Vanliga vardagar kan man köpa en pilsner för 1 dollar, men en sådan är kväll brukar priserna höjas till 2 eller 2.50.  Ja, man dricker förstås en LoneStar!  JL.


Hej alla glada!

Och ledsna med. Nu börjar min hemsida att växa fram

riktigt bra. Allt är inte färdigt men gästboken är redo för er

att titta in på och skriva något glatt.

Ha det så bra!

Tony (Alias Mr-T)


Hello Again Everyone,

Well it's been a great summer and lots of exciting things have been going on. Bobby's new CD "Too Many Rivers" has been doing well and is receiving a lot of airplay! This album features Bobby on steel guitar on two tracks as well as fiddle and guitars.

Bobby and Amber recently got to perform at the Scandinavian Cross Country Festival in Furuvik, Sweden! The people there were great and everybody had a good time.

About our Artists:

Jim Byrom is getting plenty of road work playing at various venues around the state. If you like to two-step, get out and hear his band! His Album "Whiskey Uniform" is still getting airplay and great reviews.

Katherine Dawn is having a great run with her "Barefoot & Pregnant Tour". Her first single "No Vacancy" is scheduled to be out within a few weeks, with her new CD on Yellow Rose Records soon to follow. Most all of the songs on this album were written by KD and she has done an excellent job on both vocals and guitar. This one is sure to be well received. She and Darrell are expecting their beautiful baby right around New Year's Eve.

Amber Digby is out working some of the area dance halls and is promoting her album "Music From The Honky-Tonks" which has already become an all-time favorite of country music lovers. She'll be traveling to Australia to perform there soon and she just recently performed at the famed Earnest Tubb Record Shop's Midnight Jamboree in Nashville. Amber is also lending her incredible vocal talents (as a background vocal specialist) on some of the new studio projects being recorded here in the San Antonio area. We wish her continued success!

Bobby is busy running from studio to studio producing albums at several studios for the label as well as other albums for Christian artists Tony Martinez, Becki Bruan, Glenda Raye & daughter Jana Fox. He's been recording on his brother Greg's new Christian album and has also been heavily involved in getting a Christmas album recorded by Stephanie Davis in time for the holiday season.

Which reminds me, don't forget about the Christmas album by Dicky Overbey and Bobby, they did about this time last year. It's called "Christmas in Ol' San Antone" and is full of Christmas favorites done Country style with plenty of steel guitar and fiddle as only Dicky and Bobby can do. It's a great album, sure to please anyone who likes Country music. A great Christmas gift! Order any of the CD's at:

Last week if you were in Lafayette, Louisiana, you could have checked out Bobby on Channel 10 KLFY TV in Lafayette, where he was a featured artist. He was also a featured performer on the Whitewing All-Star Opry in Crowley.

And his cut of "I Wonder Who'll Turn Out The Lights" from his "Festival" CD is not only in the movie but has now been chosen to be on the soundtrack for the new Tommy Lee Jones movie "Three Burials"! And word has it that Bobby is now composing the string arrangements for the new Freddy Fender album, a collection of beautiful Latin Boleros.

The finishing mixes are happening right now on Karley Houston's new album. This awesome album is Contemporary Country and is scheduled for release in January or February. There are a lot of great songs and vocal performances on this one. Bobby and Karley co-wrote two of the songs on this album. Karley is preparing for her CD Release parties and showcases across the country. Will keep you posted.

Christine Mims is busy not only singing but also songwriting these days. She and some folks from her Church, Oak Hills Baptist, are working on a CD of all original songs that will be produced by another San Antonio artist and friend of ours, Lisa Lopez. It will be marketed all over the world through Max Lucado Ministries so keep a lookout for that project! And if you don't have her "Perfect For A Rainy Day" CD, it is a must have! Order it from our web site today.

Gene & LaVada Triesch are busy performing around the area and promoting their CD's, "In God's Time". Look for them to have another song making its way up soon on the Power Source chart. "Why Not" had been on the chart for over six months now! Be sure to support Gene & LaVada by making one of their performances here in the area. And check out their CD! Lots of diffferent styles and it's all excellent.

Well, that's about it for now. Don't forget to check out all the CDs at Christmas is coming and CDs make great gifts for the Country music lover.

We also want to send out our thanks to all our good friends over at the BGM Network and

Enjoy all this wonderful music!

Chuck S.


The 2005 CMA Music Festival was the BIGGEST event to date, boasting more than 145,000 fans over the four-day period! Thanks to incredible fans like you, the event grows bigger and better each year! The relationship between Country Music fans and the artists they adore is what makes the CMA Music Festival a pop culture phenomenon unparalleled in the world of entertainment! If 2005 was great, 2006 is going to kick it up again! The 2006 CMA Music Festival takes place June 8-11, 2006 in Downtown Nashville. Tickets are on sale now through 1-800-CMA-FEST;; and



Many hit songs are written from true life experiences.According to Loretta Lynn, her 1970 hit song,
“Coal Miner’s Daughter,”

was one of those songs.In a 1980’s interview, Loretta commented, “The song “Coal Miner’s Daughter” is a true story of my life back in Butcher Holler,
Kentucky. The lines in that song are true. My mama washed our clothes on a scrub board and hung them out on that old clothes line. And my daddy did work in the coal mines. All the men in Butcher Holler worked in the coal mines. Life was hard but back then, but that was all we knew.”“Coal Miner’s Daughter” became Loretta Lynn’s 27th charted song. It entered the country music charts October 31st, 1970 and made it to number one. It was on the charts for 15 weeks. The single also scored a # 83 on the pop music charts.


QUESTION: There was something on the radio about a Johnny Cash musical. Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: "Ring of Fire," a new Johnny Cash-inspired musical will open on Broadway's Barrymore Theatre in mid-February and will feature 38 of Cash’s classic songs.


QUESTION; I heard on the news and Wynonna has a new book and a new album. Do you have details?

ANSWER: Her new book, “Coming Home to Myself,” is now in bookstores, plus a live CD and DVD titled “Her Story: Scenes From A Lifetime,” is also on the market. The performance was captured at the Grand Ole Opry House.


QUESTION: Back in the 60’s there was a song on the radio about a “walking talking shadow and a memory” or something like that. Do you know the correct title, the singers name and whatever happened to him?

ANSWER: “Walking Shadow, Talking Memory” was Carl Belew’s 7th chart single. It peaked at # 64 in 1966. Belew died in 1990.


QUESTION: My uncle used to sing a song about “Once More.” He said it was a hit for Roy Acuff and some girl singer years ago. Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: “Once More” was a hit for both Roy Acuff and Leona Williams---both in the late 1960’s.


QUESTION: My mother’s favorite songs is Cal Smith’s “Country Bumpkin.” She said it won a bunch of awards one year. Is that true?

ANSWER: “Country Bumpkin” was the CMA’s “Song Of The Year” and “Single Of The Year” in 1974.


QUESTION: I heard on the radio that Hank Williams Jr. was doing a special concert for hurricane victims. Do you know when and where?

ANSWER: Hank Williams Jr. .is planning to donate $125,000 to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in Biloxi, Miss., during a concert at the Pearl River Resort on Oct. 14th.


QUESTION: The radio guys mentioned that Emmylou Harris was performing at this year’s Merlefest. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: Merlefest was named in memory of Doc Watson's son, Merle, and the 19th annual event takes place April 27-30 in Wilkesboro, N.C. and will feature Nickel Creek, Emmylou Harris, Guy Clark and Béla Fleck & the Flecktones.

QUESTION: My uncle talked about a song about “The Inside Of My Guitar.” He said it was on the radio by some group several years ago. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: “Inside Of My Guitar” was the flipside of The Bellamy Brothers first hit single, “Let Your Love Flow” back in 1976.


QUESTION: Who was the singer who had a record about “the old Ryman Auditorium” several years ago?

ANSWER: “The Old Ryman” was a # 51 hit for Hank Williams Jr. in 1968.


QUESTION: My father-in-law says that Johnny Paycheck used to play in Faron Young’s band. Is that true?

ANSWER: Paycheck played in the band for Faron Young, Porter Wagoner, Ray Price and George Jones.


Bobbe's Nashville News,
When it comes to Mindy McCready, I think I'm going to quit posting anything about it in my newsletters as I see her now on the national news every time I turn the TV set on. Fox and CNN have both found her antics to be of great interest, so I guess this isn't just Nashville news anymore. Yes, the story just seems to keep getting worse.

The hit of the North Tennessee Steel Guitar Show was a player who is only 11 years of age. Austin Stewart is a steel guitarist whose abilities are far beyond his young age. This one person alone, pretty well puts away the theory that steel guitar may be a dying instrument. I myself, have always known that the love and enthusiasm for steel guitar was alive and well in the youth of America. Austin is one of many who are proving me correct.

Ron Elliott is about ready to make the big pond crossing and expose his talents to the eagerly awaiting ears of the European audience in Drogheda, which is about 30 miles north of Dublin, Ireland. Having done this show 2 years ago myself, I can assure Ron, the audience and the backup musicians, that a great time is going to be had by all. The sense of humor displayed by some of the Irish players when I was there will get plenty of competition with Ron's weird sense of humor this year. I only wish I could be there. This is one of the nicest steel guitar festivals one could ever attend.

We have had our share of problems in keeping the audio streaming going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we are still planning on doing live interviews, along with live shows, in the very near future. Not a day goes by that we aren't learning more in striving to bring you the very best in the future. You can still tune in by going to our main web page and punching on the first "Click Here" link.

There seems to be a tremendous interest in good steel guitar tracks. This is indicated by a tremendous resurgence in sales of tracks to my albums. I would like to say thank you. Many of you have asked for my Christmas CD tracks so you'll have good tracks for backup at Christmas shows and possibly church. Let us know how we can help you.

There's a new Doug Jernigan CD which we have in stock that I'm sure will tickle the fancy of every steel guitar player who hears it. The name of this album is "Speed Pickin' and Country Ballads". Doug has seen fit to hire Nashville's hottest wild men in his accompanying band. His fast songs feature such tunes as "Arkansas Traveler", "Orange Blossom Special" etc. His slow songs feature tunes like "Slide Off Of Your Satin Sheets" "Eight Days A Week" and "Amanda's Serenade".

Our great friend Weldon Myrick, who spent so many years in Nashville in the limelight, who was on hit record after hit record, from Connie Smith to the Pointer Sisters and first chair steel guitarist on the Grand Ole Opry, is now enjoying the fruits of his labors, totally laid back with a big smile and looking better than I've seen him in several years, Weldon is playing the Long Hollow Jamboree on Saturday nights with a wonderful little band made up of similarly laid back professional players. This is sort of a who's who band. So for any of you who are worried about Weldon, set your worries aside. He's looking great, playing great and still living great. Remember this when you hear all the great, classic hits he's recorded over the past 35 years.

Bobbe Seymour


Janne, thanks so much for playing " Texas Hold'em " a song I wrote about the Card Game Texas Hold'em . The game is being played all over the world . I sincerely hope you and your listeners will enjoy my songs for a long time to come .

I just returned from a 3 week tour in New Zealand with the talented Ms. Joy Adams. I've written a news letter with photos tell everybody all about the tour. Gary Bradshaw has posted that news letter on his website at ( ) . Just click on the News Letter banner.

Be on the look out for a cover song that my son ( Bryan Cline ) and I recorded titled " Ace In The Hole " on the next WHP release. We hope you and your listeners will enjoy it also.

Thanks again for all of your support and all of your time ,

David & Becky Cline

Tack också till Hasse Buhre som bjöd mig och kamrat Kenta till Bagerimässan i Älvsjö. Vi blev proppmätta på wienerbröd, tårtor, munkar och så förstås Hasses egen Gormetboll. Så fick vi lite småsaker med oss i en påse från Rydbergs. Inte undra på att man haft gikt hela veckan!


Så mycket mer att förtälja hade jag inte denna dag men jag är tillbaka på söndag igen, som vanligt! Ha en fin helg!

 Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 083             9 oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Mitt arbetsrum ligger åt söder så att jag har solen tittade in varje morgon då jag sitter vid datorn. Det känns nästan som en sommarmorgon fortfarande trots att vi snart är i mitten av oktober.

Igår tog jag en tur ut till Elizabet Lennmark i Handen och levererade några plattor från Bear Family och åkte sedan till Uffe (Sterling) och Åsa som bor bara en liten bit längre bort. Jag var nyfiken på att se Uffes nyinköpta Zumsteel. En steel som är snarlik Emmons både på utseende och ljud. Uffe spelar också fint och har en väldigt fin ton, någonting som ibland fattas hos svenska steel pickers. Det verkar som en del tycker att snabbheten är det viktigaste och glömmer bort tonen som egentligen är det viktigaste. Tack förresten för kaffet och den fina glasstårtan (den såg faktiskt ut som leverpastej vid första anblicken).

