Country Nyhetsbrev
A nonprofit organisation to promote country music |
från Janne Lindgren & CountryMusicSweden FYLLDA MED BRA INFORMATION Gratisprenumerera ! Email: HomePage: www |
Ur innehållet: # 75 Bobbe Seymor & Hank mailar nyheter från USA # 76 Story behind the song "You are my flower", plus Jannes produktlistor # 77 Country i Karlshamn 3 ggr före jul # 78 Berra Karlson har provlirat Jannes Derby Steel... # 79 Cina Samuelson & Berra Karlsson i Malmö, julshow med Hasse Andersson. # 80 Hank berättar: USA-rese-fakta, nyttigt för er som ej har hans erfarenheter # 81 Mest för steel pickers # 82 alla nomineringar till årets CMA Award # 83 Lyssna på Country via Internet, Grand Ole Opry mm # 84 Porter Wagoner avled 28 oktober # 85 # 86 # 87 # 88 # 89 |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 075 ( 4 sidor) 30 september 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
"International Country", Radio Haninge Direkt Fm 98,5 mHz eller på Internet Direktsänt program tisdagar 16.45 - 18.15
Mycket ny hardcore Honky
Tonk, Western Swing och annat pure country däremellan plus lite bluegrass
etc. varvat med lite äldre från vinyl och CD.
Willie Cantu
- trommeslager i originale Buckaroos - kommer antagelig til Norge kommende
vinter/vår for å gi trommeseminar. Han vil demonstrere hvordan han spilte
med Buck, og vil vise de forskjellige måtene å spille 4/4 shuffle på, -
Buck`s, Ray Price, blues etc.. Dessuten, vispeteknikk, stikk/vispe
kombinasjoner etc..
Jag såg Lasse Lindfors i ”Landet Runt” i TV. Grattis Lasse! JL.
Gillar ni bluegrass och folkmusik, kolla sidan JL.
Wives and girl friends have provided the inspiration for many hit songs and according to Charles Seitz, Carl Smith’s 1956 hit, “Before I Met You” was one of those tunes!
Seitz commented, “My wife—who was not my wife at the time—was the inspiration for that song. I wrote the song shortly after I began dating her. It didn’t take long for me to realize that she was the one for me. I just started thinking about her and what she mean’t to me and the song just came out. It wasn’t hard to write.”
Carl Smith’s Columbia Records single, “Before I Met You” entered the country music charts October 13th, 1956 and peaked at # 6. it was Carl’s 32nd charted song and was on the charts for 12 weeks.
Hello fellow players, Our featured steel player this week is Billy Robinson. Billy as most of you know, is in the steel guitar Hall of Fame, but most of you don’t know why or what he has done.
Billy was prominent on George Morgan’s (Lorrie Morgan’s father) number one smash hit of 1949, “Candy Kisses”. When Jerry Byrd went into the service in 1950, Billy replaced him on the Springfield, MO radio show, The Ozark Jubilee. He worked this show with Red Foley, Grady Martin and Wanda Jackson for a year. He then came back to Nashville and worked the Grand Ole Opry with Marty Robbins, Bill Carlisle, Moon Mulligan, Jean Shepard, Hawkshaw Hawkins and several other stars.
He and his little single neck lap Bigsby steel hung it up in the mid-fifties so Billy could pursue a career as a graphic artist. One of his better known designs is the famous Sho-Bud logo that we all know and appreciate today. He also designed the cosmetics of the Sho-Bud Christmas Tree amplifier, possibly the most beautiful panel ever put on an amplifier.
My store, Steel Guitar Nashville, moved into a building that Billy owned and occupied half of in mid 1985. We rented this building until we outgrew it in 1989.
After talking to Scotty in St. Louis and telling him of Billy’s exploits in the music business, Scotty decided Billy should be in the steel guitar Hall of Fame and he was inducted in the following year.
Billy makes all the steel guitar shows that are within 500 miles of his home in Hendersonville. He has recorded several albums on his non-pedal guitar that he plays like a pedal guitar, doing slants, reverses, string pulls and such to the point that you’ll think he’s playing a universal 12 with 8 and 8 on it.
Billy is 76 years old now, looks and acts 45 and plays several rounds of golf a week. A classic player and human being. Most of you know this gentleman, but if you don’t, don’t miss him if he comes to a steel show near you.
With my ever increasing workload of restorations and repairs, I as some of you who work on your own guitars, have decisions that have to be made during the process of this work. For instance, I am restoring a double 8 Bigsby steel guitar that was originally built for Johnny Sibert of the Carl Smith show from 1952. The guitar was then sold to Webb Pierce for Sonny Burnett to play which was used throughout the rest of the fifties.
In 1960, Shot Jackson traded Webb Pierce a new Sho-Bud for the Bigsby. This Bigsby was then bought by the yet unknown Lloyd Green. Lloyd did his first two instrumental albums on this guitar and started his recording career on it.
My continuing dilemma on restoring this guitar is do I restore it the way it first went to Johnny from Paul Bigsby, or possibly how it spent it’s early days as a Webb Pierce guitar with two pedals only, or the way it was modified by Shot Jackson for Lloyd Green with six pedals and one knee lever, with wood insert necks and improved pickups.
Well, the decision is about made and the guitar is coming along nicely. It should be finished in the next two months. It will have the six pedals, wood insert neck and the incredible sounding modified pickups, but the classic Bigsby finish and look the way it was when Webb Pierce had it.
I am usually against modifying and updating classical steel guitars as it usually takes away the original values. As we all know, if you take an immaculate untouched ’57 Chevy in this day and time, put in bucket seats, a modern fuel injected engine, 18” wheels and disc brakes and a flame paint job on it, you have taken a $200,000 car and turned it into a $35,000 car.
However, because this classic Bigsby was one of the most used and heard and envied steel guitars of the fifties, it was really a work in progress from the time it left Paul Bigsby’s garage the first time in ’52 until it left Lloyd Green’s den in 1962. So I’m figuring that anything done to the guitar in that ten year era to be original and it may end up being the finest sounding and playing Bigsby ever and Lord knows it has some competition.
The reason I have mentioned this to you is to warn you that if you are thinking about doing serious redesigns, changes or modifications to your classic Sho-Bud or Emmons P-P guitars, please think again and consider the damage to your guitar and it’s future value.
If you don’t like the way it plays now, and I can’t imagine that, put it under the bed and buy something else. In the future, you may be very glad you did. This also may apply to your ’57 Chevy. However, as you know, if you’re starting with a completely totaled guitar or car frame, there’s nothing wrong with doing what you want to it as about anything you can do to it can enhance the value.
Next week, we’ll talk about the retro craze. Cars, houses, music and steel guitars.
Your buddy, Bobbe Seymour
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip Left Golfvaegen at 5.10 and then switched to Flygbussarna at Jaerva Krog, 5.43, arrived at Arlanda terminal 2 06.10. Checked in at the British Airways desk... then followed a long wait for the security line... about 50 meters long... at least... took forever it seemed... arrived at gate just in time to start boarding... arrived at London Heathrow, about 25 minutes early... Security again after terminal change... Waited around for quite some time and then gate #1 showed they way to AA flight 105. Arrived at JFK on time and took a bus ($13) to LaGuardia Airport and caught the flight to Nashville. Arrived late, about 20 minutes or so.... At JFK i found out my suitcase was missing... And they told me to report it when arriving at final destination... so first thing to do was to file a report at BNA... they searched the computer system for my suitcase and found out it had later been sent to BNA, via Chicago and arrived at the baggage claim about 10 minutes after my carry-on.... ain't life grand sometimes... Met up with Dan ok and arrived at my Midway Motel as usual... Got the key and remote control and got myself settled listening to country on TV and thinking about what a swell time that was ahead of me... warm in Nashville + 27 C... and sunny... I noticed that my place looked the same, this time with smaller fridge and new microwave... drifted off to sleep after midnight... FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Paid for the motel stay and notice that the price was higher this time about + 25%, they say no inflation in USA... took bus downtown to library and checked the mail and then bus #3 to Music Row... Checked out Great Escape recordshop and found me some goodies... had a nice Arby's meal and took a walk around Music Row... met up with Dan and got a nice ride back to Midway Motel and then out to Nolensville Rd. when I hit the Flea market... not much to be found there... still worthwhile, since it gives you a hint about inflation etc.. Took a bus and met up with dealer Mike, and had a nice talk with him... Took bus #12 back to motel, listened to Opry and sorted all the stuff out and filed on my Mac computer... planned next day and drifted away about 01.40... nice to have air conditioning this time, very hot.... tol be continued...
Hank Till sist alltså lite rapportering från Hank som åter är i Nashville. Tänk om Arby´s fanns i Sverige? I USA är den nästan lika stor McDonalds! Vi hörs snart igen! Janne Lindgren |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 076 ( 8 sidor) 4 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Lyssna på Country, Country Music som sänder över Radio Lidingö 97,8 med programledare Janne Lindgren. Tisdagar 20.00 – 21.30 (repris lördagar 15.00 – 16.30) Första tisdagen i varje månad besöker Kenneth Friberg studion med sina bluegrass och old-timeylåtar!
"International Country", Radio Haninge Direkt Fm 98,5 mHz eller på Internet Direktsänt program tisdagar 16.45 - 18.15
Mycket ny hardcore Honky Tonk, Western Swing och annat pure country
däremellan plus lite bluegrass etc. varvat med lite äldre från vinyl och
Hejsan Janne Vill vara med på din lista över radiostationer som sänder Country. I Sollefteå finns Närradion Över Sollefteå Kommun. Vi började sända på nätet i vintras. Vi sände bara några timmar i veckan MEN en halvtimma Country finns det tid till varje Tisdagar kl. 10.00 och jag har hunnit med drygt tio program nu Jag försöker spela ett varierat utbud som ska tillfredställa många men jag har kravet att det inte ska vara popp. Framförallt spelar jag för dom som inte är "Experter" utan vanliga lyssnare som är lika amatörer som jag. Besök det kan löna sej. Med vänlig hälsning Filip Flodman, Strömsund
Hej! Vill bara meddela att Country Saloon körs på Radio 94,3 varje fredag kl. 19.00 med repris måndagar kl. 21.00. Det går att lyssna på internet via: Missa inte heller det enda direktsända programmet för lastbilschaufförer i Sverige, Truckstop, som sänds torsdagar 18.00-21.00 från Viiby Krog utefter E20. Där spelas också massor av country! Hälsningar Thomas Hydén Radio 94,3 Box 123 SE-692 22 Kumla SWEDEN Tel. 019-583774
Hej Janne
Vi har precis återvänt hem efter en trevlig spelning i Danmark hos Country klubben Kaktus. De firade 20 år som club och hade en mycket trevlig fest i Sorö. Medverkade gjorde band från Sverige, Färöarna , Danmark och Tyskland. Roffe från Rolab Studio i Askersund var med och förstärkte på steel. Han är mycket nöjd med sin nya steel som du sålde till honom, så och med den värdefulla hjälp han fått av dig. Det lönar sig att handla av folk som vet vad de håller på med.