Här lite övriga nyheter!  Janne Lindgren

Hej Janne!
Ville bara informera om följande för dina prenumeranter i Stockholm med omnejd:
Mosebacke Hillbilly & Bluegrass night Hillbilly- och Bluegrassmusik från den amerikanska södern. Tre band på scen: Downhill Bluegrass Band, Rockridge Brothers samt Evil Emil & The King Kongo Cobras. De sistnämnda är ett cajun/Zydeco band från Arvika som absolut bör upplevas. Mellan framträdandena spelar DJ Freddy Frantic gammal country uppblandat med lite rockabilly såväl som outlaw. Lördagen den 15 oktober kl 20.00. Mosebacke, Mosebacke torg 3. Inträde 100:-  Mer info på


Hej Janne.

Tack för nyhetsbreven. De sitter fint i ett country hjärta!

Här kommer en uppdatering av en tidigare nyhet ang en Westernstad utanför Linköping.

Staden heter Tumbleweed Springs och drivs av 18-årige John Karlsson. John går Media Linjen på Anders Ljungsteds Gymnasium i Linköping. Är musiker, filmare, stuntman och kan mycket om det vilda livet i western på 1800 talet. Ni som vill veta mer kan få se filmer och nyhetsklipp här på stadens hemsida:

Keep on Country

Kjell Törnlund

Coyote Country Band

070-511 15 19



John Karlsson är ju själv musikintresserad och skriver eget material men inte så mycket den country vi känner till. Att det kommer tillfällen för oss countryband att visa upp oss i Tumbleweed Springs är säkert en möjlighet bara John nu får lite hjälp av Linköpings Kommun med mark och bygglov osv. Den stad han nu byggt upp består av kulisser och är mer en privat satsning. Läs mer om hans idéer och planer i de tidningsartiklar han lagt in på hemsidan. Hela bandet hälsar!

Kjell Törnlund

Coyote Country Band   070-511 15 19


Tack Thomas Buskhagen för att du tagit med låtar från Carolina Åkerlinds CD "Love Me" inte mindre än två gånger på samlingsplattorna Mr.MusicCountry. Det gör oss väldigt stolta och vi ser det som ett erkännande att vi är på rätt väg med vår musik. Carolinas CD har fått lysande kritik i alla countrypublikationer och hamnat högt i Kountry Korrals läsarbarometer. Har du ännu inte köpt plattan kan du göra det på   eller sänd 140:- till postgiro 70 61 44 – 3 Steel Guitar Music  JL.


Hei Janne, takk for sist det er vel ca 15 , hvis ikke 20 år siden vi var på
tur sammen. Jeg antar du neppe husker meg igjen, men jeg kjøpte bl.a en
Fender Steelmaster trippel 8 strengs av deg. Jeg er for tiden nokså hektet
på Bluegrass og er derfor intressert i en gibson F 5 mandolin. en stelling
bluegrassbanjo, eller Fender Steelmasteren kan evnt selges bytteselges hvis
ønskelig . Prøvde å få tak i ditt men fant ikke det. Mitt tlf/faks
er nå 0047 380 70272 mob 936 74 586
Hilsen Ben Solheim

Ja,  det var minsann ett tag sedan vi hördes av! Kul att du fortfarande har den fina Fendern kvar. De börjar att bli lite sällsynta! Jag säljer och byter inte så mycket idag eftersom jag är pensionär och har dragit ned på affärerna. Jag handlar numera nästan enbart med GFI pedal steels och Goodrich volympedaler. Men kontakta Sture Svaren Musik i Lerum Tel: 0302-101 07 han säljer Stellingbanjos och annat. Han kan säkert även ordna en bra mandolin åt dig. JL.


Hej Janne!

Läget? Så här kan det gå till i "Vilda Västern" *ler*

Mvh Bengt E

Oj, jag gillar också Johnny Cash! Bäst man aktar fingrarna!  JL.


Hej Janne och alla Countryfreaks i vårt avlånga land.

Vill bara påminna att DCMC ( Dalarnas country music club ) och Country Cream tuffar på i gammal god stil med våra jam. sista Torsdagen varje månad. se vidare info på . "senaste nytt"

Så alla ni : musiker, glada amatörer, åhörare, kaffetörstiga, frusna, har ni vägarna förbi Kvarnsveden i Borlänge någon Torsdagkväll så kom in vettja.

C-C / Thomas


Hej Janne,

Det damp ner en öronspolning i postlådan, CD’n med James Burton & Ralph Mooney. Corn Pickin’ and Slick Slidin’.  Men varför förläng tiden innan man kan lägga in CD’n i spelaren med ”plast runtom” och en extra tape bit på lång sidan som fördröjare öppnandet. Plasten runt om är säkerhet så det räcker. Ohhhh du, CD’n är s..t bra.

I det projekt jag jobbar har ett annat projekt begärt hjälp från oss. Det resulterade i att jag har varit ner på ungdomsgården här och kört en DVD show med Carl Perkins. Pratade även lite om tidig Rock, Rockabilly och Country musik. Till min hjälp hade jag den träfärgade resonator gitarren. Ungdomarna var högstadie elever och några från gymnasiet, de blev förvånad över att det fanns slikta redskap. Skall tillbaka ner till ungdomsgården 8 – 10 gånger till. Dagens ungdom har åtminstånde här en ”musikalisk intiligens liggande över hönsens nivå”. De gillar den här typerna av musik. Nää, nää, jag gör det här gratis, bara kul.

Mvh Bosse i Dala-Järna

Kul att du gillar Ralph och James. Det är verkligen en klassisk inspelning med två supermusikanter. Nu har jag sålt alla ex jag fick hem från Bear Family men jag beställer hem igen om någon vill ha.  JL.


Hello Janne,

I finally got the mail sent down to Panama and received Carolina's CD. You did a great job on it. I love it! Please pass along my thanks to Carolina as well. I hope you sell a million copies.

Please say hello to Christina Lind if you talk to her and tell her I'm alive and well in Panama.

All the best,

Clay Blaker

Clay bor numera i Panama p g a  hans hustrus sjukdom. De bor i en liten stuga där och tycks trivas jättebra. Kan någon ge mig mail eller snigeladressen till Christina Lind? Hon har för länge sedan försvunnit ur mitt register och jag vill gärna ha kontakt med henne igen.  JL.


Hello fellow players,
Legendary steel guitarist Sonny Garrish, undisputedly the most recorded steel guitarist in history, came by the store yesterday and really got me thinking about the direction he has gone with steel guitar. Sonny has been averaging about 15 recording sessions a week since he left Bill Anderson in 1974.

I had trouble getting him to talk about his theory on how he has done so well, but having known him as a close friend for many years and quietly observing as well as competing against him for work, I have come to several conclusions.

Sonny is famous among producers for always being quiet, with a big smile, a hearty laugh at tasteful humor, a quick study in learning new tunes and having a good short-term memory for being able to double parts that he or the guitar player have just put down.

Sonny has always felt that being out of the steel guitar limelight has helped him dodge competition, criticism and any adverse notoriety. He is only famous and well-known to those who do the hiring in the studio world of Nashville, Tennessee.

Sonny does not own a computer, is not on the internet and does not have an email address. He feels that the time he would spend on the computer is better spent behind a steel guitar, either learning or practicing.

Sonny is 63 years old, plays tennis every free moment he has from behind the steel guitar which is usually only on the weekends and still looks like he's in his early forties.

Sonny approaches a session and every different song that's being recorded in the session, as a totally different set of circumstances. He is a musician first and a steel guitar player second. By this I mean, he does not play a series of tricky licks or have a pedal setup that he changes weekly just in order to get the lick of the month, but approaches each song from a musical direction applying the correct tasteful notes in the right place and being part of the overall song rather than trying to stick out as a hot lick steel guitars. Musical taste is the key here and has worked well for Sonny since his Nashville debut in the Bill Anderson band in 1966 when he replaced Weldon Myrick and Bob Lucier.

Sonny told me the story of him first coming to Nashville during the Disc Jockey convention in 1966 and walking into the Sho-Bud retail store to buy a new double neck Sho-Bud steel guitar. There were a few people in the store in idle conversation tying up the store personnel. After waiting for a couple of hours to be waited on, to no avail, he walked back to the Andrew Jackson hotel where the disc jockey party was going on and stumbled into a somewhat empty room that had two steel guitars set up in it and a little sign saying "The Emmons Guitar Company" room.

He was examining the guitars when a voice asked, "Can I help you?"

Sonny said, "Yes, I want to buy one of these two guitars."

Ron Lashley replied, "You make the choice and it's yours."

Sonny has been playing Emmons push pull guitars ever since that time.

Who knows what would have happened had Sonny been waited on at the Sho-Bud store. This is why I have always tried to give everyone who walks in the front door of Steel Guitar Nashville equal treatment. I give the same attention to someone coming in for the first time as I give my old friends and famous steel guitarists whom I've known a lifetime.

It's very important to me that everybody who leaves my store is a new friend. That means your business is just as important to me as Sonny's.

Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour


Uffe Sterling hade vänligheten att köpa med sig en Brad Paisley "Time Well Wasted" åt mig. Brads senaste CD. Den sitter jag och lyssnar på just nu då klockan är strax efter nio på söndagsmorgonen. En bra början på dagen faktiskt och plattan är bra. Kanske lite ojämn som de flesta plattor på stora bolag är idag, men här finns en del rysare, snabba låtar som fordrar otroligt skickliga musikanter. Här finns också en del lagom countrylåtar så alla kan få sitt. En platta värd att ha i sin samling.


Det var allt jag hade till er idag men jag är tillbaka på torsdag om inget oförutsett inträffar.




Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 084             oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Det bara ramlar in nyheter och klubbtidningar dels till datorn men även i brevlådan. Kul att ni är lite på alerten och skriver mycket, det gör mitt Nyhetsbrev än mer intressant! Skulle jag bara skriva om vad som händer här i Sätra så skulle det bli ungefär så här: Vaknade vid sju, hustrun kom med frukost på sängen (varje dag faktiskt), satte mig vid datorn, rensade bort 38 skräpmail, skrev lite brev, fikade vid 9, åkte och handlade mat, fixade lunch till hustrun och mig, jobbade lite i studion, sov middag 45 minuter, jobbade i studion, lagade middag, såg på tv, god natt! Ja, ni ser själva vilket kämpigt liv, men det kan jag ju inte skriva om vareviga dag! Det skulle bli för jobbigt för mig!  

Tack Christer Lindström för att du ville vara med i mitt program Country, Country Music på Radio Lidingö 97,8 i tisdags. Programmet kan ni höra i repris på lördag kl. 15.00

Här kommer lite nyheter!  Janne Lindgren


Vill gärna tipsa om att "The High-Jacks" spelar på Oliver Twist i Västerås Torsdag 13 okt.
Krogen ligger i centrala Västerås (Stora gatan). Skulle gissa att vi kliver på scenen vid 21-tiden.Välkomna! Vi syns och hörs!
Per-Erik Jonsson


Ville se om du vill ha med detta i nyhetsbrevet.

Torsdag 27/10 2005, kl 20:00 spelar Freja Bluegrass Band på KoM musik & bar, Olivedalsgatan 13 i Göteborg. Sedan sist jag mailade har bandet utökats med 2 mycket duktiga ungdomar. 17-årige

Samuel Runsteen på kontrabas och 18-årige Philip Runsteen på fiol. Sen tidigare har vi ju 15-åriga

Freja på sång och banjo. Vi har inte gjort någon studioinspelning, men vi hade med minidiskspelaren

förra veckan när vi spelade i Pingstkyrkan i Mölnlycke så den som vill höra hur bandet låter live kan göra det i den här mp3-filen:

Om någon arrangör läser det här så vill vi gärna komma ut och spela nästa år så att ungdomarna

håller intresset uppe. Mer information på hemsidan

Bästa hälsningar,

Thorsten Jakobsson


Vill ni hålla er helt uppdaterade på vad som händer inom blugrass och folkmusik i Sverige så går ni med i AFF, Amerikanska Folkmusik Föreningen som har sitt säte i Stockholm. Medlemstidningen AFFtonbladet ges ut 4 gånger om året och är mycket läsvärd. Gå in på deras hemsida för mer information.  JL.


Hej Janne

Sedan jag slutat sjunga för 15 år sedan köpte vi en bensinstation -89

i Mörsil och den drev fram till -97. Jag läste sen in 3 årig ekonomi och jobbar

idag som egen företagare med ekonomi åt olika småföretag.

I vintras fick Gunillas en förfrågan att spela igen efter 21 år. Med stor vånda sa

jag ja och tog och ändrade mitt liv totalt. Vi spelade i juli på Fröjdholmen och packade

in över 400 personer den kvällen.En helt fantastisk kväll som gav mersmak. Så nu ska

vi spela lite lagom men jag har även ett samarbete med Nick Borgen eftersom jag tycker det är

så otroligt roligt att vara ute och spela. Jag har väl lite distans till allt idag

och är mer trygg i min sång.Jag har även världens bästa jobb här på Trångsvikens bygdegård

där jag basar över verksamheten i huset. Om fjorton dagar ska Gunillas spela här i Trångsviken

och det ska bli så kul.

Jag ser fram emot att läsa dina nyhetsbrev så man håller sig uppdaterad

Tills vi hörs ha det så bra

Gunilla Åsell

Kul att du tog dig tid till att skriva några rader Gunilla! Kanske skulle du ha användning för en egen bensinmack nu då priserna stigit något?  Roligt också att du kommit igång med sången igen. Bara att önska lycka till!  JL.


Hej Janne

Jag har tagit mig friheten att lägga in en klickbar bild på dig och en som heter Dottie

på din bildsida så man kan höra ditt eminenta steelspel.

Vill du inte ha den där så skrik till, så tar jag bort den med detsamma. Jag la in den idag.

Hittade den på nätet efter att ha varit på clubbens (SCMC´s) sida.

Hör av dig


Det blir säkert jättebra! Jobbar just nu med Dottie och hennes eget material som är mycket bra! Så småningom, förmodligen till våren, blir resultatet en CD förhoppningsvis!  JL.


Hej skickade detta t amerikanska folkmusikföreningen och fick tips om att du kunde hjälpa mig m detta:

Min farmors bror var i USA i början av 1900-talet o kom hem med en 16-strängad plåtgitarr som han byggt själv. Den är i galvad plåt, brunlackad med låda byggd av trä och handsydd tjock papp. Den är stor o tung 7kg, m låda 11kg. Det finns ett stöd av trä som passar i ett hål (som på en cello) men han hade den liggande i knät o spelade. Han kallade den steelguitarr.
Vet någon hur den strängas och stäms eller är någon intresserad av att köpa den??

MVH   Agneta Magnusson

Kontakta Agneta om ni är intresserade av att på bild se gitarren. Den ser spännande ut och någon av er läsare är säkert intresserad av gamla instrument!  JL.


TILL SALU:  EMMONS D-10, ljusblå. 3 + 8,  inkl. case.  Intresserad?


Vännen Kåre Myrberg ringde mig i måndags på dagen och berättade att han just stod på Arlanda och var på väg till Istanbul. Han skulle visst dit och titta på en turkisk pedal steel? Jo, nog för att turkisk musik kan vara lite svajig i skalorna, men har de verkligen steelar där nere? Hur gick det Kåre? JL.



Deryl Dodd performs a Free Friday Concert this Friday night at Cowboys Arlington! That's right, admission is free and enjoy $1.50 drinks until 11pm!

And don't forget that Lonestar comes to Cowboys next week, Saturday, October 22nd, with tickets on sale now. General Admission tickets are $12, Reserved Seating is $25 and VIP Seating is $35.


Medlemstidningen Krutrök för klubben Rawhide i Västerås kom i min brevlåda häromdagen. 9 sidor som mest handlade om sommarens festivaler, lite bilder och en artikel om Alfred Hansen som gick bort för en tid sedan. Vill ni kontakta klubben så är hemsidan den krångliga adressen:  JL.


(Rapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)

The Ryman Auditorium will host a live performance on Oct. 23 of the album Moody Bluegrass: A Nashville Tribute to the Moody Blues, recently nominated by the IBMA for Album of the Year. Visit for more info...


Tim McGraw's show on Oct. 8 at the Hollywood Bowl made him the top grossing country act to ever play the venue. It was his first show at that venue and it sold out in only a half an hour back in July. McGraw entertained 18,000 fans in concert and hosted a private pre-show party for heads of three film studios, actors, actresses, and friends...


Loretta Lynn fell on her tour bus in Nashville and fractured her foot, forcing her to cancel four upcoming dates...
(men håll käppen, Loretta!  JL )


Chris LeDoux: 20 Greatest Hits was certified Platinum by the RIAA, marking the first Platinum certification of his career...

The first album to span Johnny Cash’s entire career, 1955-2003, The Legend Of Johnny Cash will be released Oct. 25, leading up to the Nov. 18 premiere of the film Walk The Line...

Ralph Stanley was presented a proclamation in honor of his life and work as a pioneering traditional country music artist by Virginia’s Lt. Governor Tim Kaine on behalf of Governor Mark Warner. The presentation was made at the National Folk Festival in Richmond...

Aaron Tippin escorted Hunt of a Lifetime winner and Wheelin’ Sportsmen member Eric McClenathan to an elk hunt recently held at the Scenic View Ranch in Monona, Iowa...



According to Stuart Hamblen, his 1950’s hit song, “This Ole House,” was written because of a hunting trip!

Hamblen explained, “This Ole House” was written in the High Sierra Mountain range while I was on a hunting trip. It was a cold winter day and we found an old prospectors cabin. There was an old dog lying on the front porch but no smoke coming from the chimney. We went inside the cabin and found an old man dead in the back room.

I wrote “This Ole House” that same afternoon.”

“This Ole House” entered the country music charts August 21st, `1954 and peaked at number two. It was on the country charts for 30 weeks. The record also scored a # 26 on the pop music charts.

The song also made it to number 16 for Wilma Lee & Stoney Cooper in 1960 and was a number one pop hit for Rosemary Clooney in 1954.

Nu vet ni historien bakom Per Myrbergs "34:an", trots att den svenska texten inte alls är som originalet. Tänk om man vid översättning av böcker skulle göra likadant, d v s ändra hela historien i boken bara för att göra det lättare för sig (som en liten kritik till alla textöversättare). JL.


QUESTION: I heard that Bill Anderson and Charlie Daniels were doing concerts for hurricane victims. Do you have any details?

ANSWER: Bill Anderson, Jeff Bates, Tracy Lawrence, and Craig Morgan are participating in an October 19th fundraiser at Charlie Daniels Park in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. The benefit concert is to support hurricane and flood relief.

QUESTION: The radio guys mentioned that Ronnie Misap was doing some charity concerts. Do you know when and where?

ANSWER: Eight thousand people attended the fourth annual Tennessee River Run last month in Pickwick, Tennessee. The affair included a fishing tournament, a golf tourney, poker and—of course—a concert, which included Jamie O’Neal, Ronnie Milsap, Darryl Worley, Hot Apple Pie and The Stevens Sisters. $125,000 was raised and donated to charities in Tennessee’s Hardin and McNairy counties.


QUESTION: I heard on the radio that George Strait is planning another tour. Do you know who will be with him?

ANSWER: Strait’s 2006 tour will cover 25 cities and will feature Tracy Lawrence and Miranda Lambert. Dates have not yet been announced.


QUESTION: I heard that Glen Campbell was doing something on Broadway. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: “Broadway Meets Country” concert is set for November 12th in New York, and will mix numerous performers with country artists. The country participants now include Trace Adkins, Glen Campbell, Billy Currington, Raul Malo, Richie McDonald, Jamie O'Neal, Julie Roberts and Trisha Yearwood.


QUESTION: Do you know who wrote the song “The Key’s In The Mailbox?”

ANSWER: Harlan Howard


QUESTION: My cousin and I were discussing country singers from the various states and we came to the conclusion that no country singers came from Arizona. Is that correct?

ANSWER: Your conclusion is wrong. Rex Allen, Jody Miller, Marty Robbins, Linda Ronstadt and Red Simpson came from Arizona.


QUESTION: I heard that Kris Kristofferson was in a new movie. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: Kris Kristofferson was in Nashville last week for a screening of his upcoming movie "Dreamer: Inspired By A True Story," which also features Kurt Russell and Dakota Fanning. It’s the story of the rehabilitation of an injured racing horse. The picture is scheduled for theaters October 21st


QUESTION: The radio guys were talking about Loretta Lynn breaking her leg. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: Loretta has canceled all her October concert dates, due to a broken foot she suffered when she fell at her home, while preparing to leave on the concert tour.


QUESTION: Do you know anything about a new Clint Black album. What was the title of his first hit record?

ANSWER: Clint Black’s new CD is titled “Drinkin' Songs & Other Logic.” He recently performed the new release on ABC's “Good Morning America,” CNN'sShowbiz Tonight,” “Regis and Kelly,” and “Fox and Friends.” He will also perform on NBC's “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” on Oct. 11th.” Clint’s first chart single was “A Better Man” in 1989.


QUESTION: I heard on the radio that some of The Statler Brothers were performing for some troops. Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: A National Guard unit from Williamson County, Tennessee, will return home on November 29th, after serving a year in Iraq and Kosovo. They will be welcomed home with a concert by John Conlee, ex-Statler Brother Jimmy Fortune, Lee Greenwood and Roxie Dean.


QUESTION: It was on the radio that The Texas Hall Of Fame was inducting some singers. Do you know who is in that hall of fame?


ANSWER: Tracy Byrd is being added to the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame. At age 38, he’s the youngest member to have been added to the Hall, which is based in Carthage, Texas. The Texas Country Music Hall of Fame held its first inductions in 1998, adding Gene Autry, Willie Nelson, Jim Reeves and Tex Ritter. Among the artists who’ve been inducted since are Mark Chesnutt, Johnny Horton, Waylon Jennings, Ray Price, George Strait, Tanya Tucker, Gene Watson and Bob Wills.


Bobbe's Nashville News,
Modern country music on the upswing around the world. It seems that country music or that's what they call it today is becoming more popular the world over. Gary Allen with his GFI playing steel guitarist, Mike Fried, will be doing an Australian tour coming up soon. This is an act I can actually very highly recommend. Good entertainer with a good band who knows what modern country music is about so let's all drive down to Australia and see him. I know Australia is still ripe for country music because they're still playing my "Priceless" album three years after it was introduced.

As further evidence of the growing popularity of country music, Keith Urban will be touring Europe this fall.

The country music legend, Johnny Cash is having his life portrayed on Broadway in New York City.

I'm quite proud, astonished and thankful to say that I am still being played in New Zealand, Holland, Scandinavia, Switzerland and Germany.

Leanne Womack still has no steel guitar in her band. I'd love to hear her clear country voice again someday, with a good country band and a prominent steel guitar, as I'm sure most of you would.

The word's out. The Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger breakup was caused by infidelity on the male side of the relationship. I was hoping this would be the next Tim and Faith fairy tale in country music.

My 24 hour streaming music will soon honestly be 24 hours without the breaks it has had the last two months. We are co-locating the server at a location which has a direct connection to the internet. Therefore, the server will be down for a day. When it comes back up, it will be directly connected to the internet which will solve our disconnect problems.

New artists who will be programmed in the next two weeks will be Spade Cooley with Joaquin Murphey, Little Roy Wiggins, Don Helms, early Jimmy Day, Doug Jernigan, Curly Chalker, Pete Drake, Maurice Anderson and several more. These are all instrumentals and are sure to be very interesting, easy to listen to and will make some of the newer players aware of some of the great players from the history of steel guitar. Some of these recordings have never been heard before.

I also have one of the most hilarious, intriguing and informative snippets of Jerry Byrd critiquing Howard White and a very famous pedal steel guitarist who shall remain nameless until you hear Jerry himself make these statements. As most of you know, Jerry Byrd, the legendary steel guitarist who set the standard in the late 40s and early 50s in Nashville, Tennessee later went on to become a very vocal Musicians Union board member. This tape, which I may not have the nerve to play over 5 or 6 times, will surely cause many of his fans to have a new insight to his truthful, honest character. This man was not above offering opinions, just like Buddy Rich and Paul Anka. This tape offers an insight to what goes on behind the scenes. Just be sure to take it with humor. I'm sure that if he knew every steel player in the world was going to hear it, he never would have recorded it, but it will be just another chapter in this great players legacy.

This critique of Howard White's playing will actually make Howard also a legend in the steel guitar world, as if he wasn't already, so be sure to keep listening to the streaming because the good things that I've promised are about to happen.


Jag lyckades få ihop lite nyheter även denna gång! Hoppas att helgen blir glad och trevlig!

Janne Lindgren

PS  Ibland får även hustrun frukost på sängen av mig.  DS


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 085           16  oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Det är måndagsmorgon och mitt huvud känns så tungt! Känns frasen igen? Povel Ramel skrev så någon gång på stenåldern men det tycks passa in fortfarande i denna dataålder. Hade lite fest hemma så därför blev det inget Nyhetsbrev i går på söndagen. Jag glömde faktiskt bort det hela. Så kan det gå då haspen inte är på!

Men här är jag tillbaka, pigg och nykter och har hunnit skrapa ihop lite nyheter åt er! Kanske inte lika mycket som vanligt men håll till godo i alla fall.


Janne Lindgren


Tjena Janne,
Det var ett extra trevligt nyhetsmail! Vilket lyxliv! Country hela dagarna och
frukost på sängen! Bra att du erkände direkt - vi gillar dig ändå och ett
lyxliv är Du värd så mycket fint som du gör för countryn i Sverige! Kul!
Men nu får Du tänka om lite och gå upp tidigare och ge Eva frukost på
sängen minst en vecka i följd. En liten gåva från oss nyhetsbrevläsare.
Fråga om hon vill ha English breakfast. Bränn inte baconet. Pressa juicen av
färska söta apelsiner.
Bästa hälsningar,
Hank Michael

Okej då! Jag kommer att lyda ditt råd, English breakfast mums! Bara tanken på detta skulle få upp mig en månad i sträck minst! Bacon, småkorvar, omelett, juice, rostat bröd och marmelad!  JL.