Vi har vår nya cd färdigmixad och nu återstår mastring och konvolut. Förhoppningsvis så är den klar i Nov Dec
Hälsningar Thomas Ahlberg Jack Daniels Band
Hej Janne,
Läser med glädje att du plusar för Mr Music Country. Var under många, många år prenumerant av dessa CD-album. Hoppade av för några år sedan då jag tyckte det blev lite för mycket av den popinfluerade country-musiken. Nu har ja återupptagit prenumerationen igen. Och nu känns det och hörs som förr. Vilken härlig sammansättning av låtar! Du som känner honom. Hälsa och tacka och att han fortsätter på den inslagna countryvägen.
Bosse Härmed framfört! JL.
till vernissage på
Om du har plats i nyhetsbrevet på torsdag så skulle vi bli glada om du la in en påminnelse om vår fest den 5 okt. Här kommer texten:
Hej alla snygga country och westernälskare, imorgon händer det:
slår på stort och bjuder in till en gigantisk stödfest. Vi vill nämligen
spela in en ny trailer för The Big Ass BBQ och behöver riktigt bra ljud,
ljus och en grymt laddad publik. Detta är den enda stockholmsspelningen
för årets succéshow och ni som inte sett den har ett guldläge nu. Vi nöjer
oss inte med att visa Sveriges snyggaste cowgirlshow, vi måste
naturligtvis även bjuda på de bästa banden och det svettigaste dansgolvet.
Äntligen blev webbupplagan klar av the Country Post nr 130. Gå gärna in och läs om bland annat blugrassfestivalen i Torsåker, festivalen i Furuvik, om hur countrymusiken ska etableras på Öland, om Carlene Carter i Dalhalla. Vår trogne Kennet i Norge och om Mora Country & Western Clubbs 25-års jubel. Ha en bra surfing på välj där Country Post. Hälsning Björne i Smedjebacken
A lot of hit songs have come from something a songwriter read.
According to Mother Maybelle Carter, Flatt & Scruggs’ 1960’s hit, “You Are My Flower,” was one of those tunes!
Mother Maybelle commented, “Sara carter and I found some of those words, “you are my flower” in a pamphlet we were reading one day. We changed the words around and then added some to it. I wrote the music to it and that’s where “You Are My Flower” came from. People liked the song very much and it was a very good tune for us.”
Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs” Columbia Records single of “You Are My Flower” entered the country music charts February 15th, 1964 and peaked at # 12. It was their 11th charted song and was on the charts for 18 weeks.
Here's report
from my Nashville,
TN fall fever trip Started day off with a visit to library - still warm summer - shorts and short western shirt is ideal, more like hot Swedish summer... took a bus to my dear friend Mike's place... his annual Sale, tons of records, if you buy 20 cds they cost $30 total. Found me a few, and some Hee Haw DVD's... went furter to Great Escape on Broadway, spent a lot of time there checking all kinds, cd, dvd, vinyl... had the coupon ready when I paid 20% off, it's a bargain every day... for the blue collar workin' man... Back to my Midway Motel... listening and watching Grand Ole Opry... just as usual drifted off to sleep while listening to Midnite Jamboree - this time Larry Stephenson guested. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 - Countdown & visiting Jeff Started day off with listening to WSIX radio the countdown... Brooks & Dunn in the studio telling stories... Took a bus to Jeff, and spent some time there looking for good new cds but found only a couple. Back to the Midway Motel for a radio show on WKDF 103,3 with Billy Block playing new artists and plugging his weekly show at Cadillac Ranch on broadway on Tuesday evenings... nice information there... of course I filed a lot on my Mac. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 - Great Escape Madison I have been kinda worried since I arrived in Nashville, no calls from my promo man, and I have not been able to reach him from Sweden either... Started day off by taking bus #26 to Madison and the 2nd location of Great Escape... many vinyl records there and other stuff, spent a lot of time there but not much money... took bus back to library and had some excellent Arby's burgers with melted cheddar cheese... back to the Midway Motel around 16.00 and I had been there just about 5 minutes when the phone rang... who could it be? Was it Jenkins calling my room mate Larry the librarian? No, it WAS my promo man!! I was so happy and set up a date immediately... So I spent 2 hours "going through tons of cd promos" and finally I ended up with a couple of cd boxes to pay for... I had to "wash my hands first" since the browsing had taken it's toll... and for security reasons... Took bus 15 back to my motel... Larry was listening to Stubbs, of course, with Skaggs & Whites in the studio, playing cuts from their new sacred bluegrass album.. when I came in he sobered up and I watched GAC on TV and a nice interview with Joe Nichols, and they played some nice videos of his hits... went thru all buys from promo man and really liked what I had picked out... when most dealers have less and less, I can still count on him... but no Emmy's to Wailin' ... planned the whole Tuesday and drifted off to sleep around 01.00 while listening to WSM night show...
to be continued..
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 - Donna Ulisse - newborn song writer and Bluegrass singer !! Started the day off at Walgreen's buying some nice Pringles 79 cents... and also some cheese dip from Family Dollar $1,50... spent some time at the library checking up on all emails and checking out homepages... then I went down a short walk to Ernest Tubbs Record Shop on Broadway... found me a cd with Don Helms on steel, and a local yokal singer... but he's really good so I bought it. Took a short walk to Country Music Hall of Fame, the Ford Theatre... There they showed some excerpts from old Flatt & Scruggs Television Shows, now being released on DVDs... they plan to release about ten and have now released 4 different. This time they had invited Ricky Skaggs and Randy Scruggs and Eddie Stubbs was moderator. Guest of honor was Earl Scruggs, old but still going strong... in the audience you could see Curly Seckler... Both Ricky & Randy commented on their appearances around ' 61 & '62, when they we 7-8 years old... Rickys grandma even kissed the TV when they broadcast the portion with Ricky singin' and grinnin'... how cute wasn't that... Eddie asked them a lot of questions which they kindly answered fully... after this event they sat around at the museum shop and signed autographs for all fans of Country & Bluegrass music. After that it was time to meet Jeff once more and have a look at his local yokals. Found me some but they're not as cheap as they used to be... did a short errant to my banker and it turned out he knew Jeff too so we tlaked a bit about music biz. Found me a bus #3 and went all the way to Arby's on West End... had some nice roast beef burgers and saved one for my promo man. I met him there happy and with some no boxes to show me... he had a surprise gift for my buddy Larry, a baseball cap, with bluegrass on front. He gave it to Larry - and he gladly accepted it for free... I bought some cds and then took bus #3 further out on West End... this time to visit F.Y.E. a shop that is now located in old Tower Records building... Billy Block was presenting a new artist there at 18.00: Reagan Boggs - After landing her 2006 release, Never Looking Behind, onto Americana Highway’s top 30 albums of the year list, Reagan Boggs delivers Right Now. The songwriter hails from a coal mining community in Southwest Virginia. With roots still firmly planted in those hills, she tells the story of “Clifton Branham,” Appalachian bad man via his own memoirs, and details a woman’s nightmare of strip-miners disrupting the resting dead after a pressured sale of her family’s land in “The Graves.” She pours out her heart through the eyes, ears, and fears of two young children living daily in an abusive home in “Ready to Run;” and again through the reflections of a middle-aged wife who struggles to find happiness in a comfortable, yet empty marriage in “Plastic Flowers.” Right Now is a collection of songs dealing with the light and darkness of everyday reality, composed in descriptive detail, and sung with the depth and emotion that is Reagan Boggs. It was just her and a guitar and she was akinda singer/writer so I left the building early and strolled downtown... Ended up in a local honky tonk (SMOKING PROHIBITED from Oct. 1, 2007 all over Nashville), 3rd & Lindsley, where Donna Ulisse was supposed to appear in a IBMA Showcase... it turned out to be postponed to 21.30 we we guzzled some beers and then the band came on: Randy Kohrs-dobro, Andy Leftwich-fiddle, Byron House-bass, Keith Sewell-guitar and Scott Vesdtal-banjo on one cut Ashley Brown-fiddle/vocal. The band started with a bluegrass instrumental... then came Donna Ulisse: "I'm Calling Heaven Down", "Gone", " If I Were" (With Rick Stanley a cousin to Ralph S.), "He Ain't That", "He's Still A Believer", "I'm A Child Of God" Randy Kohrs: "I'm Torn", "Sitting On Top Of The World" Keith Sewell: "Lovers Journey", "Think Of What You've Done", "back Where We belong" (A Skaggs cut) Band: "Uncle Pen" and the band ended with a fiddle tune... show was over about 23.00. Donna was in good form I think she is a better singer than song writer and can't remember seeing her name on other singers albums, but maybe one day... Took a short walk to Murfreesboro Rd. and the 23.15 bus #15 back to Midway Motel. had some coffee and cakes and filed a bit on my Mac, listened to WSM and drifted off about 00.40 after a full day.. to be continued.. Hank
Hi everyone....Hope all is well with you. This Friday afternoon (5:30 Texas time) I'll be visiting with Jerry Mac in his paltalk room. I'll have a microphone hooked up and we can visit with each other. I would love to chat with ya'll! If you haven't been in paltalk, you can go to There's several country shows, chat rooms, and some nice folks to visit with. Perfectly safe from virus and freaks...haha You can download their messenger for free & login. Click on rooms, music, country and the show that says "Jerry Mac and friends" and you're there! This is a listening room only. You can type in your comments and chat with others by text. If you login today and you don't see his room listed, it's because he is only open from 4-8 pm. The rooms only show up when they're open. Hope to chat with you guys tomorrow. If you miss this show, I'll be visiting with Sue MacClaren in Australia on paltalk in Derek's Listening Room on Oct 21st @ 11pm (Texas time) Liz
Some writers prefer not to reveal the reason or the idea for certain songs and “Born To Lose” is one of those tunes!
Ted Daffan commented, ”The true inspiration for “Born To Lose” is my little secret and it will remain my secret. I have played penny ante poker from time to time, and when I played, I won most of the time.”
He would not admit that poker playing provided the idea for “Born To Lose,” or just where the idea for the song came from!
His Okeh recording of “Born To lose” entered the country music charts January 14th, 1944 and peaked at # 3, where it stayed for five weeks. It was on the charts for 21 weeks. The song was also the flipside of “No Letter Today,” which peaked at # 2 and was charted for 8 weeks.
Hej på
er allihopa!
Tack Hasse Buhre för inbjudan till matmässan i Munchenbryggeriet i veckan. Alltid intressant att komma till mässorna och smaka lite god mat. Speciellt röror, senap och allt annat från Rydbergs och Druvan. Det blev hela 8 sidor den här gången. Hasse Rosens besök i Nashville är alltid intressant då ni där kan lära er hur man tar sig runt utan hyrbil. Själv vill jag rekommendera att ni skaffar er en hyrbil då ni åker till USA. Det förenklar det mesta! Är ni i Nashville och bara vill stanna på Broadway så behöver ni varken buss eller bil, men ni missar massor av fina klubbar och ställen som ni kan läsa om i Hasses beskrivningar.
Slutligen hoppas jag att helgen blir fin.