Hej Janne
En Halsning fran Nashville och tack for de goda rad du sande till mig innan vi reste ivag. Har en halsning till dig fran Bobbe. Jag var ute och halsade pa i hans steel affar och det var en mycket trevlig person som visade runt i sin affar. Han spelade en lat for oss pa en av sina manga steelar som fanns i hans affar och vi pratade och hade en trevlig stund dar ute. Fredag ar det Grand old Opry som galler. Fick inte tag i biljetter till lordagens konsert da de var slutsalda langt i forvag. Kanske bara for att Garth Broks upptrader den kvallen.
Ha det bra och Bobbe halsar
Babbe I Highway 40
Tack! Kul att du har tagit fasta på de råd jag gav dig innan ni åkte. På så sätt slipper ni missa en massa intressanta saker. Lördagar är den populäraste dagen att gå till Opryn men det beror mest på att artisterna alltid gör sitt allra bästa just då eftersom delar av showen även går i TV över hela kontinenten. Självklart är det då man ska gå dit men får man inte biljetter så får man ta det näst bästa och det är fredagen. Tyvärr missar ni då att på lördagen gå direkt till Ernest Tubb Midnite Jamboree som brukar vara en höjdare med gratis inträde och toppartister. Just denna lördag  på Opryn var lite speciell som ni kan läsa om nedan, så det handlade inte bara om att Garth Brooks var där. Under normala förhållanden går det alltid att få biljett även till lördagsshowerna.  JL.


The Grand Ole Opry will celebrate its 80th Anniversary with shows on Oct. 14 and 15. The Oct. 14 show at 6:30 p.m. will feature many artists including Alison Krauss, Bill Anderson, The Whites, Lee Greenwood, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, and John Michael Montgomery. The sold out Oct. 15 show at 9:30 p.m. will feature Diamond Rio, Ralph Stanley, Josh Turner, Travis Tritt, Steve Wariner and Garth Brooks, who remains retired but is participating in the event to pay tribute to the Opry. The 80th Anniversary will be featured on NBC’s The Today Show, and the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, and GAC...


Hej Janne.

Ber först om ursäkt för att jag ringde mitt i din sändning hos Radio Lidingö i Tisdags. Jag ville egentligen fråga om man kunde lyssna på ditt program via luren när man bor så långt bort som Linköping. Men den frågan fick jag svar på ganska snabbt, he he. :-]

Ville också be dig om att öppna posten försiktigt nu på torsdagsmorgonen. Jag har nämligen postat en DVD till dig. Den innehåller 10 st korta liveupptagningar från vår premiärspelning i Augusti i år. Finns även att ladda ner på vår hemsida som nu också börjar ta form. htttp://

Jag vill hemskt gärna ha ett utlåtande av dig. Även om ljud och videoupptagningen är av konsumentstandard så får du en god uppfattning om vilka vi är och hur vi ser ut. Mycket har givetvis hänt sedan augusti men i stort sett är det så här vi ser ut och låter.

Mycket nöje!

Bästa hälsningar

Kjell Törnlund

Det gjorde inget att du ringde till mig mitt i sändningen. Bara kul! Jag har kollat in din DVD och det är roligt att se ert band framträda. Visst det finns en del saker som kan förbättras men det har jag sänt dig råd om i ett separat mail! Lycka till med bandet! JL.

Hej Janne!

Sökte på en sökmotor etc; Top 20 Hit Country 2005, och fick några

länkar att se vilka som ligger på toplistan inom Country.

Kan vara roligt att fixa en egen cd att lyssna på de som ligger på

toplistan o göra en egen cdfodral som faller i smaken.

Den här länken se ovan, finns låtar att lyssna o även sjunga med

artisterna om så önkas el se hur låtarna är skrivna när de sjunger.

Om du kan fixa eller från mailmedlemmar rappar in

månadens toplista inom Country.

Kan vara roligt att få tips på din sida vilka artister+mp3 låtar som är på toplistan

varje månad el varannan månad. Vet ej hur ofta de gör en redigering av Top-lista?

Och vilka gör dom? Inom Internet?

Ha en fin tur i Countryvärlden.. Och till dess vi ses o hörs som alltid via dina flitiga rapporter hem till mig uppe i Tornedalen.

Ingen snöööööö än.. saknar verkligen den. :-)

Hälsningar Tornedalens Country Woman

PS: skicka gärna musikbrev när man öppnar breven dina,så spelar det nån liten

Countrylåt ...(de som önskar) DVS



According to Bill Monroe, his song “Uncle Pen” was written about his real uncle and also one of the best fiddler players in Kentucky. Bill commented, “Uncle Pen was always playing fiddle at dances around Rosine, Kentucky but ---cause he as the best fiddler around. Later in life, he was thrown by a mule and it crippled him and forced him to walk on crutches the rest of his life. I lived with Uncle Pen my last years in Kentucky. He did all the cooking and we ate good but we didn’t have any money. Times were hard but they were good times.”Although “Uncle Pen” became one of his most popular songs, Monroe never had a hit record on the song. “Porter Wagoner” scored a number 14 hit with “Uncle Pen” in 1956 and Ricky Skaggs took it to number one in 1984.


Hello fellow players,
The subject today is once again fame and the famous. The famous person his or herself is not really where the fame is. The fame is in the mind of the person perceiving them as being famous. There are places where I go where I am mobbed, asked for autographs and can't have a second to myself. Then I can get in my car, drive two blocks away, go into a Waffle House and nobody knows me or cares one way or the other. See, I'm not famous except for those who want me to be.

Another strange thing about fame is. Fame seems to be transferable. If a musician works for a famous star, then he's famous because he is ole so and so's steel guitar player. He didn't get famous himself, but he got famous because of being associated with the famous. This fame can be also transferred to inanimate objects as we saw happen to Eric Clapton's Fender Telecaster which just sold for $850,000. at Christie's Auction House.

At the same auction, his red Gibson ES335, pretty worn out by the way, sold for $750,000. What would these two pieces of wood be worth if Eric Clapton wasn't famous? Or what would these two things be worth if everyone on the planet lost their memories and couldn't remember who Eric Clapton was?

I had a Lincoln limousine built by Leyman and Peterson once that had belonged to Elvis Presley in 1962. I had it for a month or so and a neighbor of mine by the name of Mickey Newbury just had to have it. I sold it to him for $2700. which was about double what I paid for it a month earlier. I didn't want to sell it but he wanted it because it had belonged to Elvis. I put no merit in the fact that it had belonged to a famous person, but I realize now that this may have been a mistake.

I mentioned on the steel guitar forum that I felt that Bud Isaacs original Bigsby was worth near $50,000 because of being the guitar that first introduced the E to A change that the world became familiar with on the song "Slowly" by Webb Pierce. This one guitar influenced more players than probably any other single guitar in the history of steel guitar. This guitar would only be worth $200-300 as a "user" steel guitar in this day and time but because of the history of Bud Isaacs and Paul A. Bigsby, this small pile of birdseye maple is worth a small fortune.

Remember, the average person on the street or the curator of most pawn shops, would barely put any money in any of these three guitars that I've mentioned compared to what they were worth because of their fame and heritage.

Fame is in the mind of the person perceiving it and not in the famous person or objects themselves. So remember, the people that you think are famous are only famous because of what you think.

Your buddy,
Bobbe  Seymour


Jag vill bara till sist påminna om att Country Minstrels spelar i Hallunda Folkets Hus den 2 november på kvällen. Mer om detta i nästa Nyhetsbrev!


Ha en fin vecka och ta på er långkalsingar, det börjar bli dragigt ute!


Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 086          20  oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Steve Holy sjöng just  för mig Good Morning Beautiful Day och det är vad jag också tycker. Inte bara för att det är skinande sol ut och gräset ligger där med lite frost ovanpå. För första gången på över en månad vaknade jag utan att ha giktvärk i foten och i benet. Det känns som om att vakna upp från en lång sömn. Ingenting blir riktigt roligt då man har värk och ingenting hjälper för att lindra det hela. Jag var hos min läkare på Huddinge Sjukhus (som numera idiotiskt nog kallas Karolinska) i tisdags och fick en ny medicin att prova. Vips är smärtorna borta och jag kan börja leva ett normalt liv igen. Det känns skönt så nu sitter ni inte säkra längre där ute! Nu får ni som vanligt stå ut med mitt skrivande och mina åsikter! Om inte, skicka mig ett meddelande om att du inte vill vara med i mitt register längre. Enkelt eller hur? Har du däremot någon kompis som också kan tänkas tycka om countrymusik så tipsa om mina brev. För hur det än är så emellan mitt tramsande och gnällande så kommer det in rätt mycket nyheter som är intressanta för oss alla. Eller hur?

Tack till Bosse och Anna-Marie Bodén för en trevlig söndagseftermiddag här hemma. Hoppas att den grekiska maten har hunnit sjunka undan. Hälsa era hönor och tuppen!

Tack också till Kjell Törnlund för att du sände mig DVDn på The Coyotes från Linköping. Jag ylade hela tiden!!

Här kommer lite nyheter som jag skrapat ihop!


Janne Lindgren


Hej Janne!

Jag har Johnny Cash-boxen "The Legend" på 4 CD till salu för 290 kr. Begagnad, men i mkt bra skick. Kan det va något?


Bengt, SCMC


Jag börjar med att berätta att vi har en stor loppmarknad i Håga By i Uppsala nu till helgen, 22-23 oktober. Detta har givetvis inget med musik att göra, men ändå........ Kent Wennman
It sounds country, man!  JL.


Efter sommarens fantastiska konserter så tar vi ett litet break. Vi kommer alltså inte till Katalin den 8 januari, som det var tänkt. Men vi kommer givetvis tillbaks till Parksnäckan till sommaren, då med en helt ny föreställning, delvis nytt upplägg och delvis nya musiker.
Med vänlig hälsning
Kent Wennman


Arly Karlsen skal være gjest hos "Neon" i TV programmet "Danseband Jukebox" på riks-kanalen NRK2, lørdag (natt til søndag) den 22. oktober ca kl. 24.00 - 04.00.
Her kan seerne chatte direkte med Arly og "Neon", stemme på Arly's og andre musikk-videoer og være med på konkurranser. Arly selger plater som aldri før, selv om det er snart et havt år siden den forrige platen, "Sweet Honky Tonk", ble lansert! Det er også stor etterspørsel etter ham live, både i Norge og Europa.


This Friday Oct. 21st we'll be back out at Hondo's in Fredericksburg! Great food & drinks there and it's a beautiful place to be. 8:00 - 11:30 PM. More info:

This Saturday Oct. 22nd we're playing at Pearl's Dance Hall in Ft. Worth!

It's Red Steagall weekend there and so the party is on! 9 - 1:30. Bring your dancin' boots! More info:

Thanks and we'll see you there!

Bobby Flores

Red Steagalls vecka i Fort Worth ska vara en häftig sådan har jag hört. Har själv aldrig varit i Cowtown just den tiden men vi får se till nästa år. Pearl´s är ett fantastisk ställe och jag och Eddie Eriksson upplevde för några år sedan just Bobby och hans band där. Oj, vilken kväll! Även i Fredericksburg har vi varit och jag minns speciellt en kanonbra mexrestaurant där plus en tysk pub som bryggde eget öl. Vilka fina minnen, ja innan vi klämt de där ölen förstås! Fredericksburg ligger förresten bara några mil ifrån Luckenbach. Denna countrymusikhistoriska lilla håla.   JL.


(Direktrapport från Dan Ekbäck i Nashville)

ASCAP Country Awards
The 43rd Annual ASCAP Country Music Awards were held at the Ryman Auditorium last night (10/17) in celebration of the songwriters of the most performed songs of the past year. Kenny Chesney was presented the ASCAP Voice of Music Award. Songwriter of the Year went to Craig Wiseman, and John Rich was awarded Songwriter/Artist of the Year. Wiseman’s “Live Like You Were Dying” won Country Song of the Year and EMI Music Publishing was named Publisher of the Year.


QUESTION: The radio guys were talking about Dolly Parton recording Christmas music with some guy. Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: Dolly Parton joins Billy Dean on a new version of “Silent Night” for Dean’s new Christmas album, “The Christ (A Song For Joseph).”

QUESTION: I heard that Brenda Lee is now singing gospel music. Is that true?

ANSWER: Brenda Lee is recording a new studio gospel album which will include Charlie Daniels, Willie Nelson, Martina McBride, and Brooks & Dunn. The title or release date has not yet been announced.


QUESTION: Several newsletters ago, someone mentioned there were no country singers from Arizona and you named several that were. I’ve been doing some research and can’t find any from West Virginia. Did I miss any?

ANSWER: Just a few----like Wilma Lee & Stoney Cooper, Little Jimmy Dickens, Hawkshaw Hawkins, Red Sovine, Mel Street, Billy Ed Wheeler and Charlie McCoy.


QUESTION: My moms favorite song was Porter Wagoner’s “Misery Loves Company” and she says that Chet Atkins wrote that song. Is that true?

ANSWER: Chester didn’t write the song but he produced the Porter Wagoner recording. Jerry Reed wrote “Misery Loves Company.”


QUESTION: Back in the 70’s there was a song by a guy about “Cinderella.” Do you know his name?

ANSWER: “Cinderella” was a # 45 hit for Tony Booth in 1971. It was on the charts for 12 weeks.


QUESTION: Several years ago our radio station played a duet record about “”We Stand Together But Divided We Fall.” Do you know the couple’s name who had that record?

ANSWER: “Together We Stand-Divided We Fall” was the flipside of David Houston & Tammy Wynette’s 1968 number eleven hit, “It’s All Over.”


QUESTION: I heard on the radio that Pat Boone was recording with some old Chet Atkins music. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: "Waltz for the Lonely," a song co-written by Pat Boone and Chet Atkins, will be featured on Pat Boone’s new album, “Hopeless Romantic. The track is believed to be Chet Atkins' last recorded performance. Atkins died in 2001. The album release next year is to coincide with the Boone’s 50th year in the entertainment business and will also feature music by Kenny Rogers and LeAnn Rimes.


QUESTION: The radio guys were talking about Ralph Stanley receiving some kind of state proclamation. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: Ralph Stanley recently received a Virginia state proclamation honoring him as a pioneering musician at the National Folk Festival in Richmond.


QUESTION: I have always thought that Jim Ed Brown’s recording of “Pop A Top” was one of he best country records every made. Do you know who played the steel guitar on that record?

ANSWER: Pete Drake played steel guitar on Brown’s “Pop A Top.”


QUESTION: My dad is an old frustrated guitar player and he’s been telling me about a guy named Phil Baugh who invented some kind of pedal that guitar players used. Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: Phil Baugh invented the Phil Baugh Pedal—a unit which raised or lowered the pitch of each string on a lead guitar while the guitar was being played. Most steel guitar players had pedals already on their instruments but Baugh’s unit made it possible for a lead guitar player to have the same effects. (MSA byggde denna pedalfunktion. JL)


QUESTION: My dad’s favorite record was Bobby Bare’s “Dropping Out OF Sight.” He said that Rodney Crowell wrote the song. Is that true?

ANSWER: Tom T. Hall wrote “Dropping Out Of Sight.” Rodney Crowell produced Bobby Bare’s recording of the song.


QUESTION: I remember a lot of Elvis tribute records coming out right after his death. My uncle said that J. D. Sumner came out with one. Do you know?

ANSWER: J. D. recorded “Elvis Has Left The Building” which was on the QCA record label.


QUESTION: The radio guys mentioned that Hank Williams’ song, “Manson On The Hill” was up for some kind of award. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: “Mansion on the Hill”—written in 1948 by Fred Rose and Hank Williams, and recently re-recorded by Hanks’ daughter Jett Williams and Cerrito, has been nominated for “Best Duo” in the The New Music Weekly Awards. The New Music Weekly Awards will take place on Saturday, November 19th in Hollywood, California.


QUESTION: I heard that a Chris LeDoux record won some kind of award. Do you have any information?

ANSWER: "Chris LeDoux: 20 Greatest Hits" has been certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, marking one million copies sold. This is the first platinum certification of the late singer/cowboy's career. LeDoux died last year and was recently inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame.

QUESTION: There was a song about “Seven lonely Days” on the radio many years ago. I think it was by a female artist. Do you know?

ANSWER: “Seven Lonely Days” was a # 7 hit for Bonnie Lou in 1953 and a # 18 hit for Jean Shepherd in 1969.

QUESTION: Back in the 70’s a female singer had a song that had something about the Red Sovine hit “Teddy Bear.” Do you know anything about that?

ANSWER: “Teddy Bear’s Last Ride” was a # 53 hit for Diana Williams in 1976 and was an answer to Red Sovine’s “Teddy Bear.”


QUESTION: Do you know the name of the guy with the record about “Nashville, Tennessee” back in the 70’s?

ANSWER:Nashville” was David Houston’s 26th chart single. It peaked at # 9 in 1971.


QUESTION: Several years ago, a woman had a record out about not letting the doorknob hit you when you left. Do you know the title and the name of the singer?

ANSWER: “Don’t Let That Doorknob Hit You” was Norma Jean’s 12th chart single. It peaked at # 24 in 1966.


Bobbe's Nashville News,
The news today is that Bobbe will be back for Thursday's newsletter. He and a group of pilot buddies are flying animals left homeless by hurricane Katrina to new homes in various locations. Those who know Bobbe well, know of his passion for protecting and caring for animals.
Best regards from the staff at Steel Guitar Nashville.

Här nedan kan vi läsa om Henning Kocks äventyr i USA i somras. Här är hans andra vecka.  JL.

2. week report from Nashville: I like Nashville. (Who wouldn't) It is my 6th time here. (1971, 1982, 1985, 1992, 1996, 2005) Wednesday August 10) Pedal steel guitar lessons from Mike Sweeney in  Millersville.
Thursday August 11) I visited with Lloyd Green ! I was allowed last year to
buy Lloyds own personal Rosewood Mica JCH built by Jimmie Crawford, which he
owned and played from 1988 to 2002. From 2003 and forward he plays his old
Sho-Buds again. He still does not lower the E 4th string, and he still has a
.022 wound string for his G sharp 6th string. Lloyd plays so unique and so
tasteful. He is constantly experimenting with melody phrases, what string
combinations, what pedals or bar slants, what slides, and whether a lick is
best played on a plain or a wound string. Also, if a knee lever movement or
a forward or reverse bar slant will give the most unified, seamless playing.
He also works with the fact, that all licks can be played at 4 or 5
different positions on the pedal steel guitar, but still, licks should be
wound together to melody lines - not just licks, he emphasizes. When he
composes, he go through many different ways to play a melody line so it is
musical, and still is expressing what he want it to express - and transmit
his feelings to the listener. One of Lloyds trade marks is also, that he
plays string 5 and 8 together a lot. String 5 being a plain string, and
string 8 being a wound string. I told Lloyd, that to me it is like a lady
and a man singing in a musical. String 5 sounds like the lady singing, and
string 8 sounds like the man singing. "You are right", Lloyd said, "That is
an interesting observation". NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! There is finally a long
due appreciation web site for Lloyd on the Internet at the address It is made by Walter Stettner of Austria. Walther
will go to the Steel Guitar Convention in St. Louis in a few weeks. Walter
is doing a fine job with this web site.
In the evening I heard piano player Beegie Adair with her trio at the F.
Scott Jazz Club, which is situated in the university area.
Saturday August 13) Went out to the Grand Ole Opry, and saw the first show
6:30 to 9:00 PM. Talked to staff steel player Tommy White.
Sunday August 14) Saw a show 1:00 to 5:00 pm at "The Starlight Club" in
Gallatin with Charlie McCoy, Russ Hicks and wife singer Laney Hicks. Also
with singer Doyle Holly (from Buck Owens former band) with Stu Basore on
pedal steel.
Monday August 15) Afternoon piano lessons with jazz pianist Beegie Adair at
"The Nashville Jazz Workshop".
Tuesday August 16) Visited George L.s factory (strings, cables, pickups
Visited steel guitar builders Duane Marrs and Jeff Surratt. Duane Marrs was
my first pedal steel teacher back in 1971 at The Sho-Bud store on 416
In the afternoon pedal steel guitar lessons with Mike Sweeney.
Advice regarding daily life here in N.ville:
Lunch: On Gallatin Road at the Madison Square (there is also one near Midway
Motel on Murfreesboro Road) The Piccadilly Cafeteria: Soup, Meat Dish with 2
vegetables, dessert, milk and coffee for under $7.00. Home Town Buffet on
Gallatin Road near Rivergate Mall: All you can eat $7.98.
Both places 5 soups, 12 main dishes, 10 desserts, 8 choose
Also Arbys and McDonald have healthy food like salads with green lettuce,
tomatoes, cucumber, beef, chicken and so on. Breakfast near Midway Motel:
Waffle House and McDonalds. Small daily things like toothpaste, drinking
water, ice cream: the gigantic supermarkets like Kroger or Walgreen.

Henning fortsätter sin berättelse i nästa Nyhetsbrev!


Glöm inte bort att boka in onsdagen den 2 november i Hallunda Folkets Hus där det blir MusikCafé med Country Minstrels med Carolina Åkerlind. Tiden är 19.30 – 22.00  

Bordsbeställning kan göras på 08 – 530 625 70 eller gå in och kolla på hemsidan  

Alla är välkomna!

 Det här var allt jag hade åt er idag, men som ni vet så är jag tillbaka på söndag igen

Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 087            oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Söndag morgon är det nu och det är fortfarande kolmörkt ute. Nu är hösten verkligen här och sommarens countryfestivaler känns avlägsna. För min del blev det inte så många festivaler i år men det beror i första hand på att Country Minstrels och andra svenska etablerade countrygrupper inte får de engagemang i den utsträckning jag skulle önska. Trots att vi med Carolina Åkerlind hamnade högt på KKs senaste omröstning i januari över Sveriges populäraste band så blev vi inte engagerade mer än till två (2) festivaler. Inte för att jag bryr mig så mycket för bandet skull, vi har haft så mycket enormt roligt under vår karriär! Men om man tänker lite längre än näsan räcker så är det egentligen en katastrof för den svenska countrymusikmarknaden. Att inte de etablerade svenska banden får vara med på våra countrymusikfestivaler innebär bara en sak framöver, några renodlade festivaler kommer inte att finnas kvar. Redan nu har de flesta arrangörer börjat att boka in akter som ligger i utkanterna av vad vi kan räkna in som countrymusik. Och värre kommer det att bli, tro mig! Jag är besviken på att många av de som jag trodde var riktiga countrymusikfans varken tror eller ens hoppas på att läget ska förändras.  Jag undrar faktiskt om inte countrymusiken i Sverige håller på att dö ut? Eller också får vi fortsätta den linjen som även finns i Nashville, på med en hatt, kalla dig countryartist MEN SPELA VAD FAN DU VILL! 


Jag kommer under hösten att vid flera tillfällen vidareutveckla mina teorier och även berätta lite om hur livet som countrymusikant i Sverige har varit de senaste 45 åren. Som pensionär tycker jag att det är dags att sammanfatta lite av mina upplevelser och dela med mig av de erfarenheter jag skaffat. Om ni tror att jag åkt omkring på en räkmacka så tror ni fel. Det har varit mycket kämpande i motvind, men självklart enormt mycket roligt på vägen hit.


Här lite nyheter!   Janne Lindgren



Glöm inte bort att boka in onsdagen den 2 november i Hallunda Folkets Hus där det blir MusikCafé med Country Minstrels med Carolina Åkerlind. Tiden är 19.30 – 22.00  

Bordsbeställning kan göras på 08 – 530 625 70 eller gå in och kolla på hemsidan  

Alla är välkomna!


Hej Janne!
Kan detta vara något för nyhetsbrevet?/Rolf    (Absolut !  JL.)
 Missa inte Country Music Julshow 2005!
 Vill tipsa om Country Music Julshow 2005! Detta idag unika evenemang har i 25 år dragit storpublik från Sveriges alla hörn, och även en hel del från våra nordiska grannländer, till Avesta Teater, och nu är det alltså dags för årets countryshow igen!
 Dean Miller, sagolik genuin country sångare och songwriter som är mycket het på Nashville> 's scener just nu, en mycket intressant artist. Mats Rådberg, Christina Lindberg, Red Jenkins. Marina Uppgren, svenska stjärnskottet som fått skivrecensenterna att formligen tappa hakan! Liza Öhman, Lennart Sjöholm och Tennessee Five m fl.

 Förra året blev det snabbt slutsålt, förhandsboka din biljett till Avesta Teater (15 mil från Stockholm) 16-17 december på Ticnet/Biljett Direkt nu! Välkommen till en oförglömlig show med country musik i allra högsta klass. Varför inte en country weekend i vackra svenska vinter Dalarna!
 Mvh Rolf Wetterskog, Tenn5Music


De här hade ja ingen aaaaning om, alltså!
Hade du?  Hdg!
NASA Science News for October 21, 2005 Guitars and rockets have a lot in common, but what's good for a musician might spell trouble for an astronaut. FULL STORY at
Check out our RSS feed at!
I tidigare Nyhetsbrev har Bobbe Seymour berättat om en steelspelande astronaut. JL.