Janne Lindgren
PS. Jag sänder med mina produktlistor som bilagor. DS |
Steel Guitar Music, Frösätrab. 10, 127 37 Skärholmen Tel. 08 – 88 46 86 email:
Dobro Mel Bay´s Country Dobro Guitar Styles by Ken Eidson & Tom Swatzell. 72 sidor. Pris: 125:- Mel Bay´s Learn To Play Bluegrass Dobro, by Ken Eidson & Tom Swatzell. 88 sidor + CD. Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Dobro. 133 sidor + CD Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s Beginning Dobro Solos, by Stacey Phillips. 52 sidor + CD Pris: 245:-
Mel Bay´s Super Dobro Picking, by Tim McCasland. 30 minuters DVD. Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s Anyone Can Play Dobro. 50 minuters DVD. Pris: 224:-
Mel Bay´s Dobro Wall Chart by Janet Davis. Stor plastbehandlad poster i vackert utförande. Alla ackord finns här. Pris: 120:-
Banjo med flera instrument Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Banjo. 116 sidor Pris: 205:-
Mel Bay´s First Lessons Banjo. 32 sidor m. CD Pris: 90:-
Mel Bay´s 101 Red Hot Licks Bluegrass Mandolin. 47 sidor m. CD Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s Fun With Mandolin. Bok + CD Pris: 230:-
Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Uke. 96 sidor + CD Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s Dulcimer Chord Encyclopedia. 139 sidor Pris: 175:-
Mel Bay´s Dulcimer Chord Book. 64 sidor Pris: 120:-
Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Dulcimer. 95 sidor + CD Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s 2000 Dulcimer. 95 sidor + CD Pris: 250:-
Mel Bay´s Blues Harmonica Method Level 1. 30 sidor m. CD Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s Ultimate Fretted Tuning Chart Pris: 125:-
Basic Music Theory by Jim Molberg. 28 sidor Pris:- 125:-
Steel Guitar (pedal & lap) Mel Bay Easiest Country Pedal Steel Guitar Book Pris: 90:-
Mel Bay´s Pedal Steel Guitar Chord Chart E9th by DeWitt Scott. Plastbehandlad “Wall Chart” där alla ackord finns med. Pris: 90:-
Mel Bay´s Basic C6th Non Pedal Lap Steel Method by DeWitt Scott. 96 sidor + CD. Pris: 250:-
Lap Steel Guitar Kurs i C6 stemning by Henning Kock. Pris: 200:-
Steelin´ In The Dark by Henning Kock. 32 sidor + kassett Pris: 150:-
Mel Bay´s Steel Guitar Method vol. 1. 95 sidor Pris: 150:-
Mel Bay´s Steel Guitar Method vol. 2. 48 sidor Pris: 95:-
The International Steel Guitar And Dobro Discography by Joe Goldmark Pris: 95:-
Janne Lindgrens
Pedal Steel
Guitar 1.
Pedal Steel
Guitar 2.
Pedal Steel
Guitar C6th. (Ny)
Janne Lindgrens privatlektioner i Skärholmen, Stockholm.
Steel Guitar Music, Frösätrab. 10, 127 37 Skärholmen Tel. 08 – 88 46 86 email:
Pedal Steel Guitars (lev.tid ca. 6 veckor) 1st GFI S-10 (studentmodell) 3+4, röd, etui, picks och stål (beg. i lager) 13.000:- GFI Ultra D-10, 8+5, valfri färg, etui 38.000:- GFI Ultra Padded S-10, 3+4, valfri färg, etui 31.000:- GFI Ultra S-10, 3+4, valfri färg, etui 28.000:- GFI EXPO D-10 E, 8+4, röd eller svart Mica, etui 33.000 GFI EXPO S-10 E, 3+4, röd eller svart Mica, etui 21.500
Lap Steel Guitars Nashville Sound Lap Steel S-6, flightcase och tillbehör 5.990:-
Resonator Guitars Regal RD 40-BS 6-string square neck black 7.400:- Regal RD 40-VS 6-string quare neck vintage sunburst 7.400:- Regal RD 38-VS 6-string square neck vintage sunburst 7.400:- Regal RD 38-BS 6-string square neck black 7.400:- Flinthill FHD 100S 6-string square neck sun burst 6.900:-
Western Guitars Durango D48 6-string Jumbo 3.600:- Durango B46 Softshoulder D 3.600:-
Goodrich Volume Pedals Model 120 pot. 1.974:- Model 120 Low Profile pot. 2.125:- Model H 10 K Super Pot Pedal 2.600:- Volume Potentiometer 350:-
Strings from Black DiamondPedal Steel Guitar strings for E9th 130:- Resonator Guitar strings for G-tuning N780B set. 140:- Resonator Guitar strings for G-tuning N780 set. 80:- Acoustic Guitar strings 600XL set. 80:- Mandolin strings set. 80:- Banjo strings set. 80:-
National Finger and Thum picks NP 1 Metal Finger Picks 10:- NP 2 Metal Finger Picks (Original) 25:- NP 2 Bronze Finger Picks 25:- NP 6. Plastic Thumb Picks Medium 15:- NP 7. Plastic Thumb Picks Large 15:- NP 8. Plastic Thumb Picks Small 15:-
Steel Guitar And Dobro Bars (spelstål) Nashville Sound Steel Bar 22 x 82mm Pris 480:- Emmons Steel Bar (obetydligt begagnat) 22 x 86mm Pris 550:- Stevens Dobro Bar 150:- Hardwood Stainless Steel Bar for Dobro 190:-
Övriga tillbehör George L´s kablar (25:- per meter) används av alla steel pickers George L´s telepluggar till ovanstående kabel 40:-/ styck George L´s Pick Up for 10-strings (olika modeller) Pris: 1.300:-/st Dobro Case (olika modeller) fr. 850:- Dobro Straps 340:- Capo for Dobro GC 40 125:-
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 077 ( 5 sidor) 7 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Så har det hänt för tredje gången att man spelar musik från min platta ”Blott En Dag” i Melodikrysset som går i P4. Det känns riktigt roligt att redaktionen väljer musik med pedal steel guitar och då inte bara en gång. Jag tror att programmet har väldigt många lyssnare. JL.
För de old time
törstande kan vi avslöja att vi och Forge Mountain Diggers (US) planerar
träffas i Saddle & Sabres (Tegrnergatan 9, Sthlm) källare och jamma på
Nu kan ni se några bilder och läsa mitt reportage från Sälen. Gå till Det kommer att publiceras betydligt fler bilder, bl.a. på samtliga deltagande artister. Må väl, Kenneth H Friberg 08-39 05 60
Hej på Er alla !
Översänder lite information till Er där ute som gillar livemusic !
Lena / One58
Carlshamn Country Förening The Boogie Cats 20 oktober Ölhallen Karlshamn medlem 50 kr / ej medlem 80 kr
akustisk country consert i CarlGustafs kyrka 4 dec kl 19.00
En höstafton med tända ljus, mat, dryck och akustisk country, blues och ragtimemusik. Homesick Mac Lördagen 3 nov Ölhallen Karlshamn Endast förköp via turistbyrån i Karlshamn 0454-812 03 medlem entré och matbiljett - 130 kr ej medlem entré och matbiljett - 160 kr Entré öppnar kl 19.00 Buffé serveras kl 19.30 Hey Janne,
I am SO glad to be on your playlist!! Thanks for having me on there, it is always an honor my friend. All my best to you & Eva.
Bobby Flores here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 – A city with a great library is a great city! Started day with filing all the rest of the stuff on my Mac, then bus down to Library see: and today there was music to be heard!
So I arrived there just in time, got me a front row seat and then enjoyed a full 1,5 hour of finest Nashville female white blues... check up also . She was appearing with drums, slide, and bass. Nice earthy sound and very good vocal. Recommended for all bluesy fans and for Kalle Oldby at SR. to be continued..
here's report from my Nashville,
TN fall fever trip
continued... after the library show i took the bus #10 out on Charlotte Avenue. All The way out to the Salvation store... found nothing and continued to Goodwill store and found some clothing, i e Western Shirt. On the way back to town I stopped at wrote the report, but computer didn't like me so I had trouble doing it... Windows of course, says the Mac- fan... then I strolled down to Legends Corner on Broadway... just to find out he had cancelled and was out of town, but instead "His Band" was playing and the singer was Steve Radford, nice style and good steel guitar work by Cookie Jones, who used to play for Barb Mandrell for a long time... he did lots of classics from: Hag, Rodriguez, Pride, Watson, John Anderson, Waylon etc. when he took a break after 23 songs I left the building... no cover charge there but you should leave some tips in the tip jar... beer cost $3,75/bottle (Miller Light) walked over to ET Record shop, browsed their large stock of cds DVDs and books... then at 22.00 it was time for the manager to announce the IBMA evening all for free (of course). Started with Cadillac Sky - new bluegrass with more progressive attitude... then came the best group, Pine Mountain Railroad, nicely dressed and with a happiness to be on stage that was unsurpassed this evening. They had some guests like Gloria Belle and her husband... and some younger kids... the top of the bill was The Cherryholmes, almost all family group... - played catchy bluegrass, but still and some of them are probably better doing something else, than singing and playing... but there is strong talent there.. at least I found them 2nd best that evening. When the clock was 00.05 I took the short walk to the busterminal to catch the night owl, and was so happy only me, Larry and two others on the bus... we got off first and 9 minutes from boarding we were at Midway Motel to sum up another day in Nashville. Listened to WSM and slept well all night... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 - A started day with a bus ride out to Hickory Hollow, browsed some cds and checked out a Kroger food store... visited another Goodwill store and bought some clothing... continued the ride back home with a haircut at Gene's barbershop... $8 is still effective... Stopped by at HG Hill's food store and bought some potato sallad and bar-b-que... Cheap food in the US... NOT swedish high prices... Took a break at Midway Motel and then went back to town and bought a new bus pass for next week ($17). Looking forward to Bluegrass Fan Fest starting tomorrow with lots of shows, check out this page: you might wish you were here...! to be continued..
Hello fellow players,
This week I’m featuring retired steel guitarist Lloyd Green. At one time, Lloyd was possibly the most recorded steel guitarist in history along with Pete Drake. Then in ’74 Sonny Garrish came on the scene and has worked 3 to 4 sessions a day ever since and is now undoubtedly one of the most recorded steel guitarists.
Lest we not forget Lloyd, who came to Nashville as a young man in his twenties, went to work with Faron Young, which I may add, was not a relationship that either one of them enjoyed. Lloyd still has horror stories about the road and Faron.
I remember talking to Faron about Lloyd and Faron said that Lloyd was just way too nice for his own good and he loved aggravating Lloyd and picking on him because he took it so well.
The guitar Lloyd came to town with was not really up to the task, so Faron offered him his own triple neck Bigsby with two pedals on it. The guitar belonged to Faron and was the one that Faron’s previous steel guitar player, Joe Vincent also played on his last tours and sessions with Faron. It was an incredible sounding steel guitar and was played by Joe Vincent on Faron’s hit, “I Miss You Already”.
When Lloyd left Faron a couple years later after a pretty strong falling out, Lloyd drove back to Faron’s house in the middle of the night, left the guitar on Faron’s front porch with a note that said in so many words, take this job and shove it.