20. okt. 2005,
Hallo Janne,  jeg taenker paa, du har jo allerede sendt mine foerste 4 uger fra Nashville.
Saa kan du jo sendt de sidste 3 uger i St. Louis og Branson.Og skrive i dit newsletter, at
de foerste 4 uger kan laeses paa  Jeg ved der er nogen af dine laesere der venter spaendt paa at laese om mine  sidste 3 uger i USA saa de kan faa en brugsanvisning i selv kan rejse  derover.
 (Tack Henning, en bra idé som jag har använt även tidigare i Nyhetsbrevet! Här kommer vecka 5.   JL)


5. week report from St. Louis
.Wednesday, August 31) Arrived at the "Milennium Hotel", where International
Steel Guitar Convention took place. This hotel is round like a barrel. The
ISGC has the entire basement floor with a big concert hall in the middle,
and alongside the wall there are displays by steel guitar builders,
amplifier builders, accessories vendors, and a lot more related to steel
guitar. In the different rooms outside of the main hall there are similar
things being displayed and sold plus there are small concerts and demos
going on all the time. There is also a wall with the cast bronze plaquettes
of the steel players inducted to the "Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame". This year
Leonard T. Zinn, and Red Rhodes (post mortem) was inducted. This steel
guitar convention (the biggest of them all) has been going on since 1971,
and is run by Scotty, his wife Mary, and there family plus many helpers. I
was invited by Scotty Wednesday evening to the buffet for trade people and
musicians at the Millennium Hotel.
Thursday, September 1) International Steel Guitar Convention. I saw the
amateur steel player talent search show in the afternoon and the Steel
Guitar Hall of Fame fund raising show in the evening.

Friday, September 2) International Steel Guitar Convention. At the opening
ceremonies I was chosen to carry the Danish flag. Then the steel guitar
players started doing their thing together with the great backing band in
the Grand Ballroom, which is a round concert hall at the bottom of the
Millennium Hotel in St. Louis. Around the wall, and in many other rooms,
there are lots of manufacturers of steel guitars, amps and accessories, and
also CDs, Video Tapes and DVDs.
The concerts also went on
Saturday, September 3) and
Sunday, September 4)
with a lot of fine steel players including (in random order): Paul Franklin,
Doug Jernigan,
Leonard T. Zinn, Russ Hicks, Randy Beavers, Don Helms, John Hughey, Herby
Junior Knight, Billy Robinson, Bill Stafford, Larry Sasser, Tommy Dodd,
Billy Phelps,
Jerry Brightman, Weldon Myrick, Al Brisco, Don Curtis, Ron Elliott, Del
Mullen, Mitsuo Fujii, Herb Remington, Cindy Cashdollar, Jim Loessberg,
Johnny & Joan Cox, Kayton Roberts, Joe Wright, Gene Fields, Mike Sigler,
Bobby Black...and many more...
The singers included Laney Hicks, Rob Parker, Red Kilby, Mike Siler, Curtis
Potter, and
fiddle player Bobby Flores.
The backing band included as always great guitarist Bobby Caldwell and great
piano player Roy Rosetta.
There was a special steel player at the Convention this year: Steve
Robinson. He is the astronaut and flight engineer who did the "Space walk"
and repaired the Space Shuttle. Scotty announced from the stage, theat the
mayor of St. Louis, proclaimed Sept 3 as Steve Robinson day. Steve Robinson
told us, that he played 2 CD's while he was in outer space on this last
mission: The Great Jerry Byrd and Del Mullen's new CD.

I nästa Nyhetsbrev kommer sista delen av Hennings resa i USA.  JL.


Hello fellow players,
I got an email from Daryl Davidson, an old steel player friend in New Mexico, saying that he just saw me in the movie "Nashville Girl". He said that it absolutely killed him to see that during one of the scenes with me playing in the band, that I had the bar in my right hand and my picks on my left hand and acting like I was playing normally. Of course, remember that it was in 1976 that this movie was made and my humor was such that I wanted steel players throughout eternity to be aware of my crazy antics at this stage of my career. It looks like people are still noticing it.

Another very interesting thing about the movie was that when it was released to video, it was my picture behind the steel guitar that was chosen to be on the cover of the video. I took this as quite a compliment as there were several name Hollywood actors in the film. I guess they wanted the sleeve, at least, portrayed as being genuine country.

Ron Elliott, great Nashville steel guitarist, just returned from the Irish Steel Guitar Festival and had many wonderful things to say about the European players who attended. This made me aware of what these steel guitar shows do for the world of music. They bring us all much closer together, create friendships that would have no chance otherwise and help further the playing abilities through sharing of all musicians concerned. Shows are wonderful anywhere, but these international shows have a special meaning that domestic shows may not have. If everybody in the world played steel guitar, there would undoubtedly be a lot less strife in the world. Thank you Ron Elliott, you are a wonderful ambassador.

It seems as though some of the monster stars of country music seem to feel that they may be important enough by themselves that their backup bands or lack of backup band is of no consequence to their careers. I just received this email from a very musically knowledgeable friend who was quite disappointed by one of the megastar's performances.

Here is an excerpt from his email: I saw Faith Hill and her band on T.V. this morning. What a mess! Several electric rhythm guitars banging away with loud volume---Less Paul guitars! All the other instruments were banging away at a loud volume. Too many cooks spoiled the soup! The steel player was lost in the mix. Finally he took (somewhat) of a ride on his old Sho Bud with a sliding distorted fuzz sound.
Brought back a lot of bitter memories and I sure am glad it wasn't me there playing steel.
I doubt if any of the young musicians ever heard the term---"TAKING PARTS", but then again I suppose they work cheap. It is just everyone for himself in a mumbo-jumbo mix, with the only important thing being the singer's wonderful voice. In my opinion her voice would of sounded much better, with less going on in back of it.

Here at Steel Guitar Nashville, I have just received word from several of our suppliers over the past week that retail prices on several guitars, amplifiers and accessories will be going up. Manufacturers are citing some of the factors that are raising prices to be shipping prices, the fact that aluminum has gone up over 20% in the past year, the outrageous increase in the price of oil along with general cost of living and general economics. Their profits will be the same after the price increase and my profits as a dealer will be no greater. However, we all know who is going to be putting more profit in their oil-soaked pouches.

We will try to hold all price increases until the first of December or until the first of next year on some items. So it may be a good idea, if you're going to make any big purchases, to make them before Christmas.

I'm on your side and here to help.

Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour


Jag trodde att jag skulle få iväg mitt Nyhetsbrev i morse men jag tog en promenad med hustrun i stället. Lite härligt höstregn fick vi på oss men tänk vilken skön luft det är den här årstiden.


Vi hörs på torsdag igen!


Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 088         27  oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Hej vänner! Här kommer ett rykande Nyhetsbrev med info direkt från Nashville. Det är Hans Rosén som är där tillsammans med Lasse Lundgren och de upplever enormt mycket saker. Läs den berättelsen och sedan även slutdelen av Henning Kocks reseberättelse som också finns i det här Nyhetsbrevet. Det blir mycket att läsa för er men man läser det man vill läsa, resten går det bra att hoppa över.


Idag kom ett nytt nummer av Krutstänket, Svenska Country & Westernklubbens medlemsblad.  Christina Birgell skriver om olika festivaler hon varit på under sommaren. Vill du kontakta klubben eller Christina så är hemsidan


Glöm inte bort att boka in onsdagen den 2 november i Hallunda Folkets Hus där det blir MusikCafé med Country Minstrels med Carolina Åkerlind. Tiden är 19.30 – 22.00  

Bordsbeställning kan göras på 08 – 530 625 70 eller gå in och kolla på hemsidan  

Alla är välkomna!


Här lite brev och annat intressant!   

Janne Lindgren


Hej Janne på dagen sent omsider man hastar in med en liten music snuttebit till Dig!

Här uppe i tornedalen har vi fått äntligen snöööööööööööööööööööööö,, som man älskar o

lite småkyligt ute. Men vad gör det när det är så fint med stjärnor o norrsken om kvällarna de gånger den visar sin

fina rytmen spel. Som musiken även på Country klingar .... ibland hör man ljudet från norrskensvågorna när det är riktigt kallt.

Nog om reklam från mig o mina vidder.

Sitter o lyssnar nu hemma på en fin låt av Arly Karlsen - 500 Miles Away From Home - Country Home - Track 02 (underbar)

Men 500 mil är det nog inte till dig Janne .. kanske det räcker över till atlanten till Country-landet.

Önskar dig en fin fin vecka o många nya tips som då o då dyker upp via mailen. Och de länkar som faller mig i smaken har jag döpt till en favoritmapp som heter

Country-Janne. *ler...

Countrymusik hälsningar än en gång uppe i Tornedalen.


Hej igen..

finns det nån buss som kör uppåt till Lofoten? Så man kunde samåka norrut?

Se hemsidan för år 2006.. ovanför länken.

Hälsningar än en gång från Tornedalen.



boka Lördag 26/11 då kör DCMC en countryafton på Dala Airport, flygrestaurangen (1 mil söderut från Borlänge.)

Dans till Country Cream från 21-01.Restaurangen öppnar 19,00

mer info på eller Owe Fredin på 0243-233012.



Nu är Folkparks Country avverkat för i år. Det känns som att det hela flöt bra och banden gjorde kanoninsatser. Jag vill inte framhålla någon framför andra men Billy Yates är en höjdare. Troligtvis blir det femårsjubileum i oktober nästa år.

Vill man höra mer Country i Jönköping så är det dags den 11 november då Rayburn Anthony kommer att gästa oss. Han och Cosmos Cowboys kommer att spela på Krogen Amadeus.

Om det finns någon som på kort varsel vill boka Rayburn och Cosmos så är de spellediga lördagen den 12 november. Kontakta mig på

Ingemar Elf


Dear friends,

I just got in from another incredible tour of the UK where we played to great crowds all over England, Scotland and Wales. I actually met some of you and hope to meet more of you during a number of shows next year in Europe and the UK as well.

I still appreciate so much your support of my music by playing my songs and I thank you for believing so much in country music! Keep up the great work!!!

Billy Yates



Tack så väldigt mycket för tipsen.


Göran Norén

Hoppas att resan till Stockholm blir lyckad!  JL



Lika mörkt som höstmörkret som tränger sig på i kvällningen här ute på landet är bilden av det country-Sverige du beskriver i senaste country-nytt. Ännu mörkare blir det när man vet din enorma kännedom om branchen som du besitter.Vart är vi på väg?

Ska allt satsas på gallstensvrålande patienter som skriker ut de fyra ord som finns i texten, under ett ständigt upprepade av dessa oftas med meningslöst innehåll. Eller ska vi bjudas på någon som i en aldrig sinande ström rabbalar upp osammanhängande ord totalt avsaknade av något som helst lyssnarvärde, för någon annan än möjligtvis rabblaren själv och kanske dom närmast sörjande.

Nej här gäller det att strida för att vi även i framtiden ska kunna avnjuta en stilla country-ballad med text som har något att berätta.