The next week, Lloyd went to Shot Jackson at Sho-Bud (this was approximately 1960) and told Shot of his plight. Shot said, “I have the Webb Pierce Bigsby that Sonny Burnett played for seven years. I financed it for another steel player in town who starved out and went back to his home town. He still has a years worth of payments remaining on it at $27. a month. You pay it off and it’s yours.”
This is the guitar that Lloyd started his recording career with in Nashville. Several of the Lynn Anderson hits, Roy Drusky’s “Mister Peters” and a couple of Lloyd’s first instrumental albums, one of which was “Big Steel” I believe, were recorded with this guitar.
This guitar is now in my possession and three quarters restored to it’s former Bigsby glory.
After Lloyd proved himself as a very able studio musician and left his job as a shoe salesman, Shot approached Lloyd with the offer to build him a beautiful new double neck 10 Sho-Bud steel guitar. Lloyd played this guitar for a couple of years and then got another double 10 Sho-Bud designed by Shot’s son David Jackson. Lloyd made this guitar famous by recording the “Live At Panther Hall” album with Charlie Pride in the late sixties.
This guitar was destined to be Lloyd’s last double ten as his studio career had taken off to the point that he was the busiest steel guitarist that Nashville had ever seen. Over 99% of his work was on the E9th neck, so he went to Sho-Bud one day and said, “Take this inside neck off. I don’t want to carry it anymore.”
Thus was the birth of the new model of Sho-Bud. The LDG, the Lloyd Green model. Lloyd went on extremely successful for many years in the studio. Lloyd made many very good investments and his retirement trust fund from the musicians union has made him a very wealthy retired steel guitarist.
About all I can say is don’t worry about Lloyd. He’s done wonderful and he’s doing wonderful. I cannot think of anything this icon of steel guitar hasn’t done and he should remain a bright spot in the rich history of steel guitar.
This coming weekend is the North Tennessee Steel Guitar Club Steel Guitar Show at the Preston Hotel in Nashville. Some of the finest steel guitar players in the world and about all of Nashville’s great steel players who can, are working this ever growing show. Even Scotty will be playing his frypan along with many great Hall of Famers.
>From reading the steel guitar forum, it appears as though I will be doing a half hour starting at 3:20 on Saturday afternoon. It appears to be a star studded show.
Have you experienced steel guitarists who are reading this now ever gone though what it seems like I go through every time I have to play, especially in Nashville? An egomaniac singer who talks through all your turnarounds as loud as he can over the microphone, kicks off all the songs with his vocal, even “Touch My Heart”, “When I Call Your Name” and “Heartaches By The Numbers” to name three.
How about playing extremely loud rhythm on a Fender Telecaster and yells at you telling you you’re too loud and the tempo is too fast, instead of telling the drummer who’s responsibilities the tempos are?
It seems as though great musicians are continuing to have to work with amateur singers and stars who cannot even be taught what’s right or wrong. How can you teach somebody who thinks they know it all?
Singers who clap hands while holding the microphone, don’t announce the song by the title but only by who recorded it (Hey let’s hear some Patty Loveless now.). These are things that I have less and less tolerance for the older I get because I have spent a lifetime learning my craft, why can’t the entertainer singers do the same.
But I want you all to know who are reading this letter, I know you’re all going through the same thing and just remember, I’m thinking about you. I can kind of understand now why great retired musicians don’t want to work once their professional career has ended. I also understand why many of the many Nashville stars prefer to hire less experienced newer players who come to town. The older ones have moved on, progressed to other less abusive forms of playing steel guitar to make money.
I’m sure this is also why many players over the United States and the world hang on to their lucrative day jobs and only use their talents and experience playing on the weekend. I must say they have my respect and total understanding.
Last week I told you that I was going to get into the retro craze phenomena that seems to be sweeping the world. You know, the PT Cruiser, General Motors HHR, the new Clinesmith Bigsby replica and all the re-releases from Fender and Gibson along with the tube amplifier craze. This newsletter is too long this week so we will get into this deeply next week.
Next week’s featured steel guitarist will be Dan Dugmore.
By the way, Happy Birthday Lloyd!
Your buddy, Bobbe Seymour
På den tiden det ordnades steelseminarium i Sverige så hade vi faktiskt Lloyd Green på besök. Det var fantastiskt att sitta bara några meter ifrån Lloyd och se och lyssna på vad denne mästare gjorde. Hade intresset varit större hos steelpickers här i landet så kanske vi hade kunnat fortsätta med ytterligare seminarium. Så blev det inte men vi hann att få hit även Weldon Myrick och Russ Hicks. Det var allt för denna gång men vi hörs på torsdag igen! Janne Lindgren |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 078 ( sidor) oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller
Idag har jag haft besök av Berra Karlsson och Johnny Samuelsson. Berra ville kolla in min Derby steel och provspela lite grann. Vi hann både provspela, fika och snacka steel under de timmar de var hos mig. Berra är en av de bästa steelpickers vi har i Sverige och det var nästan lika kul att sitta och kolla in honom på nära håll som då vi hade Lloyd Green i Sverige. Ni kan se och höra Berra då han lirar med Hasse Andersson. Berra och Johnny spelar också på Cina Samuelsons CD, bara så ni vet!
Här lite övrigt! JL.
Hej Janne,
Jag blir lika glad som du när jag får lyssna till inspelningar från ditt album "Blott en dag" på melodikrysset P4. Ett program som jag alltid försöker lyssna på och försöka lösa korsordet. Jag har skickat in ett tack till redaktionen vid ett tidigare tillfälle och tackat för att dom hade den goda smaken spela något från ditt "Blott en dag" album.
Albumet finns ju i min ägo. Tack för det! Och det är musiken i det albumet som får min granne att få "stå päls" ( hans uttryck) när han får lyssna till dom ljuva tonerna från din steel.
Hej Janne.
Jag hörde din dobro klinga ut i melodikrysset i lördags. Kul att det dyker upp låtar från din instrumentalplatta i radion ibland. Skivan är väldigt bra överlag tycker jag!
De steelseminarier du skrev om i förra nyhetsbrevet lyckades jag missa, alla av dem! Det hade nog varit mycket givande att få inspiration från dessa herrar. Min "ursäkt" att inte dyka upp berodde på att jag satt och plinkade på min egen "sågbock" på diverse jobb vid dessa tillfällen. Men sånt är det väl här i livet ibland?
Mvh Berra Karlsson Ja, ibland hamnar man bland kulturen! Visst är det kul! CD´n Blott En Dag är inspelad med en blandning av analoga instrument och programmerade bakgrunder på en Atari, vilket var ett ganska nytt sätt att göra musik på 1991. Steelen är dubbad, d v s inspelad två gånger unisont. CD´n kan beställas från ovanstående adress. JL.
Janne! Tackar för den reklamen! Frihamnen ja, det var länge sedan jag hade min studio/replokal där precis vid Tallinbåtarna. Men kul hade vi på våra träffar med steelkamrater! JL.
Hej, vill på detta sätt bara meddela att AFF - Amerikanska Folkmusikföreningen har bytt webbhotell och webbadress (URL). Numera kan ni hitta oss på Ber er vänligen att byta adress i era favoriter/bookmarks eller länkar som ni har till oss. Den gamla och den nya kommer att köras parallellt till årets slut - sen är det ajöss med Mvh webbmakare Friberg.
Ett arrangemang. Den 20 oktober blir det en Countrykväll i Stugan, Stadsparken. Jönköping. Tid: Klockan 19 – 24. Entré 150 kronor. Medverkande artister: Romi Mayes från Canada, Earl & Dallas och Blue Valley Boys. Det går att beställa buffé till ett pris av 150 kronor exklusive dryck. Tel 036/16 33 90. Mera info av Ingemar Elf på tel. 0735-36 21 89 eller på
Bluegrasskonsert på Culturum söndagen den 9 dec kl 16.00 , 2007. En vinterkonsert med: String Strike Pickers, Bluegrasskören, Thomas Haglund, Olov Österberg som framför Bluegrass/amerikans folkmusik , med influenser från jazz, gospel mm Konferencier: Karin Alm Efter konserten blir det folkmusikfestival med musikgrupper som: Stinas Bluegrass Band, Oxtakt, FBB, Ingemar med KAM, Nyköpingshus Spelmangille, Jenny med vänner, ev. fler musikgrupper Förköpa av biljetter Culturum, Eller ring 0704 00 08 75, mail Arr: 100:-/biljett 2 ungdomar/per vuxen gratis.
Hej. Vad kul med en levande livescen. Då fyller jag på med mer livecountry och bluegrass i och i närheten av Karlshamn. Broken Spokes spelar trad country i Olofström på First Hotel 9 nov kl 20 och på Valvet, Kristianstad 14-15 dec kl 23.
Blue Forge spelar bluegrass 12 okt kl 20 på First Hotel i Olofström och på Karlmans, Karlshamn(First) ons 21 nov kl 19. Mvh Peter 070-5692230
Friends, Please click on this link and then scroll down to read the latest news.....Greetings from Nashville! Dan Ekbäck
Jag är på jakt efter någon i Uppsala som kan ge en ung amatör lite skolning i att lira banjo. Tänder det ett ljus? Maila gärna mig i så fall på /Andreas Karlsson
Det här kanske är något för er steelpickers. JL.
musikdiggare! Nu har Ambrogio två webb-sides:
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 - continued After the stint at the library I took bus#3 out to F.Y.E. in the old Tower Records building on West End. I had a coupon giving me 40% off any used cd... I had to browse a long time and finally found a local yokal with a jewel box containing both cd (16 songs) and DVD (18 songs)... so I was happy... took a bus back and visited Great Escape again and found me an advance cd of jason Michael Carroll's first major cd, with one song that was actually deleted on his store release... sounded too country of course... Spent the evening back at Midway Motel enjoying the NHL premiere with the Predators at home against Avalanche... an easy win 4-0, but in the first period it was tough, and the goalie had to make 35 saves, some of the more qualified than you can expect a goalie to save... Drifted off to sleep listing to WSM, probably around midnight...
to be
continued.. Hank
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 – A Front Row Seat To Hear Ole Emmy Sing! One of the more hectic days as Fan fest started... Received a call from my promo man early in the morning. Set up a time 09.30 at his shop... but first I went down to Nashville Convention Centre and bought me a one day ticket ($45) for a full day of bluegrass. Then I met my man and found me some country DVDs and some new cds and some singer?songwriter promos... he was still very happy doing business with me and so was I doing business with him. Took bus #7 back to the NCC, the bluegrass had just started:
October 5 - Nashville Convention Center 11:30 AM Cadillac Sky (I skipped, too progressive) 12:00 PM Steep Canyon Rangers - nice bluegrass 12:30 PM Sierra Hull & Highway 111-nice bluegrassby young girlsinger, but not worth paying for... 1:00 PM The Greencards - not so nice bluegrass 1:30 PM Grasstowne - nice bluegrass 2:00 PM The Mark Newton Band - nice bluegrass - with mandolin player Sierra Hull! 2:30 PM Nashville Bluegrass Band - Pat Enright's mom was deadly sick, so Dave Peterson was doing the vocal - very nice 3:00 PM The Claire Lynch Band - nice, but Missy Raines-bass! 3:30 PM Larry Cordle & Lonesome Standard Time - very nice grass, this timer he had a fiddle player, which he really needs. She was doing great! He did mostly songs from his brand new digipak cd. 4:00 PM John Starling & Carolina Star - John was unfortunately sick and was replaced by Jerry Salley - who did a great job singing own songs recorded by others. 4:30 PM J.D. Crowe & The New South - very nice grass, some McCall-vocals 5:00 PM Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper - 5 time fiddle player of the year with a band, his new singer was really good, singing in old style... 5:25 PM (INTERMISSION) took bus #3 and bought Arby's for Larry ' n me. 6:10 PM IIIrd Tyme Out - back at NCC, I found me a front row seat... andenjoyed this group..
PM Larry Sparks & The Lonesome Ramblers - nice bluegrass and after
this Carl
(MC) informed the audience that a special treat was about, 7:10 PM Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver - nice group, Doyle himself in rhinestone suit a la Wagoner... all members had nice clothing, a plus this evening... nice vocal by the new singer, very much bluegrass!! Then Carl Jackson, almost with tears in his eyes, introduced e singer who had influenced him a lot (b. April 2, 1947, Birmingham, Alabama) 7:55 PM Emmylou Harris - she had planned to use Carolina Star (John Starling's band, and she did, but as said before John was sick) the band was hot and consisted of: Rickie Simpkins-fiddle, Tom Gray-bass, Mike Auldridge-dobro, Jimmy Gaudreau-mandolin... all did vocal efforts... backing Emmy, who was in good form and me just sittin' front row... just few yards away... As usual the coffe cup was there and she belted out these old songs: "Roses In The Snow", "Blue KY. Girl", Miss The Mississippi And You", "One Of These Days", "Angel Band", "Snowing On My Tomb" (Townes song outtake on new box), "Poncho & Lefty", "Jordan", " Born To Run", "I'm Lonesome For My Precious Children" (found in a Movie Soundtrack - recorded by Doyle L.), "John The Baptist" and finally for Carl Jackson's father a duet with Carl "The Angels Rejoiced In Heaven Last Night" - unfortunately the bluegrass audience didn't understand her greatness! 9:00 PM The Isaacs - too much religion and family band are not always great on all instruments etc but Sonya & Becky can sing... although the sacred songs tend to dominate... 9:45 PM Mountain Heart - Way loud - I left 10:30 PM The Grascals - (have seen before many times) 11:15 PM Cherryholmes (have seen one time before, enough) 11:35 PM (End) After I noticed that Mountain Heart was too loud and the clock was about 10.30 I went to another showcase: Third Coast Artist Agency NCC Level 2 Room 207 11:00 pm Alecia Nugent (with Josh Williams on guiatar & vocal and some friends) did a nice job and really nice tribute to Jimmy Martin "12 White Roses" written by Carl Jackson. 11:30 pm Bradley Walker - BG Male Vocalist of 2007 - with his own band in a relaxed atmosphere.. the title hadn't really sunk in yet... he really thanked all the music people for helping him, and fans for buying his first release on ROUNDER - "Highway Of Dreams" ( a real fine man, and so down to earth!! unfortunately he is crippled and has to sing in a wheelchair. When he was done I skipped these:
am The Charlie Sizemore Band and instead I took a close walk to busterminal and met up with Larry, and took the night owl bus back to Midway Motel, we got there in about 10 minutes, listened to Eddie Stubbs a bit and then after coffee and homebaked Swedish banana cake I drifted off to sleep, just remembering Emmy, and her way of being professional, just at the right moment..
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 079 ( 5 sidor) 14 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Hej Janne.
Ett stort tack för gästfriheten då Johnny och jag under torsdagen kom på besök. Test av Din Derby gitarr, dobros mm. plus kaffe och mackor gjorde att timmarna snabbt rann iväg. Speciellt trevligt var det att i lugn och ro sitta och snacka musik och annat med dig. Det blir ju ganska sällan tillfälle till sådant, så det här var verkligen trevligt!
Derby gitarren har både fin ton och känns fin i mekaniken måste jag säga. Den var dessutom mycket lättspelad tycker jag.
Mvh Berra.
Hej Janne! Jag har färska hälsningar från Cacka Israelsson, still going strong. Vi från Radio 94,3 var hemma hos Cacka och hustru Margit i Östhammar och spelade in två program häromdan. Det blev mycket kaffedrickande med hembakt äppelkaka vid köksbordet och gamla spelminnen från Cackas sida. Vilken man! Rösten fanns där fortfarande, det var så det "gick kalla karar" utefter ryggen. Vi kommer att sända dessa program framöver, så det är bara att hålla koll i tablån. ( Hälsningar Thomas Hydén
Howdy. Det var tråkigt att det inte blev någon riktig Hillbilly & Bluegrass Night den 6 oktober, men det blev ju ett trevligt jam med Forge Mountain Diggers och alla andra som var där på Saddle & Sabre. Vi vill, lite i sista sekunden, gärna tipsa om att Sveriges Radio P2 sänder FMD's konsert från Nybrokajen 11 ikväll kl. 19.30 - 20.15. Nästa söndag samma tid sänds andra set.
Vill ni höra andra Hillbilly & Bluegrassartister i Stockholmstrakten kan vi tipsa om att både Rockridge Brothers och Baskery spelar på Jam's singer somgwriterkväll nästa onsdag. Spelar gör också Fanny Holm som inte uppträtt på HbBgN, men ändå inte går av för hackor. Det är helt gratis och de bjussar på öl eller vin. Jag tror att de får någon slags good will i utbyte.
/Väl mött, Hillbilly & Bluegrass Nights gänget.
Carlshamn Country Förening arrangerar
En höstafton med tända ljus, mat, dryck och akustisk country, blues, folk och ragtime musik Lör 3 nov kl 19.00 HILDEGARDS 4 årstider ”Din bistro längst ut på piren” Karlshamn
Vi presenterar gitarrvirituosen Homesick Mac “Sings and picks acoustic blues and country with the southern back roads authority”
Endast förköp gäller! Begränsat antal platser Info och biljetter via Turistbyrån Karlshamn 0454-812 03
medlem CCF Entré och matbiljett (exkl dryck) 140 kr ej medlem Entré och matbiljett (exkl dryck) 180 kr
Entrén öppnar kl 19.00 I samarbete med Musik i Blekinge och Moks Musikförening
Hej Janne och alla läsare av Nyhetsbrevet! Under november och december medverkar jag tillsammans med bl.a Hasse "Kvinnaböske" Andersson i en stor julshow på Amiralen i Malmö. På får man utförlig information om dessa kvällar och där kan man även boka biljetter. Hoppas vi ses där! Stor Kram i höstrusket, Cina Samuelson
Så har
Highway 40
släppt sin 3:e cd
from the heart"
För mer information maila eller besök gärna vår hemsida.Don´t forget to visit the countryband Highway 40 homepage Email:
Hej Janne Radio Berg har ett hyfsat countryprogram varje onsdag 11.00 Hälsningar Gunilla Å
Hej Janne, Ibland
nämst det att vi inte är så........... duktiga musiker här i norden
jämfört med dom over there. Visst kan både du och jag , Berra och några
till spela steel bra, men jag har lyssnat på en Norsk kollega på steel som
står i klass med Lloyden, namnet är Björn Elvestad. En otrolig kille på
steel, och många andra instrument. Jag bara gapa när jag hörde honom, hur
bär han sig åt ,ungefär som man lyssnar Lloyd Green. Har han fler fingrar
än mig eller........... så visst finns det killar som man inte vet så
mycket om, som är så mycket bättre än vi här i Sweden Ex-vis. En liten kul
grej att skriva om. Har ny mail adress
STORY BEHIND THE SONG A lot of hit songs have been written in a matter of minutes, while others took quite awhile to complete.
According to Glenn Sutton, David Houston’s 1965 hit, “Livin’ In A House Full Of Love” was one of the latter.
Sutton commented, “That was before I started working for Columbia. My publisher, Al Gallico, had an office in the same building with Columbia at the time and I had been working on that song for quite some time. And I kept running into Billy Sherrill and we started playing pinball machines together and we finally started writing songs together. And I showed him the idea and he liked it and wanted to record it with David Houston .
Houston’s Epic Records single, “Livin’ In A House Full Of Love” entered the country music charts September 11th, 1965 and peaked at # 3 and hung there for two weeks.
It was Houston’s 7th charted song and was on the charts for 18 weeks.
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 - continued After the time at the library, writing emails, I went back To Midway Motel and did some filing on my Mac, while listening to Opry and and from 19.00 watching Predators - Stars 5-1 on channel 28. Great game, the Nashville goalie is really good now, and they are terrific killing penalties... A real good start of the season... Continued listening to Midnite Jamboree, Bobby Osborne was guesting there... noticed that ET Record Shop sells Mona McCalls new cd at a special price this period $12,98... might be a bargain for McCall fan's recorded down in Texas of course... SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 - Countdown - Rascal Flatts on top Was softing at motel this morning as Toby Keith was guesting the Lon Helton Show. Playing the 30 most played & sold records in the Country Market. Around 11.45 I took the bus downtown, to catch up with Larry, who had been to gospel bluegrass morning at the NCC. Checked the Great Escape again and found nothing. Weather is still fantastic hot + 32 C today and it has been over 30 for many a day now, might be 33 tomorrow... too hot for me... Will get back to Midway again after this visit and have some coffee. Billy Block has his radio show on WKDF around 19.00 so I'll listen to that, him presenting new artists and telling about his Western beat Show. Might see some mighty fine grass tonight, who knows.. to be continued..
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 - continued Back at Midway Motel the telephone rang and my promo man was on the line...set up a meeting after Billy Blocks show, so downtown again and we met about 20.10... It was dark and a surrealistic place... he had a table full of stuff, and wanted s $20 in advance and told me he was gonna get something to drink etc and that a white Mercedes would appear... with a big guy, a former wrestler from Eastern Europe... just after he'd left I saw the white Mercedes come cruising, very slow and stopped 10 meters from me and turned off the lights... Darkness all around just a light from my little lamp I had to check out the cds... after 5 minutes the guy rolled down his window and spoke to me and started looking at his batch.. my promo man came back and I was at ease again, found me a box, with some unearthy goodies, I almost cried of happiness... We agreed on $100,- and the deal was done... Hurried up now it was 20.42 and I headed down to Station Inn to meet up with Larry at the Bluegrass Jam Session... However, when I got there he was not so impressed with the talent, they didn't even say who was appearing and the talent wasn't top notch, so after he'd drunk his beer, we left the building for the 20.15 bus back to Midway... back there we found out that WSM was airing a bluegrass show... all the way til 10 after midnight... Swell, at least for Larry. You might be curious about what I almost cried about... two demo cds with 21 + 22 songs by Lance Miller - hard hard core honky tonker I've seen many times and that I always rave about, since his Nashville Star sessions... TOO COUNTRY, and I found his Warner album with cover, was to be released in July, but obviously had been postponed or scratched... Lance has been touring with Faith & Tim & Lori this year and probably has gained some fans, but not enough country on WARNER as the Warren Brothers produced him and it's not as country as his 2 earlier efforts on local labels! Also found a 3rd demo with 10 songs, some written for Tim, but I reckon he's not interested... TOO COUNTRY!