Stå på dig Janne

Du har hela det country-älskande Sverige bakom dig



6.. week report from Branson (Henning Koch tar oss med till Branson. JL)
.Monday, September 5) Drove to Branson, Missouri. Branson is an entertainment
town (sort of an extra Nashville) with about 97 different music shows (many
of these are country music with pedal steel guitar players, and 22 other
attractions. There are about 70 motels and hotels with many thousands of
hotel beds. I stayed at the Super8 Motel at $45.00 per night.
At night there are neon signs in front of the music theatres, and this looks
like Las Vegas at night.
Tourists come in by the thousands by car or buses. Most of the tourists are
retirees like myself, so I blended well in with the crowd. I started with
the evening show "The Legends In Concert" which is a show with impersonators
of Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, Alan Jackson and many more. Next days
morning, afternoon or night shows were:
Tuesday, September 6) Saw the country music show "Little Nashville with
Larry King". (said hello to pedal steel player: Dave Musgrave),
and the show Clay Cooper's Country Music Express, and said hello to pedal
steel guitarist Dean Holman. Dean has won many championships on Dobro.
Wednesday, September 7) Visited with Doug Earnest, who works part time for
Bruce Zumsteg building Zumsteels. Doug has a fully equipped steel guitar
workshop at his new house in the woods of Hollister, which is on the other
side of the river from Branson.In the evening I saw the rock music show "Lost in the Fifties".
Thursday, September 8) I saw the the country show "The Paul Harris Show" and
said again hello to Dean Holman who played Pedal Steel and Dobro. Dean filled in for pedal steel guitarist Terry Bethel, who was on a leave because of back operations.
In the evening I visited with same Terry Bethel out in the Hollister Woods.
As mentioned before Terry use to play pedal steel in the Paul Harris Show,
and he will soon return, when his back is okay again. Terry is also
president of the Ozark Steel Guitar Association.
Friday, September 9) I saw the morning country show Jim Owen / Cal Smith,
and said hello to pedal steel player Bob Hempker, who I took lessons from in
Nashville in 1982. Bob is also the former steel player on the road for Loretta Lynn.
Later same afternoon day I saw the country show "Joey Riley Comedy Review"
and said hello to pedal steel guitarist Tom Brumley. We all remember the
Buck Owens song "Together Again", where Tom pedal steel playing played a
significant role, and Tom played also this song on this show, together with
the singer.
Friday night I went to "Rockys Italian Restaurant" and saw Hammond organ
player / singer / entertainer Jimmy Nicholas. One of Jimmys idols is the
Danish/American piano player and comedian Victor Borge, and a lot of this
type of comedy was in his performance.
Saturday, September 10) In the afternoon I saw the "Country Tonite Matine"
with Bob Hempker on pedal steel, and in the evening the "Baldknobbers
Country Show" which was the oldest country show running in Branson. I said
hello to pedal steel guitarist Roger Blevins, and the piano player here who
also is a pedal steel player Milton Quackenbush.
Sunday, September 11) Visited "Silver Dollar City", which is an amusement
park in style with the former "Opryland" in Nashville. The difference is,
that in "Silver Dollar City" the entire personnel
Wears clothing from the years 1800 to 1900, and there are lots of working
workshops showing handicrafts and daily life from that period. There also
are 5 or 6 places with free country and bluegrass music.
After that I saw the Leroy News Country Show, which was a mixture of
bluegrass, country, gospel, and Chet Atkins-style guitar playing.
7. week report from St. Louis
.Monday, September 12) Drove to Harrisonburg, south of Kansas City. On the
way I saw endless fields of corn, corn and more corn (majs).Visited with
Bruce Zumsteg and wife Doreen. Builder of the Zumsteel Pedal Steel Guitar.
They used to live in Kansas City, now they live in Harrisonburg, and next to
their house are 2 buildings containing Bruces steel guitar workshops.
Tuesday, September 13) Drove to St. Louis in the Chevrolet Cobalt. Stayed
the week at the Motel-6 at $34.00 per night.
Wednesday, September 14) Visited Scotty, DeWitt Scott junior, Michael Scott
(operator of and Don Curtis in Scottys Music store.
Visited the historical museum in the bottom of The Arch. The Arch is a
gigantic bow structure made out of hollow stainless steel situated by the
river outside the Millennium Hotel. The Arch is the landmark of St. Louis.
"The only city in the world with a handle"
Thursday, September 15) St. Louis: Had lessons on Pedal Steel Guitar by Don
Curtis. Visited St. Louis Science Centre.
Friday, September 16) St. Louis: Visited the Historical Museum of Missouri
and the In the evening had lessons on Lap Steel Guitar by Scotty.
Saturday, September 17) St. Louis: Visited the Scott Joplins Museum
(Composer of "The Entertainer, Maple Leaf Rag and many more) I was allowed
to play "The entertainer" on his piano. And visited Americas biggest Indian
prehistoric site "Cahokia Mounds" In the evening lessons on Lap Steel Guitar
by Scotty.
Sunday, September 18) Driving to Chicago in the Chevy Cobalt. Stayed at the
Best Western Hotel at O.Hare Airport.
Monday, September 19) Chicago. Enjoyed the fresh air at the Lake Michigan.

Tuesday, September 20) Flying home from Chicago with SAS on the Airbus,
which has room for 261 passengers.
Wednesday, September 21) Arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the Tivoli
Gardens I heard an open air concert with Tivolis Big Band (jazz) and Tivolis
Promenadeorkester (classical). The entire Tivoli Gardens had a Hans
Christian Andersen theme.
Thursday, September 22) Home in Odder near Aarhus again. Reminiscing over a
wonderful, educational and advantageous trip to the musical United States. I
took 300 photos and recorded 20 mini discs with my lessons and the music
shows. These 20 recordings will now keep me busy for a long time.
Well, this was my 6th time traveling in the wonderful United States. Thanks
to all the nice and kind people, I met. And thanks for recieving and taking
care of me so friendly.
Kind regards,
pedal steel guitar:


Howdy Janne here's a report from Nashville, TN. (Hans Rosén rapporterar)
AA frequent flyer gets the Royal treatment - Friday 051021

Started planning my Nashville trip already in march 2005 to get best prices and most options... booked it okay and used mileage to pay for the trip. It cost me 40.000 miles to get a return flight in october... of course I had to pay cash for the taxes and airport costs, but that's ok.

One black cloud occured last sunday when I fell in a staircase and almost broke my left ankle.... However, I decided to take the Nashville route with crutches this time...

Since AA is not flying from Arlanda since the 9/11-attack, I used British Ariways (partner with AA) from Arlanda to London Heathrow... plane left this Friday 07.15 and flight was smooth as a baby's.... I talked to the flight attendant and asked for a wheelchair to take me from terminal 1 to terminal 3 at  Heathrow.

Arriving in London there was a wheelchair awaiting and since I had only 80 minutes
to get to the next flight I was in a kind of hurry.... They guy who pushed the wheelchair did a great job and we didn't have to stay in line (long as always) to be secured or to get on the bus... smooth as ever, so I even boarded the AA flight 0087 to Chicago before all the gold, platinum etc passengers... great isle seat and I was on my way to Chicago... Landed on time and sat waiting for some hours for the flight AA 4080 to BNA, that's the Nashville aircode.... arrived on time and all the luggage was there too...

My great buddy Dan picked me up and drove me to my Midway motel.... Bob was glad I had made it with my bad left foot and I booked the hotel for 2 weeks.... As a surprise he had installed both a microwave owen and a refridgerator in my motelroom, which now feels like complete... like a real expensive motel... though I pay special price... less than $200/week... I strongly recommend C&W fans to try it out.... tell Bob (the owner) that Hank told you about it and he'll be happy...

After a short time of unpacking the suitcases etc.. we drowe downtown to the old Ryman
Auditorium.... at 20.00 there was gonna be a WSM celebration show with one of the
biggest stars in country music... Dan had done a miracle (again) and fixed us front row seats
which are not available.... (you read it right).... cost only $6,50 (from 650 AM on the dial)

The show started with JR & Misty And The Roadkill Choir... a band that had won a talent
contest held at Tootsies.... a very nice comedy band with drinkin' and cheatin' songs...
fiddle was present... and the girl and boy could really sing... however no steel was present...
they did a great job...They had a promo cd entitled " Tastes Like Chicken" - 10 songs of
nice original cuts...

Then the show continued with the original 1st singer on the TOOTSIES TOO label. His name
is John Stone and he has an album out on the label # 1500 and entitled "Meet"... It was

released in 2004 and steelplayers are: Dugmore, Morse, Newell and fiddle by Unger.... He did not have that sound on stage and was more like a RnR act with bits ' n pieces of acts like
Cyrus and Hank Jr. his backing was: bass, drums, lead, rhythm & piano... not esxactly my cup of tea... however the crowd liked him - much because of a patriotic ending.... and his little son
greeting him on stage...

Then it was time for Catherine Britt... originally from Australia - down under.... but now residing in USA, probably around Music City. She has recordings released in her homeland, but has done some recordings in the USA, which supposedly was to be released on RCA label
last year... however they were canned... she's a protege of Elton John, BUT sings country
music... She was glad to be on stage a the Ryman, where Hank once stood... she had her rhythm guitar and was backed only by a female fiddle player.... they kicked off their
shoes and stood there barefooted.... The fiddler also sang a heavy harmony... for my taste it was way to much of folk music and I doubt that she'll have a big future in the music
business... everything she does is handled by her manager... This can be a dilemma for new artists...

There was an intermission and I bought my Hatch print from the concert and a WSM T-shirt.
Both cost $6,50 each.... so it was a real bargain.... Now it was about 21.34 and Eddie Stubbs,
the commodore radio DJ, entered the stage and made a long presentation about the highlight
of the evening... a living icon, 79 years old, started out in the early 50's, lived one year together with Hank Williams... had some great harmony singers, Paycheck & McCall
through the years... and most of us in the audience were really thrilled when RAY PRICE entered  the stage and received a standing ovation.... he had a large band consisting of: 2 rhythms, lead, drums, piano, 4 extra fiddlers (one was named Buddy Spicher)... Billy
Linneman-bass, Dale Morris Jr.-fiddle, Mike Cass-steel. His son, Cliff was opening with a Haggard tune "Big City".. followed by "Heart Over Mind" and "Right Or Wrong"...

more will follow tomorrow.... the foot is aching, but I love Nashville too


Howdy Janne here's a report from Nashville, TN. (Hans Rosén i Nashville no. 2. JL)
Ray Price - Timeless - Friday 051021

Ray appeared to be carryin' a flu but otherwise was in good form.He started out with San Antone Rose" and followed up with "Crazy Arms".Then a superb "Heartaches By The Numbers".... all these solid backing...then came the Stringssection version of "Release Me".. followed by a solid country instrumental " Faded Love"."Spanish Eyes" was not so funny but then came "City Lights" hard core country. Then it was time for "I Won't Mention It Again" followed by "The Other Woman" and "You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me"... hits and more hits..."You Just Don't Love Me Anymore" and the most recent "Time". It was time for "Night Life" and "Crazy" followed by " Make The WOrld Go Away"... then the
worst... "For The Good Times"... followed by " Mansion On The Hill" and "Danny Boy"
and as encores " I'm Still Not Over You" and "I Wish I Was 18 Again"...

The show was over and Ray got some nice red roses from a young lady... there was a chair ready on stage and the crowd started lining up for the autograph session...I was kinda worn out after a long days flight and top notch show, so I took a walk uphill to Dan's car and he kindly drove me back to the Midway Motel... Sleep came early that night.... what a way to start a Nashville vacation....   Fleamarket - Saturday 051022

Woke up early as usual and had some nice breakfast at the motel, microwaved coffee and some nice bread with cheese... went downtown by bus to catch the #12 to Nolensville, got off at the Fairgrounds and rode with a trolley up from the parking lot to the Fairgrounds, where there is a monthly fleamarket. I almost never miss this event. It's nice to se sellers of almost anything gather there... and some are selling vinyl and cd's so I found me some and bought some presents for my grandkids... I also met a seller who had a nice VHS on hold for me with a concert of Country Music from Florida... among a lot of other artists Darrell & Mona
McCall were featured... a nice find indeed....

Took a break to the Midway motel and sorted things out and later on around 21.00 I took the bus to downtown Nashville to catch bus 34X out to Music Valley, where the Ernest Tubb Record Shop is located.... It was time for the Midnight Jamboree... featuring Ray Price And His Cherokee Cowboys.... Almost the same show as at The Ryman, but shorter... very good form and this time only 2 fiddles in the stringssection... I was lucky to meet one of my dealer friends there and we saw the show together and he kindly offered a ride back to the motel after the pleanned autograph session with Ray. ET record shop had a table with displays
of Ray's albums and Jennifer Herron also told the audience from the stage that Ray was going to sign auto's but Ray replied "I' going straight back to Texas" so although the was a line of people buying his stuff and waiting in line he never appeared to sign autographs. But some people who stood by his bus got to meet him and had stuff signed... but not a word from the ET-people that he cancelled.... My buddy Rick was waiting in line with 3 cd's and he got
so pissed he got them to refund his cash for them... now then time was about 01.30 and we left the building and got the ride back to Midway motel....I need to mention there was a guest on the show Buddy Marques, a little guy from Texas and he sang a nice song, but unforunately without steel... If you want to listen to this Midnight Jamboree Show it will probably be
possible in about 3 weeks on the site... look under Midnite Jamboree link...  Took about 15 minutes, no traffic and straight to bed....

Countdown - Great Escape - Arby's - Sunday 051023
Started slowly this morning, listening to WSIX Country Countdown.... guest this time was Martina McBride... she has a new cd out with covers only... how fun is that? Believe it or not 1 hour of Saturdays Grand Ole Opry was with Martina only.. talk about label promotion...

even Eddie Stubbs sunk into that shit and predicted that she'll get awards later on for this fantastic album.... might be for new fans, who never listened to old country before, otherwise "Rose Garden" never gaave me goose bumps with all strings etc..... Number one was Craig Morgan and most songs were middle of the road or southern rock type of country....

Then it was time to hit the Great Escape store on Broadway.... nice old store with lots of vinyl, cd's, vhs, dvd's and comics. Browsed there for hours and found some local yokals...
Had my first Arby's roast beef burger meal, this time 3 juniors for 99 cents  each....Got around auite well with my crutches and the foot ain't aching too bad, brought with me some Swedish Alvedon, that will dissolve in water...  Went to bed about 20.00 tired as hell and just fell

asleep... woke up 02.00 foot aching, but after a pill I drifted off to sleep.... again and slept until Monday  morning about 08.00   About 09.00 Dan called and told us, Larry the librarian is here too, sharing my simple living.... that he's picking us up about 09.30...

to be continued.... best regards,

QUESTION: I heard that Jerry Reed just received some kind of music award. What’s that all about?