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 - Time Jumpers @ The Station Inn - Franklin steels the show! Started Monday at the library... met my promo man again, this time outside the old Ryman building, found some new ones again. Took bus #26 out to Madison and did some Thrift Shops on the way in to town again... bought a new bus pass for next trip... went on bus# 12 all the way out on Nolensville Rd. found some Western Shirts for as low as $4,99... still hot +35 C yesterday... Met with Jeff and got me the new book about Faron Young for a bargain price of $10... also picked up new Gene Watson on SHANACHIE - a fine digipak, with lots of guests as Connie, Rhonda & LAW & more . Then it was time to dump the stuff at Midway Motel... had some cold drinks and took the bus #3 to Arby's & had their new warm sandwich... delicious, with curly fries and cold drink... ($6,73 total for 2 persons) took a short walk from there to Best Western on Music Row (Division St) and there about 19.00 was Hoot & Rachel Hester appearing. Of course he's a well known session fiddle player. They were singing own songs and requests in the basement the "Hall Of Fame Lounge". Of course I requested "The Little Darlin' Stuff" and Rachel (his daughter) didn't know what it was, thought it was a song... so he did one song from that session in 1979... and I really liked it... talked to him about Dale Watsons new album on KOCH and he liked it too. After a beer and some more music we left the building about 20.45 to turn right on Division and walked a few blocks down and turned left and there was Station Inn. Took less than 10 minutes, probably around 5... Place was full, but we paid our $10 entrance and enjoyed an evening with the Western Swing group Time Jumpers. This time Hoot Hester sat in an replaced Kenny Sears, both on fiddle and vocal... Jerry Kroon-drums... and the 3rd replacement Paul Franklin-steel, as John Hughey has some trouble with his heart... So this time we had three fiddles as bot Spiver & Haynie were there too... Dawn Sears was missed a lot, no "Leavin' And Sayin' Goodbye This Time", mostly Western Swing of course, but a few country numbers like "Heartache By The Numbers" done by Hoot... we loved Paul, so seldom seen live... there should have been some surprises, but we didn't recognize any... Show ended about 23.30 and we walked downtown to catch the night owl bus out to Murfreesboro Rd. It took 9 minutes to ride to Midway Motel. Spent the time there filing on Mac and probably went to sleep after 02.00... a nice full day in Nashville.. to be continued...
Jag sitter just och lyssnar på en av mina gamla favoriter, nämligen Pete Drake. Vilket fantastisk 60-talssound på sin steel den mannen hade. Den första LP´n med Pete köpte jag i juli 1963. Har sedan samlat på mig det mesta han gjort. Ni vet väl det att Pete Drake var den som hade flest ”sessions” av alla steelpickers och man får inte glömma bort honom som producent. Han ägde också en av de mest klassiska av studios i Nashville. Men det var då det….! Idag har det kommit fram så många superpickers så det går inte att räkna dem. Tyvärr får man sällan höra en riktigt framträdande steel på de moderna inspelningar som görs idag i Nashville trots att det vimlar av steelpickers där.
Vi hörs snart igen,
Janne Lindgren |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 080 ( sidor) 18 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Jag läser just i dagens Expressen att Ulrika Uhlin ska vara med som talangjaktsjury i TV3´s kommande tävling ”West End Star”. Vad jag tror är det samma Ulrika som omkring 1983 var medlem i Country Minstrels och som medverkade på LP´n ”Country Minstrels” på Sound of Scandinavia SOSLP-111. Övriga medverkande på plattan var Lasse Holmström, Christer Rosenkvist, Guy Wahlberg, Tommy Dahlgren och undertecknad förstås! Gästmusikant Thomas Haglund. JL.
Mycket countrymusik på Radio Lidingö 97,8Det är ju tyvärr alltför få radiostationer i det här landet som sänder countrymusik. Men Radio Lidingö 97,8, som hörs över större delen av stor-Stockholm med omnejd, är ett lysande undantag! På tisdagar kl. 20,00-21,30, med repris lördagar kl. 15,00-16,30, sänds ”Country, Country Music” med en för läsarna av det här nyhetsbrevet känd profil, nämligen Janne Lindgren. Göran Geson är en annan av Radio Lidingös programledare med stort countryintresse. På tisdagar och fredagar kl. 7,00-8,30 är han värd för programmet ”Go´morron Lidingö” och där spelas mycket countrymusik. Ett av de fasta inslagen i det ”Go´morron”-programmet är ”Dagens trippel”, som innebär tre låtar i följd med en och samma artist eller grupp. På tisdag (16.10) blir det tre låtar med Country Minstrels och på fredag (19.10) tre låtar med Thomas Haglund Western Swing band. Det sistnämnda bandet står förresten för signaturen till det här programmet, signaturen heter ”Fat Boy Rag”. Ofta är det också gäster i Göran Gesons ”Go´morron”-program. Fredagen den 26 oktober är t.ex. Sveriges okrönte countrykung, Mats Rådberg, gäst hos Göran Geson. På torsdagar kl. 15,00-16,00, med repris lördagar kl. 20,00-21,00, sänds programmet ”Mötet” på Radio Lidingö 97,8. Det är en programserie som tidigare har sänts på Radio Lidingö 97,8. Också det programmet med Göran Geson som programledare. Och även i det programmet är det då och då gäster med anknytning till countrymusiken. Den 22 och 24 november t.ex. är Petra Carlsson, tidigare präst i Lidingö församling, gäst i ”Mötet”. Petra har ett genuint countryintresse, och gillar framförallt kvinnliga countrysångerskor. Även i den s.k. melodiradion på Radio Lidingö 97,8 förekommer en hel del countrymusik. Så…bor du i stor-Stockholm med omnejd, eller har vägar dit eller förbi, så ratta gärna in Radio Lidingö 97,8.
En påminnelse om Countrykvällen i Stugan, Stadsparken. Jönköping Lördagen den 20 oktober. Tid: Klockan 19 – 24. Entré 150 kronor. Medverkande artister: Romi Mayes från Canada, Romi har bl a nominerats till Western Canadian Music Award. Romi Mayes has been nominated for Outstanding Roots Recording and Songwriter of The Year for her latest album Sweet Somethin Steady by The Western Canadian Music Awards Earl & Dallas och Blue Valley Boys. Det går att beställa buffé till ett pris av 150 kronor exklusive dryck. Tel 036/16 33 90.Mera info av Ingemar Elf på tel. 0735-36 21 89 eller på
Bo Göran Svensson skickade mig sin senaste produktion ”Din Egen Brandsoldat” som jag nu har lyssnat igenom ordentligt. Först och främst, Bo Göran gör proffsiga omslag och insticksblad till sina plattor. Här finns alla uppgifter om musikanter samt låtar och förebilder. Han skriver också och tackar en massa människor för hjälp av olika slag. Det är trevligt! Musiken då? Jo, bakgrunderna är inspelade i Texas med musikanter som Bobby Flores, Tommy Detamore, Pauline Reese m fl av de mest meriterade musikanterna i området. Svensken Jerry Carlsson är med och spelar piano vilket han gör alldeles utmärkt. Att de här killarna kan sin countrymusik är väl ingen tvekan om och bara det att Bobby Flores är med betyder för mig kvalitet. Bo Görans svenska texter är finurliga och håller sig ibland till originalidén. Stundtals är det helt andra historier än vad originaltexterna handlar om. Den vokala insatsen är kanske den svaga punkten trots allt och kunde Bo Göran sjunga lite mjukare och inte så ”stackato” så skulle plattan vinna flera kilometer. Men CDn är ändå rolig att lyssna på inte minst för de fantastiska bakgrunderna som förmodligen kostat Bo Göran en bra bunt med hoprullade dollarsedlar. JL.
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 – First in the morning a short meeting with Dan, and then a visit to the library with all their computer capacity... visited some stores, Family Dollar & Walgreen's. Back to Midway Motel and started packing, important these days when there are weight limitations on the air travel... 50 pounds free per suitcase, if you have 70 pounds it will cost $25 extra at least with American Airlines... My buddy went out to Opryland area and he got back around 16.00 so we took a bus to have us some Arby's on West End and a visit to Great Escape once again. Nice new Arby deal $3,36 each... great bargain with roast beef... took a little longer walk, but still nice to the Station Inn, 402, 12th AvenueSouth ( at 19.00. to see The Doyle & Debbie Show ( Very much recommended country music comedy, taking the O out of Country! Some of their titles: "When You're Screwing Other Women (Think Of Me)", "Stock Car Love", "Barefoot And Pregnant", "I Ain't No Homo (But Man You Sure Look Good To Me)", "Be Still My Heart", "ABC's Of Love", "For The Children", "Snowbanks Of Life", "Daddy's Hair", "Harlequin Romance", "Fat Women In Trailers", "Whine Whine Twang Twang" and more tremendous duo, Doyle in the Carl Butler style and beautiful Debbie just like Pearl. I would say they carry on the tradition of the likes: Hank Wangford (London, England) and Ray Driskoll of Nashville, TN... hilariously funny tracks and the whole show made me laught more than I have ever done at a country show, highly recommended if you're not offended by strong language.. After the show I talked to Debbie and she had recognized me in my Elizabeth Cook baseball cap... She told me we had met at The Stage, 2 years ago, when we saw a live show with Joe Nichols, when he was so hot with "Tequila makes...". Debbies is playing bass for Joe... it's a small world sometimes... Stayed at Statin on to see next gig: MashvilleBrigade They played bluegrass and some members were: Ashby Frank - Mandolin, Vocals (from Special Consensus), banjo player BO, Aaron McDaris (from The Grascals), Andy Hall- Resophonic Guitar, Vocals (from Infamous Stringdusters). Josh Williams-guitar & vocal. Of course there was a bass and fiddle too and at some moments a girl singer came up and helped them. Seems like Josh has Rhonda's The Rage (, as he is not pictured there anymore and I've seen him around here at IBMA, where Rhonda did NOT appear... so he's available for local shows... most remembered Josh singing Haggard's "Back To The Barrooms"... show ended 23.30 and we took a walk downtown and caught the Nite Owl bus and were back at the Midway again 9 minutes after leaving bus terminal. Filed some on the Mac (God bless this company) and drifted off to sleep around 01.30. Another nice day in Nashville.. to be
here's report from my Nashville, TN fall fever trip WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 - Repeats and final packing Spent the day at the library, visiting last time with Jeff, spent $12 on cds.. visited with Mike once more and found me 3 brand new cds for $20... Met with my promo man and got me some new... Had a last Arby's roast beef... definitive packing at the motel, while watching Preds-Blues 1-4, not a good match from Preds they had no chance at all... seems now that they will have a tough season, probably not good enough to make it to the play-offs... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 - Flying back east to New York Left the motel and took buses #15 and then the #18 with new schedule, traveling from downtown to Airport every hour from 06.15--11.15... nice new service, Special buses, capable of carrying suitcases, just like Arlandabussarna in Sweden. But the buspass was working so no extra cost. Checked in allright at American Airlines... smoothly was due to leave 15.15... but was postponed due to bad weather in New York, didn't leave Nashville until almost 20.00 and we got to LaGuardia later than expected... so at 24.00 we were standing at a ticket counter, realizing that we were not gonna make the plane leaving from JFK to London Heathrow. However after several attempts by four different people AA managed to get us booked on next day, from JFK 18.35. Since they delay was due to severe weather conditions, AA could not book us in a hotel, so we took a cab to JFK Int´l Airport (Cost $30) and since that place was open but kinda empty with lots of seats in the Arrival area we spent the night there. About 06.00 we went to check-in and got all suitcases checked in once again. Spent some time wandering around at the airport and spoke to a supervisor, so that I could call a relative and explain why I was coming home late next day. The airport terminal was kinda new (#8) but they had no access to computers, not even to rent... as they have it at Arlanda, where you can always surf the net for a Euro or two. I asked some staff about it and finally found a solution... AA Admiral's Club... entrance fee $50, but with a silent lounge, and free coffee and snacks, free surfing, free showers ... and free phone calls... So I spent rest of the day there, softing and relaxing... about 13.00 I went to the steakhouse and had a nice New York Sirloin steak with side sallad and bluecheese dressing and a nice Sterling Chardonnay wine... I sat there all by myself at the table for two, since Larry didn't want to spend money on food... After the delicious meal I went back to the AA club and waited for the time to arrive when we were gonna get on the plane... Finally we boarded and got to London. Time to get out of the Terminal and find the SAS ticket counter to check in the carry-on, since you are not allowed more than one handluggage at Heathrow's security check!! Got everything done and went to fast track with my AA Gold Card and my company too. Very soon we were waiting for the gate to appear, took at least one hour... Boarded and got seats #12A & C ... which included food on the plane... SAS rows 14... and up get nothing if you don't pay SEK 60 for a sandwich and coffee... it's their Ryan Air low profile seats (650,- to London)... Landed at Arlanda at 12.00 Saturday. Found me a cab for 365,- and rode away to my home place and was greeted with shrimp sandwiches... Drifted off to sleep after half an hour... Nashville on my mind... what a trip!!