ANSWER: Jerry Reed was recently added to The Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame along with Vince Gill, Gary Burr, Roger Murrah and Mike Reid.


QUESTION: The radio guys were talking about some John Denver music in a roadway play. DO you know anything about that?

ANSWER: “Almost Heaven: Songs Of John Denver” is an off Broadway musical at New York’s Promenade Theater from October 28th through Christmas and features such titles as “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” “Annie’s Song,” “Sunshine On My Shoulders” and “Leaving On A Jet Plane.”


QUESTION: I heard something on the radio about a Roy Orbison stamp. Any details?

ANSWER: Barbara Orbison, widow of the late singer, is reportedly fronting an online drive for a Roy Orbison commemorative postage stamp. For more information, go to


QUESTION: I was going thru some old country music magazines and found an interview someone did with Bob Luman in which he said that Roy Acuff never liked him. Is that true?

ANSWER: Luman was always quick to tell anyone that Acuff never cared for him. Bob’s music was a little too rock and roll for Roy Acuff.


QUESTION: My brother has a tape of a song he recorded from the radio back in the 70’s about “A Loser And A Learner On His Way To Better Things.” Do you know the correct title and the name of the guy who had that record?

ANSWER: “A Loser’s Just A Learner On His Way To Better Things” was a # 90 hit for Roger Bowling in 1978. Roger died in 1982.


QUESTION: Back in the early 60’s a guy had a record about “Five Brothers.” Do you know his name?

ANSWER: “Five Brothers” was Marty Robbins’ 23rd charted song. It peaked at # 26 in 1960.


QUESTION: What was Bob Wills first hit song?

ANSWER: Bob’s first chart record was “New San Antonio Rose” which peaked at # 3 in 1944.

****NOTE: There is a new Bob Wills “Story Behind The Song” feature now on our website at


QUESTION: Back in the early 80’s there was a song on the radio about “Nag, Nag, Nag.” I only heard it a few times. Do you know the name of the singer?

ANSWER: “Nag, Nag, Nag” was a # 87 hit for Bobby Braddock in 1980.


QUESTION: Do you know the name of the guy who had the record about “Barrooms To Bedrooms” back in the 70’s?

ANSWER: “From Barrooms To Bedrooms” was a # 10 hit for David Wills in 1975


Det blev mycket att läsa denna torsdag men ni hade väl ändå inget annat för er?


Ha en bra kommande helg och ta långklasonger på!


Janne Lindgren


A  nonprofit organisation to promote country music

Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad

Email:  HomePage: www

Nyhetsbrev nr. 089          30 oktober  2005  

Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar.

Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller


Hej vänner!  Jag vet att många av er undrar varför Nyhetsbrevet inte kom igår på söndagen precis som vanligt! Anledningen är att jag var på besök hos svärmor i Uppsala då hon fyllde 79 år (svärmor alltså). Uppsala är något äldre! Då jag på kvällen kom hem så var det ju engelsk fotboll på tv och det går för det mesta. Hustrun brukar påstå att det går före familjen!!  Hur det nu är med detta så får det bli en familjeangelägenhet som jag inte kan förmedla i mina Nyhetsbrev.


Idag får vi i Nyhetsbrevet njuta av ännu några dagar i Nashville med Hans Rosén. Så har jag även plockat ihop lite annat material åt er. Håll till godo!   Janne Lindgren


Hej Janne, och alla andra som läser detta!
Dom flesta som känner mig vet ju att jag är en stor steel-fantast. Och att
jag dessutom har Lloyd Green som min nummer ett är väl heller ingen
hemlighet. Nu vet jag att det finns en del inspelningar som jag inte har i
min Lloyd-samling, som skulle vara kul att ha. Bl.a. så gjordes en LP med
div. Hawaii-låtar, "Hawaiian Enchantment". Lloyd´s namn förekommer inte som
artist, men det är han som spelar. Vidare lär det finnas ett par singlar som
gjordes på Wayside under namnet "Tootsie & The Town Country Singers" från
1968. Låtarna är "Tootsie´s Wall Of Fame/My Little Red Wagon" samt "My
Place/Saturday Night At Tootsie´s". Om det finns någon som har något av det
här och är villig att dela med sig, hör gärna av dig. Går bra med vanlig
kasettband, eller MiniDisc, eller vad som. Min e-post adress är: Tack!


Glöm inte bort att boka in onsdagen den 2 november i Hallunda Folkets Hus där det blir MusikCafé med Country Minstrels med Carolina Åkerlind. Tiden är 19.30 – 22.00  

Bordsbeställning kan göras på 08 – 530 625 70 eller gå in och kolla på hemsidan  

Alla är välkomna!


Countryrockarna Coyote Smile firar sin första skiva "STEELTOWN" på Bolanche nattklubb i Borlänge Fre 11/11!

Coyote Smile har skivsläpp för sin debutskiva "STEELTOWN" på Bolanche nattklubb i Borlänge Fredag 11 November.

Entré inklusive CD och buffé endast 150:- pix! Vill du inte ha en skiva finns det t-shirts och kepsar. Å vill du inte ha nånting så går det bra också(50:-).

CD:n består av tolv låtar. Hälften av låtarna är skrivna helt eller delvis av bandets sångare Petri Mäkiaho.

Låtskrivarpartners har varit bla Ulf Back (Red Roosters) och John Whiteleather (King Rats).

Lokalflytt av skivsläppet. På grund av hårt publiktryck flyttar vi in i Bolanche nattklubb (på andra sidan korridoren om Texas Longhorn). Där finns det flera sittplatser än inne i själva restaurangen Texas Longhorn. Maten (buffén) är dock densamma från Texas Longhorns kök. Buffén serveras mellan 20.00-23.00. Beställ gärna bord om du tänker äta buffén.

Country-DJ på skivsläppet! Lars Kjellberg kommer med ett knippe skivor och fyller ut den levande musikens pauser med dessa alster! Lars har ju som många känner till spelat skivor, och pratat dessemellan, under många år, bla på Radio Dalarna och Wolf FM 88,8.


Tack Sven-Erik Swärd för Emmons nya set-up. Spännande men konstig!  JL.


Grass on a Monday night? - Monday 051024 (Hans Rosén rapporterar från Nashville)
Dan came on time a drove us to his nice office on Music Row. We gathered
there for some time getting very nice info about the music business and
sorting through some promo cd's... found a few I could use...

Then I took a bus #25 - the Midtown Connector - downtown and went via bus #15
all the way out to Hickory Hollow mall. Did some nice cd searchin' and found a local
yokal from Texas... Palousek-steel and Jimmy Harriss-fiddle... Then getting my food
supply at the H.G. Hill's store with lots of nice american food. Very nice to have a
fridge and microwave in the room now....

Rested my foot in the motel room and then it was time for Station Inn, bus #17 took me right in front of that honky tonk.... This evening it was Upper Management holding it's showcase.... entrance fee a high $15.... got there about 20.25  and the show had already started with the group Williams & Clark Expedition... a 4-piece band with a girl... From my point of view mediocre bluegrass, BUT as you all might know, I'm a hard core honky tonk man, with the shuffles as favorites... so I shouldn't be the judge for bg entertainment.... they didn't have fiddle!!

When they were done it was time for the group Nothin' Fancy a 5-piece group with the classic bluegrass setting.... I liked them better, with some joking about songs amd hair and tenor singing.... I have to mention that the place was filled, but I spotted two seats right in front of the stage (1 st row) so I stumbled there with my crutches and sat down by the table... I only noticed half an hour lately that it was a table reserved for the bands.... however nobody would think about telling that to "Hankaboy the crippled boy" so I had a good seating all the rest of the evening. The band played a lot of new stuff and songs from their upcoming album... nice and efficient, but probably better live than on cd...

Then it was time for a husband to introduce his wife.... Rhonda Vincent & The Rage - the
top of the bill.... musicians: Kenny Ingram-banjo, Hunter Berry-fiddle, Mickey Harris-bass,
Josh Williams-guitar and Rhonda Vincent-mandolin.... A nice set that was very pure and many songs picked from her recent live DVD.... they also filmed the whole show... All the band members had written some tune for the album and some of the songs featured a solo partof the members, like JW sand a nice new song for his dad, sitting next to me.... at about
23.00 the show was over and I headed for a long walk to the bus terminal.... then a car
with two nice girls from D.C. stopped and asked me If I needed a ride... which I did, so
in no time I was sitting on bus #15 headed for Midway motel again and the  driver stopped as close to the motel as he could.... oh, oh, oh what a pair of crutches can dooo...

Slept tight and really had a good sleep...   more to come


God's Creation - Leslie Satcher - Tuesday 051025
Woke up late and spent some time at the library and went all the way out to Rivergate Mall on Gallatin Road. Checked Media Play for cd's and they had a sale 4 for the price of 3.... bought me some cheap... Stopped by at the Great Escape in Madison on the way in... had 2 Happy Meals at McDonald's on Broadway for 99 cents each (tuesdays only after 14.00)... nice as always with Doctor Pepper as drink...Went back to motel to rest a bit and hove some nice coffee and cake...then it was time for Billy Block's Western Beat Show at the Exit/In.
Every Tuesday it's relevant for a country fan.... so bus # 10 took me there in no time and stopped very close to Elliston Place.... Paid my $5 to get a $6 show as Billy puts it in his ads.... show started with Cigar Store Indians... not much country drum and bass sound and only added instruments was lead and rhythm... not interesting... then even worse the old rockabilly legend Billy Hancock...very loud and he even had piano...his nearest c&w effort was a bad version of "Making Plans"... Then is was time for Sean Patrick McGraw... who has been in the Nashville Star competition, but I'm at least glad he didn't win.... very loud, bass, drums, lead & rhythm...couldn't wait for next act....

Heavenly tones started with Leslie Satcher now dropped from Warner but with a new cd out on JELLAN records... "Creation" - Garrish. Johnson-steel; Franklin, Glen Duncan-fiddle... 12 new songs in various styles.... most of the songs was taken from this album and she stood on stage with just her guitar and voice, she was just sooo good.... last time I got goose bumps here was at her last appearance.... she was happy had married en east Texas cowboy and was at ease.... she signed an album for the Swedish postal worker and he was happy...

Then it was time for Zane Williamsa nice songwriter in Nashville... had good backing,
however no steel, but Matt Combs-fiddle... and a guy on doghouse bass and another on madolin.... nice songs and vocal, recommended.... Last came the Woodys, now active with their latest labum "Telluride To Tennessee" drums, dobro, guitar, fiddle, mandolin, bass - nice blending vocals and much country... ca. 10.52 I took bus #3 to get back home via bus #15.... I stepped into the room and Larry the librarian was still there - he listened to radio all evening....

This week had the annual event here in Nashville, check their homepage
for information about all the events... lots of bluegrass... but I will probably only go
to saturday show to catch another glimpse of Rhonda Vincent.... now it's warming up here in Nashville 60 degress today... we came here with the cold weather, but at least it's not raining...

I'll be back thanks for reading, Hank honkin' from Nashville

Tack Hasse för intressanta iaktagelser i Nashville. Här lär vi oss mycket vad som finns att göra i den stan om man nu inte absolut vill stanna på Broadway hela tiden.  JL.


Hello fellow players,
In an effort to get the technical aspect of the matter out of the way first, I will share some information with you that will save you money, make you a better player and make you much more listenable. It has to do with the volume pedal and the speed at with the new potentiometers are wearing out in them. Once again, let me point out the obvious. Players who pump their pedals a lot wear their pots out faster than players who don't.

First of all, we have to understand that every time the pot is moved, it is being worn down. That means if it sits on your dining room table and every time you walk by it, you pump it 6 or 8 times or your kids want to make it a gas pedal in their make-believe car, yours is going to wear out pretty quickly. The way you play also contributes to the life of the pot. If your playing style involves you continually pumping your volume pedal on every note over and over, your volume pedal pot will wear 50 times faster than the professional who barely moves it when playing.

The sound of a volume pedal continually being pumped is as aggravating to the listener as it is to the volume pedal itself. One of the things that the incomparable Jerry Byrd was aggravated by the most was a chronic volume pedal pumper. I see this quite often in newer players but I must say, I have never seen it in an older professional player. So save money and have mercy on your audience. Set your volume in one place with your foot and barely move it and then only when necessary. You will be a much better sounding steel guitar player with better volume pedal technique.
Your buddy, Bobbe Seymour    


Glöm inte bort att boka in onsdagen den 2 november i Hallunda Folkets Hus där det blir MusikCafé med Country Minstrels med Carolina Åkerlind. Tiden är 19.30 – 22.00  

Bordsbeställning kan göras på 08 – 530 625 70 eller gå in och kolla på hemsidan  

Alla är välkomna!

I morgon tisdag åker jag tillsammans med Daniel Wigstrand till Askersund för en inspelning av fler kolugna låtar. Ja, så heter plattan faktiskt. Mer info om den kommer givetvis då den kommer ut på marknaden.

Det var allt för denna gång, 

Janne Lindgren



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