signing off Hank
Alla tider i svensk tid. 05.00 Uppstigning och packning av de sista sakerna 06.00 Färd med egen bil till Arlanda 07.00 Incheckning av resväskor, oftast väldiga köer 08.00 I bästa fall sitter man nu inne i taxfreeområdet och väntar på ”bording”! 09.00 Planet lyfter för 2 timmars färd till Amsterdam, London eller Frankfurt. 11.00 Vi sitter nu och väntar tills flyget till Texas avgår. 12.30 I bästa fall inga förseningar. Ca. 8 – 11 timmars flygning väntar. 21.30 – 22.30 Vi är i bästa fall framme och väntar nu att tullgubbarna ska kolla oss. 23.30 Vi sitter på bussen som tar oss till biluthyrningen. 24.00 Vi sitter nu förhoppningsvis i vår hyrda bil och tar oss rakt söderut till Arlington som ligger mellan Dallas och Fort Worth. Det är eftermiddag i Texas och det finns många hotell att välja mellan. 01.00 Vi har hittat ett bra hotell och lägger oss att vila några timmar innan vi på kvällen beger oss ut till t ex Cowboy i Arlington. Så här kan det se ut då det går bra. Om det krånglar som det gjorde för Hasses hemresa ja, då kan det ta hur lång tid som helst. Så det gäller att vara stark om man funderar på att åka till USA. Vi hörs till helgen, Janne Lindgren |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 081 ( 3 sidor) 21 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Söndag och höst och här kommer lite att läsa. Mest för steel pickers denna gång men också lite för er countryfreaks! JL.
A VIOLIN THAT NEVER HAS BEEN PLAYED (Red Jenkins/Rune Wallebom) - RED JENKINS-AMBER DIGBY from the "Neon Bible" /The Texas Honky Tonk Testament/ Red Hot Rec
Hi Red You've done it! You are this week's Hotdisc Number 1 in the main chart and also the Independent Chart. You have gone from 7 to 1 in just two weeks on the listing and this week you ratings averaged 9.1 out of 10 points from every DJ who returned their reactions. A marvellous achievement. Congratulations again! Stuart Cameron - Hot Disc Kolla in den här sidan. Cowboys är otroliga ställen som bara måste besökas om man är i Texas. JL.
Hejsan! Eva Eastwood är just nu ute med sitt the Major Keys på vad som kommer att bli den sista turnén tillsammans. Kolla in gig-listan på: om du vill se det här gänget ihop en sista gång. (det tillkommer några datum) Signumet är melodiös rockabilly och oldstyle-country av bästa märke! Men största framgången har ändå kommit med plattan: ”en ny stil i stan” som tog Eva o bandet till ”allsång på Skansen” och har sålt 10 000ex. Det är ingen osämja eller andra konstigheter som har föranlett detta utan helt enkelt bara att Eva vill gå vidare med sin musik. Hon släpper ett nytt album nästa år där inriktningen blir lite annorlunda så Majorkeys och Eva väljer att gå skilda vägar! Tips! Fredag den 26/10 går kosan till Cassels Konserthus, ett fantastisk fint ställe som ligger i Grängesberg. Kolla in: Vänliga Hälsningar, Janne Östlund
Hej Janne! Nu har jag köpt en egen dator med mobilt bredband. Det "svagaste" bredbandet men det fungerar bra även ute i skärgården, där jag är nu. Två lite ovanliga saker i ditt nyhetsbrev (nr 80) men intressanta. Genomgången av Radio Lidingös utbud är mycket bra. Jag skall skriva ut det och lägga vid radion. Det andra var genomgången av hur en resa till Texas kan se ut tidsmässigt. Jag kan lyssna på utländsk radio i datorn. Jag har kopplat den till stereon. Det finns 60 countrykanaler men jag har ännu inte hittat någon riktigt bra. Kan du tipsa mig?! Hälsningar Lasse Rune Kul att du hittar något läsvärt i mina Nyhetsbrev. Beträffande radiokanaler så har jag tipsat om några i tidigare brev men kan inte minnas vilka. Några läsare kan kanske ge Lasse några bra tips i kommande utgåvor? Börja med att gå in på där du hittar en bra station i Nashville. JL.
Hello fans and fellow players,
Jag har fått in nya Goodrich volympedaler och jag får i veckan in några nya modeller dobros av märket Regal. Ring mig direkt, 08 – 88 46 86
Ha en bra vecka, Janne Lindgren |
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 082 ( 4 sidor) 25 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
AFF´s tidning AFF-Tonbladet kom i lådan häromdagen. Alltid kul läsning då tidningen är mycket informativ. Här finns alla upplysningar man kan önska om man är intresserad av bluegrass och old-timey. En artikel om Bengt Ericson – mottagare av AFF Award 2007 – och en reseskildring av Anders Sterner och Tina Sundberg och även andra artiklar. Man lyckas få med otroligt mycket i denna lilla tidning. Vill du bli medlem i AFF så är adressen JL.
Janne Tråkigt att höra om Carina. Hon var en bra sångerska på sin tid och jag minns att jag var med och spelade steel på bl a LP´n ”Ta Mig Med” och som producerades av Jojje Engström. JL.
Hej där ute i musikvärlden !
Tack till Er alla, som medverkade och gjorde lördagens Rockabilly afton till en succé !!! Vilken publikuppslutning vi fick ! Givetvis är vi tacksamma för att vi fick tillbringa detta arrangemang på Ölhallen i Karlshamn.
Tack även till The Boogie Cats, som rockade loss och visade var skåpet ska stå ! Ni gjorde en suverän insats !
Nu åker vi vidare till nästa arrangemang på Hildegards 4 årstider längst ut på piren i Karlshamn Lörd 3 november då gitarvirituosen, Homesick Mac, ska underhålla oss, till god mat och dryck under aftonen. Glöm inte att beställa biljetter på Turistbyrån 0454-812 03.
OBS Begränsat antal platser ! För vidare info se I samarbete med Musik I Blekinge,Moks Musikförening o Kulturenheten Karlshamn
Med Vänliga Hälsningar, Styrelsen för Carlshamn Country Förening
God morgon Janne! Hoppas allt är väl. För egen del rullar det på som vanligt. Tänkte tipsa Rune om en bra countrystation. . En liten station i Houston som spelar mycket blandat, både gammalt och nytt. Ha de' Micke
Thorells Syndrom / Jack Event ’n’ Production bjuder in till en BBQ-jul utan dess like!
Vi skippar sillen och rödbetssalladen. Här är det rökig BBQ-sås, spetsad med Jack Daniel’s och glögg(!), Ramblin’ Ribs och Coleslaw som gäller. Smokey Mountainskocken Danny Dynamite! bjuder på det bästa ur ”Old West Deep South BBQ Buffet Cook Book”, en guldgruva fylld av recept från BBQ-bältet i det stora landet i väst. Smaklökarna dansar både jive och line dance!
Vad är väl ett julbord utan underhållning? Glöm Stilla Natt. Släpp loss med The Tributes ena dagen och Cookies 'n' Beans den andra! Dolly Christmas Party BBQ, Torsdag 13/12, kl 19 på Stampen, Stora Nygatan (T-Gamla Stan) De tre glödande damerna i Cookies ’n’ Beans bjuder med munspelen i högsta hugg på livemusik av bland andra Dolly, Emmylou, Lucinda Williams och Dixie Chicks. Underhållning i toppklass! Missa inte ett unikt tillfälle att se dessa sköna bönor tillsammans i den ljuvaste stämsång! Boka nu! Enstaka personer eller grupper. 500 kr/person, givetvis inkl BBQ. Vi fyller opp tills det tar stopp, och tar det stopp så slänger vi in ett datum till. Och vill ni hellre ha det, så ordnar vi en egen kväll för just ert sällskap! Maila för bokning och mer information.
Mvh, Frida Carlsson
Här nedan kommer alla nomineringar till årets CMA Award. Ni kan
själva kolla in på hemsidan och läsa mer.
Steel Guitar Music, Frösätrab. 10, 127 37 Skärholmen Tel. 08 – 88 46 86 email:
Dobro Mel Bay´s Country Dobro Guitar Styles by Ken Eidson & Tom Swatzell. 72 sidor. Pris: 125:- Mel Bay´s Learn To Play Bluegrass Dobro, by K. Eidson & T. Swatzell. 88 sidor + CD. Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Dobro. 133 sidor + CD Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s Beginning Dobro Solos, by Stacey Phillips. 52 sidor + CD Pris: 245:- Mel Bay´s Super Dobro Picking, by Tim McCasland. 30 minuters DVD. Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s Dobro Workshop, by Phil Leadbetter. 52 minuters DVD. Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s Anyone Can Play Dobro. 50 minuters DVD. Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s Dobro Breaks & Back-Up by Josh Graves. 60 minuters Video. Pris: 390:- Mel Bay´s Dobro Wall Chart by Janet Davis. Stor plastbehandlad poster. Alla ackord finns här. Pris: 120:- Mel Bay´s Chords & Scale Patterns by Stacey Phillips. Plastbehandlad liten poster. Pris: 90:-
Banjo med flera instrument Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Banjo. 116 sidor Pris: 205:- Mel Bay´s First Lessons Banjo. 32 sidor m. CD Pris: 90:-
Mel Bay´s 101 Red Hot Licks Bluegrass Mandolin. 47 sidor m. CD Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s Fun With Mandolin. Bok + CD Pris: 230:- Mel Bay´s Mandolin Chords Made Easy by Joe Carr. 60 min. DVD. 190:-
Mel Bay´s Ukulele Chords Made Easy by Joe Carr. 75 min. DVD. Pris: 190:- Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Uke. 96 sidor + CD Pris: 225:-
Mel Bay´s Dulcimer Chord Encyclopedia. 139 sidor Pris: 175:- Mel Bay´s Dulcimer Chord Book. 64 sidor Pris: 120:- Mel Bay´s You Can Teach Yourself Dulcimer. 95 sidor + CD Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s 2000 Dulcimer. 95 sidor + CD Pris: 250:- Mel Bay´s Learn To Play Mountain Dulcimer by Mark Biggs. 90 min. DVD Pris: 250:-
Mel Bay´s Blues Harmonica Method Level 1. 30 sidor m. CD Pris: 225:- Mel Bay´s First Lessons Blues Harmonica (Fransk) 31 sidor m CD. Pris: 120:-
Mel Bay´s Ultimate Fretted Tuning Chart Pris: 125:- Basic Music Theory by Jim Molberg. 28 sidor Pris:- 125:-
Steel Guitar (pedal & lap) Mel Bay´s Easiest Country Pedal Steel Guitar Book Pris: 90:- Mel Bay´s Pedal Steel Guitar Chord Chart E9th by DeWitt Scott. Plastbehandlad “Wall Chart” där alla ackord finns med. Pris: 90:- Mel Bay´s Deluxe Pedal Steel Guitar Method, by DeWitt Scott. 200 sidor + CD. Pris: 350:-
Mel Bay´s Art Of Hawaiian Steel Guitar. 155 sidors bok + CD. Pris: 250:- Mel Bay´s Basic C6th Non Pedal Lap Steel Method by DeWitt Scott. 96 sidor + CD. Pris: 250:- Lap Steel Guitar Kurs i C6 stemning by Henning Kock. Pris: 200:- Steelin´ In The Dark by Henning Kock. 32 sidor + kassett Pris: 150:- Mel Bay´s Steel Guitar Method vol. 1. 95 sidor Pris: 150:- Mel Bay´s Steel Guitar Method vol. 2. 48 sidor Pris: 95:-
The International Steel Guitar And Dobro Discography by Joe Goldmark. 248 sidor. Pris: 95:-
Janne Lindgrens kurser för pedal steel med endast 3 fotpedaler och 1 knäpedal. (Kurserna innehåller ej något diagram) CD pris 250:- per styck.
Steel Guitar 1.
Steel Guitar 2.
Pedal Steel Guitar
Janne Lindgrens privatlektioner i Skärholmen,
CountryMusicSweden A nonprofit organisation to promote country music Sveriges hetaste nyhetsblad Email: HomePage: www steelguitar.nuNyhetsbrev nr. 083 ( 3 sidor) 28 oktober 2007Det här nyhetsmailet kommer till er mailadress torsdagar och söndagar. Titta tillbaka på tidigare nyhetsblad på eller |
Så är oktober månad snart slut och jag tror att ni håller med om att tiden går väldigt fort. Det verkar som om det hela accelererar med åldern!? Jag har fått in lite nya instrument bl a square neck dobros och är ni intresserade så titta på min lista jag sänder med i detta Nyhetsbrev. JL.
Hej Janne! Såg att någon efterlyste tips om countrystationer på nätet. Ett bra ställe att börja botanisera på är Radio Locator. Denna länk visar drygt 300 amerikanska radiostationer med country som sänder live på nätet Fel! Ogiltig hyperlänkreferens. Ett tips är att kolla in stationer som kallar sig "Classic Country" om man gillar "riktig" country, medan de som kallar sig "Real Country" eller "Todays Country" oftast spelar pop-country. Tyvärr har det blivit vanligt att vissa större radiostationer "spärrar" sina sändningar för utländska lyssnare (gäller t ex en av de största ägarna av radiostationer i USA, Clear Channel). Bl a har det drabbat min absoluta favoritstaton KVET i Austin (FM 98.1) som inte går att lyssna på live längre (nu får man åka till Austin istället....). En station som fortfarande håller måttet är WSM Nashville TN 650 AM, som bl a sänder live från Grand Ole Opry på lördagskvällarna (natt hos oss) Fel! Ogiltig hyperlänkreferens. är webadressen. Live365 innehåller många "stationer" med country, en favorit är Take Country Back Fel! Ogiltig hyperlänkreferens. , tyvärr är den mycket populär och är ofta "fullsatt", d v s man måste vara VIP-medlem (kostar några tior/månad) för att kunna lyssna. En bra funktion på Live365 är att låttitlar och artister visas i webfönstret och man får därigenom tips på countryartister/låtar som man annars kanske aldrig hade vetat om. Hälsningar, Lars Bygdén Det är ganska fantastiskt att sitta här i Stockholm och lyssna direkt på Grand Ole Opry i Nashville. Just nu – klockan är 05.28 söndagsmorgon – håller showen på som bäst och Daryl Singletary har just avverkat några kanonlåtar och värd för avdelningen är Bill Anderson. Det känns faktiskt som om man själv sitter där bland publiken. Ljudbilden är MYCKET bra och här har svenska ljudtekniker en hel del att lära. Orkar man inte vara uppe på natten så kan man välja Ernest Tubb´s Midnite Jamboree som börjar klockan 06.30 svensk tid. Söndagsmorgon alltså! Jag har hört att det t o m går att se hela showen per Internet. Någon som vet? JL.
Hallå vänner. Här kommer månadens boktips från mig producerat av Norrköpings Stadsbibliotek.your friend, Lasse Lindfors Cash boken förstås Öppna och se: Kolla in den här klubben. JL.
Senaste utgåvan av Mr Music Country har kommit i brevlådan och som vanligt är det en god samling melodier blandat med kända och okända artister. Den här gången finns Dale Watson, Jann Brown, George Jones, Hillfillies och massor av andra artister med. Skivorna ges ut som månadsskivor och är mycket intressanta. Speciellt om man inte själv har så enormt mycket countryskivor hemma i hyllan. Beställ på 031 – 734 37 30 JL.
THE TEXAS GOSPEL JAMBOREE RADIO SHOW Now heard in 202 countries around the world! The Texas Gospel Jamboree Radio Show just celebrated it’s one year anniversary on the air!! Jeane Marlatt and I value this awesome time together with ALL the listeners around the world! PLEASE listen to these great radio stations as they broadcast the Texas Gospel Jamboree around the world every week!! Be sure and listen to the "Christian Music Showcase" and other special segments every week on the radio show!! Please Listen to…. Sunday’s at 1:00pm. It’s true country bluegrass gospel radio with DJ Trinity and the group! Monday's primetime @ 9:00PM. It's GREAT "LIVE" radio! Thanks Mike! (Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.) GREAT country gospel radio from Gene & Micki! CHECK OUT THEIR "NEW" GOSPEL MUSIC STORE...It's GREAT! (Saturdays) Bobby Lynn II has another GREAT gospel radio station. Bless you Bobby! (Thur., Sun., and daily) Covering all of east Texas. Bob & Glorya present GREAT country gospel music! Covering all of East Texas! (Sun., Thur.) Danny Adams keeping it going strong with GREAT country/gospel radio (Mondays at 2:00) From California and around the world!
Hello fellow players,
We have thousands of people on the mailing list who are not totally involved in steel guitar. We have lead players and all kinds of musicians, promoters, producers, writers, label people and steel guitar fans who don’t play at all. However, I do have to remember all you great players out there so once and a while I have to get technical for you.
But first, I want to mention two great people in the world of music who deserve credit for what they’ve done and what they’re doing. These two great people are Charles Tilley and Tom Brumley.
Charles Tilley is a gentleman cowboy from northeast Texas who not only plays steel guitar very well, but also heads up a very busy and wonderful steel guitar club around the Tyler area of Texas. He does very nice shows for his club and books in excellent talent from the world over.
The new thing that Charles has done that has impressed myself and everyone else is his creation of a sort of steel guitar YouTube for steel players only. Now suddenly, about everybody you’ve ever heard of on the steel guitar forum can be found with a clip of their playing on the Charles Tilley site. The entire steel guitar world is pretty well abuzz with this new way of being heard by your peers.
Four years ago I was booked to play the Northeast Texas Steel Guitar Club by Charles and as I landed my Piper Cherokee at the airport gate in Tyler, Texas, Charles was standing on the other side of the fence ready to pick me up. He loaded all my equipment and baggage in his gorgeous Cadillac, immediately took me to one of Tyler’s finest restaurants, fed me and soon I realized that this was just his Texas way of doing things. Texas hospitality galore.
There is something wonderful about having a Texan for a friend. The show went incredible and my appreciation to all involved knows no bounds. Charles Tilley, thank you for what you are doing for the world of steel guitar.
Here’s the link!
And now, second but definitely not least, the great, immortal Tom Brumley. There is not a nicer, more obliging, easier to get along with major personality in steel guitar than Tom. Son of the great Al Brumley, writer of some of Gospel music’s greatest hits, Tom was no stranger to Country and Gospel music while growing up. Tom is one of those drippy smooth, gorgeous tone steel players who has one hundred percent perfect taste and can still rip off a string of notes as fast as any player known.
I don’t get to see Tom much but one of the last times I did, he was working with Ricky Nelson, who along with Pat Boone, was as nice a star entertainer as you could find. Ricky acted flattered to meet me and since I had known him since he was born because of watching the Ozzie and Harriet TV show as a kid, I felt I knew him well.
Ricky talked to me at length about Tom and how proud he was to have such a great steel guitarist touring with him. I agreed with Ricky since one of the greatest steel guitar instrumental breaks I had ever heard was the one Tom played on “Garden Party”. I still have to stop and listen everytime this song is played in the media.
I was with Tom, Buck and Ferlin Husky as I have mentioned in previous newsletters, when Tom played his last show with Buck Owens after a long career and gaining fame playing “Together Again” and “Crying Time” to name only two. A legendary person and player and one that will be loved by everyone forever, the incomparable Tom Brumley.
Your buddy, Bobbe Seymour
Lyssna gärna på Radio Lidingö 97,8 och Country, Country Music på tisdag klockan 20.00 och innan det på Radio Haninge 98,5 och International Country klockan 16.45
Som vanligt är jag lite sen med utskicket men det blir så ibland på söndagar. Fotboll på TV, laga lite käk till hustrun, en pilsner och sedan är det sen kväll. Ni förstår va?
Ha en fin vecka trots det gråa vädret!
Janne Lindgren |